The Monkey King

Chapter 739

Chapter 704: :Persuade

At this time, on the westbound road, he had not drank water for two whole days and two nights, and Xuanzang, who was on the verge of collapse, exhausted his strength to climb to the top of the mountain.

Looking around, what unfolds in front of you is a large plain.

Although the land was still dry and barren, there was at least one small town on this plain, with a few wisps of smoke rising sparsely.

There is a small town, and there is cooking smoke, indicating that there are people. If there are people, there must be water.

Thinking, Xuanzang with a tired face couldn’t help but let out a sigh of relief and laughed.

Water is what he needs most now. There is still some dry food left.

straightened his dirty monk robe that had been blown by the wind and sand as if rolling on the ground. He cheered up his spirits and walked down the mountain step by step with his luggage on his back, and walked towards the town.

As soon as Xuanzang came down the mountain, the monkey appeared where he had stood. Looking down at Xuanzang’s figure, he turned his face to Lu Liuguai and asked, “Have you checked this town?”

“I have already checked the words of the Great Sage.” Lu Liuguai replied in a low voice, “There is only one mouse in the whole town with a little cultivation, and it hasn’t changed its shape yet. The minister has already ordered someone to deliver it to him. Going elsewhere will definitely not threaten the safety of Master Xuanzang. But…”

“But what?”

After hesitating for a while, Lu Liuguai said softly, “But it hasn’t rained in this town for several years. The residents of the town are dying and walking, almost all of them are going to be abandoned, and there are only a few households left. No matter it is food or water, there is no shortage of it. The minister originally wanted to have a dream and ask the residents to donate some water and dry food to Master Xuanzang. In this way, Master Xuanzang’s urgent needs are relieved, and secondly Come, it won’t make Master Xuanzang suspicious. Then he refuses. However, after really looking at the situation, I feel that it is just a dream, I am afraid there is no way for them to take out the precious food and water.”

“It’s not easy to ask for food and water?” The Bull Demon King on the side interjected: “Since they are short, send them some. Send ten copies and let them give one to Master Xuanzang. They can still disagree?”

Hearing this, Lu Liuguai immediately rolled his eyes. He snorted coldly and said, “There is no way to do it in the wild so that Master Xuanzang can’t see the flaws. With just a few rural villagers, how much do you expect them to be able to act? It will be a result if you miss the trick then? I really don’t even think about talking.”

“You!” After saying this, the Bull Demon King immediately blushed.

Seeing that the two were arguing with swords again, the monkey on the side snorted coldly. Immediately, both of them swallowed the words that came to their mouths.

was silent for a while. The monkey asked softly, “What’s the name of this place?”

“It’s called Fengxian County. It used to be a county town, but now, let alone a small town, it can’t even be a village. It has long been empty.”

“Fengxian County…Fengxian County…” Bowing his head, the monkey recited the name twice silently, and he probably had a bottom line in his heart.

On the outskirts of the Lion and Camel Kingdom, in a small house among the mountains, a multi-eyed monster was pacing back and forth.

On the other side of   , Qingxin sat motionless, looking straight ahead. Although expressionless. The hostility in that expression was obvious.

After a long time, Duomuguai said, “Miss Fengling, this time Weichen invited you over in this way, it’s really a last resort. I hope you don’t blame me.”

Qingxin snorted coldly and didn’t even look at him.

Helpless, the multi-eyed monster had to reach out and pull a chair. Sitting in front of Qingxin. He bowed his body and said in a low voice, “Before entering the lion camel country, Wei Chen has something to tell you, Miss Feng Chi.”

Qingxin turned away slightly, completely ignoring him.

Seeing this, the multi-eyed monster had to take a deep breath and said to himself: “Sir Madam, you are now in the lion camel country, you must already know this. However, you may not know that she is in the lion camel country. what does the country do?”

“Previously, you said that the one from the Lion and Camel Kingdom is the six-eared macaque. However, Lady Notre Dame does not seem to think so. Not only did she recognize the identity of the Great Sage, but she has also begun to assist the Great Sage. Previously, the one you recognized I came to pick her up, but she didn’t leave. Judging from the situation, she was really ready to follow this great sage. Just a few days ago, she even mentioned the continuation of the unfinished marriage with the great sage. Presumably, sharing the bed, It’s not too long ago.”

Hearing this, although Qing Xin still ignored the multi-eyed monster, her brows were slightly frowned.

Yang Chan really followed the six-eared macaque? is it possible?

Although she knew a little about this, she always believed that Yang Chan had another purpose. Now I hear the multi-eyed monster say this… Although it is very likely that she lied to her, but… If Yang Chan really follows the six-eared macaque, what will happen to the real monkey? I just told him that…

For a while, Qing Xin’s mood became a little restless.

