The Misfortune Adventure Of Dimensional Chat Group Owner

55. Accepting the Special Group Task.

"Well, you all seem already taken the memories. Enough about the serious talk, now we can start the feast for the new member celebration!" 

Kaito who wanted to change the mood of the meeting, said it with an excited tone but then all the members give him a weird look instead.

"But, do we need to start to watch the memories? Especially when you want our answer tomorrow" Mikoto asked.

"We are here to celebrate the newcomer before discussing the special group task." Kaito explained and then continue said with a smile, "Besides, we can't concentrate on an empty stomach aren't we?"

Hearing Kaito's words, everyone nodded in agreement knowing that Kaito is right. In the first place, the biggest temptation why they are coming to this meeting was because of Erina's dishes, along with Uta's good singing.

Sakuya who understand her master's wishes stood up from her seat and said, "Alright, let out the dishes, Erina-san, Arato-san." 


Erina and Arato quickly released all dishes they have been saved in their inventory (the dishes inside it won't be affected by time), while Sakuya, Akitsu, and Miya helped rearranged the dishes on the table.

The others also quickly brought all stuff they bring from their world, like Crocodile who quickly offered a Sake from One Piece world to Saitama-sensei. Nanoha also brought out all the snacks she got and offered to everyone in friendly manner, as expected of a person with protagonist quality.

As the dishes were finally placed in front of Kaito, at that moment his sword shone, which shortly after revealed Est who suddenly sat on Kaito's lap. This whole time Est has been sleeping in her sword form during the meeting, but it seems she wakes up the moment food could be smelled nearby Kaito.

"Oh, you woke up, Est?" Kaito said as he patted her head more, didn't surprise at all at her behavior.

Est nodded and answered, "Food, Can't miss it."

Already expecting that kind of answer, Kaito just shrugged and continue played with Est's silky hair in the trade for letting Est sit on his lap. As Kaito indulge himself with Est's hair, Uta approached him and asked, "Hey, Kaito. Can I start singing now?"

"Ah... But isn't the stage on the outside? Besides you should eat Erina and Arato-san dishes first." Kaito answered.

"I can bring it inside if you wanted, Kaito-sama." Sakuya hear her master just said offered help, but Uta quickly refused and proudly said, "I am the holder of Uta Uta no Mi. I don't really need a stage to sing!"

Uta then stood up from his seat and started singing while the dishes were served on the table... making the atmosphere become even more lively.

After that, the feast happened like at the first meeting, except they also have great music playing during the feast. 

In fact, they are enjoying their time too much on that day as it lasted from a few hours until late at night, forcing most members to stay in the mansion that day. The reason was because they also need to watch the memories and don't have time to come back.


On the next day, every chat group members come to the meeting room again in the afternoon. As Kaito requested yesterday, they are here to tell Kaito their decision on whether to do the task or not after watching the memories related to the special group task. 


"How it is? After watching the memories, Do you all agree to do this special group task?" Kaito asked, as his eyes stared at everyone at the table.

Kaito immediately notice most of the members are still confused about what to do and he can't blame them. 3 years are not a short time to spend on a task, even though they are doing this together. Still, Kaito really wanted to do this task... as he would get 33% of every member earned from this task thanks to his privilege, which is really huge amount of points and could help drastically improve his capability.

"...What about you, Kaito?" Mikoto asked as she suddenly raised her hand.

"Personally, I wanted everyone to do this together." Kaito confidently answered.

"Why? This is... Not a short time... It is 3 years, you know?" Mikoto asked, bewildered by Kaito's answer.

"I know. But I believe it still necessary." 

"Necessary? What do you mean?" 

Already prepared for his answer, Kaito begins to explain his idea, "First, The world itself wasn't that difficult to complete I believe, it's power based on sword and skill level and we have plenty of expert sword users in our group. Second, a lot of chat group members have a lot of their own problems and goals. In fact, having a lot of points possibly could give everyone the to pursue them on their own. You all have seen the price of stuff in the store, right?"

Crocodile quickly nodded and replied, "...Indeed, the reward for this task will be enough to get 2 or 3 abilities from the store." 

"Even I would become a strong person with that many points..." Erina followed.

"I can buy a lot of cup noodles with that much point." Saitama added.

"And don't forget, I do need points to upgrade this chat group level and we do need to do this task as a requirement to upgrade." Kaito continued and then made the last statement, "Who knows when we would get another group task that meets the requirement for upgrading the chat group?" 


After listening to Kaito's persuasion and confidence, every member one by one show their agreement to do the special group task together.


"I am okay doing it. It seems fun, and I never use a sword before. 3 years is a bit too long, but I have no worries about my home since the time is stopped there anyway" (Saitama)

"I also agree. A world based on a sword fight, still less dangerous than my world anyway" (Crocodile)

"Agree. Spending 3 years without getting pursued actually not bad at all." (Robin)

"I agree..." (Itachi)

"Since Itachi-kun agrees, I also agree." (Kazehana)

"After watching the memories last night, I want to save that world, so I agree! Although it pains me that Gordon can't join me..." (Uta)

'Agree' Yuu also put her notebook on the air showing her agreement.

