The Misfortune Adventure Of Dimensional Chat Group Owner

2. Reborn.


"My whole body hurts..."


Kaito groaned as he opened his eyes. His last memory is his golden finger was activated and before he got a chance to open his cheat, a big fireball burned him alive. 

He still vividly remembers how it feels to get burned in your whole body and swears that from now on, he doesn't want to get burned anymore.

He tried to sit, and quickly realize that he doesn't recognize where he is right now. Right now, he was sitting on top of the very comfortable and expensive bed, the room actually feels much bigger than his own room, and it also 'screams' luxurious in his thought.

"Where I am?" Kaito muttered.

After that, he notice that despite the pain and discomfort, there was actually no wound or rash appeared on his body. Even though he is sure he was burned alive before.

"I am still alive? God damn-- Ouch!"

He also noticed that the moment he muttered the word 'God', he suddenly fell ill and his head hurt a bit.

"Did I have become a devil? Did that prick Riser actually revive me?"

With his situation, Kaito thought that would be the only plausible explanation for how he becomes a devil. He is aware that Ravel shouldn't have her own Evil piece set yet, and only Riser does have it. Either way, he concludes Ravel probably begs his brother to save him, and because of that, he swears to repay her in some way later.

Also, with all that logic Kaito also knows that he should be inside the Phenex mansion right now.

Kaito might be unlucky, but he was also a bit smart and able to logically deduce information coming to him. After all, he was a proper working adult in his previous life.

'But why Ravel does want to revive me?'

As Kaito wondered about the answer to the question in his mind, he hears the sound of the door of the room knocking along with a girl voice.

"May I enter?"

"Yes." Kaito replied.


The blonde girl Kaito was trying to save entered the room and approach his bed. This time he could fully recognize the girl's identity with her twin-tail hairstyle-- Ravel Phenex.

He realizes that the reason Kaito wasn't recognized by Ravel earlier was because he was impatient and he is also not familiar with Ravel with her twin-tails hairstyle.

"Are you okay?" Ravel asked with concern in her eyes.

Kaito nodded and answered, "It's still hurt everywhere but I am okay. 

"Good. I am sorry for what happened to you. After all, you have died to protect me." Ravel said as she bowed her head expressing her sorry.

"It is okay." Kaito answered. Kaito thought It is not fully Ravel's fault, after all, it was himself who choose to fight the gangsters.



Both Ravel and Kaito got into an awkward situation, their eyes meet but then both of them averted their eyes together because of embarrassment. Kaito was a virgin in his previous life, and the stare of a beautiful girl like Ravel is a bit too much for her.


To break the awkwardness, Kaito cleared his voice and asked, "How I am still alive?"

Kaito was already aware of the answer to his question but he just want to make sure his information was correct. Besides, it would be weird for him to know how he is still alive, as the supernatural world should be hidden from human eyes.

Ravel who hear Kaito's question nodded and answered, "Because my brother revived you."

"Revive? But how?" Kaito asked as he pretend to be confused.

"You have been revived as a devil with the help of my brother evil pieces. Also, you have been reincarnated as his pawn." Ravel explained.

"What is evil pieces? How it is able to revive me? What do you mean to become a devil? What is a pawn? Where is this?" Kaito continues to ask in succession as he really wants to show his confusion.

Again, Kaito is already aware of all of the answers to his question but just to make sure his information is correct. He needs to act like a normal clueless human who just entered the supernatural world or he would get into trouble.

"Umm... About this... I need to explain to you how the supernatural world works..." Ravel answered.


After that, Ravel gives Kaito a short explanation about the supernatural world and answered all of his questions. Ravel also tried her best to answer any questions that keep coming from Kaito and Kaito was really thankful for that. Ravel, on the other hand, feels really bad for Kaito because she knows that if she agreed with Kaito's suggestion or warned his brother before he attacked the gangster, Kaito wouldn't experience the taste of getting burned alive.

From what Kaito's able to gather from Ravel, there's nothing changed about the supernatural world despite his existence. Right now he is aware that the plot has not started, as Ravel tells him about her age and the situation between his brother and his fiancee. Since Rias is still in 2nd-year high school according to Ravel's information, it means that Kaito have the same age as Issei Hyoudou.

More importantly, since he has become a pawn under Riser's command he realized he would be fighting the protagonist of this world soon... As that's how the plot goes. Thankfully, he seems to have one year's worth of time to get stronger. 

Kaito determined his goal right now is to get stronger and repay the chance of second life that Ravel give him in the future.

At least, since he is aware of the plot, Kaito wouldn't let Issei hit Ravel later in the future Rating Game between Gremory and Phenex.

Kaito's goal is at least to get stronger than Issei with his cheating boosted gear when the Rating Game against Rias peerage in the future.


After Ravel patiently explained and answered all of the questions, Kaito slightly bowed his head and said, "Thank you for saving me, Ravel-sama."

"It should be who said that, Kaito-san." Ravel answered.

Kaito realized he didn't introduce himself yet and asked, "How do you know my name?"

Ravel smiled and answered, "Before all of your clothes get burned, I managed to secure your wallet and look at your identity."

Kaito raised his eyebrow and asked, "Then... Where is my wallet?" 

"Umm... here."

Ravel hesitantly put out a half-burned wallet from her pocket and give it to Kaito's hand. 

"Oh, thank god-- Ouch! Thank Satan my wallet is still intact!" Kaito excitedly said. Kaito thought that it seems his luck wasn't as bad as he thought.

However, that thought only lasted for a second, as when he opened his wallet, all of his possessions literally half-burned or almost entirely burned... Money, ID card, ATM card...

They are not gone, but they are not usable either. Staring at his half-burned ID card and money, he feels pain in his heart and feels so miserable.


"How unlucky!" Kaito exclaimed in sorrow.

All that happens while Ravel standing awkwardly beside him. It seems his bad luck still followed him even after he got revived.

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