The Misfortune Adventure Of Dimensional Chat Group Owner

66. Aftermath of Chaos.


[December 9, 2022 (world time) - 3rd Floor, Zumfut]


It has been a week since the tragedy and everything has gotten worse since then. When the news about what happened in the first-floor boss raid was spread out, most players become pessimist about the chance of getting out of this world. Especially the players who were participant in the first raid, most of them are getting PTSD and changed their profession to non-combatant-- some even commit suicide, which shows how bleak the general situation is.

 With this kind of development, Kaito was afraid this would hamper their progress to finish the game in the future. Especially when you consider there is fewer 'Clearer' players count than in the original. 

With that said... Kaito and Aika's party tried their best to complete the 2nd floor as soon as possible to give the players hope. With their high level, superb coordination, and skill, they managed to find the 2nd boss room, Asterius the Taurus King, and defeated it under a week. 

Still, the result of the impact was unsatisfying. While it does create a bit of expectation, its just simply doesn't enough change the player's outlook on this world. The trauma that the first boss raid gave to the population simply was too great-- after all, it's no secret that more than half participants were getting killed during the raid itself. 

Since Kaito can't think of any solution to this horrid and depressing situation himself, he wants to call every chat group member together to discuss in depth in the hope to solve this problem.

Coincidentally, the 3rd floor is where the players can establish the guild themselves after finishing a certain quest... And the Kaito party just did the said quest together, which means they will be the first players guild established in this game.


The 3rd floor is a floor forest-theme floor, with enormous ancient trees covering the entire level. The moment players arrived on this floor, they could start the Elf War Campaign quest-- which involved a war between dark elves and forest elves. While the quest would strengthen their skill and give them some experience, Kaito decides to do the quest for the guild creation first--- and will do the campaign quest afterward. 

"Kaito-san, what are you going to do with the name of the guild?" Lisbeth asked curiously. Currently, they are walking together in the city of elves together after just getting a guild scroll-- an item required for guild creation.

"Don't worry, I already thought about it?"

"Then, what it is?"

"Dimensional Security Agency."


"Dimensional Security Agency... aka DSA."

Kaito remembers he used this name back in the Sekirei world, where he tried to scam Minato back then. While he admits it sounds cringe, He also thought the name quite fit their chat group theme and goal, considering most of their task so far is related to saving the world.

"Mmm... Isn't that name sound a bit pretentious?" Lisbeth gave a strange look to Kaito, but Kaito just smiled at her.

"Believe me, the name would make sense if you consider our group identity."

"Heh... You still haven't told me about that though. I wonder if you forget about your promise." Lisbeth snorted.

Kaito put an apologetic smile as he persuaded, "Just wait a little bit more, Lis."

"Lisbeth-san. Master isn't lying, our identity would change your world perspective forever." Sakuya added.

"Indeed. Telling you our secret is a very hard decision for him." Miya followed, knowing it would cost Kaito a lot of points to invite someone. 

The girls didn't know why their master delayed the invitation, but they believe Kaito must have some sort of plan about this. 

"Well... I know there is no use pressing anymore so forget it." 

Lisbeth shook her head and then divert the topic, "Even your name does have a sort of meaning, I bet Kirito would also complain if he is here."

"Well... Too bad that he is not here. He is busy flirting with Asuna, anyway." Kaito commented with a bit chuckle.

Surprisingly, with all the changes in this world-- Kaito and Asuna still get to know each other without anyone realizing it. Apparently, both of them were helping each other during the first-floor boss raid and since then their relationship steadily gets closer like in the original. 

Kaito thought that it was a good thing for their task, and told everyone in the chat group to not interrupt their natural progression. After all, in the original, Asuna, as the main heroine was an important catalyst for Kirito in the plot, which lead to the discovery identity of Kayaba Akihiko. He wasn't sure if that would happened the same in this world, but nevertheless-- Kirito and Asuna is a great couple and Kaito personally doesn't want to ruin them.


"Wait, aren't they just doing a quest together? Do they end up together in the future? You know something, don't you?" Lisbeth asked with a confused tone.

"Yes. Do you want to make a bet with me?" Kaito smirked.

"No way!" Lisbeth quickly refused and stick her tongue out, "While I know you like muttering something nonsense, all of them also somehow turn out to be true!"


