The Misfortune Adventure Of Dimensional Chat Group Owner

43. Official Meeting and Setting a Goal.



"Welcome to the chat group base world, Crocodile, Erina, and Nanoha. Of course, along with their friends."


All 6 people who were just talking on their own set their eyes on Kaito, figuring out who is the person welcoming them. They recognized Saitama and Misaka Mikoto who sit behind him, and even Miya and Kazehana from Sekirei memories but Kaito never truly exist in any memories they have watched in the chat group. Still, Itachi has told them all the description features of Kaito in the chat group so it only takes them a few seconds to recognize him.

Kaito on other hand wondered how did they manage to bring someone here with the entrance fee of 1000 points since as far as he remember the chat group's last daily task only give them 100 but this is not the time to investigate it now,

"Blonde teenager with blue eyes... you are the owner, right?" Erina spoke out with a humble tone and a slight bow, trying her best to not offend him. Arato her secretary also followed, recognized Kaito as the master that Erina was talking about.

"Owner, your hair is the same color as Fate-chan!" Meanwhile, Nanoha stated with excitement, and Fate for some reason stared at Kaito intensely, which made Kaito feel uncomfortable.

"I have heard that the owner is just a teenager, but I didn't expect it's true." Crocodile on other hand seems to look down on Kaito (he is taller than him anyway) while Nico Robin beside him just observes quietly.

Amused by their different treatment of him, Kaito just smiled and introduced himself, "Yes, I am the owner. My name is Kaito, I hope we could get along." 

"Hah! You don't seem powerful, owner." Crocodile snorted in arrogance, but Kaito just ignored his threat.

Kaito believes he won't dare to do anything in Saitama's presence and even if he did, Kaito was confident that his immunity and Imagine Breaker could beat him up.

"Anyway, we don't have much time to waste... let's just sit down so we could start the meeting" Kaito stated, and then he give a signal to Sakuya to help him.

"I will prepare the refreshment." Sakuya nodded and then she is gone in front of everyone... which made them startled.


And it only took 5 seconds later for Sakuya to reappear behind Kaito, with all tea cups also already set on the table at the same time.


Almost everyone except Kaito and Saitama have a disbelief expression on their face, witnessing how Sakuya flexed her ability to do maid work. Even Crocodile who has been arrogant in front of Kaito glad that he didn't really offend him, knowing his maid was probably able to kill him before he was able to blink.

"Good job, Sakuya." Kaito praised with thumbs up.

"I just do my work, Kaito-sama." Sakuya humbly answered.


After that, all the members and their new friends sat down in a place that already had tea in an orderly manner. Kaito also sat down in his chair, and everyone waited for Kaito to speak.  Thankfully, the table is big enough to accommodate everyone inside, but Kaito needs to remind Sakuya to make it bigger later.

"Welcome to our first official face-to-face meeting between chat group members, everyone! I don't think everyone needs to introduce themselves except the friend they are bringing, but I think it's better to do that when the meeting is over as we are going to enjoy Erina-san the dishes that Erina will serve later."

"I will do my best!" Erina answered to meet everyone's expectations with her secretary nodded seriously beside her.

The others don't voice their opinion but it could be seen they also agree with Kaito's suggestion just by looking. It seems everyone is aware that they really don't have much time here, and they are not here just to have fun.

"Since, it has been settled... Let's talk about this world now." Kaito announced.

Kaito then begins to explain that this world is still very new and needs to be developed because this will be a place for them to gather for discussion and even where they will live in the future. He asked all the members to build this world together from scratch because Kaito knew this was impossible to do alone... and the members were happy about Kaito's proposal. Kaito also explained what he had prepared to do, starting with dealing with Crocodile and M.B.I in the world of Sekirei.


"That's the reason why you are making a deal with me, so you could have human resources to use." Crocodile commented, with a hint of praise in his tone. It seems his opinion about Kaito become much better, as Kaito seems to prove himself as a bit capable planner.

"How big is this world?" Nico Robin asked curiously.

She becomes really interested in Kaito's proposal to build this world for their living place in the future since she doesn't have a place to call something like that before.

"Roughly about the size of the planet in my world or Erina world, roughly 6,378 kilometers in radius, and 40000 km around. Also, It will become much bigger when the chat group level upgrades." Kaito answered. Kaito is already aware of this answer thanks to data he got from the system so he wasn't really surprised, but the other chat group members were speechless at the revelation.

