The Misfortune Adventure Of Dimensional Chat Group Owner

81. Marching Toward the Final Raid.


About a month after the announcement from Kayaba, finally, everything has been well prepared and players are ready to face the final boss. More than 300 hundred players sit in the colosseum on the 75th floor, gathered together and waiting for final instruction that is supposed to come from DSA, the one who is mainly responsible to lead this raid.

While the number of participants has been reduced by a third due to the high qualifications imposed by DSA, there is a good reason behind it. Only true veteran player who has experience in a lot of raids are participating in this raid, which means they have a much better survival chance than your average high-level players.


"Good morning."

Kaito, who acts as the leader of this final raid, walks to the center of the colosseum, immediately gathering all the players' attention and making them stop talking to each other. This situation reminds Kaito of the first-floor boss meeting 2 years ago, albeit he is not acting as the leader at that time.

In fact, both Kibaou and Diabel are still alive and become participants in this final raid, but their current role is just insignificant, just normal members under one of the top guilds in SAO.


"I don't think no one didn't know me here, after all, I am the most infamous player in this game"

Kaito stated calmly, but the players' reaction could be said not calm at all. His popularity, especially the worst for all high-level players who constantly compete against the Kaito group for the best hunting spot. Still, no one dared voice their complaints since they were aware nothing good coming out offended him, especially when Kaito is the one who going to lead them in this raid.


Looking that no one seems wanted to complain, Kaito nodded in satisfaction and then continue his opening speech, "Everyone should know what kind of tactic we are going to use for this raid but I will need to remind it again in case of someone forgets."

Listening to Kaito's words, everyone paying attention to him seriously-- including DSA guild members themselves who obviously also attending this meeting. They are well aware of how difficult the raid is going to be, and every tip and tactic suggestion beforehand might save their life.

"--Here, we have about 300 high-level players participating during the final raid, divided into 30 squads and each squad has 10 players on it.

--Every normal squad needs to have at least 3 people with shields, and the more shield user inside the squad, the better it is. There are also 12 squads full of players using shields who are going to focus on blocking the AoE attack from the boss.

--The reason for that is to make sure everyone was able to protect themselves whenever the boss launched a laser beam attack, his area attack according to the guide we all have about the final boss.

--According to that message, the boss is extremely difficult to deal with, but not impossible.

--Our tactic is to surround the boss from all directions in an attempt to attack him as much as possible on the turn and prevent him from moving around, but more importantly, is to defend yourself whenever the boss got aggroed to your squad or launched his attack on you. 

--Do not rush to attack the boss! Your main goal is to survive!

--If your hp is getting low, retreat and recover your hp using the recovery potion. Each player has a lot of high recovery potions in their inventory provided beforehand."

"That's it!"


Hearing Kaito's suggestion, everyone unconsciously nodded at his word at the same time while also feeling grateful about getting reminded about how much hope they carried and how much weight this final battle does have for their future.

They know that every recovery potion they bring to the final battle could potentially save their lives and every piece of high equipment they wear gives them higher chance to survive. 

All of it was provided by DSA and the top guild alliance, but every player here was aware the reason why DSA was able to accommodate that was due to the majority of players' collection funds. 

In a nutshell, it's not really wrong to say that this raid carried all SAO players' trust and hope for freedom.


Kaito who could see everyone took his words seriously, having nothing more to say. He also doesn't like to stand in the limelight for a long time, so he decides it is time to end his speech.

"Now, let's go together to the final boss and free everyone from this game." 

Kaito then unsheathed his sword, raised it into the air, and then yelled, "For freedom!"


Affected by Kaito's enthusiastic yell, all of the players stood up together, also following his act-- as Kaito's actions were raising the player's morale to the peak.


""For freedom!!""

""For freedom!!""

""For freedom!!""



After Kaito finished his speech, more than 300 players left the colosseum together led by him, marching to the final destination in the 75th-floor boss room location with high morale. Well, except for Kaito himself who was naturally nervous about the incoming raid. 

Even though Kaito believes that their basic tactic should work well against the boss, he can't help but be concerned whether there would be an accident along the way (aware of his bad luck). 

Because of that, Kaito wanted to talk about it to someone, but unfortunately thanks to his role as the leader-- he was placed on the forefront, alone leading the army of players. The rest of the DSA guild also followed him, but weirdly enough none of them were near, even his own party stayed away from him.


Kaito who getting nervous about the situation yet had no one to talk with, decide to enter the chat group-- and then found that everyone (mostly female) had an intense discussion.



[God Tongue]: "I really feel bad toward Asuna-san. Because of our existence, they never go far in their relationship unlike in the memory. We should do something!"

[Elementary Grade Magical Girl]: "But what we should do, Erina nee-san?"

[God Tongue]: "I don't know... Perhaps it was a bit too late. The game is about to finish anyway."

[Musician of Red Hair Pirates]: "At least they already become boyfriend and girlfriend. Since their relationship was confirmed, both of them always spend their time together, leaving us groups 2 and 4 alone respectively. I am sure both Kirito and Asuna spend their together far exceed what happened in the memories."

[Necromancer]: "...That might be true."

[God Tongue]: "Umm... But why they haven't married yet? Surely they should have more development compared to the memories, right?"

