The Mimic in Monsterland

15. Sticks and Stones

Why, just why, couldn't I have brought my phone to this world? All this working out and no music. I never understood how people could workout with nothing but the crappy gym radio. Getting into the groove with the help of music was one of the few things that was fun about working out. That boost to motivation when you listen to that real good blood-pumping EDM. Chef’s kiss.

It's been about a week since the panther attack. There hasn’t been any signs of the beast returning, not that it would leave any. The damn thing was probably specced for stealth, on top of having those weird but cool shadow powers. Man, I wish I had mimicked it. A stealth form would be invaluable.

SwishSwish, Stab.

I was doing some weapons practice while in Gremlin form. It was the form I was slacking on the most. Truth be told, it was just boring compared to the other forms. I always had a blast when I was in Apis form and there was a simplicity to Ursa form’s lifting that made it enjoyable. Aside from the burpees. I’m pretty sure it was on account of the drop in mental stats that came with the form. Ignorance is bliss and all that.

Stabbing and slashing a wooden dummy was all I did in Gremlin form. Len had left extensive notes on numerous techniques for both daggers and spears. But the repetition was grating. It's what sparked my desire for some musical stimulation. I stabbed the dummy a final time and wiped the sweat from my brow. Even an audio book would be nice. I didn’t listen to them all that much, but it was nice from time to time.

“Heck, I would even take a podcast. Hey Tutor, could you start me up a podcast?”

She coughed once. “Welcome everybody, I hope you’re all excited for another episode oooooofff. That’s right, it's two male comedians sharing bullshit stories about sexual escapades that most likely never happened. And our special guest, today we have a generic pretty e-girl half-celeb who is only on the show to boost her numbers with a demographic she doesn’t target well.”

I stood stunned for a moment after her words. “Wow. That was incredibly specific.”

“What too much?”

“Kinda, more unexpected than anything. Just how much Earth knowledge do you have?” There was a solid minute long pause after I asked her.

“What, what was that?” Her voice sounded like she was trying to talk to somebody in another room. “Sorry bud gotta go.” A clicking sound went off and she was gone.

“Go where? You're in my head.” I said in frustration. “Well, there goes my distraction.” I looked over to the training dummy currently impaled by my spear and shrugged, returning to my base form. “Whatever.” I looked up at my health bar area, all three forms were on cooldown.

Ursa form still had 8 minutes left. I had finished its morning routine early and turned into Apis form. But I felt guilty that I had been shirking on Gremlin, so I reverted and did its training. The Apis timer sat at 10 minutes, now followed by Gremlins at 44. I yawned, and decided to head back to the cave and take a breather before I started base form training.

The cave was about a 10 minute walk away from the training area. Len and I had set it up months ago. I wondered if I should have moved after the panther attack. But I decided against it. Len knew where it was, so he wouldn’t have trouble finding me when he got back. The other factor was laziness. I had no desire to move and rebuild the training area. I mean it was mostly training dummies of varying sizes, but meh. Too much work.

It was a peaceful day today. Bit gloomy, but those days are nice too. Not much noise from critters and there wasn’t any breeze to speak of. The leaves crunching under my boot was the only noise that accompanied me.

It reminded me of the time when I ran into the Tempest Roc. The bird apparently had scared most of the weaker monsters away. I wonder how they know. Do monsters let off some presence or aura naturally? Does that mean splicers do too? Do I? Len did something similar that one night when I got stupidly pissed about my feather. I need to ask him about it.

I let the thoughts and questions engulf me as I got to the halfway point of the trail, a patch of evergreen trees. Shadows grew darker as I continued through. It was only around noon but it looked like a storm was brewing, so the sky had gotten darker.

It was right then, amid my deep thoughts, my body froze. Crap!

My eyes darted around and landed on the new pop-up under my health bar.




The cat was back. I attempted to move my head to see if I could find it, but there was no response. My body broke into a cold sweat and my breath grew shallow. Before the fear could root itself any deeper, I closed my eyes. I can’t panic. You knew it was going to come back. You prepared for this. Don’t fail now. It just sucked that all my combat forms were on cooldown. I still had 4 minutes left on Ursa. But something tells me I won’t be able to stall that long.

Prior to today, I made some observations after reviewing my first battle with the panther monster. First, its fear ability was probably tied to its gaze. Which meant I had to get out of its sight to avoid the ability.

Next was that it didn't seem like it could attack at the same time as the gaze ability was active. I could move right before it pounced on me the first time. Thankfully, Preflexes activated that time. But its activation chance was low, it was only at 6% in my base form. Which meant I couldn’t rely on it in battle.

All I could do now was wait. Wait for its initial strike. Which was agonizing. The silence roared in my ears as I waited. What was the plan again? Dammit come on. Sweat rolled down my face into my eyes, stinging and burning them. I flinched and squinted. Right then, the beast made its move. I heard a tree branch shake. I turned in its direction. The world slowed down. I saw a dark blur flying toward me in the air. My body tensed. Right.

