The Mimic in Monsterland

77. Bull By The Horns

Damn it. We really couldn’t have left that minor detail out of it until later? And as much as I wanted to voice that question to Daila, I currently had to deal with the rather large and pissed off bull man who apparently had beef (ha) with Ferals. Of which I still didn’t particularly identify with. But seeing as there wasn’t a good title for people reincarnated into another world, I was stuck with soaking up all the prejudice of a people group I know nothing about because nobody in this freaking town will tell me.

One of the other men standing by the horned guy, an elf that is about the same height as me with large dark claws, grabbed his shoulder and told him to calm down. It was as effective as trying that with a real bull. Jerkwad just shoved him off and continued his heated hike up to me. A large battleaxe stuck to the back of his breastplate armor swung back and forth as he stomped. But I didn’t shy away.

The large man paused when he got in front of me. He lowered his face, leaving mere inches from mine. The smell of his breath assaulted my senses, making me want nothing more than to turn away from him, but something inside kept telling me to stand my ground. Don’t break. Hold strong. Not even an inch. This coupled with the fact that neither Daila nor Fennel have done anything to stop grumpy-pant’s behavior led me to believe that I have to be the one to shut him down.

The man’s nostrils flared as he snorted once more. His fists balled up; his knuckles cracked. I physically felt the waves of anger and rage seething from the guy.

“What's your problem?” Deciding to take the initiative to start a dialogue, I asked him the most obvious question.

He snorted once more, the hot nasty air smacking me in the face. “My problem? No, no, no. It’s not just my problem. It's a problem every person in Laurel has. See, your kind does nothing but hurt us. You steal from us, lie to us, kill us. I just happen to be somebody who wants to do something about it. Something permanent.”

“I haven’t done any of that, ass wipe!” I replied, annoyed with how pathetic it must have sounded.

“And I should just take you at your word, shit stain. Why? This is just a new attempt from your kind to sabotage us from within. It's the only way you filthy animals know you can hurt us. I remember that day twenty years ago, what you scum did at that fountain.” He pulled back from my face and scoffed. “Yeah, I bet you did fight in that last invasion. Probably blew the damn wall.”

The others lined up behind us shifted around. A few nodded along with the horned brute, clearly agreeing with his sentiments, while others turned away from the conflict.

“What the hell are you even talking about? What fountain? And blew up the wall? That was obviously the monsters, dumbass!”

His eyes refocused on me, a fresh surge of indignation sparking in his eyes. “You know exactly what I’m talking about! We’ve all heard the rumors. It doesn’t take much INT to put two and two together. There wasn’t a single monster in that battle with any flame powers whatsoever. No, it must have been something else. Someone else. And seeing how no real citizen of Laurel would cause such an atrocity, that just leaves the new barbaric addition that some of the higher ups have taken a shine to. Shit, I mean, how brain dead do you have to be to cozy up to some of our most powerful people, and then just blow all that work to hell along with the wall? You absolute bloody idiot.”

My nose twitched, and fists clamped down. There was nothing I desired right now but to introduce his head to the floor with a well placed bear paw on the side of his face. The temptation to get swept along with this asshole’s energy grew inside me. The bull man sneered when he noticed my mood darkened.

I was just about to shift into Ursa form and make my wishes come true, until a soft sensation tugged at the back of my mind. Or more of a nudge, really, yet still something urging me to calm down.

It’s just words, not sticks and stones. He’s just spouting off nonsense.

I took a deep breath. Don’t get dragged down to his level. I released my firm grip. He is trying to sow doubt and discord about me among the others here. I examined him again. Got to give him credit, that’s way more cunning than his whole vibe gives off. But I can handle it. So long as he doesn’t drag others into it. Though, it doesn’t mean I’m going to just take the abuse. And I should try to score some points with the other guys if I can.

“I don’t have to defend myself to some overly pissed off, pitiful rutting bull who seems to think he has my entire existence figured the fuck out. Buddy, I have news for you. You probably wouldn’t even be standing here if it wasn’t for me during that last raid. Ask Fennel how I kept your ass alive. How the only reason your entire line didn’t break in that last raid. Think back, didn't it get easier near the end? Right, you’re welcome.”

I noticed a few of the people behind him start mumbling to each other. Good, that will hopefully help my rep.

“Yeah, let me ask Jaren’s little boy toy about his new primitive pet. I’m sure that will lead to the truth. And besides, that doesn’t prove anything about the wall invasion.” The bull retorted.

Fennel didn't so much as flinch at the nasty comment. Probably used to this asshat’s verbal feces.

