The Mook Maker

Chapter 69: Viridian Dominions Unbound

Choices. They weren’t getting any easier. 


I was, once again, put in front of a choice that would affect me and mine for the days to come. Weeks, months, years, in fact, but trapped in another world and confronted with problems I would never have, could never have, fathomed before. I simply never thought this far ahead. 


Another ‘Slayer’ option seemed to be most beneficial in the short term, a change for a powerful warrior specialised to face the opponents that threatened us the most, seemed to be the best choice, however such had the tendency to backfire at the first opportunity. 


Considering the overarching theme of powers my girls held, it wasn’t exactly hard to imagine that the combination of ‘air’ and ‘poison’ was the system’s way of saying ‘nerve gas’. 


Aware that a new power would be either something inherently destructive, deadly, or at the very least, sinister, it wasn’t hard to guess that gas attacks would be a way to bypass the magical barrier that had hurt my girls, but let the air in. 


Use of the attacks like this would turn against us, if not with the first change of wind, then through other consequences that would surely follow. 


This made me hesitate. The ability that promised massive collateral damage would only worsen our already abysmal relations with the humans in what could be a turning point in the entire war - if the dragoness’ worshippers held any loyalty to the nagging ‘Lady’ there still was hope that least a portion of human population would leave the endless cycle of violence. 


If I could wait for at least a couple of days, I would use the opportunity to verify the trustworthiness of this ‘Viridian High Lady’ somehow, leverage the alliance she had offered  us, have her use the influence she would have on humans to benefit both. Unfortunately, it wasn’t an option. 


I could - and would - still ask, but the selection of the most beneficial power would have to be done now. If my plan was to deescalate the situation, some safer, less indiscriminately destructive ability had to be considered. 


Then, if not ‘air’ and ‘poison’, which skill would help us the most? 


With that one skill removed from the equation, I was left with choices that overlapped with what we already had, and I was not quite certain those were meant as the direct upgrades, or as entirely separate breeds that would add to the horde’s population. 


By choosing the unique, I would never find out. 


As I pondered my choices, the surrounding horde dispersed, reminding me our number once again doubled, and with it, the demand for the resources grew as well. We may have started as a few foxies lost in the woods, but now, we would need a city to accommodate us and feed us all.


It was getting more difficult to concentrate when my attention switched from the selection overlay to the greater world, and the interconnected mind of my girls, as the countless voices once again heaved, demanding their share of attention. While the mysterious power behind the screen had considered quantity over quality, I did not consider my precious girls expendable. 


What would benefit us all - for we are many - would be best. 


I could sense Tama struggling to wrangle more than a thousand new ‘Purifiers’ already impulsively following their first instinct - burn. I took a glimpse of the fireballs flashing in the woods, birds scrambling to safety only to be downed by the concentrated fire thrown into the dispersing flock. 


Giggles echoed all around. The window floating in front of my eyes flashed menacingly as my countless followers split to the following area to hunt and feed, and it was a matter of time - minutes, seconds - until they caught up with fleeing peasants from the village.


The moment the power decided the combat had started, it would decide for me! 


I dreaded the idea of the agency slipping away. 


Think, think!


Take a pick before some random generator does it for you, I said to myself. 


Anything with ‘flesh’ affinity would compete with my chiropteran girls for materials.


A ‘shadow’ option was threatening to make ‘Eviscerators’ obsolete with no idea if it was upgraded, or if it was indeed any stronger. 


Would they, however, be better fighters than my rather adorable werewolves, or better negotiators, better than delivering a message through zombified ‘humans’ the ‘Fleshspeakers’ created? 


The ‘elites’ could see through ‘Eviscerator’ invisibility, as did the human priestesses, and I had no guarantee the direct upgrade could fool them. It might, it didn’t have to. 


More laughing all around when the ‘Purifiers’ gathered their prey, with more of them aiming to venture farther and farther to hunt. The fleeing humans couldn’t be far. 


The ‘mind’ was once again overlapping with ‘Fleshspeakers’ powers, and I wasn’t entirely certain what limits, if any, their psychic powers had. I could allocate my bat-girls to different jobs should the future attempt to communicate with not-zombified humans telepathically failed.  