My body stiffened, brown bark covering my skin. I hit the ground with a thud. The panther’s claws just grazed the top layer of bark. I opened my eyes and looked at the cat after it landed. It searched around, opening its mouth.

Okay, maybe it lost track of me.

Its gaze fell on my wooden body. And I couldn’t move again. Nope, it knows. The cat raised its paw and slammed into my side. My log body flew through the undergrowth. I wanted to release the form but the cat's eyes were on me and I couldn’t move. I slammed into a tree. And landed behind a fallen oak tree.
My stomach hurt, the cat had hit right under my chest. My wooden body absorbed some of the blow so no major damage had been done. I opened my eyes again to see the tree rubble laying around me. The cat was crouched down and slowly making its way to the fallen tree. But its eyes weren’t glowing. I twitched my finger to make sure and I could move. Good.

The cat couldn’t seem to pick out my log form between the other remnants of the tree. Okay, then I can hide until it gives up. It can’t stay here forever. Yep, that sounds like a good plan. But as I was about to clear my mind and fully embrace the log form trance. A vision popped in my head. It was actually a scent. The scent of shampoo. I went back to that bench, the one I shared with her. Those words danced in my mind once more. “Don’t die.”

That’s what I’m doing. If I stay here I won’t die today. Today.

That word hung in my thoughts. If I keep this up I will probably survive today. But what of tomorrow, when the beast comes looking again? Or a different monster finds me and decides to stay for a snack. Will this be a good answer to every tough monster I run into? Len was training me because he knew what this world would throw at me. I hadn’t really been taking it seriously. He must have been keeping the truly strong monsters away while I trained.

The powers granted to me will keep me from dying. Help me survive. But that’s not living. Waking up on a cold stone floor and eating cold raw fish from the river isn’t living. I want to eat warm cooked food with friends around again. I want to sleep in a proper bed. I want to live. I want to thrive.

I turned off the log form and stood up. I looked at the cat. “Let’s do this.” It spun its head around but I hid behind the tree I hit earlier. It probably had its fear ability on but I knew to stay out of its gaze. I looked around. Only one good place to hide. Up.

All my forms were on cooldown but one and it happened to be great at climbing. The adrenaline pumping through me let me ignore the disturbing sensation of my front teeth growing larger. My fingernails also sharpened and I shot up the tree, putting Apis form to shame. Just in time too, the cat rounded the side of the tree I was standing by. I looked down at it from a branch. And met its eye for a split second. Okay, time for the first plan.

I heard the cat begin its ascent. I turned off squirrel form. And then jumped off my branch, heading straight for the panther. It hadn’t gotten very far up the tree so it hopped back down onto the ground. It primed itself for my attack with hackles raised and claws out. Its eyes shone once more as I made my descent. I felt my muscles stiffen. No not this time, I only need a second.

The fear, ever present, making itself known throughout my whole being. But I was fighting it this time. I wasn’t going to let it stop me. I kept twitching my fingers, making sure I still had some control over my body. But I needed to wait until the last moment I could to make my attack.

The cat launched itself, trying to meet me halfway. I saw the claws aimed for my head. It shocked me but it was a good thing. Now it can’t dodge.

Using every ounce of willpower I could muster I curled my body. And shifted into stone form. Cold, rough skin covered my body and a hard shell of stone manifested around my curled body. I heard the beast's claws scrap across my stone body. Two even pierced the shell and my flesh but the weight took over and I crashed into it.

And then I landed on the ground and rolled a second. I had full faculty of my limbs so I turned the form off and looked for the cat. I froze when I met its eyes. Dammit, it's still up even after taking that hit.

The green light returned to its eyes. But something was off with the cat, only one of its eyes shined. Blood flowed down its face. I moved my hand. “Looks like you need both eyes for that trick.” Confidence bloomed in my chest.

I got closer and closer to it slowly, all the while trying to stay on its blindside. It followed my movement, turning its body to keep me in its single eye. Then when I was just close enough, I mimicked it.

But it was different this time around. I didn’t feel any burning on my skin or body parts growing. I felt power flow through my hands. After a moment, I looked at the beast, and the scent of its blood filled my nostrils. I could almost taste it. Then finally one word popped into my mind. “Prey.”

I shot out. It met my pace and rushed at me. I swiped at its head, my hands had claws on them, but unlike Ursa's clumsy blunt claws, these were smaller, sharper, almost surgical. I knew they could slice any and all flesh to shreds. It dodged my first attack and countered. But it was slow. I slashed down its flank. Blood squirting out of the fresh wound was a delight on my senses. It hopped back but I stayed on it. Swiping for its injured eye.