[Mage of Exodus]: "Actually... They were about to do it, but then Kirito does not have enough money to marry Asuna."

[Elementary Grade Magical Girl]: "...Owner does not help them?"

[Mage of Exodus]: "Nope. In fact, the reason Kirito agree to duel with Kayaba a month ago was due to Kaito promising Kirito to fund his marriage if he won the duel against Kayaba."


'Oh shit!' 

Kaito who was quietly watching the chat group shocked that Aika would know this information... as it is supposed to be known by Crocodile and Kirito himself (Kaito didn't explain it to the chat group members at that birthday party meeting). In fact, the reason Aika knows about this information is that Crocodile told her during the birthday event day, but Kaito didn't know about that.

At this moment, Kaito immediately forgets his purpose to talk about the raid in the chat group-- and now racks his brain on how to escape chat group members who are obviously going to come at him again.


[SAO Top Blacksmith]: "Wow... I thought his bold speech during the birthday event was worse enough..."

[God Tongue]: "Isn't that impossible?"

[Queen of Sekirei]: "No wonder Kaito didn't tell us at that time. Master needs to be reprimanded again."

[SAO Developer]: "Now, I honestly feel bad about winning that duel."

[Caped Baldy]: "You have done nothing wrong there, except using your privilege as administrator."

[Railgun Girl]: "...I want to defend him but Kaito is clearly wrong here."

[Elementary Grade Magical Girl]: "Owner is guilty."

[Ohara Survivor]: "Owner is guilty +1"

[Musician of Red Hair Pirates]: "Owner is guilty +2"

[Queen Of Sekirei]: "Owner is guilty. +3"


[Caped Baldy]: "Owner is guilty. +17"


Kaito realized that the situation was getting more unfavorable for him, and decide to leave the chat group quietly to avoid trouble. In fact, the reason why Kaito rarely visited the chat group was because he often got 'bullied', especially against the girls at his party.

Unfortunately for him, before he was able to escape the chat group, Aika suddenly calls him out, knowing that Kaito has been watching the chat group for a while.


[Mage of Exodus]: @Owner, don't try to run away. I know you are there, Kaito."

[Owner]: "...I swear that it seems I have been persecuted a lot recently."

[Mage of Exodus]: "You can only blame yourself for that. After all, we won't do that if you do not make any mistake."

[Elementary Grade Magical Girl]: "Owner is here?!"

[SAO Top Blacksmith]: "The culprit is here!"

[Scarlet Devil Headmaid]: "Pffft... Master, take a peep at woman discussion is a bad habit."

[Sekirei Number 7]: "Master, bad."

[Musician of Red Hair Pirates]: "Kaito, don't try to escape if you are a man."

[Baroque Works Leader]: "Welcome back, Owner. It has been a while since you have been here and coming at the worst time."

[Uchiha Prodigy]: "Owner, welcome... And please don't run away."

[Owner]: "...How did you know I was here, Aika?"

[Mage of Exodus]: "I know you are going to be bored leading the players alone, and then a big chance you would come to the chat group. I also just ask the system to warn me if you are here, Kaito. The system is connected to each other after all."

[Railgun Girl]: "Aika-san is amazing... She figured out all."


'Smart black-bellied women are sure troublesome to deal with!' Kaito thought.

Kaito who has been exposed twice by Aika realizes that making up reasons would be useless against her. Not to mention his reputation as the leader of the chat group has plummeted after making a lot of bad decisions, escaping just going to make his situation even worse. 

In fact, none of the chat group members actually blamed him-- but like usual, they (the girls) just wanted to have fun bullying Kaito who is helpless to go against them.


[Mage of Exodus]: "So, what is your explanation for the plot exploitation you did to the protagonist, Kaito?"

[Owner]: "I forgot to explain this... But yeah, it was along the past mistake, so... I am sorry."

[Mage of Exodus]: "Apology rejected!"

[SAO Top Blacksmith]: "Apology to Kirito himself!"

[God Tongue]: "Don't forget to apologize to Asuna too!"

[God Tongue Secretary]: "I agree!"

[Railgun Girl]: "You need to make it up for them later!"

[Musician of Red Hair Pirates]: "Swear to us!"

[Scarlet Devil Headmaid]: "I will ensure that master will fulfill his promise."

[Owner]: "But I haven't promised anything yet!"


In the end, with the pressure from the chat group members, Kaito promised to find a way to perpetuate the relationship between Kirito and Asuna later... even though he knows it's not his fault. After that, he spends his time chatting inside the chat group as the girls won't let him leave (and get bullied)-- along the way until they arrived at the boss's room.

Thanks to that, Kaito completely forget his purpose of visiting the chat group in the first place but it's also a good thing as Kaito isn't nervous anymore to face the final boss.


I am back... but I am not really back. After getting promoted in my workplace, I got more work and responsibility which also resulted in less free time to spend on writing. Until I adapted to my new life schedule, the update probably will be sporadic.

It also does not help I actually rewrite this chapter 2 times as I got accidentally deleted them and have no backup. Thus, this chapter might feel a bit awkward to read... I am sorry. I am genuinely unsatisfied with this chapter, but well... I just want to go to the raid and finish this arc, lol.


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