The Mighty Dragons Are Dead

Chapter 27

Chapter 27: A Barbecue Party

Translator: Henyee Translations  Editor: Henyee Translations

“Human trafficking is not impossible. Our family fleets set sail for trade every year. However, if you only want dozens of people, the risk is not worth it.”

“Five thousand.”


“I need five thousand people.”

“Five thousand? Are you sure you can handle them?”

“I’m positive.”

Levis squinted. “I need to think about it.”

Nobody mentioned anything about population trade after they returned to the living room. They continued with afternoon tea.

The convoy would spend a night in Flower Town. Most knights and squires lived in the town, and Levis and Lvera stayed in the castle.

Carter was particularly busy today.

“Tom, where’s Jesse? I need his help!” His legs aching after repetitively going up and down the stairs, he entered the kitchen and asked, “Is Jesse not helping in the kitchen?”

“Jesse must be moving the horse grass. There are dozens more horses in the castle. We don’t have enough grass,” said Tom.

“Tell him to look for me in the warehouse after he returns. I need someone to store the food delivered to the castle today in the basement.”

“All right, Mr. Carter.”

Allyn raised her head while washing the dishes. “Mr. Carter, do you need my help?”

Before Carter replied, Abby was already scolding her. “You’re not done here yet. Why, Allyn, do you want a new job?”

Carter opened his hands. “Allyn, I don’t think I can expect your help now.”

“Got it… God knows how much longer I have to stay in the kitchen today. My clothes are all wet. Mrs. Abby’s furnace is too hot.”

“Oh, is that so? Is the cook you or me? Do you want to make the dinner for his lordship?”

“You’re the cook.”

“Then shut up and do your work!”

The bickering in the kitchen never stopped. Carter walked out. He felt that it was difficult to breathe and wondered if it was sunstroke. Although it was not summer yet, the weather was getting hotter and hotter.

Mason Ricefield, who was carrying a bucket, saw Carter and asked concernedly, “Do you not feel well, Mr. Carter?”

“I’m good. I’m just feeling hot.”

“Is that so? Your face looks awful, though. Are you too anxious about the guests in the castle?”

“Why would I be anxious? Mrs. Mason, I’ve seen more in the earl’s house. I can handle this.” Carter put his handkerchief back. “Have the guest rooms been cleaned?”

“Ms. Lvera’s maid has been complaining about the dust and the ragged sheets.”

“The quality of the items is not up to us. Let’s make sure we don’t lose manners and ignore the rest. The real nobles won’t get angry about details.”

“The Tulips are real nobles.” Mrs. Mason nodded. “Mr. Carter, do you really not need a rest?”

“Don’t worry about me.”

“His lordship is a nice guy. He would hate to see you over-exhausted.”

“I am not over-exhausted. As a matter of fact, I’m enjoying the company of so many guests. All right, I need to sort the warehouse. I complained about the lack of food yesterday, but the warehouse is overflowing with food today.”

There was barely any entertainment in the castle.

After the afternoon tea, some of the knights intended to go hunting on Thorn Hill. Liszt agreed and invited Levis and Lvera to join them.

With so many earth knights, it’s possible to eliminate the monsters of Thorn Hill, he thought. Even if we can’t, it’s still a chance for me to get to know the terrain.

He put on his armor and got on his horse.

This time, he chose Fire Dragon. The other horse was not familiar with him yet and would affect his performance.

He brought Marcus and his squires and left Thomas behind. “Thomas, take care of my Black Dragon. Also, don’t forget to feed Dudderson on time. It’s growing fast.”

“What’s Dudderson?” asked Lvera.

“A dog.”

“You’re keeping a dog? What’s the breed?”

“It’s a Rampant Earth Dog.”

“A Rampant Earth Dog? A monster?”

“Yes, a baby Rampant Earth Dog. Mr. Marcus caught it on Thorn Hill,” said Liszt casually.

“Earth knight, black tulip, peanut insect, baby Rampant Earth Dog, and a remarkable horse. Liszt, are you favored by the God of Fortune? I’m getting jealous.”

“Life in the countryside can be colorful.”

“Falcon Town is also the countryside, but it’s not as colorful as Flower Town.”

“That’s because you spend most of your time in Tulip Castle, sister.”

“If you want, you can also live in Tulip Castle. Father didn’t drive you away,” Levis interjected.

Liszt believed that it was only formalities. “I like Flower Town. I can do whatever I want here.”

“Including surrounding your castle with grass.” Levis pointed at the serfs who were sowing clovers and joked, “Your castle can be named Horsefield Castle in the future.”

Actually, such a small castle wouldn’t have any name.

Liszt raised the whip. “Let’s go. It’s almost sunset. We’ll have to return before we enter the depths of Thorn Hill.”

He intended to hunt a few monsters with these knights. Thorn Hill had to be conquered as part of his territory sooner or later. The more monsters he killed now, the less trouble he would have in the future.

It was a shame that they only captured common beasts on their trip.

Monsters were much smarter than beasts. Sensing the overwhelming combat aura, they hid themselves well.

Even so, the game was still enough for a huge barbecue party. Nobles, knights, and servants rejoiced in beer and cream.

“Wow, roasting sir, please give me a rabbit leg.” The tulip big elf flew about happily. Elves did not need food, but they could digest it if they had any.

Thomas, who was roasting the meat, hurried to give the big elf a rabbit leg.

The two little elves picked up two pieces of meat without asking for permission.

“Xiang Xiang, you are eating too fast. You have to chew more to get a better taste of the food.” Liszt smiled while tearing a rabbit head apart.

Elves were too fascinating. He was in a better mood just looking at it.

Besides, he was having his favorite, barbecue, which was probably the only food he really liked in this world.

“I like to eat quickly.”

Xiang Xiang was covered in grease. It then shook its body like a puppy, and all the grease was flung away without leaving any dirt behind.

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