But dedicated mind-snatchers? 


They wouldn’t take it well, being barred from even exercising their magic.


Whispers sneaked into my brain. The host was hungry, and the hunting parties were already sneaking into the surrounding woods in search of food. If this territory was untouched by us, they would succeed, but they would also likely encounter enemies to fight. 


Any moment now, the unseen force may decide for me, perhaps by giving me the very power I have opted against. 


I must choose!


Some powers worked much better when used creatively. The elusive ‘arcane’ element came to mind, and with it, the possibility of making all of us better, to unlock the force that eluded us until now…


“Select skill… Viridian Dominions Unbound.” I said, hoping that it would either provide us with the method to strengthen my girls, or help the ‘Corruptors’ as our primary ‘provider’ breed. 


They were growing not only our food but also our shelters, and even if they didn’t prove capable of sharing their ‘arcane’ element with others, they would help the ‘Corruptors’ at the very least.


It was, if nothing else, safe. 


The power didn’t let me ponder my selection further - the effect was immediate. 


Skill “Viridian Dominions Unbound lvl.1” Gained.


As the overlay notification flashed before my eyes, the expected burst of red fog erupted from the ground in front of me, and quickly materialised into the new creature to join our little - or not so little - menagerie. 


“How did you do that, Root?” The dragoness’ voice, still lurking behind all the minds that comprised our horde, was also surprised, but I pushed her nagging away, along with the apparent question why I could still hear her - she was not one of mine.


For the moment, everything went silent. At least, for me, as the focus shifted towards the unexpected addition to our quite large family. 


Anthropomorphic creatures with the feminine curves were a norm among my followers for reasons I couldn’t quite explain - yet, this option still left me quite shocked. 


Her physique was still distinctly feminine, yes, with the fitting figure and round, full breasts, but that was where the humanoid resemblance ended. 


Four hands covered with the dark chitinous carapace grew from an hourglass figure coated in the elegant features of chitin and fur accented in bright green and red, accompanied by large insectoid wings growing off her back in matching hues. She stood on digitigrade legs, terminating in chitin-covered talons.  A fluffy tail or insect-like abdomen moved slightly when she made a few steps toward with a sauntering, swaggering gait. 


Two of her four hands caressed her bountiful, generously round curves, the third toyed and teased with the furry natural collar of a ruffled mane, and while the fourth rose towards me in invitation as her seductive sashay came to a stop.


She was a human sized, anthropomorphic moth! 


A shockingly voluptuous moth. If I was asked to imagine a moth-girl, I would visualise a slender, almost bony figure. This was anything but.


I was not expecting that.  My heart thudded in my chest as I stared, stupefied.


My new moth girl, however, didn’t seem to mind me staring and made a small pirouette to show off. I looked up, realising I should be rather looking at her face right now, not her… assets, and she came closer. Her wings fluttered a little in excitement rather than attempting to fly. 


Her face was quite elegant, and womanly, dominated by bright red eyes and the smiling mouth with small fangs, and cute twitching mandibles, was lined with the long curly red hair. Feelers grew from the top of her head, moving with curiosity to taste the surroundings. 


“My Master! My Master, My Light!” she spoke, her voice mature and husky, yet retaining the energy of youthful exuberance, and she leaned forward, her ruby eyes flashing with the barely restrained potential. 


It was the moment I realised her bottom jaw could slip open to the sides - I was not prepared for it, even though in hindsight, it made perfect sense. I flinched.


She was insectoid, after all, and it made me pause, but then I shook my hesitation away. 


The new girl may be the large anthropomorphic moth, but she was my moth, and I loved all my creatures. 


I hugged her. She was very warm, and her fluffy fuzzy parts were velvety soft.  So silky soft my skin tingled wherever it touched.


“My Master. My Light.” She repeated and hugged me back - I should get used to my companion with far too many limbs. 


“I could light something up for you too, Master. And then...” Tama offered, staying true to her saucy, flirty nature, while the moth girl just chittered - it was, I suppose, a giggle. 


