The Misfortune Adventure Of Dimensional Chat Group Owner

8. Magical Girl Kaito.


After laughing for a while, Riser and his peerage quickly calmed themselves down. Although there was still a lingering desire to laugh every time they saw Kaito.

Kaito on the other hand, who was used to dealing with situations like this had long prepared himself and waited for Siris to finish laughing.

"Interesting, very interesting! Show me your ability, defeat Siris and I will approve you become my peerage members!" Riser excitedly said to Kaito.

Hearing Riser's response, Kaito didn't expect Riser's reaction to becoming excited and then answered, "Rrr... As your wish, master!"

Kaito who feels much much stronger before transformation can't help but gain confidence to complete the task. After all, his strength right now should be 1 star higher than Siris.

"I am a sorry senior, but I will defeat you!" Kaito exclaimed while pointing his chainsaw to Siris.

"Go for it if you can, pervert." Siris replied while also putting her sword ready. But Kaito could see that Siris seems unable to take him seriously right now.

Kaito who hears Siris comment feels the pain in his heart, but he knows it is not time to be sentimental. Besides, this is the best chance for him to defeat her since Siris seems to underestimate him.


Both Siris and Kaito move at the same time and the clash momentum between Siris Zwaihander and Kaito Mystletainn creates a small shockwave around them and even some friction of fire. 



But the clash doesn't last much longer, as Kaito clearly stronger than Siris right now.

"Heavy...!!" Siris was surprised as she can feel Kaito's power overwhelm her. She felt Kaito's attack is actually even heavier than their own Rook, which is a ridiculous fact 

She can tell that her arm is about to give up and she would soon lose this confrontation, so Siris tried to jump back to lessen the impact. Sadly, Kaito was able to see it and increase his pushing strength immediately. Siris who can't hold her position in the mid-air quickly gets thrashed nearby tree, which is more than 3 meters away because of Kaito's powerful smash.

Looking at the result of the confrontation, Kaito can't help but sweat in concern. It seems that he put too much power into his attack and can't help but feel bad.


As Kaito was thought that he is overdone it, Siris who already recovered, using her speed quickly thrusting her sword at Kaito without warning in the front. Thankfully, Kaito was able to instinctively avoid it, and using the chainsaw in his hand, he quickly swing it from the side to counterattack.

Siris who had learned about how strong his 'sacred gear' was at their first confrontation, quickly jumped back to avoid Kaito attack. Looking at the opening, she then moves forward thrusting her blade to attack again, only to be blocked by the Kaito with the chainsaw.



Siris tried her best to deliver more attacks and avoid Kaito's attack, relying on her speed as Knight. However, no matter what she does, she can't really land a solid attack on Kaito as he was always able to either block or avoid it. After all, Kaito's instinct, strength, and speed have been amplified by Mystletainn, and he was able to read every attack that came to him instinctively. 

Their situation was flipped right now, as Siris is currently desperate and trying his best to defeat Kaito. Kaito on the other hand, while also taking the fight seriously actually is not really doing his best because of his overwhelming advantage against Siris. He was afraid that he was hurting her too much.

Kaito was afraid accidentally killed her, after all... chainsaw is a killing weapon.

*Clank* *Clank*


Also, the reason why Kaito doesn't end the battle yet was because he wants to give a face to senior and does not want to embarrass her.

""So cool!"" Both loli twins who watched Kaito's overwhelming power with the chainsaw can't help but worship him.

"He is strong!! Good battle, you two!" Isabela, another Riser peerage member also said.

"Even more astonishing, it was direct confrontation! Riser-sama, it seems this male is not completely useless." Yubelluna, the queen of Riser Peerage added.

"It seems when in this form, Kaito becomes as fast as a knight yet also as strong as a Rook. And he is not using 'promotion' at all too." Ravel quickly analyzed.

*Clap* *Clap*

"Hahahaha... Impressive, boy! Finish her!" Riser commented while also clapping and laughing at the same time.


Hearing all the comments from the side, Kaito knows he should end the battle right now as Riser was definitely satisfied with his current performance.

Kaito who already made up his mind quickly speeds up his attack and strength and delivered it from one side to Siris.

