The Misfortune Adventure Of Dimensional Chat Group Owner

63. First Floor Boss Raid Meeting. (2)

Facing the accusation from Kibaou, Kaito who was still a bit confused raised his hand and asked politely, "I am sorry Kibaou-san, I don't understand what you mean. My name is Kaito and let me clear it to everyone that we are not beta testers."


Hearing his answer, most players don't believe him including Kirito himself. After all, what the Kaito party did really seems like what a beta testers player would do. Even Diabel who should lead this meeting chooses to step back at this moment as he could tell Kaito's group getting really hated here.


"Stop pretending! It's obvious all of your party members are beta testers! You are way too ahead of players in terms of levels, monopolized the hunting ground wherever you are, sweeping all the quests available, and equipped with very good gear!"  Kibaou yelled with an enraged tone, followed by others who followed after him.

"Yeah! No one believes you!"

"There is no way you guys are not beta testers!"


"We are not stupid! You guys are definitely beta testers!"

"You guys should be ashamed!"

"Anyone who stays in the same area as your party immediately leaves the location, due to your group's evil practice!"


Looking at the situation is not good for them, Sakuya pull out Kaito's clothes and asked, "Master... Do you need our help?"

Kaito wryly smiled and replied, "I think I mess it up, but don't worry, let me handle this."


At this moment, Kaito realize no matter what their answer, the players around him won't be satisfied at all. It's clear despite they have never done something bad to any players in this world, they still paint them as bad players-- probably due to their jealousy of their group situation.

This reminds him back to his childhood when he experience getting bullied in the past, and because of that, Kaito comes up with a conclusion-- the same as how to solve his situation of bullying back then. 

He needs to go hard on them, very hard so there would be no one dare to do this kind of accusation shit again in the future. An apology just simply doesn't work, because stopping their practice means they are not getting stronger as fast as they could-- and for Kaito that's unacceptable.


"Sigh, you all need to stop this." Kaito changed his tone, shook his head, and arrogantly said, "To be honest, even if we are beta testers, in the first place why does any beta tester need to be responsible for the death of other players?


Listening to Kaito's shocking statement, the whole place suddenly become deadly silent-- knowing that Kaito is actually right.



Kaito then jumped to the middle, facing Kibaou upfront, and continue stated, "What did the beta tester do? Did they are the ones who kill them? How it does make sense to blame them? If they got killed on the monster field, that's their own fault!"

"B-But! You guys are people that monopolized the easy hunting spot! Leaving hard hunting spot to use by weak players!" Kibaou tried to argue.

"Hah, what a ridiculous statement!" Kaito just snorted and then replied, "So, do you think everyone who did something like that is beta testers players?!"

With a clear pissed look, Kaito then pointed his finger at Kibaou's forehead and yelled, "Even normal players with enough brains would realize how important to secure a good hunting spot! This is a game, after all!"

Kibaou who didn't want to lose then slap Kaito's finger away and then yelled, "B-But the monopoly like your party did prevent others from getting stronger, and getting themselves killed in a harder hunting area!" 

"Perhaps, but why I would care about others that I don't know when I am struggling myself?" Kaito then turns around to the players and states, "We are not a saint, we will try to help if we can, but we won't go out of our way to help others. If they got killed, that just because they are weak-- or stupid-- or both."

With a disdainful look, Kaito continue said with a mocking tone, "It's obvious they should avoid the dangerous areas, using common sense. You guys blame others for something they didn't really do... What kind of stupid logic is that?"

Hearing Kaito answer, most players stare at him in disbelief and shock, wondering if the person in front of them is real. However, most players also agree with Kaito's opinion but right now they are just too prideful to admit it.


"A-Are you a devil, Oii!" 

"This guy is too arrogant!"

"Someone needs to teach him a lesson!"


A lot of players seem to get really offended at his answer, but Kaito honestly didn't regret about what he just did. He could tell some players seems wanted to jump in and challenge him now, and Kaito in response prepare to unsheath the sword on his back.

Thankfully, before the situation escalated furthermore, Diabel who had watched for a while quickly stepped in and take care of the situation.

"E-Everyone, calm down! We are here to talk about how to raid the first-floor boss, not to fight with each other!."

"But, this guy...!!" 

One of the audience yelled but Diabel raised his hand and replied, "As much I don't like how Kaito-san's attitude, I think he was correct most of the time. It's unfair to frame someone badly because of something they never did."

Diabel then turns to everyone and yelled, "We also have never seen Kaito party kill a player, and can't really prove whether they are actually beta testers group or people who are skilled in using swords. Stop your prejudice, everyone!"


"I guess Diabel is right..."

"Yeah, I don't think the beta tester was as strong as the Kaito group either..."

"They might be doing both. But as Diabel said, we really have no proof."


"Finally someone who understands the truth. Thanks, Diabel-san " Kaito said, sincerely thankful to Diabel. Kaito is really impressed by how did he manage to calm the masses with his persuasion skill. Even Kibaou also back off and was ashamed after hearing his opinion.

Knowing the situation already calm down, Kaito put out a guidebook from his pocket and said to Kibaou, "You asked how we are so knowledgeable about the good hunting spot and others. This guidebook is the answer."


In the original memories, it was Agil who confronted Kibaou with this but perhaps due to change, Kaito noticed that he didn't attend this meeting at all so he was forced to do this, to correct the plotline a bit.