I wondered briefly whether my girls ever disagreed or argued with each other, but the chance for banter or bickering had no chance to arise. 


“Master!” Miwah interrupted, and I was about to say something, but then, suddenly, the red fog sparked out of the ground with a new batch of ‘Corruptors’ appearing. Only the invasive notification blinked before my eyes suggested what happened. 


The electrifying sensation went through my body, but was not the moth’s doing. Our host joined the battle. The murmur of voices was unmistakable, as was the alluring taste of power, inviting me to grace this world with more of our kind. 


Skill “Green Hell lvl. 41” Gained.


The freshly summoned reptilians chanted gleefully, their tone sparking with pride.


“For Master! For Master!” 


Soon, others joined in, and I could sense ‘Alphas’ probing the telepathic link for answers, while I realised that neither Mai, nor the ‘Alpha’ promoted in her stead, had joined us in this little unplanned detour. I was about to demand a report. 


Moth-girl, however, decided to hold me even tighter. 


“Rudimentary pests unworthy of your Light! They attacked my cousin, Master!” She said, notably angered. She reacted to my thoughts, yet her words answered nothing, aside from displaying a certain degree of overprotectiveness. 


Another notification popped out the moment I realised another breed had also been caught in the same fight.


Skill “Slayer of Men lvl.33” Gained.


The ‘Eviscerators’ materialised from the usual red fog, and I, locked within the embrace of my new monster girl, couldn’t even see what was going on. 


Only the feeling that the moth-girl’s reaction was uncalled for, since the ‘Alphas’ did not muster the surrounding crowd for a battle, yet sent their kin elsewhere. 


I didn’t want to deal with yet another incursion. 


At least my overreacting monster girl wasn’t unpleasant to hug, despite her wildly unusual form and colours, but I still tried to leave her obsessive hug.


"Master, Mai and Ari were attacked by a group of human soldiers in the palace gardens." Miwah said and added: “We resolved the problem.”  


“Attacked? Why?” I asked, confused. Ari was our de facto liaison, and I had her tailed by a few ‘Eviscerators’ for her protection, but it didn’t quite explain why humans would suddenly attack her after they let her stay in the city for a day. I assumed they were fine with her for the moment, but apparently, they were not. 


“Ari aims to investigate and to demand an explanation from the Viceroy, Master.” She said, almost nonchalantly, and added: “We will protect her, Master.” 

Did she say Ari and Mai? 


“What was Mai doing there, anyway?” I queried.


“Mai was too fascinated by the exotic plants in the garden…” added the moth-girl, who decided to still at least hold my hand after I extricated myself from her embrace. I supposed she had quite a lot of limbs to keep occupied.


“For Master!” echoed one of the lizard-girls this time, either to defend Mai’s decision, or to show a kindred spirit with the moth-girls with which they shared a so-called element with. 


They were the same trade colleagues; I supposed. 


Considering the wildly fantastical shapes the ‘Corruptors’ tended to force upon the flora without concern for natural biology, I was doubting whether anything demanded her to risk herself in combat, but the restrictions and limitations on Mai’s power were quite vague to begin with. 


It would be very unfair to berate Mai for her actions since it was the same thing Angela got into in order to gather samples. Their motives were technically the same, I reckoned. 


“Master. A group of soldiers led by the city’s…” Miwah continued her explanation, with her gaze forced away on the horizon as she telepathically communed with her sisters for a consensus:“’s magistrate demanded entry to speak with the Viceroy on official business, but headed to the gardens where they aimed to arrest, then harm, Ari.” 


“Hm.” I murmured in acknowledgement, submerged in thoughts, wondering whether this complete disaster would be worth provoking hostilities, and the wedge it would thrust into our already catastrophic relation with the natives. 


It was ironic, since I considered ‘Corruptors’ - gardeners of our host - as one less prone to provoke humans, but it didn't matter now. The damage was already done. 


