The Misfortune Adventure Of Dimensional Chat Group Owner

10. New Members and New Task.

Kaito who has done the daily task that he set for himself today, currently wants to take a rest and sleep since it is already late night when he was done doing it.

'Damn it, even with my current physical ability 10 KM of running is a bit too much! I will try to reduce it later in the future.' Kaito thought.

However, the moment he enter his own room to take a rest, what he got is a sudden notification from his golden finger which appeared within his sight.



[Sekirei Number 7 has joined the chat group!]

[Uchiha Prodigy has joined the chat group!]

[God Tongue has joined the chat group!]



'New member?'

Even though Kaito is tired, as usual, the moment he saw the notification, Kaito immediately try to identify the people who entered the chat group. 

He is the owner, after all.

First, Sekirei Number 7 was very easy for him to identify, since 'Sekirei' was the name of one of his favorite ecchi anime and manga in his childhood. But remember number 7 on it, Kaito immediately frowned since he remember that number 7 Sekirei is Akitsu, an emotionless Ice manipulator Sekirei who can't be winged in the series until the later part at the end by her Ashikabi Mikogami Hayato.

The second name, Uchiha Prodigy... Kaito was able to tell this one come from his favorite ninja manga, Naruto. Although, This one is tough to guess.

There is a lot of genius or so-called prodigy inside the Uchiha clan. Was it Sasuke? Itachi? Madara? Or even Shisui? The most well-known Uchiha clan member is a genius and easily would be called a prodigy, after all.

Kaito can't really deduct who exactly is this until the person itself has appeared in the chat group.

Lastly, God Tongue... Also very easy for Kaito to recognize since it was an iconic name from one of his favorite manga, Shokugeki No Souma. God Tongue was a moniker for the main heroine of that manga, Nakiri Erina. Though, Kaito wonder why she would be able to join? Kaito thought that this chat group was for members from the world with abilities...

Well, in the Shokugeki no Souma manga, the food was kind of 'special'. 

After trying to discern the identity of the new members, Kaito immediately opened the chat group to confirm his current deduction.


Entered the chat group...


[Railgun Girl]: "New member?"

[God Tongue]: "Excuse me, is this magic? How does a floating screen appear in my sight?"

[Railgun Girl]: "You are the new member? Welcome to the chat group!"

[Elementary Grade Magical Girl]: "I have become a senior! Welcome to the chat group!"

[God Tongue]: "Chat Group... Multiverse Chat Group that connects all of the members from one world to another world... Is it real?"

[Railgun Girl]: "Yes. Though I haven't seen the proof yet but please just ask the owner of the chat group for more information."

[God Tongue]: "Owner?"

[Owner]: "Yes Yes Yes, I am the Owner, desu." 

[Elementary Grade Magical Girl]: "Good Morning, Owner."

[Railgun Girl]: "Hey, the culprit is here! You need to reimburse my money bastard! Driving by taxi for 10 km for no purpose in the Academy City cost me a lot of money!"

[Owner]: "Sigh... Whatever. Good day everyone. Also, Nanoha, it is currently night in my time."

[Railgun Girl]: "Do not ignore me!"

[Owner]: "Welcome new member, as the intro said basically this is a chat group where it is members could chat and help each other. For more information, please just explore on your own."

[God Tongue]: "I see... Thanks for your answer, Owner."

[Railgun Girl]: "Boo... Irresponsible owner!"

[Elementary Grade Magical Girl]: "Umm... I think the owner is just busy."

[Owner]: "Thank you for your understanding Nanoha-chan. Oii, Biri-Biri stop slandering me, or I will mute you."

[Railgun Girl]: "What did you call me, Owner?!"

[Baroque Works Leader]: "They are doing it again."

[Elementary Grade Magical Girl]: "Owner and Mikoto nee-sama surely really get along."

[Owner]: "Where is the part that I would get along with this girl come from?"

[Railgun Girl]: "Asshole owner, come here and fight me!"



After being told to explore on chat group function for a while, Nakiri Erina or nicknamed God Tongue in the chat group is amazed about a miracle that happened in front of her.

Erina has confirmed that no one was able to see the thing in her vision, she had tried to call her assistant, some of her guards, and even her grandfather. None of them was able to see the chat group at all.

Erina thought maybe she was dreaming...or it was just a hallucinating. But then, when she tried to buy something from the store in this supposed 'dream' using the point she got from logging in.

The thing she bought, really appeared immediately in front of her like a magic trick.

A pack of cup noodles with an unknown brand really appeared in front of her.