Everyone who hears Lisbeth complain can't help but laugh at her retort. Kaito especially wanted to cherish this moment, considering they won't have a chance to do the same thing when she joined the chat group. The only reason why Kaito didn't do it yet was because he need to ask other chat group members' opinions first. Even if he is the owner, aka the leader of the chat group, the consent of other members is obviously needed in order to maintain his good reputation in the chat group.


"Anyway, Lisbeth-san. Are you going to smith today?" Kaito asked, while also trying to change the topic.

Lisbeth nodded and explained, "Yes. I plan to check smith both in the 2nd and 3rd-floor town. You guys didn't let me do it last week after all."

Kaito scratched his head and wryly smiled, "I apologize. You know... We want to do something."

"Yes, yes, I know. Don't worry. Doesn't change the situation, though"

Lisbeth obviously understands Kaito did nothing wrong. She even admired him quite a bit, as Kaito still did his best to fix the situation even though they are clearly getting hated.

"Akitsu, can you accompany Lisbeth on her quest?" Kaito asked, knowing despite what they did on the first and second boss raids, most players still hated them. Akitsu while behind Miya and Sakuya in terms of ability, is still strong enough to protect their blacksmith if something happens.

"Yes, master."


After that, Lisbeth and Akitsu parted from the group leaving only Kaito, Sakuya, and Miya to go to the meeting location together. Initially, Lisbeth wants to attend this meeting, but Kaito didn't allow her to go and that's why Lisbeth went to check the blacksmith quest instead.


In the chat group, Kaito told the chat group members that the appointed meeting place is inside one of the tree houses that players could rent by themselves in this floor, which could be used for the meeting purpose. While there is rarely a player on this floor since it's still new, their discussion topic is still too sensitive if overheard by other players so Kaito can't help but take precautions.


When Kaito and others finally arrived at the destined location, they find Nico Robin who wearing her usual cowboy hat standing at the entrance.

"Oh, master. You are finally here, I thought we were waiting in the wrong location. I am here to guard the entrance, by the way." Nico Robin greets him.

"Ah, hello Robin-san." Kaito raise his hand to greet her back and commented, "Can you stop calling me master? I think calling me an owner is better."

"But you are technically the one who bought me from Sir Crocodile. It's not wrong to call you a master." Robin answered lightly.

"Whatever" Kaito just shrugged, knowing it was a useless thing to debate, and then asked, "Is everyone already here?"

"Some asking permission from absence, many of them from group 3." 


"Saitama went with Agil, and Nanoha with Fate went with Silica to check quest that would give them a pet" Robin reported.


Hearing Robin answer, Kaito can't help but get reminded of the plot that they were known from the memories no longer accurate-- thanks to their involvement. From the information he got from the chat group, Saitama become best friends with Agil thanks to their 'shiny' hairstyle together, while Silica got involved with Nanoha and Fate after getting saved by them-- who looks even younger than her.

Nothing he can do about all things that already happen. He just hopes the fact Kirito would become a couple with Asuna in the future doesn't change... Because Kaito still thinks that would be crucial to complete their last optional task.


"At least Aika-san is there right?" Kaito inquired.

Robin nodded and said, "Aika already waiting inside with Mikoto. Do you really need everyone to attend this meeting? I don't see Akitsu went with you either, Owner."

"Not really." Kaito shook his head and replied, "I am here to invite everyone to the guild and then discuss how to solve this world's current situation. Aika is the leader of group 3, thus her presence is important. The same with Erina and Crocodile."

"Understood." Nico robin and then quickly lead the way, "Please come in, Kaito. Everyone already waiting for you."


After that, the Kaito group alongside Nico Robin entered the tree houses to start the meeting. The moment they entered, Kaito realized that Robin wasn't lying about it... everyone is already waiting for them inside. As always, Kaito apologized for their lateness but no one really bothered about it.

It was not the first time Kaito got late and to be honest, all the members started to think that Kaito's habit of arriving late was something he usually did in any kind of meeting.


I could cover all things that happen on the 3rd floor (I read SAO progressive novel a bit) but I decide to not do it as I don't want this arc to go too long lol. After this meeting, it would be a time skip 2 years later-- I will closely follow the anime timeline at least.


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