The Misfortune Adventure Of Dimensional Chat Group Owner

52. Mage of Exodus, Fuwa Aika.


At the end of the day, Kaito also manages to convince Uta and Gordon to live with him and others in the base world, which obviously better in lonely Elegia island. However, they asked Kaito to pick them up the next day. The reason was they wanted to gather all the valuable things they wanted to bring with them and it would take at least a day for them to prepare.

Kaito who doesn't have a problem with that easily agreed and went back to the base world in the evening.


[Musician of Red Hair Pirate]: "I am sorry for the inconvenient, Kaito!"

[Owner]: "Don't worry. I dont mind coming back tomorrow to pick you up. Our goal for today was also achieved after all."

[Musician of Red Hair Pirate]: "Thank you, Kaito!"

[Owner]: "Your welcome. You should also thank everyone, Uta-san"

[Musician of Red Hair Pirate]: "Umm! Thank you, everyone!"

[Elementary Grade Magical Girl]: "I am glad able to help!"

[God Tongue]: "As a senior, it's our responsibility to help new members."

[Musician of Red Hair Pirate]: "Anyway, me and Gordon need a lot of things to pick up so I am going to leave first."

[Owner]: "Call me tomorrow when you are ready."

[God Tongue]: "I have got permission from my grandpa! I can leave tomorrow!"

[Railgun Girl]: "Good news!"

[Caped Baldy]: "I will definitely come for good food."

[Baroque Works Leader]: "As the first generation of the chat group members, I will show my face tomorrow."


Most of the chat group members showed their willingness to come to tomorrow's meeting, as usual when it comes to tasting Erina's dishes again. After that, most of the chat group members quickly went offline, including Uta as most of the chat group members are quite busy.

[Number 7 Sekirei]: "I wonder if @Uchiha Prodigy is going to come tomorrow..."

[Owner]: "It is hard to say, you should know what he wanted, Kazehana-san. All we can do is support his decision."

[God Tongue]: "Itachi-san situation and his world... is too cruel."

[Caped Baldy]: "I agree. Naruto world might be not the most dangerous as my world, but certainly, it's one of the cruelest."


By this time, most of the chat group members already watched Naruto complete and understand Itachi's circumstances. A lot of them dislike what he did and planned, but Kaito already warned them to respect Itachi's decision. Kaito also promised that he won't Itachi die for real, as it was his responsibility to keep his member alive.

For the last 3 months, Kaito has thought that the easiest way to solve his situation is to revive Itachi back with Evil Piece, but it required him to go back into the high school DxD world and possibly negotiate with Satan themselves.

Either way, Kaito has planned to go back soon the moment his own basic power evaluation reaches (* * * *). He just hopes that Itachi won't die before it happens though. 


[Number 7 Sekirei]: "@Owner. You really won't let him die, right?"

[Owner]: "I will, but I have a plan to revive him after death."

[Number 7 Sekirei]: "I will believe you. Just call me if you need help."

[Caped Baldy]: "I can also help."

[Railgun Girl]: "I am also pretty strong. I will help if you ask, Kaito."

[Owner]: "Thank you, I will count on everyone if I can't handle it myself. But, speaking of which, Why the other 2 new members do not appear yet? It has been a day, right?"

[God Tongue]: "I wonder if these 2 members are in a situation where they couldn't reply to us? Like in a dangerous situation."

[Owner]: "Doubt if that was the case. I believe the chat group would issue a task immediately to rescue them."

[Railgun Girl]: "I notice the other 2 members also download the memories yesterday but they didn't show up in the chat group."

[Queen of Sekirei]: "They might be feeling shy. The owner should know something about their identity right?"

[Owner]: "I have some idea but until they came out I won't be able to confirm it perfectly."

[Elementary Grade Magical Girl]: "Why they aren't coming out? We are all good guys, right?"

[Railgun Girl]: "Crocodile wasn't exactly someone that could be called a good guy, while Itachi-san..."

[God Tongue]: "Hmmm... Based on their nickname, all of the new members seem to be a person coming from a fantasy world."

[Elementary Grade Magical Girl]: "I am excited about Mage of Exodus. I wonder if it's also a magical girl from another world!"

[Railgun Girl]: "Or maybe it is a magical boy? Exodus sounds cool though."

[Mage of Exodus]: "Pfft... Such wild imagination."


All of the chat group members who are currently still online surprised that one of the missing new members actually said something in their discussion. On another hand, Kaito quickly got the idea of who the second member's identity is, thanks to her bad attitude. Kaito is now 100% sure the [Mage of Exodus] identity is Fuwa Aika, the heroine of Zetsuen no Tempest who commit suicide before the show even started.

[Railgun Girl]: "He responded!"

[God Tongue]: "And why did he laugh? Rude!"

