The Mightiest Wizard of Hogwarts

Chapter 88 A Little Inspiration

Chapter 88 Some Little Inspirations
Finney thought for a moment and said,
"Well, it's simpler, quicklime. Quicklime will heat up when it meets water. If there is a relatively flammable substance next to it, such as white phosphorus, it will be ignited directly, creating the effect of strenuously pulling out fireworks."

Because the magic world does not have the concept of igniting, Finny doesn't know how to explain this matter.

Speaking of it, he never thought that some knowledge from his previous life would be useful in this life in such a fantasy place as the magic world.

Feeney's words gave George and Fred a lot of inspiration, both eyes looked at Feeney with red light,
"Anything else? Any other great ideas?"

When George opened his mouth, Feeney thought of some inventions of the two, such as the series of skipping candies, but he was not sure what inventions the two had at this time.
"I don't have any good ideas for now, but do you have any inventions? You can show me."

Fred said with a smile,

"There's nothing I can't show you."

While Fred was speaking, George had got up to close the door.

The conversation between the three did not attract the attention of Percy, whose room door was always closed. As a child who loves to study, he didn't know how he could bear to live on the same floor as these naughty twins.

George closed the door and Fred carried the boxes. The two cooperated very tacitly.

"It seems that you have done such a thing not once or twice."

Finny laughed.

George spread his hands helplessly and said,
"There's no way, our mother always thinks we're not doing our job properly,"

"As I said before, she always thought that going to the Ministry of Magic was a serious job."

Fred said while taking out the contents of the box,
Feeney looked down, there were not many things in that box, only a few,
A telescope, a wand, a feather and a few dung eggs.

"That's all."

Fred sighed and said,
George added,

"Our mother hates these things very much. She destroyed and confiscated some of them before."

Finny nodded and asked,
"What are these?"

George introduced,

"They're punching binoculars, magic wands, inkjet quills, and you know the dung eggs."

Fred introduced in detail with great interest,
"When the punching telescope is squeezed, it will give the user a punch, making his eyes black and blue, and it is difficult to remove. It is one of our most satisfying products."

"A trick wand that turns into a rubber chicken or panties when swung."

"And the automatic inkjet quill is something we really like, it sprays the user with ink when you use it, it's awesome."

"Of course, and our favourite, the big dung!"

As the two brothers said the name of the big dung in unison, a drop of sweat fell from Finny's forehead.

The inventions of these two brothers are indeed not great inventions, and there is no danger, but if you are not careful, it is really easy to get tricked, and the consequences are still relatively unacceptable.

"Well, have you ever thought that we can actually make some candy, such as adding swelling potion to the candy?"

Both Fred and George are smart people. When Feeney said this, they thought of the effect, and said excitedly,
"People who eat candy either get a fat tongue or a sausage mouth!"

Feeney nodded and said,
"I think it's kind of fun to have a prank item like this, especially the one that makes the tongue fatter,"

George nodded and said,
"Maybe it can be used to skip class."

Finny rolled his eyes.
"Hey, we don't have many classes, you still want to skip class?"

Fred shook his head and said,
"The meaning of skipping class is not to make your own time full, but to enjoy the process of skipping class,"

"Even if there is only one class, we want to escape."

Finny said speechlessly,

"If you're skipping class, it doesn't seem like your tongue will get bigger, especially Professor Snape's Potions class."

George and Fred suddenly thought of the consequences of trying to skip class if their tongues got bigger in Snape's class,
"If you were not fools, you wouldn't have swallowed the swelling potion in your mouth! I really don't know if there is anything else in your head besides feces! Are you all trolls? There is only a tiny bit of your head!"

Thinking of the scene where Snape yelled at them angrily, both of them shivered.
"You're right, this thing can't be used to skip class!"

George and Fred said in unison,
Feeney continued,

"However, if it is an illness, it may be used to skip class."

george nods,

"That's true. Fred and I were sent to the infirmary by Professor McGonagall because of blood spurting from our noses."

Fred's eyes lit up and he said,
"We could make a candy that has the effect of making your nose squirt blood,"

Finny nodded in agreement.

"If this is the case, then it is suitable for skipping classes. However, since it is for skipping classes, there must be an antidote, otherwise it will be sent to the infirmary."

George nodded and said,
"We can put the antidote and candy together, half and half, two colors, eat half when we need to attack, and eat the other half when we are out of the classroom."

Fred nodded and said,
"I think it would be better to make this with nougat."

Feeney was taken aback and asked,

"Why use nougat?"

George said of course,
"Because we don't like to eat."

Finny rolled his eyes and said,
"You don't mean that your little brother Ron likes nougat?"

Fred nodded, put his arm around Finny's shoulder and said with a smile,

"You're so clever, imagine Ron eating a piece of nougat and starting to get a nosebleed."

George said excitedly,
"That must be very interesting."

"It's really bad luck for Ron to be your younger brother for eight lifetimes."

Finny complained.

At this moment, he really felt incredible that Ron could live to such a big age. Under the torture of this pair of brothers, it was too difficult for Ron to grow up healthily.

This is when he remembered that Ron's fear of spiders in the original book was because when they were young, the twins turned a teddy bear Rogge loved into a big spider, which created a psychological shadow.

You know, if Finny remembers correctly, that teddy bear was the doll that Ron hugged to sleep,
Imagine waking up and suddenly a big spider appeared in your arms.

Feeling sympathy for Ron again, Finny, George, and Fred get caught up in the research and development of quick-acting skipping sugar,

"If this thing is to be fully realized, it requires advanced knowledge of potions,"

George sighed,
Feeney nodded and agreed,

"Indeed, it seems that you will have to listen carefully to Snape's lectures in the future."

(End of this chapter)

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