With the incident in the palace, it didn’t matter whether we could justify Angela’s raid, or the necessity of establishing the permanent camp to facilitate the search for the scroll, we would be blamed for disturbing the peace - and breaking agreement we had made earlier - either way. 


It was frustrating. I was about to throw my hands in the air, but Miwah, taking my position on my side - much to Tama’s apparent displeasure - prevented me from doing so. The new moth-girl also demanded this share of attention too, while the only thing I thought about right now was how we were stuck in the position of the bad guys, no matter what.


“At this point, we can capture the fleeing humans before they notify authorities and occupy the place.” I said aloud without really meaning to, “Fortify it, and hold it. And seize the granary when we are at it. My new girls need to eat.” 


My order, even if only half-serious at a time, and more the expression of the futility of our circumstance than the actual intent, it was carried out without a pause or second thought. 


With the words of acknowledgement, a simple “Yes, Master” everything erupted into organised chaos, encouraged by my decision. 


It took a few eye blinks and my surroundings were already being torn apart by our horde from the single go-ahead, as the varying breeds split into the fields, the village, and the forest, not hesitating to leave irreversible damage to all that existed in the process of giving it their unique twist. 


They were eager to do it, it seemed, and now they received an approval. They didn’t hesitate for a second. 


The little ‘Eviscerators’ and ‘Purifiers’ started rummaging through the settlement, and I was certain that the humans that fled would not find a single stone unturned should they ever return to this place, however, the damage their rampage left behind was nothing compared to the combined powers of ‘Corruptors’ and ‘Defilers’ unleashed upon the very life itself. 


A scream sounded from somewhere in the forest, but soon died as the new ‘Fleshspeakers’ took to the skies to chase the animals and humans alike, drowning everything in their psychic shrieks. 


Somewhere in the distance, a fireball detonated, then another. 


“Make sure the local shrine burns along with all the wards it has.” I muttered, 


Still I had to wonder whether humans would make a connection, real or imagined, between the incident in the palace, and this raid turned into expansion, when I didn't have any inclination to betray the agreement I made with the viceroy the last time we met. 


And then this happened. 


Ironically, neither did Angela and the flock she had gathered, since the deal did not stipulate anything about us not expanding in the other direction, or specified anything about the very random visits such as Mai’s. 


A couple of ‘Purifiers’ came closer to show me the piece of clothing they stole, however instead of fighting over it, one took what seemed to be an overcoat and other took the rest, all ready to present how they looked. 


Despite my mixed feelings on the matter, they didn’t feel guilty at all. 


Instead, both cheered at me, expecting praise or a word of approval, while other ‘Purifiers’ decided to continue their looting spree across the various houses, and some of them had decided it was time to light fires. Whether they wanted to cook the supplies found, or just celebrate their existence with a little bit of pyromania, I didn’t know. 


A little ‘Purifier’ did help another to get into the dress, likely suited for an adolescent with the similar petite form as my fiery fluff balls had, and they once again demanded my attention. 

“Yes, it suits you.” I just nodded at the two, and they ran away, happy with their loot and affirmation of cuteness. 


The thick column of smoke rose from the settlement, as my girls decided to scorch down all the remnants of the local shrine, and took their task with the gusto. 


“Please don’t burn this place down completely. You would still need houses, and the palisade, and so on.” I said, trying to remain completely calm: “Tama, could you please take care of yours?” 


Having at least two of my companions on my side did help with the anxiety a little, the presence of Miwah felt both soothing and assuring, and even the new anthropomorphic moth girls radiated calm.


“Yes, Master.” Tama replied and suddenly perked up: “Do you mean you would name this village after me?” 


I blinked at the vixen. 


Would this motivate others to continue raiding so they could be given their own fiefdom? 


Was the genie out of the bottle because I named the villages after Mai? 


If Tama was displeased that she didn’t get enough attention while I was sandwiched between Miwah and the new girl - an anthropomorphic moth-girl I had yet to name - she didn’t show it. She was, however, very teasing in her tone, which was very like her, and the fox-girl’s numerous tails moved with expectation. 


