The Monkey King

Chapter 79

Chapter 78: :Ambush

Half a year later, the uninhabited mountains and forests in the southern part of Nanzhanbuzhou.

Three generals wearing silver armor, holding various weapons and driving a silver chariot dragged by two Pegasus volleyed through the mountains and forests.

Those three pairs of eyes searched the forest vigilantly.

The   Tiantian will be affiliated to the Tianting Tianfu, a special unit dedicated to inspecting the human world.

Although    is not part of the normal army, in terms of individual strength, it is definitely the strongest among all the troops in Heaven.

They are in a group of three, with at least one cultivator in the spiritual realm, driving their exclusive chariot of the Heavenly Army to cruise through the mountains and forests, and kill them on the spot once they encounter a little demon who has not yet formed a force.

If you find a demon group that has formed an entrenched force, it will be reported to the Heavenly Court, and the Heavenly Court will send other troops to encircle and suppress it.

From a certain point of view, they are both the law enforcers sent by the heaven in the world and the scouts of the heaven.

The cultivators who serve in this army have the best treatment compared to other legions in Heaven. There is only one fatal flaw. This unit also has the highest death rate among all units.

Three days ago, a group of sky surveyors went missing five hundred miles east of here, which attracted the attention of high-level officials, so six additional groups of sky surveyors were dispatched to this area to investigate.

But they didn’t find any clues in the place where Tian Jiang disappeared, nor did they find Tian Jiang’s soul.

Obviously, they did not encounter the emerging power of monsters. This is most likely a group of wandering fairies with no fixed location, and there is at least one demon cultivator in the spirit-refining realm.

To this end, they had to expand the search range, which directly led to the dispersion of the six groups of sky surveyors.

And this, is one of them.

Headed by   , the sky surveyor closed his eyes to carefully perceive the surrounding atmosphere. After a long time, he opened his eyes and seemed to give up this behavior.

After all, the speed is too fast, even if it is perceived, there is no way to respond immediately. But what about slowing down?

The manpower is not enough, reduce the speed and wait for them to search the area again, those wandering monsters have no idea where they have gone.

“There are dense forests in this area, and monsters are easy to hide, so let’s raise the height.”

“Afraid of ambush? The three of us are in the realm of refining spirits, and they can’t hide in time when they see us.”

“Still be careful, don’t forget that although the missing team has only one Spirit Refining Realm, there is also one who is about to break through to the Spirit Refining Realm.”

“Drive!” The sky surveyor who was driving the chariot waved his whip, and Tianma quickly raised his height by a few points.

Just as they were about to fly over the next hill, two arrows shot out from the canopy of a big tree below, breaking one of the reins.

A Pegasus got out of the way, and suddenly, the entire chariot lost its balance.

“There’s an ambush! Be careful!” While shaking violently, the leader of the sky surveyor shouted and pulled the longbow in his hand to the canopy of the tree that shot the arrow.

Just as the three of them were all focused on shooting the bow and arrow canopy, a tall figure suddenly appeared on the other side of the rock.

It was a rhinoceros with a height of ten feet, thick skin, muscles all over his body, and a huge three-foot-tall rhino horn on his nose.

Before the three surveyors could react, he quickly swung the flying claws in his hand, slammed it, and buckled it directly on the wheel of the chariot.

With   , only one Pegasus’ chariot suddenly stopped and hung in mid-air.

“Rhino essence!” A sky survey general shouted.

The rhino spirit still felt that it was not enough, and coiled the rope in his hand two more times around his arm. With a loud roar, the wheel and the axle were torn off immediately.

The chariot fell apart in an instant.

The three sky surveyors immediately flapped their wings and tried to fly.

But soon, they found that the white wings behind them became so weak that they could not fly at all.

“Not good! It’s a no-fly circle!”

The three of them fell sharply and fell into a bush below.

Before they could break free from those branches and leaves, they saw a bunch of little demons in messy clothes with strange weapons surrounding them.

Those pairs of hands were shaking, and many little demons didn’t even have a piece of clothing on their bodies, just two banana leaves, they were hesitant and didn’t dare to move forward.

Seeing these little demons, the three were obviously relieved.

A sky surveyer quickly fired a flare, but before the flare was actually in the air, an owl spirit blocked it back with his body.

After looking around for a week, he raised his head and glanced at the owl spirit hovering in the air holding a bow and arrow, and the head of the sky survey would slowly stand up, discard the longbow in his hand, take off the heavy shield on his back, and pull out the long knife around his waist. , said: “Be careful, there should be an enlightened Taoist demon cultivator among them.”

The enlightened Taoist demon cultivator, this is a rare thing.

The other two sky surveyors were holding silver spears and two-handed swords on his sides.

“What now?”

“Break out first, follow me.” The sky surveyor with the shield said.

At this moment, a group of little demons were pushed aside, and the three of them were taken aback.

One was as tall as a zhang, with a big ring on his nose, and the black bull spirit with dark jade-like muscles came out with a big knife in hand.

He was shirtless, with two heavy iron chains coiled around his chest, and the armor on his lower body seemed to be repaired from several sets of human armor, which looked nondescript.

snorted heavily, and he roared viciously: “What do you **** want to do? Not yet!”

Those little demons shivered one by one, shivering with their weapons and advancing towards the sky surveyor. That battle was not so much a group of soldiers with weapons as a group of peasants with hoes.

Hei Niu Jing stared at the three generals with a smile on his face.

“This way!” The sky surveyor headed by him suddenly shouted.

turned around and immediately cut down three little demons.

The other two generals who surveyed the sky quickly followed.

These little demons are pitifully weak, and most of them are little demons who have just transformed into a state of concentration.

After a while, the three generals of the sky smashed their way out of the encirclement.

Behind   , Hei Niu Jing didn’t seem to be in a hurry at all, just holding a knife and laughing and urging a group of little demons to chase after him. The pace of his own is not much faster than those of those little demons who are too scared.

This made the leading sky surveyor somewhat puzzled.

Isn’t this black bull essence the head of these little demons? Why were these little monsters killed?

At this moment, a gray-brown figure rushed in front of them.

When the    battles were short-handed, the leading sky surveyor suddenly had more than a dozen wounds on his body.

Under the severe pain, he slammed the heavy shield in his hand against the opponent and bounced the opponent away.

At this time, the three generals who surveyed the sky could see who was coming.

This is a jackal, about five feet tall, with slender limbs, wearing a worn-out military uniform and playing with two machetes.

He was slowly getting up from the ground to stand in front of the three of them, his red eyes staring at the three of them, as if staring at the prey in his mouth, with a low roar from his mouth.

The three sky surveyors will hurriedly protect each other back to back.

There is a jackal in front and a black bull in the back, neither of which seems to be so easy to deal with. As for those little demons, you can completely ignore them.

Fortunately, this is not a narrow mountain pass, you can’t walk forward and backward, and there are left and right.

Except for the owl spirit hovering in the sky, none of these monsters seem to have mastered the flying skills. The range of the no-fly circle can’t be very large, as long as they get out of the range of the circle, they can escape.

Just as the head of the sky survey general endured the severe pain of the wound and thought about which side to break through, the rhino spirit had already rushed over with a huge axe, and its fat body jumped down from above and hit the left side heavily, breaking it directly. A few newly grown trees.

“This… looks even tougher.”

All three of them could not help but turn to the last hope—the right.

Before they could take a step, a large banana leaf was pushed aside by a furry hand, revealing a monkey head with dark golden hair.

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