“I fought tooth and nail, protecting that academy. Ask Terl, he was with me the whole morning, I joined the battle with him. Hell, ask Daila.”

“Yeah, I should ask Jaren’s other…” Daila’s Aura flared up, cutting off the bull’s next, and more than likely, offensive remark. The sensation brought me back to the day outside of the big tree, when she shut down that guard who was trying to bring me in. Yet this was no less than eight times as terrifying. And it wasn’t even directed at me.

The horned jackass flinched from the endeavor. He snorted and gave the mouse woman a glare. Through gritted teeth, he said, “Sorry, ma’am. This uncultured filth had me forgetting myself. Uppity Bitch.” His insult was said under his breath so that Daila couldn’t hear it. But I did. And that rage from earlier did as well, resurfacing with a vengeance. No gentle nudging was going to stop me this time.

“If you keep yapping, I may just have to shut you the fuck up?

“Uh, huh? And how do you reckon you’ll do that, shit-for-brains?”

“The only way I think will work.”

I turned to Fennel and Daila before making good on my promise. “Sorry, I tried.” I shifted into Ursa form, growing half a foot and standing eye to eye with the ignoramus.

While he bobbed back from the surprise of my sudden transformation. My clawed hand collided with the side of the bastard’s face. He took the hit and stumbled backwards, staying on his feet. And even though the hit didn’t end with him eating dirt, the satisfying rush of clobbering him helped stave off the disappointment.

The bull’s eyes ran red as he grabbed for the axe on his back. I lowered my hips, preparing myself for the inevitable fight. Before he could fully pull it out, however, The clawed elf from earlier hand grabbed its handle, stopping the axe from leaving its sheath. Daila stood in front of me with her hand up as a nasty Aura leaked out from her.

Daila spoke up. “This is getting a bit out of hand, don’t you say?” She sighed. “I’d hoped it wouldn't come to this, but it seems to be the only way. Zaner.”

Douchey name for a douchey dude, it seems.

The bull shook off the elf and straightened out, a sinister grin grew on his face as he nodded at Daila. “Does that mean?”

Daila nodded. “Take it outside.”

“With pleasure.” He said.

Zaner made his way to the door, bumping into my shoulder like the big man he is. Freaking tool. Daila walked behind him and they both exited the building. The others began to funnel outside as well.

I looked over to Fennel. “What’s happening?”

“You and him are going to have a duel. It's the best way to handle disputes like this one. Daila had the square prepared this morning.” He shook his head. “Scary woman.”

“Too true.” I replied.

Fennel and I chuckled. “But this is probably for the best. He needs to be knocked down a peg. I’d love to be the one to do it, but as the Captain of this squad, beating on your subordinates just because they annoy the living hell out of you is frowned upon.”

“Rules?” I asked simply.

Fennel nodded. “Yep, you’ll find a square out back. Fight inside of the square and nowhere else. First to yield, fall unconscious, or be pushed out, loses. And no death or major injuries. We can’t afford to lose people.”

“Hmph.” I grunted in acknowledgement.

“Man of many words in this form, huh?” He asked.

I gave him a short nod. “Weapons?”

“Only training ones. Any requests?”

“Spear and dagger.”

“There should be some out by the ring.” He walked to the door and I followed.

We walked along the side of the building. “Oh, and the most important rule about these duels. No matter who wins, the issue that caused the duel is considered settled. Any further actions or grudges held will result in immediate expulsion from the Legion. The winner is seen as the right party, and the loser must submit to the wishes of the winner for the next two raids. Within reason, of course. And you look like a badass. So give him hell.”

I nodded again, smiling this time. I had no problems with a trial by combat.

We rounded the building. Everyone from the squad gathered around a bare dirt square that measured 25’x25’. Plenty of room to fight in.

The d-bag stood at one end of the ring, a wooden great axe laying on his shoulders, wearing a dumb grin on his face. “Done chatting with your boyfriend or can we get started?”

Oh! it’s going to take a lot of willpower not to slip into Ursa-Rage with this one.

Daila stood off to the side of the arena; Fennel walked up to the side opposite of her. They gave each other a look, then nodded. I found the weapon rack Fennel spoke of and grabbed a spear and dagger. I walked into the square and put them down. I wasn’t sure if I was going to need them, Ursa could probably handle it, if not Tigris, but you never know.

Daila raised her voice. “I, Daila Underbrush, First Lieutenant of the Fourth Legion, will be proctoring this duel between Liam Foster and Zaner Heaver. Are both of you prepared?”