Narita, too, looked at me, and so did Ekaterina and, for the moment, I pondered whether I had far too many girls to please. They, however, said nothing, though as the highest ranking members, gathered around me. Sora, always aloof, pushed closer too, and so did Kuma, looming over us. 


“Wouldn’t you want the city named after you instead?” I asked, something I didn’t quite mean saying, but the attempt at sarcasm immediately backfired. 


“Oh, yes, Master! A home for our future progeny!” Tama replied, taking the idea with all the seriousness. Considering we didn’t technically control the province’s centre, it was quite a meaningless proposal, but my five-tailed fox definitely liked the idea of a place named in her honour. The larger, the better. 


I could feel it. I could even feel Helmy, kilometres away, still stationed with the rest of our forces at the castle - I am not sure if we should call the castle Helmy’s Keep, though. 


At least Narita and Miwah were considerably more humble, I thought. I was certain it amused the dragoness, her presence peeking into our host, but she too remained silent, her attention now consumed by other things. 


I was still wondering why the dragon - one that wasn’t one of mine - stuck with us, even if in the form of a disembodied voice. We might have yet to return to that cursed temple in the city. But why if I could feel her outside the boundaries of it?


It was not fated for me to get any answers today.


“Master. It seems there was an attempt for the coup within the city. The Viceroy is dying. Ari has been stabbed.” Miwah suddenly said, and I froze. 


“What?” I barked out: “Narita, Sora, pick a few of your sisters. Quickly. I want both the man and our Ari healed.” 


I couldn’t afford to lose them. Ari was our only friend among the humans, and it seemed a capable translator, while the Viceroy represented the proof that a negotiation with the humans on larger than individual scale has been even attemptable, let alone possible - I couldn’t let any of them die. 


With him dead, I wouldn’t have to explain Angela’s raiding party, but there was no guarantee that any human of the equal standing would even attend the talks with us. So far, the man was only official, even attempting to approach us under the flag of truce while the dragons’ clergy attempted to raise the crowds to fight us to the death.


In my head, the voice of the dragoness, still somehow present, idly mused about our priesthood being more durable than hers, but I paid her no mind.


“Before he passed out, the Viceroy had officially requested our assistance in securing the province, Master, as previously offered,” Miwah said, interrupting my thoughts on the matter. 


I did offer to protect the lands, though he had refused. Did the second attempt on his life convince him otherwise? Did it even matter? 


“So he can be healed?” 


“Yes, Master. Narita arrived just in time, using the life-force of the assailants.” 


I was going to say something about that - and then, the imaginary cogs within my head turned and I realised that Viceroy’s request for help has solved more issues than just one - it helped to justify both Mai’s and Angela’s actions. 


“Miwah. I want your girls to occupy the palace. Don’t let the humans in the city see you. Just shut the gates first, then try to capture everyone inside.” I decided, “Should there be a riot in the city, we will send Ravagers and Fleshspeakers, but not before.”


“Yes, Master.” Kuma and Ekaterina answered in unison, then both yawned, also at the same time, then laughed. It didn’t weigh on them at all. 


“Could you just message Arke.” I continued, “If you speak with humans, tell them we have an agreement with the Viceroy to defend the province.” 


It was doubtful that the peasants would listen, or believe us, saying that we acted on behalf of their lords, and none would return willingly, but it wouldn’t harm to fabricate some justifications for our presence here. 


Perhaps not for the villagers, but for their rulers, the Viceroy would eventually get in contact with his peers. 


“I doubt I could justify this as a war tax…” I said to myself, considering my host already helped itself to some of the villager’s belongings, and the crops were in the process of being gravely mutated by my ‘Corruptors’.


The dragoness, her voice still taking the uncomfortable place within my head, albeit rather muted, laughed. I was getting rather annoyed, and perplexed, how she rode the telepathic connections to our host as she was some devil sitting on my shoulder, but had no means to get rid of her. 


“... and claim divine mandate.” I added aloud, pointing my finger to the sky: “The Lady demanded the blood of Red’s priestesses after all.” 

I was half-expecting the dragoness to protest. If not for acting on her behalf without her clear go ahead, then for reducing their titles for a simple ‘Lady’ and ‘Red’ demeaning their actual position. 


