The Misfortune Adventure Of Dimensional Chat Group Owner

37. Return and Reasoning.


After making a lot of agreements with M.B.I until late at night, Kaito and Sakuya finally return to Izumo Inn where everyone might have been waiting for them. Well, Kaito doubted they would wait for him... after all, Kaito could tell this is already very late at night and everyone likely already sleep.


The moment Kaito entered the entrance, Uzume who looks sleepy waiting for him immediately stood up and quickly greet him, "Kaito, You finally come back! I have been waiting for your promise here the entire time, Kaito!"

"Ahahaha... I am sorry, Uzume-san. There are a lot of things that I need to discuss with M.B.I" Kaito quickly explained with an apologetic tone. 

"Is that so? Well, it can't be helped." Uzume murmured and then she notice Sakuya behind him and asked, "Who is it?"

Hearing that she got called, Sakuya quickly introduce herself, "Konbanwa Uzume-sama. My name is Sakuya Izayoi, and I am Kaito-sama new private maid."

"New private maid?!" Uzume was surprised and then take a step back as she look at Kaito, "Are you going to make me your maid too later after Chiho gets cured?"

Hearing what Uzume just said, Kaito can't help but facepalmed and yelled, "Of course not! I won't ask anything, I swear!" 

"Are you sure?" 

"Yes." Kaito nodded and continue said, "I have never lied to you, do I?"

Uzume shook her head and look at him suspiciously, "But you did lie on this noon." 


"Ugh..." Kaito suddenly remember that was the case, so with a remorseful expression, he said, "That's part of the plan, so I apologize. But I swear I won't ask anything in order to cure your Ashikabi."

"But this lady--" Uzume pointed out her finger at Sakuya, which Kaito quickly cut her sentence by saying, "She is a special case." 

"Well, since that is the case." Uzume smiled and then took Kaito's arm with her, "Let's go to my room and cure my Ashikabi!" 

"W-Wait, did I need to report to anyone first?" Kaito try to stop her from dragging him with a reason but Uzume quickly denied it as she replied, "I have got their permission, so don't worry about that!"


After that, Kaito and Uzume (with Sakuya following them from behind) went to Uzume's room, only to find her Ashikabi is already falling asleep waiting for him. Still, Kaito who had promised Uzume still decides to do it right now because he knows he can't waste more time in this world.

Kaito proceed to ask the system to cure Uzume Ashikabi, to which the system respond it would cost him 5000 points. It wasn't as expensive as Kaito thought, as he initially thought it would cost him 10000 or more, considering the cost of repairing his arm. 

After that, Kaito is aware that he barely has any point left, which is just enough to upgrade the chat group and his owner privilege. Later, Kaito needs to think of a way how to get more points, considering he needs to invite Miya to the chat group (as he already promised) and there is also a deal with Crocodile.



"Ah... My poor points saving..." Kaito muttered with a sad tone.

After coming out of Uzume's room, Kaito decides to meet the rest in the main room. Uzume told her that there might be still some people waiting for him, and Kaito can't make them wait any longer.


The moment the door opened, Seo who noticed Kaito quickly greet him, "Yoo... Hero, you are comeback so late!" 

"Seo-san." Kaito replied, and then he curiously looked around no one else is here so he asked, "Where is everyone else?"

"Minato has got asleep since he can't give a bad example for Kusano. As for Itachi, he went outside with Kazehana to help M.B.I, you know the city still states on mess right now." Seo answered.

"What about Mikogami?"

"His Sekirei Mutsu drags him back as it is already late night... Since this place can't accommodate all of his Sekirei anyway." Seo pointed toward the clock above Kaito and asked, "Are you serious about not realizing the time now?"

"...1 AM huh? No wonder it's really quiet when we walk on the way." Kaito muttered as he looked at the clock.

"Well, since you are here, I will go to sleep. My girls already waiting for me in our room." 

Seo stood up and yawned heavily. It seems he is the only person waiting for him to come back, so Kaito is genuinely grateful for him.

"Thank you for waiting for me, Seo-san" Kaito said.

"Nah, it is me who should say that, devil boy." Seo put his hand on Kaito's shoulder and seriously said with gratitude, "Thank you for stopping this absurd Sekirei plan and saving Miya."

"No problem. I am glad you didn't beat me up." Kaito responded with a wry smile.