This scene was watched by the multi-eyed monster. Immediately, there was a sense of confidence in my heart.

After a dry laugh, he continued: “As for who should be loyal to and who should be recognized, even if Miss Fengling wants to blame, Duomu has no regrets. Duomu is an old courtier of Huaguo Mountain, and his allegiance is Huaguo. Shan is the Great Sage and the Demon Race. Nowadays, there are two Great Sages. From a multi-purpose standpoint, it is natural to choose the one who is loyal to the Demon Race and can revive the Demon Race. This point, in the final analysis, However, there is no right or wrong in her position. If you change your position, I am sure that Miss Wind Chime will make the same choice as Duomu. In the same way, Duomu will not think that it is wrong.”

“It stands to reason that this one of the Lion and Camel Country has no memory at all, and the other one has complete memory. The one you recognize, Miss Wind Chime, and the one recognized by Lady Notre Dame, should have been the other one. Duomu thought so at first, so he was not in a hurry to let the Great Sage go to Huashan to pick up Our Lady.”

“But…hehehe, people are not as good as gods. This great sage doesn’t just listen to one person. I won’t mention the middle things. In short, the great sage finally took back the Virgin Mary. . Today’s lion and camel country, it is also the Lord of the Mother who has the final say. An old minister like me is almost out of place.”

At this point, Qing Xin suddenly said: “What exactly are you trying to say, please tell me quickly? Also, what does the six-eared macaque mean when he wants to see me? Doesn’t he have no memory? very?”

After saying that, Qing Xin coldly glared at Duomuguai.

This stare, the multi-eyed monster suddenly panicked. He shrank his neck slightly, raised his chest, lowered his eyes and pondered for a while before opening his mouth and said, “Although the Great Sage has no memory, is the love still there after all? Besides, Huaguo Mountain’s All the old clubs still remember you. Everyone is looking forward to Miss Feng Chi’s return. ”

After saying that, he laughed awkwardly.

However, the laughter came to an abrupt end under Qing Xin’s cold eyes.

“Fuck you, I have to talk about it.” Qingxin glanced coldly at the multi-eyed strange, and said: “I do know all the old divisions in Huaguoshan, but I want to say that I want to go back… This is really flattering. Yes. Back then in Huaguo Mountain, I was nothing but a nobody, how did I interact with those old minions? Let’s just say what I really want to say, Lord Duomu!”

Being said that, the multi-eyed monster was instantly embarrassed.

In desperation, he had to bite the bullet and kneel on the ground.

Kneeling, Qingxin didn’t help, but just sat upright and looked at him coldly.

That look made his scalp go numb when he saw it.

Gritting his teeth, Duomu shouted in a loud voice: “This time, in addition to the entrustment of the Great Sage, Duomu was actually entrusted by the colleagues in Huaguoshan, and I came to ask Miss Fengling to wait for me. The one who is in charge—!”

About half an hour later, the multi-eyed monster pushed open the door and walked out in a daze.

He raised his head and glanced at the round of tomorrow that was passing through the clouds.

There were still tears in the corners of his eyes, and he didn’t know if he was really crying or fake crying. However, the palpable frustration must be real.

“Senior brother, how’s the conversation going?” The purple-shirted spider spirit walked behind him with small steps.

“No.” The multi-eyed monster slowly shook his head, walked away step by step, and sighed: “The change is too great, she is no longer the original wind chime, and her personality is completely different. This was as early as the moment she won her. , I should have thought about it… what a mistake.”

The purple shirt spider spirit frowned slightly.

With a light sigh, the multi-eyed monster said softly: “I originally wanted to coax her, and then borrow her hand to have a fight with Yang Chan in the courtroom. The one from the Lion and Camel Kingdom cares most about others. When he is the real sage, there is a story about killing Miss Feng Chi in the Tusita Palace. Even if he has no feelings, he has to weigh it. In this way, we also have a talisman. What a pity …With her attitude, I’m afraid it’s useless for me to say anything next. She is Miss Feng Chi, but it is mixed with the memory of two lives, and the memory of this life is obviously more dominant. Your precautions are too strong.”

“What now?”

“No way, just take one step at a time.” Squeezing his long beard, he sighed with a strange sigh: “Get ready, we will send her to the Lion and Camel country now. Anyway, even if she can’t be used by us, at least it can be used for the Yang Chan is a little bit blocked. That is the rival of the third generation. No matter what she thinks of Yang Chan, Yang Chan will definitely not like her, and it will be okay to have a little trouble. Our identity can’t be against Yang Chan, she can just It’s different. I don’t believe it, that Yang Chan will really assist the Great Sage!”

Hearing this, the purple-shirt spider spirit bowed and said, “No.” (To be continued.)

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