The Misfortune Adventure Of Dimensional Chat Group Owner

60. Become Friend with the Main Heroine.


After talking to the NPC in the area, Erina and her group finally acquired an area where they could start their business. However, they immediately encountered a problem, as they just realize that it's not possible to sell any complicated food with a lot preparation on the stall.

For example, The soup they made earlier wasn't possible to sell as it need a stove to constantly heat it (they don't have one), and for the other dishes, they don't have enough ingredients to make a lot. Thankfully, Erina come up with an idea to sell bun with a filling, by simply get a lot of bland no-taste bun from NPC and then simply fill it with their own sauce (margarine+sugar) to make it tasteful. 

However, after one hour of opening, no players come to their stall at all. 

This situation made Erina a bit frustrated, as she thought it would be easy for this to sell considering how bad the food provided by NPC on this game at the current time.


"No one comes to our stall... I thought people would love to eat an actual food here." Erina said with an irritated tone. They have been stay on here for an hour, and there is not even one player approach their stall.

"Well, looked at our surrounding..." Uta calmly muttered, "The atmosphere on the city overal still depressing and deserted. There are not even 10 players that walk on this area so far."

"7 players passed by. 3 of them give a glance. None approached." (Yuu)

"Look on the bright side. At least no bad player come toward us..." (Arato)

"But we can't make any profit at this rate. A few hours later it would be an evening. We don't have any light here to open our stall at night" (Erina)

"Should we get a lantern?" (Uta)

"Do you really seriously want to open the stall at night, Uta-san?" (Erina)

"Uhh... I don't like dark. Perhaps no" (Uta)

"Exactly, I don't like to sell during the dark either." (Erina)


Listening to the girl's complaint, Yuu just shrugged and then tasted one of the buns to fill her boredom. None of the other girls didn't stop her, knowing all of the funds came from Yuu anyway. 

"The bread filling does taste really good..." Yuu muttered and then she come up with an idea, "...Should we offer a sample for free to people?" 


Listening to Yuu's idea, all of the girls immediately agree, especially Erina who quickly exclaimed, "That's a good idea, Yuu-san. How did we forget about advertisement!"

"I will cut the bun right away for the sample!" Arato quickly took initiative as Erina's secretary.

"I will help! Take out the plate!" Erina followed.

Meanwhile, Uta responded with thumbs up at Yuu as she said, "As expected of Yuu-san. Your elderly knowledge really--- Brrwooghh..!!"

...And get hit again by Yuu due to her careless mouth to the ground very hard (Yuu is easily one of the highest-level players). None of the girls help her though, as it's completely Uta's own fault. 

Ignoring what she did, Yuu continue gnawed on her bun, while Uta stay cold on the ground for a while-- afraid of getting hit again by the hungry necromancer.

As all of them are busy, a player wearing a hood actually approaches their stall with curiosity. Since the start of this death game, she has been wandering to a lot of place in this town and seeing depression and despair everywhere, but this is the first time she saw a group of people who seems happy and having fun.

She is-- Yuuki Asuna wanted to befriend them, especially since they are all girls like herself. She also wanted to know why they are not depressed like most players do, and decide to approach them.

"...Ano, us this stall selling... a food?" Asuna asked.

Uta who hear there is a customer quickly stood up and answered, "Yes! Customer, do you want one? Since you are our first customer, your first order is free!"

"Oii...!! Uta-san!" 

Erina who hear that quickly retorted, but Uta give her an eye signal saying Believe me. Erina answered her back with a deadpan look, but Uta just ignored it and back focused on Asuna.

"I-Is that so?" Asuna could tell the situation is wrong, but she decide to believe it and continue said, "Then, I want to order one sweet bun, please."

"One bun is coming!" Uta immediately took one piece of bun that has been prepared for sale and give it to Asuna. "Here you are!"

"Thank you..." 

Asuna quickly receives the bun which looks exactly the same as NPC sold in the store, except there is a hole on the side. She quickly understands that this bun has been filled with something, and she isn't getting scammed.

Looking at Asuna who curious about the bun appearance, Uta quickly explained, "While the appearance looks about the same like bun that NPC sold, we have filled it with something inside. Eat it! We guarantee our food tastes amazing!" 

"It's delicious." (Yuu)

"I guarantee you won't be disappointed." (Erina)

Hearing all of the girls urged her to taste it, Asuna nodded and decide to give it a try-- even though she is sceptical about it. Well, Considering she got this bun for free, she might as well try give her honest reaction to them.


