The Monkey King

Chapter 709

Chapter 674: :Go Back?

In the face of the monkey’s almost threatening request, the new ruler of France asked the monks in Kunlun Mountain for help as soon as possible. The results are predictable.

To the monkeys, even if the seven golden immortals join forces, they are going to suffer. As their disciples and grandchildren, what can the monks in Kunlun Mountain do? Using a knife behind the back may be fine, but if you have to face it head-on, there is only one dead end. This is what everyone knows.

Almost without any accident, Xuanzang’s request to recite scriptures for the deceased was granted. The time for the burial was smoothly postponed.

However, if the person at the top agrees, it is a promise, and whether the person at the bottom is willing to cooperate is another matter.

Many families of the deceased refused to let Xuanzang get close to the corpses of their relatives. In order to avoid Xuanzang, some people even moved the corpses home from the public mortuary.

To this end, Xuanzang had to visit door to door like a begging almshouse, looking for the victims who were deliberately hidden and trying to persuade them to allow Xuanzang to recite the scriptures for the victims. Under the intensifying ridicule.

The depressing scene made the black bear spirits teary-eyed.

He chased after him like Xuanzang’s servant and asked, “Master Xuanzang, why are you so troubled?”

Xuanzang didn’t answer, but still dragged his tired body and continued what he thought was the only thing he could do at the moment.

This scene was seen by the rest of the westbound team, but they all chose silence.

Proving the Tao and Purdue is the meaning of the existence of this team, but apart from Xuanzang himself, who else knows this “Tao”, how to prove it?

Don’t talk about them, it’s Xuanzang himself, I’m afraid he’s already hesitating at this moment. Silence is the only thing they can do.

Since Xuanzang did not allow monkeys to threaten the people with force, he also did not allow monkeys to question the monks who were in charge of post-disaster reconstruction. So, the situation can only get worse little by little.

“Isn’t that liar gone yet?”

“Not yet gone.”

“Why does he still have a face left? Does he want to bring us even greater disasters?”

“He said he was going to recite the scriptures for the dead.”

“Chanting sutras? Stop teasing, just use his own fabricated Dharma?”

Xuanzang’s reputation has deteriorated little by little in this black wave, and has become like a mouse crossing the street.

Many people were reluctant to let Xuanzang enter the door, and were reluctant to listen to him. both sides of the road. The windowsill was full of people, from the awe at the beginning, to the fear later, to the eyes that seemed to be watching a joke now.

They laughed brazenly. Some people even started throwing rotten eggs and rotten vegetables at Xuanzang.

Monkey stood on the street and watched silently, gnashing his teeth in hatred.

However, Xuanzang persisted, continuing his incomprehensible plan. A dull face. Like the walking dead.

On Lingshan, a monk bowed before the Tathagata. Everyone’s eyes flickered slightly.

“I thought he just lost the game of begging for France, and he would still go west. I didn’t expect this Xuanzang… to lose completely. It was really unexpected.”

“Failure is inevitable. It’s already like this. The Purdue method for good is just a lie.”

“What’s more surprising is that Daomen actually stabbed him at this time.”

“What’s surprising, the way is different. If you give them a chance, it’s hard to guarantee that they won’t stab us.”

“But. Why did Xuanzang insist on reciting the scriptures for the dead? Could it be that he has lost his mind and gone mad?”

At this question, everyone in the hall immediately fell silent, frowning one by one.

“He is crossing himself.” A loud voice slowly swayed in the hall.

All eyes were on the Tathagata.

I saw the Tathagata slowly closed his eyes and sighed softly: “Crossing people in the sea of hardship is like saving the drowning person. When you stretch out your hand, you are also in danger. In fact, it’s a game. If the person who crosses people is strong and the method is good, then the drowning person will be saved. If the person who drowns is strong and stupid, in the end, it is difficult to guarantee that the person who crosses people will not be dragged into the water together.”

As soon as these words came out, all the Buddhas in the hall. All the Arhats were startled, their eyes widened one by one.

Someone asked anxiously, “According to what the Venerable said, isn’t Xuanzang being dragged into the water and sinking into a sea of misery?”

The Tathagata nodded slightly.

Suddenly, everyone was amazed.

Someone muttered to himself: “So it is. Xuanzang’s chanting is not to appease the undead. It is to appease himself. The name is Duren, but it is actually Duyi. People in a city, thousands of people are killed and injured, and they are guilty… Although It’s not what he did with his own hands, but it’s hard to get rid of it.”

“What is more terrifying than the misunderstandings of the people is the censure in his heart. That’s why he doesn’t explain it. Because even if the people understand, he can’t deceive his true heart. .”

“The way of being good is a lie. In this world, has there ever been a person who believes that goodness has become the Dao? Proclaiming the way of being good without ‘power’ is a dangerous move. Xuanzang has today’s bitter fruit, and it is reasonable what.”

The people in the hall were talking and sighing.

Now it seems that Xuanzang’s move of using strength to fight, although it is clever, it is nothing but a sideshow. Can’t make the big picture.

Amid the commotion, someone suddenly asked, “Since he has already fallen into a sea of misery, what will happen to him next?”

At this question, the Arhats who had been discussing with great interest were stunned again, looking at each other in dismay, unable to answer. They could only look towards the Buddhas.