As a long-time friend of Miya and the best friend of her late husband, Seo is very aware that Miya needs someone that takes care of her. Seo genuinely feels happy for Miya and Kaito, albeit feels a bit sorry about his best friend.

Well, he is dead anyway, so Seo thinks Miya has the right to find new happiness. 


"Speaking of Miya-san, where she is?" Kaito asked curiously. 

"She is waiting in your room along with Akitsu" Seo said with a grin.

"My room?" Kaito raised his eyebrow. He thought Miya would be waiting for him in here since he is her Ashikabi, but waiting on his room... Kaito has a bad feeling about this.

"They are your ashikabi, boy! Go eat then tonight!" Seo slapped Kaito's shoulder in excitement and then continue said, "I know you have been envious of Minato and my harem life, now it's your time to shine!"

As Kaito wanted to retort, a women's voice suddenly called him which halted all of his thought processes at that moment.



Kaito who become panicked quickly turned around and hurriedly explained, "S-Sakuya, I won't do that! Please believe me!"

Seo who didn't realize Sakuya stood behind him all this time quickly apologize, "Ah, I forget that scary woman is your maid..." But then he give a thumbs up to Kaito and suggested, "Well, you can eat her too anyway!"

"Stop adding me more trouble, Seo-san!" Kaito yelled at him in frustration.

"Ahahaha! That's not my problem." Seo walked passed Kaito who was currently in trouble and then open the door to leave the room "See ya in the morning! I am going bonks my girls!"



Realizing that his life might be in danger if Sakuya misunderstood, Kaito quickly prostrated on the ground and begged, "Sakuya, listen to my explanation first!"

Sakuya who was confused about his master who prostrates in front of her just tilted her head and then explained, "I don't mind if you want to have sex with any women, master. As a maid, I don't have any right to stop you."

Hearing Sakuya's answer, Kaito sighed in relief. He thought for sure Sakuya would reprimand him, but it seems no matter what he would do, Sakuya will respect his decision. 

Kaito stood up with his feet and then explained, "The thing is... I don't have a plan to do any kind of activity yet so you have no worries I would ask you to serve me in that way." 

"I don't mind though... I am aware that should be normal teenager boy usually think from what I read in the book, unless..." Sakuya eyes then widened and then with a serious look, she asked, "Are you into other men, master?"


Kaito facepalmed himself and then responded annoyedly, "I said 'Yet', don't I? I am a completely normal healthy male, damn it." 

"Then, why don't you?" 

"Well..." Kaito quickly open the door and continue said, "Let's go to my room first so I can explain to Miya and Akitsu at the same time."


Curious about Kaito's reason, Sakuya nodded and then followed him from behind to his room, since Sakuya does not know where his master room was located.



The moment Kaito opened the door toward his room, he immediately find Akitsu and Miya currently sit and talk with each other, seemingly talking about Kaito. 


"So, Kaito-san is really amazing, huh?"  

"Umm. Master comes up with a multi-layered plan every time to solve problems in front of him. He is very smart." Akitsu praised.

"Well, that's true." Miya nodded and replied, "Even I didn't have suspicion on Kaito until the very end when I got trapped with his plan."


They didn't even realize Kaito is already here, which he finds amusing. Kaito wanted to watch more, but it would be soon morning if he keep them talking so Kaito cleared his voice to get their attention.



"Kaito-san" // "Master" 

Both Akitsu and Miya stop their talk and quickly greet him at the door.

"Sorry for interrupting your talk, can I ask why everyone is here? Akitsu I understand, but why is Miya-san?" Kaito asked, 'pretending' to not know anything.

Hearing Kaito's question, Miya who is wearing a white plain kimono like Akitsu smiled and answered, "Silly Kaito-san. You know, you are technically my new husband, so I want to deliver night service."

"Akitsu also wants to do the same."


Both Akitsu and Miya then opened the top of their Kimono, revealing both of their breasts which are quite big, yet also looked in perfect shape at the same time. They also give a seductive look at Kaito, giving him a signal that they won't reject anything Kaito wanted to do with them.


It would be a lie if Kaito had not gotten tempted to touch them at this moment, but he managed to endure it. Kaito who knows the reason why he is here, remember he got a reason why he shouldn't touch them yet.

"Do you want me to do the same, master?" 


Ignoring Sakuya question, Kaito closes his eye, and take a deep breath to calm down. Remembering Ravel's face on his mind, Kaito know that he need to draw a line tonight with them to make they didn't misunderstand him.

