The Misfortune Adventure Of Dimensional Chat Group Owner

39. Opening the New World.


After having fun at breakfast (celebrating Minato as the new landlord), it's finally the time when Kaito and his followers are ready to leave this world. Everyone gathered in the backyard of Izumo Inn to watch their departure together.

"Are you sure that you won't inform Haruka and Mikogami about this? That boy must throw a fit later." Seo asked for the last time.

"Well..." Kaito scratched his back head in sorry and continue said, "It is not like we won't meet again." 

Hearing Kaito's last answer, Seo just smiled, like the others behind him. They have nothing to say anymore, as they already did during breakfast. They also believe that it won't be the last for them to meet.


'System, confirm the submission to complete the group task and then use my remaining points to upgrade chat group level and my privilege.' Kaito requested the system in his head. And then, a flood of text wall appeared and filled his mind with detail.



[All the assigned group task has been completed!]

Task Difficulty: Easy.

Optional Task: 3/3 completed.

Task Evaluation Rank Result: Excellent.

All the reward for the assigned group task has been increased!

Reward: 20000 Points to all of the participants and 3-6* Random Items for all the participants.

[Note: The reward will only be delivered when the participant wanted to take it. The equipment would be automatically rolled and points would be added .]




[10000 points have been deduced]

[Congratulation, the Multiverse Chat Group level has been increased by 1.]


New slot for member added +6

More items in the store were added.

Idle earner added. Get active inside the chat group, and get more points!

The home base world added!

  • All the members of the chat group could visit it anytime they want including the registered world as long the [owner] permitted it.
  • Anyone outside could enter the home base world as long the corresponding chat group member paid the entrance fee of 1000 points per person.
  • The [Owner] has the highest authority, he can kick anyone he wanted outside the world and manage the base world.
  • All the features such as Daily tasks, Daily signs, etc with being anchored to the base world from now on.

Next Level Upgrade: Gacha, Double the reward of daily tasks, Expand the home base world size, Fuse Ability, Convenient Memories Transfer, Portal.




[10000 points have been deduced]

Group Owner Privilege Lv.2 

[Salted Fish Earner Upgrade]

  • You get 33% of all of the points earned by all group members.

[Immunity feature]

  • You are immune from any attack that comes from your group members. This feature could be turned off/on anytime the user want.

Next level upgrade: Increase the level of the salted fish earner and Rent Member Ability feature.


[Point Amount: 3010]



Looking at all the notifications that he got, the first thing Kaito did notice was that the group task reward seems to increase after it gets an evaluation as 'excellent' by the system. Kaito wondered what sort of judgment does by the system to get them such evaluation since there are so many factors that he could think of. 

Well, right now Kaito doesn't have to think to take look at all of them in detail, as they need to leave this world first.

"Owner, I will go back to my own world first." Itachi said an excuse to Kaito, to which Kaito responded,  "Take care. Make sure you message me on another side."

Itachi nodded, and then shortly after his whole body engulfed in a bright light, disappeared in front of everyone. 


Looking that her Ashikabi was already gone, she come closer to Kaito and others as she will follow him to the base world. The reason why Kazehana is not following Itachi yet is because Itachi knows that his world is too dangerous for her, and Itachi's identity is also quite sensitive for her to follow.

Knowing that now it's their turn to leave this world, Kaito turns around looks at the rest of the Izumo Inn residents, and waves his hand.

"Take care, everyone." 

"Don't worry about us, devil boy! Make sure you make Miya-san happy with you!" (Seo)

"We will always welcome your comeback!" (Uzume)

"Goodbye, Kaito-san!" (Minato)


Clicking the teleport button on the chat group interface, A bright light suddenly appeared in front of the Kaito group which was happened with Itachi before.






A moment later, Kaito and the girls appeared in a sort of the middle of the forest in a daytime. Kaito would think that they teleported to the wrong world, if not the system gives him a welcome notification on his sight almost immediately.



[Welcome to the Chat Group Home Base World, Owner!]



Looking at the notification, Kaito turn around to his girls and said, "We have arrived, everyone."

"We are in the middle of a forest? Is this a new world that will be our base from now on?" Miya muttered with a bewildered expression. The other also does the same and looked at the surrounding area, wondering what kind of world they are coming in.

"Yeah. The system said there is no sign of already existing civilization in this place." Kaito explained. 

He already knows that there would be nothing in this place when they come. He knows that thanks to him asking the system beforehand, which is also the reason why he makes a deal with M.B.I and Crocodile in the first place. Although, he miscalculated about the system that would ask for an entrance fee for outsiders to enter this place.  It would be the problem he needs to solve first, due to how many people he planned to ask to build this world and it would be very wasteful to invite each of them with points.

"So we are going to build our place from scratch?" Miya asked, confirming that there seems nothing around them.

Kaito helplessly smile and answered, "Yup, well I have no idea how to build a house but we can start by cutting the trees to get wood." 

Sakuya listening to Kaito's answer suddenly raise her hand and requested, "I can build a place for us to life, master."

Kaito raised his eyebrow and asked, "Do you able to build something?"

"I have experience in building and renovating for years back in Scarlet Devil Mansion." Sakuya replied.

Hearing Sakuya's explanation, Kaito suddenly remembered that this maid in front of him was the head maid in gensokyo who reportedly had managed the enormous Scarlet Devil Mansion alone for hundreds of years. With her age and experience, it's no surprise that Sakuya has probably mastered many things outside of her field.

"Master, you are just thinking something rude, aren't you?" Sakuya suddenly called him out, quickly interrupting his thought.

"N-nothing!" Kaito denied it quickly and then said, "Alright, what we should do first, Sakuya?"

"No, I can do this alone, master" Sakuya shook her head and politely suggested, "I think you have a more important thing to do which is to tell everyone inside the chat group to come and help."

Kaito who didn't doubt Sakuya's ability as a super maid agreed with what she said. Since the world proved to be safe for everyone, they could meet in a physical sense and then help build this world together.

"I will leave it to you then, but how about you girls?" Kaito asked as he turn around to the other 3 girls who has been watching his conversation with Sakuya.

"I am going to explore and find something that we could eat later" Miya quickly answered Kaito.

"Then, I will find a source of water." Kazehana followed.

Akitsu didn't answer Kaito's question and she clearly looks troubled as Akitsu don't know what she could do. Kaito who quickly noticed this give him a suggestion, "Akitsu... You could scout the area around here in detail and report to me later. Make sure our living place would be safe."

Akitsu who hears her master brightens up and enthusiastically answered, "Thank you, master. I will do my best."


After confirming the roles they took, everyone then split up to carry out their responsibilities. It was Sakuya who went out immediately, as she have the hardest responsibility, to find the ideal place to build the home while also finding material to build it. Shortly after that, Miya and Kazehana decide to went in the same direction looking for water and food together. And lastly, Akitsu also leaves after asking permission from Kaito and went in a different direction from Sakuya and Miyato carries out the task that his master gives her.


Only Kaito stayed in the same place, took a deep breath, and prepared his mental to open the chat group... as Kaito knew that all the chat group members inside were eagerly waiting for him to appear.


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