This time, no one answered whether it was the Tathagata, the Four Great Buddhas, or even other lower-level Buddhas.

In the dining room, the black bear spirit overturned the table angrily.

He grabbed the cook by the collar and lifted him up: “What do you mean, you don’t even give vegetarian food?”

“Small, small can’t be the master… I didn’t mention it above, I’m the one in charge, how can I decide?”

Looking at the huddled gangsters in the corner from a distance, the black bear spirit gritted his teeth, slammed the chef to the ground, and rushed out the door.

hurried to the monkey’s side, and he whispered: “Master, the grandsons in the imperial dining room actually said that they didn’t prepare Master Xuanzang’s fasting meal. I…I’ll go find something to eat for Master Xuanzang.”

Not far away, Xuanzang was just kicked out by a family.

The monkey looked back at the black bear spirit, and then looked down at his bear paw with a few strands of vegetable leaves.

“I thought you would beat them straight up and grab the food.”

“Master Xuanzang said that he could not conflict with them.”

“But you still did it?”

Hearing the words, the black bear spirit had to bow his head.

“Master Xuanzang hasn’t eaten anything all day and night. I’ll go find him something to eat.”

said. The roller blind was about to turn and leave, but was grabbed by the canopy.

shook his head slowly, Tian Peng said: “No need to go, just tell him the truth.”

said. Tianpeng winked in the direction of Xuanzang.

“Tell him, this…”

The roller blind and the black bear essence looked at each other.

“It’s okay to tell him.” The monkey sighed leisurely with his ears open: “It’s the same whether you say it or not. Besides, he’s someone who wants Purdue to hide it from him. Is it appropriate?”

Under the encouragement of everyone, in the end, the black bear spirit had to walk slowly towards Xuanzang and tell Xuanzang what he heard and saw.

Xuanzang stopped, glanced at the monkey, and said something to the black bear spirit. Then, he continued to the next house.

Black Bear Spirit scratched his head and walked back.

“How to say?”

“Master Xuanzang said… Master Xuanzang said he didn’t eat.”

“Ah?” Xiao Bailong called out: “Does he want to die?”

The entire group frowned and watched the black bear spirit quietly.

for a while. The black bear spirit just blinked and said uncertainly, “Master Xuanzang said… He said that life, old age, sickness and death, resentment and hatred, separation from love, and inability to reach the five aggregates of clinging, what he has endured is only the suffering of the flesh, and the suffering of the people. Compared with the suffering, it is insignificant. If you can’t even endure this bit of suffering, what are you talking about Purdue preaching…”

After saying this, everyone present was stunned.

Monkey looked at Tian Peng in disbelief and said, “He can connect with this. What kind of logic is this? Do you have to starve to death to prove the Tao?”

“No.” Tian Peng blinked, frowned, and said softly, “There is a problem.”

“What? Do you understand?”

Tianpeng shook his head and said, “I haven’t figured it out yet, but…but I always feel that something is wrong.”

That far. Xuanzang had come to the corner.

In order to prevent Xuanzang from leaving their sight, several people quickly followed with small steps.

Seeing this, the macaque king, who was still injured, had to shake his head and follow a branch he picked up.

Xuanzang’s journey of chanting is rough.

The prejudice of the people is so deep that they want to chew his bones. And he was reluctant to explain, he just endured all the curse of malice alone.

The sky was overcast with light rain.

Xuanzang was kicked out of the house again. When he was about to go out, the owner of the house gave him a kick and kicked him directly into the stagnant water in front of the house.

“If you still dare to come, if you come once, I will beat you up once, and the next time it’s not…”

The    man’s scolding stopped abruptly the moment he saw the monkey hiding in the far corner. He was so frightened that he hurriedly retreated into the room, shut the door and shivered.

The whole world was quiet, Xuanzang lying in the stagnant water was motionless.

On both sides of the street, countless eyes watched him quietly through the gaps in the windows.

“Is he dead?”

“Probably not, how could it be so easy to die?”

“It’s hard to say, it seems that he hasn’t had a sip of water or eaten a grain of rice for a long time. Plus chanting like this… It’s not surprising that he died from exhaustion.”

Under the whispers, the first person who was afraid was not the people who were also in the westbound team, but the man who had just kicked Xuanzang over.

If Xuanzang just died like this, what would happen to him?

Remembering the scene where the monkey and the gods were fighting, his feet softened.

Right at this moment, he suddenly saw the monkey walking to Xuanzang’s side step by step on the ground full of rainwater, grabbed Xuanzang’s collar and lifted him up.

“I know you’re not dead. Nothing else, I’m pretty accurate in the perception of breath.”

Looking at the monkey in a daze, Xuanzang coughed a few times, wading into the rain and crawling under the eaves beside him to avoid the rain, shrinking into a ball.

The monkey came step by step with a golden cudgel and sat beside him. After hesitating for a while, he asked softly, “How are you doing now? I know it will hit you this time, but if you play like this, you will kill yourself.”

“Why don’t you go back. You go back to Huaguo Mountain, the marshal goes back to Gaolaozhuang, and everyone, go back to the place that belongs to you.”

“What?” the monkey exclaimed.

Looking at the flying rain, Xuanzang sighed expressionlessly: “Perhaps, the poor monk shouldn’t have pulled you. The poor monk should…finish the road to the west by himself.” (~^~)

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