After a short while, he opened his eyes, put a stop gesture with his hand, and said, "Hold up, girls. Let's make it clear, no matter what you want to do tonight, I won't do it."

Hearing Kaito's declaration, the girls are surprised that he rejects them all despite them literally throwing themselves at him.

"Are you find us unattractive as women?" Miya asked with concern.

"No!! It is the exact opposite, you all are so pretty!" Kaito quickly denied what Miya said, and he didn't forget to turn into Sakuya, "Including you, Sakuya."

"Thank you for your praise, master." (Sakuya)

"I am flattered, Kaito-san." (Miya)

"Thank you, master." (Akitsu)


Kaito cross his hand with a serious expression and continue said, "I have 2 reasons why I can't let myself touch you all yet."


Sakuya and Akitsu quickly become confused and curious about Kaito's reason. Meanwhile, Miya who quite understand about Kaito's situation thanks to memory transfer nodded in understanding. 

"Hmm... I have a guess what this is all about..." Miya then put back the top part of her kimono, closing her breast in front of Kairo, and continue said, "but to make it clear, say it to us, Kaito-san. We will listen." 

Akitsu also followed Miya, aware that the situation is quite serious. Sakuya also takes a step back, and stares at Kaito seriously, waiting for his explanation.


Kaito put up 1 of his finger and then explained, "The first reason, it's because I still have a debt to a pretty girl with the name of Ravel Phenex. It wouldn't be wrong if I say that I owe my life to her. I have promised to protect her too in the future, which corresponds to my second reason."

"Ravel Phenex? Who she is, master?" Akitsu asked since she didn't know Kaito's information in high school DxD world. 

Sakuya also didn't know Kaito's circumstances in detail like Akitsu, but she choose to listen to all that her master wanted to say first.

"She is... my benefactor. It wouldn't be here standing in front of you right now if not because of her kindness." Kaito answered.

"Basically, she is probably will be the main wife. Kaito put her position above all of us in his heart." Miya added.

"Uhh... I want to retort, but you are not wrong... I indeed have to come like her, and also want to make her happy and wanted her to be my first." Kaito then bowed his head and said with an apologetic tone, "Because of that, I am so sorry!"

To be honest, there is no way Kaito would not interested in Ravel... Heck, Miya is right about Ravel taking the utmost position in his mind. After all, Kaito wouldn't go as far as to set a goal to prevent Ravel from getting a chance with the protagonist (Issei Hyoudou) if he doesn't care about her in the first place.


Looking at their master's apologies to them, they immediately understand that Kaito is serious about what he just said. They also come to understand that Kaito is not rejecting them, but he wanted to focus on repaying his debt and achieving his goal. They didn't hate Kaito for his decision. In fact, this just proves Kaito is a good man, who knows how to set his priority straight and doesn't get easily swayed by others.

"Then, what is about second reason?" Sakuya raised her hand.

"The second reason or the most important reason is..." Kaito take a deep breath, put another finger up, and answered, "because I am still way too weak!"


"Kaito-san... I think you are already strong. After all, you are able to defeat me. in 1 vs 1 battle." 

Miya tried to reason with Kaito, but Kaito quickly shook his head, refusing Miya's opinion about him. "No, I am not strong enough. And you know, I just lucky with that, Miya-san."

Kaito clenched his fist up and with determination on his face, Kaito begin to explain his long-term plan, 

"I am planning to reincarnate each of you into my peerage with evil pieces, but with my current strength, there is no way that would be possible. Because of that, I know that I need to get stronger, so I would be able to protect everyone and worthy of being the chat group owner."


"What is 'evil pieces'? What it does mean to be your peerage?" Sakuya raised her hand asking for an explanation followed by Akitsu who was also confused. 

Only Miya, who didn't do the same as she is fully aware of how an evil piece works thanks to the memory.


After that, Kaito started to explain his life story and basic knowledge about his original world to Sakuya and Akitsu, making them understand his situation in high school dxd world in detail. It takes some time to complete but Kaito couldn't possibly use his points anymore for memory transfer, as he was very short of points right now.


I might add a 'smut' tag in the future but for now, I won't write any of that kind of scene yet since mc is still underage.

Yes, he is reincarnated person, but he has been reborn and his current official age is 15. SH doesn't allow a sex scene below 18 as a rule... and I don't want tony to bonk me for that lmao.

I will try to make a justified time skip on the next arc though to make it possible later xD


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