[Mage of Exodus]: "Pfft...!!"

[Elementary Grade Magical Girl]: "I don't know what is happening, why is the Mage of Exodus laughing?"

[Mage of Exodus]: "I apologize but to think you guys also assumed my gender to be male on top of being a magical girl is also quite funny."

[Elementary Grade Magical Girl]: "Ughh... I am sorry!"

[Owner]: "Earlier I was not sure but now I can confidently say that I recognized the Mage of Exodus identity."

[Mage of Exodus]: "Oh? Tell me."

[Owner]: "Your name is Fuwa Aika, right? The Mage of Exodus."


A young girl with back-length light brown hair and purple eyes, Fuwa Aika laying quietly in her room smiled, looking at the weird screen that only she could see, which is the chat group. At first, she thought it was something the Exodus tree gives, considering her identity as Mage of Exodus in this generation.

Turns out it's something that is even more amazing than a mere tree that could destroy the world she is living in... as apparently, she learned that everyone inside the chat group came out from a different world. She also quietly listened to the explanation regarding the function and purpose of the group chat via a shared stream [Musician of Red Hair Pirate], and can't help but admire the chat group's existence to build a world that every member could happily live in it.


[Mage of Exodus]: "Ah, It seems the owner really knows about me. No wonder the chat group makes you the leader in here."

[Owner]: "Forget about that, but now I will say it. I won't let you die even if you wanted to."

[God Tongue]: "What is this about new members are people who are going to die soon?"

[Railgun Girl]: "What kind of dangerous situation she will get into, Kaito?"

[Ohara Survivor]: "Didn't Kaito's sentence sound a bit wrong there? 'Even if you wanted to.' what it does mean?"

[Mage of Exodus]: "I am going to die? Who is targetting me?"

[Owner]: "Yes, you are going to kill yourself for a stupid reason."

[Mage of Exodus]: "Kill myself... you mean I would commit suicide?"

[Owner]: "Exactly. In fact, you also murder your parents too before killing yourself." 


Kaito's bold statement on the chat group made every member who is currently still online really surprised. Kaito who never had reason to tell any members a lie about their fate should be telling the truth, which means the new members would really commit suicide and they are all curious why she would do something like that.

The suspect herself on the other hand just smiled and she already got an idea of the reason for her act, knowing her identity as Mage of Exodus. Still, she expects the owner would share the memories about her world soon, and there is no use in making a fuss about it.


[Elementary Grade Magical Girl]: "K-Kill her own parents?! Scary!"

[God Tongue]: "...W-What is going on?!"

[Railgun Girl]: "Kaito! Quick, Memories!"

[Ohara Survivor]: "I'm also quite curious here. Mind you share the memories, Kaito-san?"

[Owner]: "I figure you all going to get confused, don't worry. I got it covered."

As always, Kaito quickly share the memories related to the new chat group members which were quickly downloaded by everyone who is still online.





[Railgun Girl has downloaded the memory copy of Zetsuen no Tempest]

[Elementary Grade Magical Girl has downloaded the memory copy of Zetsuen no Tempest]

[God Tongue has downloaded the memory copy of Zetsuen no Tempest]

[Caped Baldy has downloaded the memory copy of Zetsuen no Tempest]

[Mage of Exodus has downloaded the memory copy of Zetsuen no Tempest]

[Ohara Survivor has downloaded the memory copy of Zetsuen no Tempest]


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[Mage of Exodus]: "This is memories about my world... Yoshino-san as protagonist? and the name is also quite nice too."

[Owner]: "Yes, try to watch it. Maybe your opinion would change."

[God Tongue]: "I am going to watch it!" 

[Elementary Grade Magical Girl]: "I want to watch it but isn't tomorrow we have a meeting again?"

[Railgun Girl]: "Ah, you are right, Nanoha-san."

[Owner]: "Well... make sure you all got enough sleep tomorrow, especially you Erina-chan."

[God Tongue]: "I understand, owner."


After that, everyone who still online quickly close the chat group to take a rest, including Kaito himself since Est urged him to sleep together. Even though they really wanted to watch Zetsuen to Tempest memories to understand the new member's circumstances, in the end, they followed Kaito's advice and decided to watch it tomorrow.

Funny enough, none of the members seems to remember there is the last new member who still didn't show up in the chat group, watching all of what happened quietly.


I know not a lot of people know this anime but I don't care. People who have watched it should understand why I am doing this... as most people opinion believe Aika's death is useless. (Although I might not change the end of it that much since it is a happy end).

I didn't forget about the store, and daily task stuff btw. I just don't feel to write it every time. I only write them when I think I need to as a pivotal plot point.

Also sorry for the late update, have been reading Chainsaw Man manga for the past 3 days in my free time lol. I now even consider writing fanfic about it.

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