The Misfortune Adventure Of Dimensional Chat Group Owner

25. Starting the Main Plan.


On the night of the 4th day, Kaito was currently playing cards with Uzume and Homura in the dining room while Miya currently cleaning the hallway alone. Kaito tried to offer help as always, but Miya quickly refused him this time, saying she can handle it alone.

Need to be noted that, unlike the original story trajectory, Uzume seems not to run around the city these days hunting another Sekirei. Although Kaito could tell Uzume was looking at him and Itachi a lot, sometimes even asking questions about what they are doing. 

Kaito assumes... It seems after the infiltration done by Itachi, Higa Izumi decides to gather information about them instead of telling Uzume to hunt Sekirei around the city.


"Ah, Kaito-san seems troubled." Uzume teased.

"Uhh..." Kaito groaned. Looking at his current card, he knows there would be no chance to win this round.

As Kaito was about bound to lose again in the card game, the door of the room suddenly slide open, revealing Minato who seems to sweat a lot.

"Kaito!!" Minato suddenly yelled at him.

"Minato nii-san? Did you have to buy the soy sauce?" Kaito asked while being confused. At this time Miya asked Minato and Musubi to buy soy sauce for her, but it seems Minato encountered something that need Kaito's help.

"Can you help people escape from this city?" Minato requested.

"Uh... What?"

Kaito, Uzume, and Homura stop playing after hearing Minato's sudden request. They are looking confusedly at Minato, except Kaito who actually pretended to be confused. Kaito did have an idea of what Minato was about to ask, considering he knew the plot himself.

'It is the time, huh?' Kaito thought about their main plan start.

Minato on other hand noticed he did not explain well enough scratch his head and then said, "There are people who did not want to participate in the plan... And they wanted to escape. I have learned all the city entries were guarded by M.B.I but I am sure, Kaito-san you could sort of a plan to help him!"

"Calm down, Minato nii-san. Can you tell me what happened? Explain in detail?" Kaito calmly inquire.

Hearing Kaito's question, Minato suddenly realize he does not really understand either, so he blushed and replied, "Umm, I don't really understand the detail. Maybe you can ask the guest himself..."


Apparently, Minato trust in Kaito's planning ability was so high that he immediately suggest going to him for help... Even though he was not fully sure what it's all about.


Kaito who somewhat expected this answer then asked another question, "First, where is this guest, Minato-san?"

"Musubi supposed to bring them earlier--" Minato answered, but shortly cut out as everyone hear a sound of people crashing in the backyard.



Everyone hurriedly went to the source of the sound, and find Musubi seems crashed herself

"It feels like DeJaVu." Uzume said with a wry smile.

"Agree." Kaito followed.

Minato on the other hand with concern quickly asked his Sekirei, "Musubi! Are you okay?" 

Musubi who hear Minato's question quickly stand on her feet and excitedly replied, "I am okay, Minato-san!" 

"Why you are coming from the sky?" 

"Because I miscalculated my jump power!" 

"Why you are jumping in the first place... " Minato sighed hearing his Sekirei answer. "Also, where is the other?"

Musubi tilted her head and said, "They are walking with the guest, coming from the entrance. Should be arriving soon!" 

"Then, why you did not join them...?!"


As Musubi and Minato had a funny conversation, everyone else quietly watched them together with interest. However, someone in the crowd actually does not really happy about what happened.

"Ara~ what a mess you did Musubi-chan!" Miya suddenly said, cutting the conversation between Musubi and Minato.


Realizing their mistake, both Musubi and Minato quickly dogeza on the ground and said, ""S-Sorry landlord!""

After that, Minato and Musubi promise to fix the destruction they just did and promise won't do the same thing again. The other also quickly retreated to the entrance, to see what kind of guest Minato was invited.



As Kaito predicted, the guest who asks Minato for help was the same in the original plot. Haruka, and his timid Sekirei No.95 Kuno. The same kind of development also happened, such as Haruka begin to explain his intention to escape from the Sekirei Plan, knowing it was too dangerous for both him and his Sekirei.

After listening to Haruka's explanation, Minato turn his eyes to Kaito and asked, "What do you think, Kaito-san?"


To be honest, there was no need for many plans, to begin with. As long there are people who distracted M.B.I attention including the disciplinary squad, anyone could escape easily from this city. 

In fact, that's how the Kaito main plan worked, but how it works is actually reversed. Instead of distracting the M.B.I to help them escape, Kaito's plan was to make them distract the M.B.I in order to take out the JInki and deal with Miya at the same time.

Looking at Kaito who seems become quiet in his own thought, Haruka seems unhappy and commented, "So, this boy is really as smart as you said? So far, it is not convincing."

"Don't worry, Kaito-san is amazing!" Minato responded.

"Umm, I agree. I am even sure I can't defeat Kaito-san in a fight!" Musubi added.

"Musubi-san this is not about fighting..." Homura commented while shaking his head.


After considering a lot of factors while thinking on his own, Kaito finally opened his mouth and said, "I have thought of some sort of plan. But to make sure of it was perfect, I need to rethink it carefully. How about... I think I will tell you all in the morning."


"See, I know Kaito-san will come up with something." Minato proudly said.

"Master is smart." Akitsu added.

"Well, although he keeps losing on our card game." Uzume teased, which poked Kaito's heart. He wants to yell out that it was not his fault, but his luck! But decide to back off since it's not important.

