The Misfortune Adventure Of Dimensional Chat Group Owner

91. Revealing his Real Identity and Reason.

When everything is calmed down, now everyone sits in the meeting room together again after getting asked by Kaito. Obviously, Kaito's purpose to visit the base world again within a day isn't only to introduce Ravel, but also to tell everyone his next plan and ask their opinion about it.



[Owner uploaded Memory Copy "High School DxD Part 1" to the chat group.]


[Railgun Girl has downloaded the memory copy of High School DxD Part 1]

[Baroque Works Leader has downloaded the memory copy of High School DxD Part 1]

[Elementary Grade Magical Girl has downloaded the memory copy of High School DxD Part 1]

[God Tongue has downloaded the memory copy of High School DxD Part 1]

[Queen of Sekirei has downloaded the memory copy of High School DxD Part 1]


Congratulation, You have been rewarded with 19000 Points!


'That's an easy point for me' Kaito thought while looking at the notification in front of him.

Obviously, the first step was to share the memories related to high school DxD with every member of the chat group, although it is only in season 1 that Riser is defeated by the main protagonist. A few hours later, everyone is done watching it and now they are in the meeting room together after having dinner provided by Sakuya.

Looking that everyone here (albeit having a complicated expressions on their face), Kaito decides to continue saying, "Well, let's start this emergency meeting. I know everyone should have a lot of questions, might as well answer them now." 


The moment Kaito is done saying that, Aika immediately raised her hand as the representative and asked, "I haven't seen you anywhere in the memory, Kaito. You are not the protagonist-- are you a character that would appear in the future or actually not existed at all?"

"The latter." 

"Are you sure you are not existed at all or just do not show up inside the memory?" Aika asked again.

"I am sure about it." Kaito firmly answered.

"I see."


There is no need for him to lie about this, and even if he tried to, the girls around him would recognize his lying act and Aika is a very smart girl. Although he knows that the act of revealing his identity as a traveler is usually seen to be a stupid decision, however right now, he has built enough trust with them.



Reason to not telling--

Inviting Ravel--

Favorite girl--

Owner-- "

"The puzzle is almost complete."

Aika who is the smartest person here gathered the clue one by one and everyone watching their conversation wondered if she come out with something. Kaito has no doubt she will though, after all, in the memory of her story, she is smart enough to craft the mystery of her own death.

"Even if your presence does not exist inside the memory, there's no need to hold to share the memories with the chat group, especially with the woman who clearly likes you and is concerned about you in the chat group."

"So my next question is, what are you, Kaito?" Aika said while staring at Kaito sharply, eager to hear his answer.


"So it comes to this, huh? Well, I already expected this coming. Since it has been discovered. I will reveal my biggest secret." Kaito wryly smiled, which made everyone here curious about what he is going to say. Despite being cornered, there is no panic or desperation in his face, only calm and steady smile.

"Biggest secret?" (Ravel)

"I wonder what Owner wants to talk about..." (Nico Robin)

"Master?" (Sakuya)


Without hesitation, Kaito stood up and released a bombshell that would shock everyone here, "It might be quite shocking but... my real identity is... I am a reincarnated person from a world where everyone here... is a character of fiction in that world."


Hearing Kaito's confession, it was undeniable that almost all the members were shocked including people who watched via broadcast. Knowing that everyone here was a character from fiction completely changed their perspective on the world around them and fall into confusion.


"Everyone here... is a character from a fiction?" (Nico Robin)

"Like a character from anime, manga, or game?" (Ravel)

"So we are... not real? Kaito-san?" (Miya)

Listening to everyone concern, Kaito doesn't want everyone to become panic, and quickly denied what Miya said, "No, All of you here are real, after all, everyone is here."


Actually, Kaito didn't want to confess about his identity, it's just that he had no other choice. First, He's not good at lying in front of his girls who know him so well. Second, After what happened in the SAO world, Kaito knows the members believe in him and he doesn't want to betray their trust either after he did once back then. 

And lastly, Kaito knows that the revelation doesn't change anything in the chat group-- he is still the owner, and no one could harm him thanks to his privilege.

"Indeed, Kaito is right." 

Aika commented calmly, as the only person who is not shocked by the revelation. In fact, she enjoy the fact that Kaito confessed about this, sign of trust of his subordinate-- showing he is growing as a leader.

*Clap* *Clap* 

She even clapped her hand several times for that and then confidently stated, "So it all makes sense why it was called 'memories' in the chat group. For the longest time, you lied to everyone. You didn't exactly know their future..."

"it was all inside of your memory, right?"


"I don't even aware of that naming fact, but that's true" Kaito shrugged and then slightly bow his head to everyone to apologize, "Sorry for lying about this for a long time."

"Actually... I think it's understandable for you to hide that kind of information, Owner." Sakuya reacted first.

"Indeed. Your identity is probably part of the reason why you have become the owner of this chat group. After all, our task operation revolves around that said memory." Nico Robin added.

"Kaito, you did nothing wrong." Ravel followed.

Hearing everyone understanding, Kaito feel glad that no one was mad at him and answered, "Thank you, everyone."

"Well... I believe Kaito probably won't reveal this fact if not for the new girl, right?" Aika glanced at Ravel and then stated, "Something bad must happen to her in the future on the memory which made you take an action to change her fate trajectory by inviting her to the chat group."

"You are really smart, Aika-san" Kaito admitted.

"Is that true?" Ravel who hear Aika's statement, turned to Kaito and directly asked, "Something bad will happen to me, Kaito?"

"Not exactly bad..." Kaito shook his head and answered, "But I don't want you to end up with the main character."


"In the original plot, you will end up as part of the protagonist's harem and I don't like that idea at all." Kaito explained.


Hearing his answer, once again everyone in the chat group become silent due to how ridiculous it sounded --- but some of the girls looked at him with deadpanned eyes. Kaito who knows probably just offended all the girls who followed him and feel guilty, but he really can't give up on pursuing Ravel after what she did to save his life back then.

To clear some misunderstanding, Kaito then explains to everyone the reason why he invited Ravel to the chat group was to forcefully change her original fate linked to the protagonist-- who is the son of the world. He was afraid that the original means probably won't work against the protagonist, especially after observing 2 different protagonists in the other world.

For example, even though he caused a lot of chaos in the Sekirei world, Minato still ended up with his harem except for missing Kazehana... who become the chat group member in the end to pursue Itachi. His assumption is getting stronger back in SAO, with Kirito still ending with Asuna even after all the changes to the world that chat group members did. 

Because of those 2 cases, Kaito decides to take drastic measures to prevent Ravel ended with Issei who is the protagonist.

Well, another reason is Kaito truly wants Ravel to join the chat group anyway as he did promise to the girls back then in Sekirei world.


I don't have an excuse for this very late update, I was just busy with my work irl for the entire week and when I got home, I don't have the mood to write. It even affects me today, when I finally got some free time, I am thinking of sleeping more instead of writing lol.

Anyway, mc decision the reveal his traveler identity might sound stupid-- but it really doesn't change a lot and is important for later. In fact, I actually planned for mc to do this when in an earlier arc but I can't justify a good reason for mc to do it back then.



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