The Misfortune Adventure Of Dimensional Chat Group Owner

98. Fooled the Hero Faction to Complete the Task.

In order to complete the task issued by the system, Kaito has a simple plan-- but this plan requires Cao Cao to be willing to go one-on-one with him. Fortunately, Cao Cao was persuaded, so he could execute the plan he had.

Since the system wanted Kaito to surprise all of the hero faction members not to underestimate him, the best way to do it was to keep making them underestimate him and turn the tide at the most unexpected moment. In his plan, Kaito needed to create a situation where he got cornered in the duel against Cao Cao and when the hero faction members got convinced that he would lose, and that's where Imagine Breaker would do his part of the work.


"I am coming!"

With a sound of howling wind, Cao Cao quickly deliver straight trust goes to his waist as the opening, but Kaito was able to react and block it using Est without any problem. 



"Ohh?" Cao Cao was surprised that Kaito manage to block his attack calmly, "It seems you are quite experienced in combat."

"Of course, this is my source of confidence!" Kaito boasted which make Cao Cao more impressed. Naturally, as a person who is trained by a much stronger and faster person like Sakuya, Kaito was able to read his attack without any problem but even he admit Cao Cao was probably comparable to Miya in terms of spearmanship skills.

Meanwhile, Due to their first clash, Cao Cao realizes Kaito isn't an amateur fighter from their first exchange. He took Kaito more seriously and launched a more vigorous attack toward him, albeit still not using his real ability to test all of Kaito's capabilities.

Obviously, Kaito who also wants to know how strong he is in this world, also took Cao Cao's offensive more seriously, while also occasionally delivering a counterattack whenever there is a chance. After all, with True Longinus as the opponent weapon, he can't really afford of getting hit at all otherwise it would be fatal.

*Clank* x3

After that, countless clashing between spears and swords could be heard from the confrontation between Kaito and Cao Cao. Vertical slashing, horizontal slashing, trusting, parrying--  the two people who collided did not dare to let go of the slightest slack. 

In this kind of fight, both of them know a second is enough to decide life or death...this was especially true for Kaito. While they're both looking at equal in strength, Kaito knows he was at a disadvantage against Cao Cao and it's only a matter of time before he loses if he doesn't have any trump card.

True Longinus is really terrifying weapon to go against as a devil, and he is aware Cao Cao not using any of Longinus' abilities yet, Which is really fortunate for Kaito. If Cao Cao decides to be serious from the beginning, Kaito is probably forced to reveal his card immediately since his plan wouldn't work at all. As a cautious person, there is no way he would risk a chance getting stabbed by Longinus just for a task released by the system,

Fortunately, Cao Cao and the hero faction members seem to believe Kaito's act so far and his plan worked perfectly. The only problem was Kaito could feel that the shield provided by Est would be depleted soon, and this is not a piece of good news for him.

'I really want to keep clashing but time is running out!' Kaito thought depressingly.


"What's wrong Kaito? Do you realize there is no way you won this fight?" 

Noticing a panicked expression on Kaito's face, Cao Cao thought Kaito just realize the outcome of this duel and said, "I admit you got the skill, but I am sure you realize about your situation!"



Blocking another attack from Cao Cao, Kaito who pretending to look like he is in 'crisis' yelled out with high spirits, "Yes, but I won't give up!"

"I won't lose without a fight to the end!" 


Kaito slashes his sword upward in order to disturb his opponent's rhythm, however, Cao Cao easily sees his intention and avoids it by stepping to the side.

"That's the spirit! I will fulfill your wish!" Cao Cao excitedly replied and decide to use one of the more advanced abilities of his sacred gear. 



After that, while Kaito does not pay attention-- at the sudden Cao Cao using his ability extended the Longinus, to catch him off guard. 

However, Kaito who is aware of all of True Longinus' abilities already saw it coming too, and manage to avoid it by jumping backward far away. His act also surprised all the hero faction members including Cao Cao, who didn't expect that Kaito able to react to that.

*Huft* *Huft*

"Damn, that almost got me..." Kaito said as he landed on the ground, giving the impression that he had barely survived the attack. 

With Terminus Est's protection diminishing, being exposed to and seeing the True Longinus' light made Kaito feel heavy and tired. Luckily, he didn't try to block the light, otherwise, Kaito believed he would end out passed out or straight up dead.

"Amazing." While Kaito fixed up his composure, Cao Cao retracted back his spear leisurely and praised, "Your reaction time is amazing. I am pretty sure to hit you there off guard."

"That's just luck." Kaito replied while gasping his breath, "I didn't expect you could do that!"

"Hahaha!" Cao Cao who was amused by Kaito's reaction laughed and replied, "There is a lot more ability this spear does have, otherwise our fight wouldn't be like this."

"Damn it." Hearing his statement, Kaito who looked 'frustrated' commented, "I probably wouldn't last long against you and that cheating holy spear. I am already exhausted now."

"Hahahaha!" Cao Cao who keeps getting amused can't help but excitedly stated, "In terms of combat skill, I admit you are really comparable to me, Kaito. Sieg honestly should even learn a move from you."