"That's... the free guidebook?" One player asked in confusion.

Kaito nodded and explained, "Did you know that the beta tester is the one who provided this to everyone? Our group is just taking full advantage of the information inside it. It's clearly accessible for any players, so there is no excuse to say that beta testers don't do anything to help. "

Diabel who is actually a beta tester himself agrees with Kaito's opinion and then added, "Indeed. Beta testers provided us with this guidebook. In fact, there is also information about the first boss floor here, and we are going to use that to set a strategy for how to defeat the boss."



"That's amazing."

"The guidebook, I reallt need to check it!"


Forgetting what just happened, Most players quickly become excited since they realize that the success rate of this raid is going to be very high. He could tell that most of them were eager to learn about this, so Diabel then turn to Kaito and Kibaou as he asked, "Since we are going to start the meeting for real, Can you two return to your seats?

"O-okay." Kibaou nodded and didn't say anything. He knew there is no use to say anything furthermore at this point and its time for him to retreat.

"Thanks for your help, Diabel-san." Kaito bowed his head down.

After that both Kibaou and Kaito back to their respective seat as they listened to Diabel's strategy based on the guidebook information, which was about the same as the original. Obviously, the difference there is a lot more participants, and because of that, each squad was formed by 2-3 party combined together instead of just one party.

Coincidentally, Kaito's party got combined with Aika's party as part of squad A, which means the original plot where the protagonist and main heroine meet for the first time during the first floor boss raid doesn't really change.



After the meeting was done, like in the memories, every participant in this raid gathers together in a pub at night where they talk and interact with each other raid members. Obviously, the exception was for the Kaito group/party since no other raid members dare really approach them.  

Kaito also could tell there are so many players glaring at him with hateful gazes, thanks to what he did in the afternoon. It would be not a stretch to call him the most hated player in this world at the moment.

The only good thing is that they were able to invite the protagonist before their reputation got worse, and now with the protagonist being recognized as part of the Kaito party, now Kirito doesn't really have much choice but also gets along with them.

This is a good result since getting close to the protagonist is what Kaito really wanted.


"Here, Kirito-san. We have some sweet buns we got from Erina's stall from the town of the beginning of this morning." Kaito offered, as he presented the sweet bun from his inventory. He could tell that Kirito is clearly concerned about their party's reputation, thus he need to do something about it.

Meanwhile, Kirito who has heard how hard it is to get the food from Erina's stall can't help but exclaimed, "K-Kaito-san, isn't this really precious? I can't accept this!"

"Don't worry, Erina and her group are my friends! We have a backway to get food from their group without making it our way from the long queue" Kaito said with a thumbs up. 

The girls also nodded to show that Kaito doesn't lie, but none of them spoke anything. They have already been told to leave everything to him, thus they are just quietly watching how their leader would do it.

Listening to his suggestion and the girl's positive response, Kirito nodded and then quickly accepted the buns from him. "Then, I will gladly accept. Thank you..." 

"You're welcome."

Besides, he is also really curious about what kind of food has been renowned to be the most delicious in this world.  The moment Kirito taste it though, a sweet taste immediately spread in his mouth... Unlike plain bread, it's really rich in flavor-- even richer than the buns he ate in real life.

Because of that, Kirito can't help but mutter, "Uwah... This is amazing. The rumor was true."

"Glad you like it." 

"Thank you, Kaito-san." 

Kirito sincerely thanked him, realizing being at the same party as Kaito wasn't a really bad idea. Now, his opinion is completely flipped and he doesn't concern about his situation anymore-- which means Kaito's plan is turn out to be a big success.

Knowing this might be a chance to progress their relationship, Kaito then pat Kirito's shoulder while smiling as he asked, "Anyway Kirito-san, how about you formally joined our party?" 

"...But I already have?" Kirito asked in confusion.

Kaito shook his head and explained, "No... what I mean, how about officially becoming part of us, not only temporary for the first-floor boss raid."

Hearing Kaito's invitation, Kirito can't help but ask, "...Why do you want to invite me, Kaito?"

"Obviously, we need another male at the party and I think your character is suitable for this party too. I also genuinely think we could be best friends, Kirito-san." Kaito explained, followed by the girls who also did their best to help.


"If you join, I will make the equipment for you too." (Lisbeth)

"We have access to Erina's food." (Miya)

"We share the loot fairly, and never lack any material." (Sakuya)

"We also carry a lot of potions" (Akitsu)


Hearing all the benefits he could get, no doubt Kirito feel attracted. Although he used to play alone, Kirito, of course, realizes that by joining this party, he also has a better chance to survive, and even become a person who could actively finish this game. The situation inside the party is also quite comfortable, while there is the majority of girls here-- no one really bothers him, and everyone seems quite reliable.

Then, there are also benefits to enjoying good food every day. For Kirito who never tastes something like that, even in real life, it is really tempting. 


"How is it?"

"...I will think about it. Give me time until the raid is done" Kirito answered.

"Sure. But I really hope we could become best friends." Kaito answered and Kirito just respond with a smile.

Kaito already expected this wouldn't be easy, but seeing Kirito doesn't seems repulsive to his invitation actually give him hope. Today, their group reputation might be completely ruined, but at least they get closer to completing the first optional task.


I got a bit writer-blocked and busy (thus the late update), but I still got what I want in the end. 


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