This constant back and forth of claws went on for minutes, but I was winning. Both of us had blood running down our sides, but I knew winning wasn’t even a question. It was the law of nature. Prey loses to predator. The weak lose to the strong. The cat was just confused with its place in this world. In my world. That’s why it fought. And that’s why it will lose.

A calm moment passed after a flurry of attacks rang out and the beast stared into my eyes. But the animal’s eye had changed, its threatening gaze gone. Fear and fear alone dominated. It finally figured out its destiny in my world.

The creature’s dark aura enveloped the area around its body. It was going to run. But as soon as it motioned to turn, I struck. My claws ripped into the soft meat of its neck. It stumbled to the ground rasping for air.

I stood above the pathetic mass of dark fur. I licked the blood from my claws. “Hmmpf. Serves you right. You tried to fight against the balance of this world.” I put my blood drenched hand on my face. “But this is the only outcome when one faces the pinnacle of creation.” A villainous laugh left my throat as I turned to walk away from the beast.



Len sat patiently on his friend’s porch. It was well past noon, the sun filtering through some trees. The chair was made by one of the best craftsmen in the Kailis. It wasn’t very fancy looking or decorative. No bells or whistles, just simply comfortable, which naturally lead to Len dozing off.

The evening air was chilly but Len’s body temperature was abnormally high from his gene. Cold weather barely bothered him. The snow-capped mountains of Tiamantis were home to the only cold that ever disturbed him. He shivered at the memory of that First One’s forsaken place. It was a huge reason he hated his hometown. Well among other things.

He closed his eyes once more, preparing himself for another nap. He spent the last week or so jumping from here and the lab. So a little power nap felt deserved.

Right as the sleep was taking him, he heard someone step on the porch. The footsteps were soft and quiet. Not loud and commanding like Jaren tended. He opened one eye halfway. A beautiful elf stood before him. She had flowing amber locks that framed a cute face just perfectly. She wore an extravagant white dress that accentuated her rather blessed bosom. Her skin shared the color of summer leaves, vibrant green with veins showing throughout. She wore a practiced smile but under the beauty, Len could sense an apprehensive edge in her stance.

Len took a deep breath. “Hello Lirae.”

“Welcome back Leonard.” Her voice, smooth as honey. “Thank you for assisting in the raid last week. And for sending the dead. It was a break my people desperately needed.”

Len nodded at her. “No problem. Here, would you like to sit?” Len pulled one of the other chairs close with the aid of some fire. Lirae wiped down her dress and sat down.

“What a wonderful seat. Is this one of Gren’s make?”

“Yep, that gnome knows what he is doing. Bet it cost an arm and leg too.”

“Jaren has always been fond of spending riches on the strangest things. But enough about him. Why don’t we discuss you.” Len closed his eyes once more. “What do you mean?”

“Leonard dear, I’m talking about whatever it is you have found out there that has you so intrigued. Or whoever.” Len opened his eyes and turned over toward Lirae. She always was too shrewd. She continued. “You made one too many trips to the tailors. People notice. Even that early in the morning.”

Len shook his head. He cursed himself for not just buying in bulk. But he hadn’t expected Liam to destroy that many outfits. Those form changes were hell on his apparel.

“I was searching for a new look, maybe try out something more stylish.”

The green woman laughed. “In all the years I have known you, Leonard, never once has fashion been a worry of yours. No, I think you found someone out there. A Feral perhaps. But you know the rules here.” Her gaze hardened. “We do not allow those beasts in Laurelhaven. No matter how well trained they are.” Her words now brimmed with hostility.

Len let out a big sigh. He knew he wouldn’t be able to hide Liam much longer. He just needed to get him to level 4.

“I can assure you he isn’t feral. Quite well mannered if I’m being honest. More than me at least.” The threatening aura she was projecting vanished instantly while she clapped her hands together.

“Wonderful, I hope you let me meet him at some point. He must be fascinating if he’s held your attention for this long. Why don’t you…” Her perfect face twisted before she could finish her thought. “Nevermind, the lizard is close so I need to be on my way. Ta ta.”

She stood up and walked off the porch. Once she was away from the house, roots shot out from under her and wrapped around her body. The roots sprouted a whole number of different large flowers in a multitude of colors. The flowers covered the entirety of the woman and her roots. After a moment, the flowers fell from the mass. The wind caught the petals. They flew into the face of a large man walking toward the house.

“Come on Len. Why would you let that damn weed come into my house?”

“It was only the porch.”

The large man looked over to the chair that was pulled close to Len. “Tell me she didn’t sit in my favorite chair.” Len grunted in affirmation.

The large man put his hand to his chin and stopped to think for a second. “Nah shouldn’t risk it. Len.”


“Burn it.”

Len turned towards the chair. “The chair?”

“No, the porch.”

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