"No wonder you are confidence to deal with me if it's 1 vs 1."

"That's the pride of a strong man, and I, Cao Cao, the leader of Hero Faction, acknowledge your strength!" Cao Cao declared as he proudly pointed True Longinus at Kaito. 

"He is indeed worthy to be part of us." (Georg)

"I can't wait to duel against him using our pure swordsman skill!" (Sigfried)

"Me too! How about you, Hercules?" (Jean)

"Of course, I feel the same. The fact he manages to tie with Cao Cao so far is incredible!" (Hercules)


Hearing Cao Cao's barrage of praise and the applause coming from hero faction members who watching them, Kaito knew it was time to end this battle and executed the final part of his plan. 

'Beside of that, it would be ended with my defeat when Est protection disappeared soon' Kaito thought.

While still pretending to be tired and using Est as a prop to stand up, Kaito glared at Cao Cao angrily and yelled, "...I have a proposal, Cao Cao. I refuse our glorious duel ended with me being exhausted!" 

"Indeed, I also don't want this duel to end like that."

Hearing his proposal, Cao Cao who is a proud person agreed easily with what Kaito said. Not only he, but the Hero faction members also agreed, clearly excited, and even Hercules clapped his hands in appreciation. In their eyes, the duel between them was truly an honorable duel between heroes, and of course, it had to end in an honorable way too.

Unfortunately, Kaito never thought of doing this-- and prepares to trick them all for the sake of his task.

"Let's end this farce, I will use my strongest move! And if I still can't beat you, I will join your group!" Kaito continues to explain while also promoting himself to show his seriousness.

[Promotion: Queen]

"Promotion?" Cao Cao seems to be delighted with his attitude and arrogantly declared, "Although I am not sure how you do self-promotion, I still believe you are going to lose, Kaito!"

After saying that, Cao Cao channeled his energy and ambition into the True Longinus seriously, causing the True Longinus to emit a bright light that made Kaito feel uncomfortable. 

At first, Cao Cao wanted to use a balance breaker, but seeing that Kaito didn't seem to have opened his balance breaker (in their eyes Kaito was a new user so he isn't familiar with his new sacred gear), he decided to play fair by not using it either.

"This time, I am coming, Cao Cao!" 

"Bring it on!"


After that, Kaito quickly dashed toward Cao Cao, using momentum to release the strongest attack he could do right now while Cao Cao also prepared to block Kaito's sword using his True Longinus.

However, something unexpected happened--- When Kaito got close enough to Cao Cao, the sword in his hand disappeared, leaving everyone around shocked and confused about what he was doing.


"What he was doing?!"

"Are you kidding me?"

"That man is stupid! Is he wanted to die!"


For a second, everyone thought Kaito must be crazy to unequip his Sacred Gear and clash against True Longinus with bare hands. Even Cao Cao thought Kaito must want to kill himself right now but they already get too close and it's too late for Cao Cao to change his position.

However, to everyone's surprise once again, the strongest sacred gear, the True Longinus spear immediately disappeared upon contact with Kaito's right fist... and then it landed perfectly into Cao Cao's arrogant face.




Since Kaito aimed to defeat Cao Cao in a single blow, Cao Cao got punched really hard-- since it blew him away in the air dozen of meters even crashed into multiple houses along the way. Looking at the damage he caused, Kaito feel bad for doing this-- but his guilty quickly cleared the moment he heard the system notification.




[The assigned task has been completed! Please check the chat group in order to receive the reward!]



"Get him!"

Realizing that their leader just got unexpectedly defeated by Kaito. the hero faction members looked at him angrily, prepared to fight Kaito next since the situation obviously has changed. However, to their surprise, instead of fighting back, Kaito who has confirmed the task is completed decides to execute the Joestar family's secret technique immediately-- which is run away with his newly acquired ability from the system. However, when he wants to activate it, the system immediately warns him with a notification that made him wanted to facepalm.



[Teleport Lv.4 (* * * *): An ability to allow its user to instantly transport matter across space either. Level 4 clearance means the user is also able to teleport themselves.]

[Estimated Activation Time: 11:44:25]


'Damn, I really forget this activation time thing! It has been a while since I got a new ability to use!' Kaito thought in panic.

Because the situation was very precarious, Kaito decided to consume points to reduce the ability activation time to 0 which unsurprisingly cost him a lot of points. He wanted to curse the system because it asked him to spend 12000 points for that (1000 points for each hour reduction) but since he had no choice, he agree with the offer from the system. After all, he didn't want to be caught and beaten up by the hero faction members who were angry because he had tricked them.

The moment he managed to activate his new ability, Kaito immediately disappear far away from the location, making the whole faction member very mad, since in their eyes what Kaito did was trampled his own dignity as a hero descendant. Thus, Kaito officially became the number 1 person hated by the hero faction and also gave him a title that would bother him in the long run.

Honestly, I kinda give up writing this chapter of action in a satisfactory manner to my own standard (which is also the reason why the promised update become so long), I can only say sorry, and hopefully, the reader is still able to understand what is happening.

anyway, its still better for me to update than keep rewriting this chapter until I satisfied (and stressed myself out).


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