The Misfortune Adventure Of Dimensional Chat Group Owner

75. Acknowledging Mistake and Unexpected Question.


After Kaito was forced to explain his plan about making the boss mutate and the risk behind it, almost everyone was disappointed with his decision, and some even outright hate it. 

..."Kaito, I don't like your plan at all." (Misaka)

"It's too dangerous, Owner." (Nanoha)

"You are playing with people who live here Owner." (Erina)...

Hearing the complaints, Kaito could only look down since he felt really guilty. Deep down, he always knows most of the chat group members would against this idea, especially when he is usually the one who forces the idea of not doing something 'evil'.

"Kaito, you sure aware of the risk of this irresponsible plan, right?" Aika calmly asked.

"I know, but... I just have no choice. I have been thinking about this for a year and this is the only plan that I come up with." Kaito answered with a resigned tone.

"How do you know if you do not ask us?" 

"But... What should I do?! It's not like you all take any initiative to propose a better idea...! " Kaito suddenly snapped, making everyone surrounding him startled as they didn't expect it would make him do that.

"I don't want to bother everyone, since it's my responsibility as the leader but I just can't think the better idea..." 

"I am afraid of the possibility that everyone would be disappointed with me... for not being a competent leader..."


Hearing Kaito's confession, Everyone fell silent, and understood what really happened. They realize Kaito might be trying too hard to protect his image as the perfect leader of the chat group-- even though no one really asked for it. However, most of them understand that they are also at fault for never understanding Kaito's inner trouble-- and most importantly, all of them realize that Kaito is just an inexperienced teenager that trying so hard to lead them... for their sake.


"I am sorry, Kaito." 


"Aika-san? Why?" 

Kaito asked in confusion, wondering what her apology was for. After all, Kaito thinks he is the one who should apologize, especially when he just confessed his own incompetence being a chat group leader.


"Well... because, it's clear that we don't realize that you got burdened by your responsibility as the leader... and none of us told you that it's okay to be not perfect."

"Sorry for not understanding your position, Owner." (Nanoha)

"I am sorry, Master." (Akitsu)

"Well... Aika was right. Forgive me too, okay?" (Mikoto)

"I also apologize for not realizing it, Master." (Sakuya)

"Sorry, Kaito" (Yuu)


Hearing everyone's apology, At this moment Kaito realize that his way to lead this chat group was wrong from the beginning. For Kaito, the existence of the chat group was his last hope for survival in Highschool DxD world and he was really scared of the possibility of chat group members being disappointed in him. Because of that, Kaito tried a bit too hard to maintain his leadership (playing his role) and prove his worth to every member, even though all of it was built on lies.  

Kaito wants all members in the chat group to trust and depend on him, but Kaito doesn't want to depend on other members in the chat group. Since he was born in his second life, Kaito, who grew up alone, has always been surrounded by bad luck and has no one who can help him, so he always adheres to the philosophy of always solving his own problems without relying on others.

But now he knew that this was the wrong thing to do-- at least as a leader. He was never alone, and he should try to depend more on others for his own shortcoming even if it would ruin his image as a capable leader.

"Everyone..." Kaito takes a deep breath, and with a hoarse voice said "I accept all of your apologies as long you all also accept my apology."

"In the end, I was aware that it was still mostly my fault. I bet you all would aware of the main task problem if I asked or reminded you all, but instead, I choose to handle it myself..."

"I am clearly not a good leader, but I realize because of that I should rely on everyone."

"So please, lend me your help, everyone!"


Hearing Kaito's words, everyone nodded simultaneously, willing to help him solve problems together. For the first time, Kaito felt lucky to have an understanding member, and he was very grateful for this.

With Kaito and the rest of the chat group members agreeing to tackle the problem with their optional task together, they decide to hold a meeting to discuss it soon-- but only after today's birthday party is over. After all, they couldn't arbitrarily ignore today's big event that required everyone's cooperation to run smoothly.



"I heard what happened, Owner. It seems you got reprimanded by everyone. Hahahaha!" 



After the interrogation, as they had planned all the group members returned to their respective roles to make sure the party went without a problem-- including Kaito who went back off-stage (since he was in the control room earlier with others).

When they were gone for a while because of Kaito's confession, Uta and Crocodile didn't join them but thankfully the situation is still well under control. Well, in fact, Uta alone was enough to carry this party alone, considering that's the reason why this party has so many audiences and Crocodile does have a lot of manpower below him to make sure everything went okay.

"Don't worry, I will attend the meeting later. But for now, We need to meet Heathcliff to issue his reward together." Crocodile said leisurely, watching Uta that currently singing on the stage.

"Ah, the duel already happened when we have the discussion?" 

"Yes, and it went almost the same as the duel in the memories. Despite there being a lot of guild members who should be moving faster than the protagonist, he still got that special dual sword-wielding skill, and Heathcliff also pulled out the same stunt with his game hack toward Kirito." 

"I see... I am not surprised." Hearing his answer, Kaito just shrugged since he already expect this would happen.

"You already know this, Owner?" 

"Yes." Kaito nodded and continue to explain, "On the last group task at Sekirei world, a similar thing also happens to the protagonist. It might be a world correction or something like that. As I am aware, every task issued by the chat group seems to put a lot of importance toward the existence of the protagonist and this phenomenon is perhaps one of the clues why that happen."

"I see." Crocodile just nodded back and didn't ask furthermore. "Well... we can talk about that later in the detail, but now let's meet Heathcliff together."



Kaito then followed Crocodile from behind to the room in the stadium where Heathcliff was waiting for the two of them.


After they arrived at their destination, the two of them were immediately greeted by Heathcliff who seemed eager for receiving his reward.

"Hello Kaito-san, Crocodile-san. I thought both of you forgot about my reward"

"Sorry about that." Kaito said with an apologetic tone, "We were having a technical problem just earlier. Also congratulation on winning the duel."

"I see. Then it's time for me to acclaim my reward?" 

"Well... The promise is still a promise." Kaito nodded and continue to explain, "The ticket could be issued later, and the question... I wonder what kind of question you want to ask?"

"There is no one around us by the way, it's okay if you want to ask us a sensitive question." Crocodile followed.

Hearing the confirmation from both Kaito and Crocodile, Heathcliff suddenly becomes serious and then drops a bombshell question, "Well... Can both of you tell me, what is your guild purpose for coming to this world... Visitor from another world?"





Hearing Heathcliff's unexpected question, both Kaito and Crocodile were really shocked as both their eyes and mouth wide opened. And as if it wasn't enough for them, a second later notification from the chat group system immediately appears, telling them that the optional task that troubled them the most also get completed.




[The third optional task: 'Complete the game without exposing the mastermind to any chat group member' is completed!]



Main character development... and quite predictable plot twist, I guess? Oof. 

Anyway, the schedule would be set to normal again (1 chapter per 2/3 days) but it might be 1 per 3. I plan to continue my original novel again (restaurant) and also plan to start a new original to test the water... so yeah, I don't want to stress out myself lol.

Tip: You can use left, right, A and D keyboard keys to browse between chapters.