Erina really can't help but really be surprised by the phenomenon that happen in front of her. She tried pinching herself, slapping her cheek, and... it's hurt. 

Then, She tried to hold the cup noodle in front of her... Yep, there is no mistake she is not dreaming.

Shortly after that, Erina begins to have wild thoughts that it should be her supposed 'cheat'... Like those isekai mangas that she bought yesterday. 

She loves shoujo manga but it does not mean she does not read isekai manga since they are also really popular.

Should she need to be prepared? What if she suddenly got summoned to another world? Erina who got a wild thought can't calm down at all.

She knows those types of manga need the protagonist to get stronger as much as they can so they could protect the world where they reside in.


After confirming the situation (based on her understanding). Erina knows that she need find out how to earn points to improve her own strength as a priority. Once again, she opened the chat group again to ask the owner that still bickering in the chat group.


[God Tongue]: "Excuse me, can anyone in here tell me how to get points?"

[Railgun Girl]: "Wow this new member sure adapting fast."

[Owner]: "Well... You didn't help her, Biri-Biri. Anyway, you can earn points by doing the task."

[God Tongue]: "Daily task... Moving for 10 KM? Wasn't it a bit too much for a beginner like me to run for 10 km?"

[Owner]: "Well... Just use a taxi as Biri-Biri did. Told the taxi to move around with you, enough to make a distance of 10 km to complete the task."

[Railgun Girl]: "I won't recommend it. The taxi was too costly! Also, stop calling me Biri-Biri, bastard!"

[God Tongue]: "Hmm I see. I will call my driver to bring me around the city for 10 km. Thank you."

[Owner]: "Ah, I forget she is rich."

[Railgun Girl]: "I am envious... Wait, you know the identity of the new member didn't you?"

[Owner]: "Of course. I am the owner, after all. In fact, I have an idea about everyone's identity here, including the members that has not appeared yet."

[Railgun Girl]: "None of them is evil... right?"

[Elementary Grade Magical Girl]: "Uh, I hope so... I don't like to beat my own friend."

[Owner]: "One of the members should be in gray area... But that's it. You don't need to worry, I will protect everyone in the chat group."

The reason Kaito answered like that is that ninja in naruto's world is mostly evil, especially when we talk about Uchiha. Even the kindest among them like Itachi and Shisui are professional killers as they were part of Anbu.


[Elementary Grade Magical Girl]: "Oh! As expected of the chat group owner! I can't wait to meet other new members!"

[Railgun Girl]: "Now you have said Nanoha-chan, I wonder why the other new members do not appear yet?"




A young emotionless girl currently sitting in the park alone while watching the weird screen that suddenly appeared in front of her. 

Her name is Akitsu, and she knows that she is a broken scrapped number. The MBI scientist has said that it would be impossible to wing her as she is too strong, which made her fall into despair.

However, the invitation from Multiverse Chat Group spark her hope. From what she learned, It seems everyone inside the chat group is from another world which sounds amazing. 

Akitsu who knows that it seems impossible for humans in this world to wing her, expected that maybe... Just maybe... it should be possible for humans from another world to wing her.

Akitsu who has learned how the chat group's basic function worked now tried to ask for help.




[Sekirei Number 7]: "Hello... My name is Akitsu. Are you my Ashikabi?"

[Elementary Grade Magical Girl]: "Ashikabi?"

[Railgun Girl]: "Owner, you know something, right?"


As Kaito wants to reply to Misaka Mikoto's question, suddenly a group task notification screen appeared in his sight.



[A new Group Task has been assigned!]


Task Detail: Winged Number 7 Sekirei and Destroy or Complete the Sekirei Plan.

Task Completion: Number 7 Sekirei gets Winged and The Sekirei Plan is either completed or get destroyed

Time Limit: None.

Participation Limit : 3 members (Including the member who currently resides in the destination world.)

Task Difficulty: Easy.

Task Failure: Number 7 Sekirei does not get winged and One of the members of the chat group gets killed while doing the task.

Reward: 10000 Points to all of the participants.

Failure Punishment: Delete one of the new features of the chat group.


Optional Task (Can be Ignored):

1. Join the protagonist camp and made him to trust any member within the chat group.

2. Collect at least 4 Jinki before completing the main task.

3. Take over 'Kouten' (Flying Island) ownership by any member within the chat group.

Optional Task Completion Reward:  1-5* Item for all the participants depending on the percentage of task completion.





The first world is Sekirei (Just google if you don't know) because no one really made a fanfic with this world lol. With mc current ability, this world would be easy to breeze and I personally wanted to take some girl on it (lol).


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