Asuna takes a deep breath and then takes a bite of the buns. The moment she taste the filling, her eyes widened, surprised there is such a sweet taste inside it.


"There is a taste... sweetness... and it's really good. Incredible" Asuna commented while her expression was clearly in a trance. Asuna even teared up a bit, as she really misses the food with an actual good taste-- not bland or just salty.

Recognizing that their first customer seems to be satisfied with their food, almost all the girls quickly celebrate by high-five together, followed by praise toward each other.



"Good job, everyone!" (Uta)

"Erina-sama, we did it!" (Arato)

"Yeah, I know this definitely works!" (Erina)


Obviously, their excitement witnessed by Asuna-- made her even more determined to befriend them since they seems genuinely having fun in her eyes. The only problem is that Asuna wasn't sure how to start it, but Yuu who has observed Asuna for a while made it easier for her as she asked, "Hearing from your voice, you are also a female, right?" 

Asuna is surprised that her identity is discovered by Yuu even though she thought that she hides it pretty well. Knowing there is no use to hide anymore and she really wanted to become their friend, Asuna opened her hood and revealed her face in front of everyone-- which was quickly recognized by all the girls.

"Yes, I am sorry for hiding my appearance... I'm just scared because there are a lot more males than females around this game" Asuna said with an apologetic tone, but the girl was just too shocked to say anything at the moment.


Surprised, panicked, and confused about the situation, the girls quickly opened the chat group together to discuss what they should do-- even though Asuna still stand in front of them. Thankfully, at the moment other chat group members seem to be busy with their own business, thus no one aside from Erina group members inside the chat group.


[Musician of Red Hair Pirates]: "W-We actually meet the main heroine!"

[God Tongue]: "I am also surprised such a coincidence could happen."

[God Tongue Secretary]: "Y-Yeah, not to mention she become our first customer"

[Musician of Red Hair Pirates]: "Then, what we should do? Should we take this chance to befriend her, or just let her go? She is still standing in front of us! We need to respond fast."

[Necromancer]: "The owner doesn't say we can't befriend the heroine. Besides, I could tell she need someone now... her eyes, she is lonely."

Looking at what Yuu said, the girls quickly remember that before Asuna meet Kirito, she wandered alone for a month and was completely alone during this time. Thinking about this, The girls who also had experience with loneliness immediately feel sympathy toward her-- Especially Uta and Yuu who basically spend their time alone for the most part of their live.

[Musician of Red Hair Pirates]: "Alright, let's just vote who agrees to befriend the main heroine. Obviously. I completely agree... Since I know being alone is sad."

[God Tongue]: "I agree"

[God Tongue Secretary]: "I agree"

[Necromancer]: "Agree"

[Musician of Red Hair Pirates]: "So, no one disagrees. And then, we will befriend her and ask her to join us!"



"Umm... Is there something wrong? You all have been standing quietly for a while without saying anything..." Asuna asked in a confused tone, clearly bewildered about this situation. In Asuna's eyes, Erina and the others stood staring at her without saying anything, making herself wonder if she did something wrong.

After meeting a conclusion in the group chat, Uta who realized that they might look strange in Asuna's eyes immediately said, "N-No... We are just surprised that our first customer turns out to be a girl too!"

"Umm... What is your name? I want to know who is our first customer and it would be good if we can be a friend." Erina asked with a smile, as their goal was to become with her.


"Yes!!" Erina nodded and then began to introduce everyone, "Let's start with our name. My name is Erina, on my left side is my secretary Arato, the silver hair girl is Yuu-san and this split hair is Uta-san. Nice to meet you!"

"My name is Yuuki Asuna. Nice to meet you too." Asuna slightly bowed her head as she introduce herself.


After that, Erina officially invited Asuna to join their group, and of course, she gladly accepted it. Asuna then quickly became an important part of the non-combatant group-- since she could help Yuu hunt monsters outside the town, making their ingredient gathering much more effective. Like Yuu, she doesn't mind doing it for her new friends. After all, Asuna could eat delicious food every day while also having fun together with them.

Fun fact, I spend 3 hours flat on editing and thinking about how I should end this chapter. I was still unsatisfied with the result but oh well... my friend said just wing it--- so I did xD

Anyway, next chapter I will time skip to one month later-- to progress the story a bit. While the other group also does invite important characters to their group, I won't cover them one by one lol.

Also, please answer the poll-- because that will affect this arc would go in the future.

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