The Misfortune Adventure Of Dimensional Chat Group Owner

48. Time Skip and Progress.


3 Months later in the base world...


In front of  'Cottage Mansion', Both Kaito and Miya spar their swordsmanship while Misaka is being taught by Sakuya. In the last 3 months, this has been a routine for everyone, resulting in both Kaito and Misaka's growing leap out of bounds in terms of personal strength and fighting experience.



After a full intense confrontation for flat 5 minutes, Kaito decides to stop and back off as he needs to catch his breath. Miya on other hand doesn't even sweat, but unlike in their first fight, Miya really took Kaito seriously now.

"Your basic swordsmanship is much better than it used to be, Kaito-san." Miya said as she put her katana back in the sheath.

"Thanks for both your guidance and Sakuya teaching, I was able to do something like this." Kaito replied, genuinely bowing his head down to Miya.

"Itachi-san does a pretty good job to teach you the basic, and what can we do the most to help you with combat experience." 

"Even so, I can't imagine improving this fast under 3 months time limit before." Kaito concur.

"It might be part of the unlisted privilege of being a chat group owner." Miya assumed. 

"That might be the case, actually." Kaito quickly agreed.

For the past 3 months, Kaito has discovered a lot of peculiar advantages he got compared to normal members of the chat group. 

For example, he realized he doesn't actually need any points (paying the entrance fee) to teleport people inside the chat group, the system doesn't give other chat group members the privilege to actually do everything as long they got a point as Kaito did, and now he discovers that his ability to learn seems to become much stronger.

He still can't learn magic though, for some reason. Kaito suspected the magic system from Sakuya was far incompatible with his own devil magic, as Misaka was also unable to do the same. It doesn't apply to Robin, as she already managed to do basic magic like creating fire and water after learning it for 3 months.



Noticing her master seems already done with his training today, the sword that Kaito holds in his hand quickly changes and turns back into a beautiful girl with long hair, Est... who for some reason wearing a sailor uniform today.

"Kaito, training ended so I revert back" Est said.

Kaito pats her head and replies,  "Good work as always, Est-chan."

"Umm!" Est nodded and felt a lot happier as Kaito patted her head.

Miya who looks at Kaito and Est's relationship from the side can't help but comment, "I can't help but feel a bit jealous since you seem to treat Est nicer than any of us, Kaito-san."

"I mean, who can't blame me? She is cute, right?" 

"You are really my ashikabi, aren't you?"

Miya giggled hearing his master answer, knowing that his master is right. After that, both Miya and Kaito take care of Est together by playing with his hair or head as they watch Misaka facing Sakuya not far from their location.



In about 30 minutes, Mikoto and Sakuya were finally done with their sparring. Obviously, Sakuya is still the winner by miles but even so, everyone could see her combat experience is much better than she used to be in the first time.

At their first sparring, Mikoto was basically getting beaten out by everyone including Kaito since her move was so predictable and her plan was just 'beat enemy until dead'. After that, Mikoto realized her shortcoming and genuinely learned how to attack with the plan and keep calm in the battle. She also stops complaining about getting beaten in the battle and is even thankful to the people who teach her.

She even asked Kaito to teach her basic martial arts at some point and Kaito happily accepts it, since it means more chances for him to beat Mikoto in the name of training. Even so, she is still thankful for him. .. which made Kaito wonder if Misaka awaken her M in the training.

Nowadays, both Kaito and Misaka Mikoto really get along pretty well. There is no such thing as calling bad names at each other or even making any rude remarks. To be honest, Kaito didn't expect that Misaka Mikoto would treat him this way after getting along for 3 months and even suspect the chat group might have something onto this, although there is no proof.


"You are really got much better than the first time, Misaka-san." Kaito greets her alone with Est still in his lap. Miya already left Kaito alone for a while as she needs to train Akitsu too, so she can't stay watching Mikoto training with Sakuya.

Misaka nodded in confidence and replied, "Thanks! You are also getting much better at using a sword, Kaito."

"Well, If I am not improving, Est would be mad at me" Kaito said, as Est snuggled in his lap once again.

Mikoto who usually would be mad watching something shameless happen in front of her just shook, and then take a sit beside Kaito. Est would show her affection toward Kaito in public all the time and a lot of times she has been warned because of it, but it has proven to be useless as she just doesn't listen and do whatever she wanted.


"Kaito, it is already 3 months, did you manage to complete your own task?" Mikoto asked, starting a new conversation. 