Zaner snorted. “Born ready.”

I grunted.

“Then Begin!”

Zaner rocketed at me as soon as the words left Daila’s mouth. I moved forward to match his advance. He raised his axe, going for a big swing from the looks of it. I braced for the blow by raising my arms up.

But the swing never came. The butt of his axe jabbed into my chest. Pain flared as the pointed end dug into my torso. I swung out, hoping to knock the axe out of his hands. He pulled back in time, then immediately swung at me again. The blunt axe blade landed on my side. He smirked as he watched my face contort in pain.

I clamped down on the blade with both of my hands while it lingered at my side. I couldn’t really grip well in this form, but I could clap. I just squeezed down on the sides of the axe. Zaner tried to pull it from my grasp, to no avail. Feeling the wood surface on my pads gave me an idea.

My claws pulsed red as heat radiated off them. Flames shot out. My goal was to incinerate his weapon. I clearly had the advantage in terms of bear-knuckle fighting. More flames spewed out, turning half of the blade charcoal black. But as I focused on burning it, the strain from his pulling vanished, sending me backwards.

When I found my footing, I looked up and saw him coming straight for me, horns down. The horns glowed bright red. I dropped the half-baked axe from my hands and just barely grabbed the oncoming horns in time. My feet slid along the dirt after colliding with me. I turned my head and saw the edge of the ring coming up fast. I squatted down, lowering my center of gravity and stopping the two of us from getting any closer to the edge of the square.

I remembered how I dealt with the charges from the boars. I flexed my back and arms, trying to throw the bastard to the side like I did back then. But he wasn’t an untrained monster out in the woods; he had strategy. He threw his head up, knocking my hands into the air. He grabbed the front of my shirt and pulled me to him, then hugged my waist. I sent claw after claw to his back and head, but none could find purchase at that angle. He ignored all the attacks and threw me over his shoulder with a great “Harrumph.”

My back hit the ground hard, launching the air out of my lungs. He laughed out and said something to the crowd, but I couldn’t hear it. He walked over and tried to get on top of me. But my vision ran red; Ursa-Rage popped. I jumped off the ground, kicking him in the chest before he mounted me. I got up and swung my claws out. He raised his arms to block, but I didn’t let my assault up.

I felt a few blows get through, but he kept his guard up well. The bull’s shoulders and arms started to glow red, but I didn’t give two shits about that. My flaming claws were burning and slashing him, that’s all that mattered.

Until he threw his arms out with a huge shout. A shockwave of red blasted out from the horned man, knocking me off my feet and back a couple of meters. Thankfully, toward the center of the arena.

I got back up quickly and looked at Zaner. His face was bloody and burned in a few spots, but the fire in his eyes hadn’t subsided whatsoever. Seeing the blood dripping down from his face made me feel strange inside. A yearning. It rang out in my head, giving me a massive headache.

While I was distracted, Zaner collected his axe and rushed at me. I looked up and saw the blade coming for my head; there was no way I could block a blow like that in time. Not in this form at least. That was what my instincts were telling me.

Following their guide, I shifted into Tigris form. The wooden blade whizzed right above my head as my body shrunk down, back to its normal height. The hair on my arms disappeared, and my sharp claws replaced the large, blunt ones.

Shock filled Zaner’s stupid face as his axe missed its mark. He couldn’t stop his swing, leaving him wide open. I slashed out at his thighs. Blood poured out from the wound. He hopped back, trying to recompose himself, but I wasn’t about to let him off with just a single scratch. I chased after him.

He lashed out with an arm this time, but the swing missed its mark. He was already engulfed in darkness. Eternal Shade wrapped around the two of us. His head twisted left to right as he frantically looked around the void. I patiently stalked behind him, avoiding the flurry of blows he made with his axe. I slashed his arm, he whipped his weapon around, yet I had moved already, now slashing his other leg. Another axe chop came at me. But poor Zaner was always just a step behind.

I landed a few more blows on the sod, until I felt fatigue build up. I checked my stamina. It was sitting at 30% and dropping. Crap, I left ES on too long. The bull was heaving now and bleeding out, so I doubted he had much fight left in him. I turned the darkness off, deciding to save the stamina. I can finish this without it.

The bubble of shadow dispersed. I looked out at the crowd and smiled, closing my eyes and basking in my all-too-certain victory. Until a hand grabbed the back of my neck.

Before I could react, my limbs were pinned down and being crushed.

“Not yet, princess.”





**Author Note: Sorry for being so late. Real life BS piled up. Will try to do some double chapters this week to make up.**

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