"I am sorry!"


"Ugh!?" Siris groaned.


She caught up a guard from it and tried to block Kaito sudden attack, but it was useless since this time Kaito tried to end the battle and he put his full strength on that swing. Siris who getting full blunt of Kaito's full strength once again getting thrashed, but this time was more than ten meters away and destroyed a couple of trees along the way.


"I won, master." Kaito said as he put down his weapon as he looks at Riser seriously.

Kaito doesn't want to stay in his form much longer, as he feels a bit 'windy' in his nether region. Not to mention, the longer he was in this form, the more ashamed he feels as he could tell everyone still have an urge to laugh at him.


"Indeed you have won. Good job, boy. You have proved yourself that you are not useless." Riser praised immediately.

Kaito look at Riser with 'gratitude' and replied, "Thank you for your kind word, Master."

Riser who seems satisfied with Kaito's behavior then asked, "Tell me, what is your sacred gear? What is its power?"

"Sacred gear? What is that?" Kaito pretended to be ignorant.

"That pink chainsaw in your hand." Riser said as he pointed to his weapon.


Kaito realized that Riser might have mistaken this cursed pink chainsaw as his sacred gear. However, Kaito didn't correct Riser's statement, because he feels that he should keep the 'hole card' for himself.

Kaito raise his chainsaw a bit and then explained, "Ummm... This chainsaw name seems to be called Mystletainn, his ability is to change it is used to become a magical girl and it would increase my overall power by a lot."

*Clap* *Clap*

"Amazing! Amazing! I really like your sacred gear!" Riser applaud.

"Does it mean I have been accepted?" Kaito asked.

"Of course, yes! My collection is truly complete as you joined the peerage! After all, there is no devil that owns 'trap' as their peerage members! Hahahaha?" Riser excitedly answered.

Kaito who hears Riser's comment and laughs at him really wants to beat Riser to dead. Riser thought of Kaito as his collection made Kaito want to stop him since potentially in the future it would spell trouble for him.

However, in the end, he holds himself because he knows that it was a bad idea... especially after he got a notification from the system, Kaito quickly forget his grudge.



[The assigned task has been completed! Please check the chat group in order to receive the reward!]


Looking at the sudden notification shown in front of him, Kaito can't help but fist up in celebration. He is really glad that he was able to convince Riser and completed his task, even though the cost was his dignity.

"Kaito!! You are so cool!" Ravel yelled out in excitement. Ravel who didn't know the actual reason why Kaito did all that thing, feels really touched. Literally, She thought that Kaito was able to awaken his sacred gear because of his intention to protect her. 

"Thank you, Ravel-sama." Kaito answered politely while slightly bowing his head.

Ravel just nodded and averted her eyes due to embarrassment. In Ravel's vision, Kaito looks like an awesome knight protagonist that she loves to read in her fairytale book. 

"With you, Our peerage becomes even stronger," Karlamine commented as she helped Siris to get up.

"I-Indeed. His sacred gear definitely a powerful cheat." Siris added.

"Thank you, senpai." Kaito calmly said to Siris, which was followed by a nod.

Siris doesn't hold any grudge about the battle result, as she is aware the stronger her junior it would be better the overall peerage member.


Looking at the situation that has been set, Kaito can't wait to come back to his own room and check the task reward he just obtained. As he was about to cancel his transformation and leave this place, suddenly two green-haired lolis grab both his left hand and excitedly yelled at him.


"Onii-san, Let's play!" (Ile)

"Onii-san, Your chainsaw is so strong!" (Nel)

"And it also looked so cute!" (Ile)

""Let's play together!""


Kaito who got caught of by the situation reflexively answered, "O-Okay...???!!!"



After that Kaito get dragged by maniac chainsaw twin lolis and they teach Kaito how to fight chainsaw more effectively as his senior until the evening. (in their opinion). 

It's still good for Kaito... since he reluctantly gets better at using chainsaws as weapons.

Not that he would plan to use it as his main weapon.


Didn't Kaito know at that moment one of the maids take a couple of photos of him secretly after being instructed by Riser and later it would reach someone with an obsession of being a magical girl.


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