Kaito who hear her question nodded and answered confidently, "Yes, But I have not claimed the reward yet."

In fact, Kaito has already completed the task a month ago and has even become stronger ever since, thanks to the peculiar advantage of being a chat group owner to learn faster. 




[Name: Kaito]

[Power Evaluation : * * * (Mid) ]

[Special Ability: Imagine Breaker, Eight Gate, Intemediately Swordsmanship (Passive), Observation Haki (Basic), Armament Haki (Basic).]

[System Evaluation: Strong enough to survive among canon fodders in the supernatural world.]



Right now, Kaito could confidently say that he would win the fight against Siris in base form, with no need for that cursed pink chainsaw at all. 


"How about you, Misaka-san?"

Like Kaito, Mikoto also got a task from the system 3 months ago even though the content of the task was different. What Mikoto needs to do for her task completion is to get a solid hit against Sakuya who takes her seriously in training although there is no time limit. For information, both Kaito and Mikoto's tasks are already known to everyone inside the chat group as they don't want to hide anything from them.

Personally, Kaito thought that Mikoto's task was borderline impossible. After all, even Kaito wasn't able to land a hit against Miya in their confrontation, who was supposed to behave at the same level of power evaluation at that time. Mikoto who was at 3 * peak (Kaito has checked it) fought against Sakuya who stood at 6 *, that sound even more impossible. 

However, the answer that she give to Kaito was unexpected as Mikoto positively nod at him and answered, "Yes, I manage to land a solid hit on Sakuya-sensei a few days ago and it was not a fluke!"


"A few days ago... ah, it was the time when I practiced with my devil wing." Kaito commented with a hint of surprise in his tone then continue to ask, "How did you complete that task?"

"Some misdirection plan and a bit of luck" Mikoto answered with pride.

Kaito is really curious about what kind of plan Mikoto did to manage to hit Sakuya who could float, do time manipulation, and was way ahead of skill in terms of combat skills, even compared to everyone inside the chat group. 

Kaito didn't plan to ask more though, it would only make her pride swell and Kaito could always ask Sakuya about it later.

"I see, congratulation to both of us." Kaito sincerely congratulate her and then asked, "What is the reward of your task? I am curious what kind of reward you got for that seemingly impossible task."

"The reward is a devil fruit from One Piece [Goro-Goro no Mi] which would complement my esper ability very well" Mikoto answered, which once again surprised Kaito even more.

"...Wow, you are really lucky."

He thought of all kinds of rewards the system has provided for him and can't help but be envious of Misaka Mikoto. However, he also feels genuinely happy for her since it means he doesn't need to help Mikoto to solve her own problem.

"Anyway Kaito, you haven't claimed your task reward yet? Since we don't see any new members yet inside the chat group." Misaka suddenly asked.

"Ah... I will claim it tonight, I can't wait for people to wait for me any longer after all." Kaito answered, also putting the promise on the line. Since it has been discovered, he might as well open it tonight.

"Why you didn't claim the reward earlier if you have completed the task?" Misaka asked curiously.

"Because last month I was busy dealing with a lot of stuff with Minaka aka M.B.I about our cooperation. You know, I feel bad for him to deal with a lot of problems within the Sekirei world." Kaito answered.

Kaito wasn't completely lying as he answered Mikoto. Even though the main reason is that Kaito doesn't want to rush as he wasn't strong enough, he has also been going back and forth to Sekirei world with Sakuya in the last 3 months helping M.B.I fight invaders from other countries' militaries who don't seem to give up trying to steal Sekirei from M.B.I even after being massacred many times by Sakuya.

Fortunately, one week ago, the military of other countries in that world finally announced that they had completely surrendered to M.B.I, thus he completely relaxed by now. 

Kouten also have brought back to the base world too, but right now Kaito hide it somewhere far from the mansion.


"Ah, that crazy scientist guy. I don't like him at all." Mikoto commented with an unhappy tone.

"Well, I don't blame you. After all, you may have seen a lot of similar guys like Minaka in your world." Kaito shrugged.

"True. Just don't let him come close to me."

"Noted. I don't want you to electrocute our ally anyway."

"I won't do that! But I will hit him with railgun if he did something weird around me."

"I-Isn't that sounds worse?!"


Shortly after talking to each other, Kaito and Misaka Mikoto returned to the mansion for lunch because they were called by Sakuya who had already prepared their meal.

On that night, Kaito visited the group chat, prepared to take his task reward as he was ready to welcome the new chat group members and receive another group task together.



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