"This is a really big world..." Nico Robin exclaimed.

Kaito nodded and continue said, "We don't need to occupy the whole world. We just need to start from somewhere... like building our first capital city and choosing the leader of this project."


"I am just mainly an archeologist... I don't know how to develop a world." (Nico Robin)

"Don't ask me. Managing to develop a world isn't the same as managing a criminal organization." (Crocodile)

"I'm just a superhero who knows how to punch things, but maybe I could help with lifting heavy things." (Saitama)

"I'm just a student with a superpower." (Mikoto)

"Both me and Fate-chan just know how to blow up things!" (Nanoha)

"Both me and my secretary also just a student, only with good cooking skills." (Erina)


Seeing as the members didn't seem to dare to take responsibility for this project, it seemed like Kaito had no other choice but to put himself forward. Kaito hoped that someone would take over because he wanted to focus on increasing his own strength, but it seemed like Kaito wouldn't be able to abandon his duties as the [Owner].

"I don't know how about how to develop this world either, but since no one wanted to... I will take care of this until someone who actually capable could take this responsibility. I just hope everyone could help me whenever I need it." Kaito declared.

*Clap* *Clap*


Kaito's declaration was warmly welcomed by everyone here, accompanied by applause. Even Mikoto admits that it's a big responsibility, and praises Kaito for daring to do so.

"Thank you, thank you, now let's move on to the next topic."

Kaito waves his hand in a gesture to stop the applause, which made everyone stop and back to normal. He is not a guy who enjoys popularity and fame, especially since he knows his bad luck always exists to haunt him.

"Before that owner, I have one question about your plan, owner." Crocodile said as he raised his hand.

"Just ask."

Crocodile put his hook on the table and explained, "Let's just say we agree to follow your idea to develop this world and bring more people to help, but the cost of bringing someone into this world is 1000 points. I can't imagine how many points we need to bring people we need to help build this world. It's because the first visit special only need 100 points that I was able to bring my partner here."

"Ah, yes. I won't be able to invite Fate-chan here next time."

"I can't also bring my secretary too later..."


Hearing the reason why they could bring one more person them seems to be because of a special price discount, Kaito wondered why he doesn't get such a discount and wanted to express his dissatisfaction with the system later on after this meeting. Only later Kaito realizes that he literally didn't pay any points at all to bring Miya and Sakuya to this world because that entrance fee rules only applied to chat group members, not the [Owner].

"So, did you have the solution owner?" Crocodile taunted him.

"That's actually the second topic that I want to talk about." Kaito smiled in confidence.

Kaito immediately asked the system to show the detail of the portal feature to everyone here as a big screen projection. Thankfully, the system didn't ask Kaito for a point charge to do this for the reason it was part of basic owner privilege.



[Portal Feature]

[An feature to build a permanent, indestructible portal that serves as a bridge between the worlds. Only 1 of them could be built in each world.]

[Note: This feature will be unlocked at the Level 3 chat group.]


"As you can see, This portal feature will be unlocked for us to use after the next chat group level upgrade. We could use this to pull out a lot of people to this world without cost." Kaito explained.

Everyone quickly understands why Kaito wanted to show this, and agrees with what he just said. This feature is something they need to use in order to develop this world without wasting too many points.

"So, our short-term goal is to upgrade the level of the chat group" Crocodile concluded.

"Correct." Kaito nodded and continue said, "I have checked the requirement... and it might take a while to achieve."

"There are requirements?" Erina asked.

Kaito nodded and answered, "For instance, I used 10000 points to upgrade the chat group to level 2. But this time it's not only about points..."

He once again immediately asked the system to help him show something, which is the requirement for upgrading the chat group. The moment everyone looks at it, they quickly become surprised as the difficulty of reaching into next level is much higher than the previous level upgrade.



Next level Multiverse Chat Group upgrade requirement :

  • [Complete 3 group tasks with any difficulty : 0 / 3]
  • [Complete 1 group task with hard or above difficulty : 0 / 1]
  • Next level Multiverse Chat Group upgrade cost: 100000



1/5 scheduled release every 3 days UTC+0 at 4 pm

If I do a mistake in editing, I will edit it when I back. (I will revisit all of this later)

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