She, however, did not - instead, she laughed and continued in her favourite pastime - swearing a bloody vengeance upon her brothers - which I took as her seal of approval. Eventually, I would have to investigate later. The irksome fact we were now somehow linked demanded an explanation. 


But first, I should, finally, name the moth girl, for sake of convenience. She waited for something this basic for too long. 


I looked at her.


Her cute mandibles twitched, and eyes shone with the light. I should get used to it.


“I should name you…” I said, then wavered for a while since coming up with the unique names was getting more and more difficult with each time I decided to either abuse the mechanic, or simply decided it would be either fitting, rewarding, or simply easier - now it was anything but simple. 


“I would name you Kirke.” I decided, albeit hesitantly, finally, rather frustrated with the anxiety. It was probably not that good of an idea, pulling out the names out of myths. It seemed cheap.  


The unseen force beyond my system, however, was satisfied with the choice, and two things happened at once in reaction to it.


First was the notification.


The Unit Named! Kirke, Mutator Alpha.

Skill “Viridian Dominions Unbound lvl.2” Gained.


Second was a burst of the familiar ruby mist all my girls always materialised from, giving birth to a collection of eight smaller, younger versions of my freshly named Kirke, varying only in the small patterns variation on their fluffy parts, or colourful wings. 


Their usual cry “For Master!” was accompanied by the chittering sounds as they briefly unfolded and buzzed their insectoid wings, though otherwise they did manage to sound rather girlish, like the others’ smaller variants within the other breeds did. 


“Fine.” I said. “It's time for you to show us your powers.” 


“Yes, my Master. We shall bathe the world in your Light.” Kirke answered, and was about to use her power on the nearby greenery as I could see the grass nearby move, twist, then sparkle and shine. 


Aptly named ‘Mutators’ have a similar power to the ‘Corruptors’ though judging from our immediate surroundings, it was both working on the greater scale, and in effect around them, even affecting the direction in which it expanded, providing the expanded crafting potential considering that even the blades of grass seemed to be woven into each other like cloth. 


Kirke’s multiple hands moved almost as if she was a monstrous conductor that guided nature itself to make an art, and made me wonder whether they would indeed be simply a straight upgrade to my little reptiles, or were each intended for different roles?  


It was, however, not quite something I was interested in testing right now - after all this chaos and confusion, I wanted to test whether I could develop one of my followers ‌with the nebulous ‘arcane’ element which motivated my entire decision. 


“Kirke.” I said, stopping her performance, “Do you know how to infuse something with arcane energy? Can you infuse one of us with arcane?” 


The moth-girl looked at me and blinked. Her pupil-fewer eyes shone with the arcane energies as they tried to focus, first on me, then on Miwah. There was no effect. Neither me, nor my mate could be affected by Kirke’s magic. 


“My Light…” Kirke said somewhat sadly, but I stopped her. Her cute little mandibles twitched in agitation, and I was unsure if she was displeased with me insisting, or her inability to do what she was asked. 


“We need to find a way…” I whispered


“Sorry, Master.” She said, with a dejected tone in her voice, apparently able to hear me perfectly well.


I raised my hand to stop her and looked around. First, my eyes landed on Kuma and Ekaterina, my ursine girls seemingly having a bonding moment by adjusting each other's outfit with her power. Initially, I was glad that they didn’t feel any serious jealousy towards each other, then the realisation hit me. 


Despite me not really knowing what the arcane energies even were, technically speaking, the evolution of my ‘Ravagers’ came not with metal they absorbed, but with the magic the enchanted items were. 


“Make me an artefact.” I said. Logically speaking, if enchanting a scale armour was possible, why wouldn't a club or a wand also be reasonable under the same logic. 




“If you can enchant the plants, try to enchant something like a fruit.” I offered and pointed towards the tree in the distance, “Try to make the tree sprout the enchanted fruit imbued with the magic.” 


