The Mightiest Wizard of Hogwarts

Chapter 84 Sniffing Milk Tea

Chapter 84 Sniffing Milk Tea
Yes, the behavior of sniffing and treasure hunting is often a kind of death behavior.

Places with treasures that Niffler is interested in are either wizard's treasury or ancient ruins.

No matter how you look at these two places, wild sniffers can break in and come out alive. Therefore, from the very beginning of birth, snuffers naturally eliminated those with particularly low physical fitness.

After a while, the remaining little snuffers came out of their shells one after another, and competed with this little snuffer for the position at the entrance of the cave.
Just like what Newt said, the one that hatched first has a great advantage and has always been in the best position. Gradually, the remaining little ones did not compete for this position, but Started to compete for small places around the corners.

Looking at this scene, Finny also showed a smile on his face. He has already decided that if there is no other color in this litter of Sniffs, he will want the first little Sniff.

The little snuffers grow very fast, just like what Newt said, after two days, they have already started to grow hair,

And they have gradually been able to stop breastfeeding,
"The little guy's eyes are about to open. If you want to take one away, this time is the best time. Otherwise, after seeing their mother, they will be very unhappy when they are taken away. Moreover, they also have the smell. A naughty character who destroys the house and is completely disobedient."

A day later, Newt found Finny and said,
Feeney nodded. He had already chosen the one he wanted. It was lucky to say that his European luck also played a powerful role in this matter.
The first Xiaoxiuxiu that came out of its shell was a different-colored Xixiuxiu, and it was the only one.

Putting the little guy in the pocket of his clothes, Finny looked at Newt and the clerk at the Fantastic Beasts store, and said with a smile,

"Then, I'll go first. I've worked hard for you these few days,"

Newt waved his hand and said,
"It's nothing, you are very talented in magical animals, if you don't understand anything in the future, you can write to me,"

Feeney nods,

"Okay, then I will trouble you sir."

As for the clerks of the Fantastic Beasts Store, Finney is their big customer, so maybe they will buy things from them in the future, not to mention, whether it's owls, cats, or Niu Niu's food, you need to buy from them.

Seeing that Finny was about to leave, he hurriedly handed over the prepared things,
"Mr. Black, this is the food we prepared for Little Niffler. The little one has not been born for a long time. It is best to eat breast milk. This is the breast milk we prepared, as well as the complementary food it will need later."

Feeney looked at the contents of the bag handed over by the clerk,
It was a large bottle of Xixiu's breast milk, which they probably squeezed out from other Xixiu's bodies in the past two days, and a small box of crushed shellfish, snails and other mollusk powder, which should be the supplementary food that the clerk said .

Passing the bag to the puffs on the side, Finny smiled and said to the clerk,
"Thank you very much. If necessary, I will choose your store again,"

Feeney knew very well why the clerk treated him so hard. After all, it was because he was rich.

If it wasn't for the fact that the pure-blooded family had more ambitions and was unwilling to just send the money, then their current situation would have been resolved long ago. Even if the Black family was lonely, they would never be short of money.

The Gringotts vault full of gold is still there.

"Okay, let's go,"

With a casual order, Puff took his hand and snapped back to the house at No. 12, Grimmauld Square.

"Kreacher, is the lair I prepared you ready?"

When Feeney got home, he asked,
Kreacher appeared beside him and said,
"Master, it's ready. The lairs are all gold coin models purchased in the Muggle society,"

Feeney nodded and said,
"Very good, this is the little guy's food. You can just drink this milk a few days ago, and then you can add some complementary food appropriately, which is also in it."

Said that this handed Kreacher the bag in Puff's hand, it would be more appropriate to order Kreacher who stayed at home.

"Puff, I want to eat Chinese food tonight, you go and tell the kitchen, and call me in my room when the meal is ready."

Feeney said casually, and walked towards his room along the stairs,
At this time, there was another thing in his bedroom on the sixth floor, which was the Xixiu lair he asked Kreacher to prepare before.

It was a tree root, with a nest opening out on one side, filled with fake gold coins, although it was fake, it was still shining golden, and there were some shiny artificial crystals around it, it can be said that it was the most suitable environment for the growth of Nixiu up,
The cultivation of Xixiu does not need to be personally done by Finny, just leave it to the house elves,
"Little guy, you can call it milk tea from now on."

Feeney sniffed out the little sniff that was in his pocket, put it in the nest, and said with a smile,

The little guy seemed to know that was its future name, squeaked twice, found a comfortable position among a pile of gold coins, and fell asleep.

No matter what kind of animal it is, when it is just born, sleep is the most abundant time, and it is also their normal state.

Seeing Xiaoxiuxiu milk tea who fell asleep again, Finny smiled and shook his head, reaching out to call for the popsicle beside him,

He came to his study with a popsicle, wrote a letter to it and said,
"Send this letter to George Fred and the others, and wait for their reply."

Popsicle yelled twice, grabbed the letters on the table, and flew out of the open window,
When they were at Hogwarts, Brother George once invited Finny to their home as a simple guest,

Feeney's letter is about this matter, asking what day is more appropriate to visit.

The Weasley family is indeed poor, but it is one of the pure-blood families after all, and the background is still there.

In other words, the entire wizarding world's impression of the Weasley family is red-haired, freckled, and a lot of children,

Yes, the Weasleys have always had many children and grandchildren since their appearance. If not for the fact that many of them choose to live with Muggles, perhaps all the pure-blood families in the wizarding world are their relatives ,

Even so, the Weasley family has kinship with most magical families, which is almost comparable to the Black family where the pure-blooded nobleman Fini belongs.
You know, the reason why the Black family has this situation is also because the family has a long history and appeared early.

Unlike Malfoy, Weasley, Parkinson and other families, the Black family existed when Hogwarts was established.

(End of this chapter)

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