"I am not a savior, nevertheless the points seem to be worth it. Agree" (Aika)

"I will follow the master decision." (Akitsu)

"Me too." (Sakuya)

"Don't forget about me too." (Miya)


Almost all the members give their agreement to do the task, but there are still 2 members left who seem hesitant to do the group task together.

"But staying for 3 years... I will miss Fate-chan... My parents... " Nanoha muttered sadly while Fate hug her from behind.

"Nanoha..." Fate hugs her back, knowing that her best friend is right.

"I also have the same issue..." Erina said, looked her secretary with concern.

Kaito knew this question is coming, and quickly proposed to both of them, "I have thought about it last night. I will invite both Arato and Fate to the chat group officially with my own personal saving points if you both agree to do this special group task. Besides that, you can always pay me back when you got the reward points for completing the task."

Hearing Kaito's proposal, Nanoha quickly became excited and said, "I will agree to do this task as long Owner fulfills his promise to bring Fate-chan to the chat group!" 

Erina who looked at Nanoha who easily swayed also stood up and said, "I also agree if you bring my secretary with me, Owner." 

"Don't worry, I promise. You know I am not the kind of guy who likes to lie." Kaito answered, and then he proceeded to spend directly 30000 points to invite both Arato and Fate to the chat group with the help of system navigation.



[God Tongue Secretary has joined the chat group!]

[White Devil Partner has joined the chat group!]

[Tips: After chat group members reach 20, the price of inviting members by points will be increased by tenfolds!]



Noticing the tips notification after inviting both new members with points, Kaito knows there is no way the system wouldn't realize that this could be exploited. Still, 3 more members before the price skyrocketed... That would be another 99000 points earned if he played it right. 

On another side, Realizing Kaito immediately fulfills his promise, both Nanoha and Erina feel grateful for Kaito's kindness and agree to do a special task without hesitation. With this, all members agree to do the special group task... which made Kaito possible to accept the task now without abusing his role as the owner.

"Thank you, everyone. I promise we will complete this task without much problem." Kaito sincerely said as he bowed his head to everyone, to show that he really appreciate their cooperation. 

"Before that, Owner. Do we have a concrete plan for doing this group task?" Crocodile suddenly asked.

"You all have seen the memories, what sort of plan do you think we need to have?" Kaito asked back. He actually did have a short-term plan, but Kaito think it is best if they could decide on a better plan together.

"Just beating every boss's stage and rising to the top floor" Saitama answered, understanding that the world he is going to visit is some kind of game.

"Or just expose the mastermind the moment we have a chance to do so" Mikoto suggested.

Aika quickly cut Mikoto in and answered, "That would take a while before that happen, and there is no guarantee he would still have the same disguise in the memories. I believe being a hard group task won't make it easy for us"

"Nice answer, Aika-san" Kaito agree with Aika and continue said, "I believe that this task won't be easy as the system marked it as 'Hard', so deciding a concrete plan need to wait until we gather enough information in the world itself. Besides, there is also an optional task need to consider. What if the system wanted us to solve the game without exposing the mastermind ourselves?"

 "So, what you are waiting for? Just accept the task so we can see what the optional task is about!" Mikoto urged immediately.

Carried away by the situation (as he forgets one important thing that happen the moment he accepted the task), Kaito nodded and replied, "Alright, since it is the case. I will accept the group task in front of everyone"



[The participant has been confirmed. Countdown to transfer to another world...]





Looking at the notification that appeared within his sight, Kaito quickly realized his mistake and slam his head to the table. All other members including the new one also could see the same interface, bewildered about the situation.

"Kaito-san?" Miya asked.

"I... forget that the moment I accepted the task, we would immediately be transferred to another world" Kaito muttered in an apologetic tone, keep sticking his head on the table due to embarrassment.

At this moment, Kaito wanted to ask why the system didn't warn him as he did on the first group task. He can't help but think that the system probably already expected him to make this blunder... and wondered if the system was never really that good for him in the first place.

Well, right now he needs to do something more important than think about the chat group system, which is to apologize for the mistake that he did just now.


"I am so sorry!" Kaito stood up and immediately bow deeply to everyone.

Everyone looked at Kaito with deadpanned expressions, except Mikoto who realized she was the person that urged Kaito to accept the task in the first place. 

"I haven't done my daily task yet!" Saitama realized his mistake, hang his head, and then yelled, "Kaito, what is the daily task for today?"

"Ugh... The usual one moves for 10000 meters..." Kaito answered.

"Ah, that should be possible to do inside the game" Saitama commented in relief. Though, at this moment, he didn't realize that his superior physical strength won't be with him inside the game

"Well, the countdown is already started---" Erina who noticed everyone surrounded by bright light quickly added, "Ah, the light is coming." 





Before anyone in the room could respond to Erina's comment, the light suddenly lit up the room with high intensity, making everyone instinctively close their eyes... and at that moment, they all disappeared together and were transferred to another world.


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