“Yes, Master! We will illuminate the world with your Light!” The ‘Mutator Alpha’ chirped with understanding after the brief moment of confusion, and stepped away, then took up to the air with the sinister sounding buzzing sound. Her sisters soon followed it, while I took the path towards the treeline on my own feet, with Miwah and Tama clinging to my arms. 


The trees - originally a common birch or similar - were already changed beyond recognition when I arrived at their base, mutated into a strange, spiked, oddly coloured abominatio, with mismatched jagged leaves and outlandish, glowing fruits. It didn’t even remotely look like the catkins that belonged to this type of tree.   


An ordinary ‘Mutator’ already sat exhausted in their creation’s shadow - their finer control clearly came at a cost.


Kirke presented me with the fruit; a strange product resembling a spikey pineapple glowing with the strange eldritch energies, one that lingered within even with the odd pome parted from the arcane tree it grew from. The sinister, green-tinted glow reminded me of some cartoonish representation of radioactivity rather than anything even remotely natural.  


“For Master!” She announced, and her sisters intoned with her, proud, even if tired. 


I took it in my hands. Though rough to touch, thanks to its thorny surface, it wasn’t warm to touch despite it emitted light roughly equal to a weak incandescent lightbulb in intensity.  


The magic pome looked more toxic than the blooms my ‘Corruptors’ came up with, and wasn’t looking even remotely edible. I wouldn’t risk any of my girls dying in the horrific pain if I could prevent it. They were precious to me, even if they could come back to life through the bloody mist. 


Dismissing its suitability for consumption, my first thought was to burn it as a fuel, and have ‘Tama’ to absorb the fire, yet it seems counterintuitive, as there must be inherently a difference between putting down the fire, and absorbing its energy.


The vixen looked at me with an unspoken question.. 


There must be another way to safely feed my girls the element. 


Then my eyes landed on the rank and file ‘Defiler’ - one of the named ones, considering her outfit, an armour, but I could not recall how she was called. My cute, rodent-like followers looked at me, and I was suddenly hit by inspiration. 


“Does this fruit still count as alive?” I asked,  


“For Master.” The little one answered tentatively.


“Then could you try to absorb its life force?” I asked and brought the strange fruit to my rat-girl. 


“For Master,” she said, extended her hand, and flexed her power with the grab of her clawed hand. A glow of yellow and sickly green joined for a brief moment before the strange fruit turned to colourful dust, carried away by the brief gust of wind. 


Then my ‘Defiler’ follower shook briefly, and suddenly, her body started to reshape itself at a rapid pace, forcing first her and then her sisters to release the clamps that held her outfit together. Then it stopped, and the ‘Defiler’ straightened herself. 


A notification popped up, but I dismissed it without paying much attention, rushing to inspect the girl.


Unit evolved! Bea, The Named Devourer.

369 could be Evolved until innate resources run out.


She was still an anthropomorphic rat like all the ‘Defilers’ ever had been, with their large‌ ears, a typically shaped snout, with the soft-furred elegant body standing on the digitigrade legs, and had a long bare tail. Her armour now fitted her more, since she grew to the size of the ‘Alpha’ with all that entailed, with added jet black fur, matching jagged mane and a more mystical shine behind her entrancing ruby-red eyes. 


“Master!” she said, her tone deeper, older, but very feminine. 


“Do you feel well?” 


“For Master!” She did, better than ever, supposedly. 


I came closer, and she didn’t fight the embrace I had for her. Unlike the normal variant, she was larger, apparently stronger when I held her. Only the extent of her powers had to be tested thoroughly, but it did not matter, as I was completely enticed by the prospect of doing something else than merely growing our numbers. 


“Thank you, Kirke.” I said, “This was what I had in mind!” 


I let my rat-girl be. 


“Your Light shines on all of us, Master.” the moth-girl replied, while the new, slightly transformed rat-girl asked cautiously:


“For Master?” 


Nonsense. Why would I like Bea the least? I love all of my creatures - and now, I could make them even better. 


Encouraged by the fact my assumptions were, for once, completely correct, I felt that I had exhausted my misfortune, and for the moment, nothing else could go wrong.


Until the dragoness spoke to me again.

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