Haruka who seems convinced smiled and replied, "Well... Then, we will come back to this Inn in the morning then."

Kaito quickly suggested, "Haruka-san and his Sekirei can stay here tonight." Kaito then turn his head looking at Miya and asked, "Is it okay for them to stay, Miya-san?"

"Sure, as Kaito-san said, I don't mind helping people who need help." Miya replied, easily agree with Kaito request


Confirming that they could stay here for the night, Haruka and Sekirenya agreed to stay the night while waiting for Kaito to come up with his plans for tomorrow.


After that, Itachi and Akitsu retreated to Kaito's room under Kaito's instruction, while Kazehana patrol on the city temporarily replacing Itachi duty. On there, Kaito quickly put the sound barrier devices to make sure what they are going to discuss wasn't overheard by Miya. Though, Kaito keeps Matsu's devices here, since it's no problem for Minato and his Sekirei to know Kaito's plan.

"You have noticed that we got a guest pair of Ashikabi tonight. Itachi, Akitsu, you guys who also have seen the memories know who they are and what their purpose." Kaito stated to them.

Both Itachi and Akitsu nodded at the same time, although both Itachi and Akitsu seems to have a troubled smile on their face. Kaito is curious and can't help but asked, "What's wrong?"

"Owner, did you open the chat group yet?" Itachi asked back.

Kaito shook his head and answered, "No. I was busy either training, planning, or getting along with everyone here. You know, our time is quite short in this world."

 In fact, getting along with everyone was also a plan to get closer to Miya, and Kaito can tell the connection between him and Miya get stronger. Because of that, he has not checked what is going on inside the chat group.

Hearing Kaito answer, Itachi sighed and said, "I see... In fact, you are in trouble, owner."

"Trouble?" Kaito raises his eyebrow curiously.

Akitsu who has been quiet for a while then suddenly answered, "Master, Ecchi."


"The memories... a lot of people complaining. Too mature." Akitsu tried to explain.



Kaito quickly realize what his Sekirei was talking about. The last time he did was to share the memories of Sekirei to the chat group, and he was completely forget about it's mature content!

"God damn it, I forget there were minors inside the chat group!" Kaito facepalmed, thinking the members probably condemned him the moment he opened the chat group.

"Well... Most people including yourself are a minor." Itachi commented while shook his head.

"Master, Ecchi." Akitsu followed with emotionless face, but she clearly enjoying doing this.

"Stop it, Akitsu! Stop guilty tripping me!"


"Yamerooo!!" Kaito hang his head down as he didn't want to listen, yet Akitsu continue having fun with her master.


After a while, Akitsu finally stop doing it and Kaito quickly calm himself. He looked at Itachi and Akitsu seriously, and tell them the first part of the plan.

"Back to the topic, Our allies also need to be contacted tonight, and make sure to tell them to cause havoc on the city to make M.B.I attention even more divided."


"Yes, master."

Looking at their positive respond, Kaito nodded at himself and continue explaining, "Good. Now into the main plan, Itachi goes to infiltrate M.B.I and take out the Jinki from them when the chaos is started. Also, leave a shadow clone, and with Akitsu go to the Higa Izumi site and rescue Uzume Ashikabi there. You might also contact our allies to help rescue her, in case there are a lot of people on the Higa Izumi side. And for the final boss, leave it to me." 

Itachi and Akitsu nodded at Kaito's explanation but also they can't help but glance concerned at him. The key to stopping this Sekirei plan was on Miya, the queen of Sekirei herself and their leader need to face her alone. Itachi actually wants to suggest that let him deal with Miya as she might be a bit too tough for current Kaito. 

Itachi was aware of what level Kaito is currently at after training him for several days and compared to Miya level... It was too short.

However, since Kaito said to him that she is his Sekirei, Itachi does not say anything. Knowing how strong the bond between Sekirei and Ashikabi himself, Itachi believe Kaito would be able to win in the end. Itachi also knows that Kaito is a smart person, and for sure he got a plan on his own to deal with his part.


As Kaito wants to end the meeting since he has said what need to be said, he suddenly remembers something that has troubled his mind. 

He turn his head at Akitsu and then asked hesitately, "Before that Akitsu, I forget to ask you. Watching your current situation is much different than in memories... Do you hate me?"


Akitsu quietly shook her head with an expressionless look and answered, "No. She and I are different. I am happy to become your Sekirei, master."



Both Kaito and Akitsu stared at each other for a while, but in the end, Kaito smiled and said, "Thank you for your understanding."



Knowing the answer of his own question, Kaito clap his hand and commanded, "Alright, Akitsu, Itachi... I need to ask you all to go contact our allies tonight while I am going to open the chat group to prepare my own battle."

"...Good luck owner"


Shortly after, Both Itachi and Akitsu quickly jump out of the window to their respective target, leaving Kaito alone in his room.


"Alright, let's opened the chat group again."

Kaito take a deep breath, preparing himself before opened the chat group. As much he wanted to avoid getting scolded, he need points for his plan. And to get a lot of point, he can do that by sharing a memories with his chat group members. With a sense of resignation, Kaito opened a chat group and ready to face the group members.

For Kaito who had experience in a lot of bad luck situation, It's nothing new to him, anyway. 


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