The most beloved creature in the world of beasts! Wild husband teases me into my arms

Chapter 407 Lord of the Fairy Spirits

Under the leadership of the little fairy, Lan Caidi stepped into the palace of the Fairy Lord. She felt as if she had entered a wonderful world of fairyland.

They passed by a mysterious garden in the palace wonderland.

Exotic flowers and plants grow in the garden, exuding a charming fragrance.

The colorful petals flutter in the wind, as beautiful as a dream.

There is also a clear fountain in the garden. The water spurts out like silver threads, and the water droplets sparkle in the air.

Deep in the palace, there is a door leading to various illusions.

Passing through this door, you will enter a different world full of fantasy, where there are flying fairy beasts and mysterious energy sources.

The palace of the Fairy Lord is a place full of mystery and beauty.

The scene in the palace is dreamlike and intoxicating.

The walls of the palace shone with a strange light, like a rainbow in the sky.

The gem-inlaid ground reflects bright light, as gorgeous as the starry sky.

Gorgeous chandeliers hang from the ceiling, shining with mysterious light, adding a mysterious atmosphere to the entire palace.

The interior of the palace is decorated with exquisite sculptures and ornate decorations. Huge stone pillars support the ceiling, and are intricately carved with patterns and mythical creatures.

Huge scrolls hang on the walls, depicting the lives and legends of fairies.

In the center of the palace, there is a huge throne, made of pure crystal, shining with dazzling light.

The Lord of the Faeries is sitting on the throne, wearing gorgeous robes, exuding an aura of majesty and mystery.

His eyes revealed extraordinary wisdom and power, as if he could see through everything.

Lan Caidi came to the main hall and looked at the throne of the Lord of Fairyland.

The Lord of the Fairy Spirits on the throne is tall and majestic, exuding a mysterious and powerful aura.

His clothes were gorgeous and flowing, as if woven from shining stars and clouds, shimmering with faint light as he moved.

His face is handsome and solemn, and his brows reveal perseverance and wisdom. His eyes are sharp, shining like stars, able to see through everything.

His hair fell down his back like a waterfall, shining with silver light, as if connected to the starry sky.

The lord of the fairies in the fantasy wonderland holds a gorgeous staff inlaid with various precious gems and runes.

You can use the staff to cast powerful spells, control elements and energy, protect the fairies in the fantasy wonderland and suppress the demon clan.

The wings of the Faerie Lord are huge and gorgeous, made of pure light. The feathers on the wings are dreamlike, each one shining with strange colors and scattering twinkling stardust when they flap.

With his powerful strength and wisdom, he guards the peace and tranquility of the fairyland.

His presence makes the fairies feel at ease and in awe, and he is an indispensable guardian and leader in the fairyland.

Under the leadership of Xiao Longxian, Lan Caidi came to the palace of the Fairy Lord in the Fairyland. She told the Fairy Lord all her thoughts.

"Little girl! I can't just listen to your words and believe you. If you enter the illusion of the Glazed Tower and release all the demonic dragons, our illusory wonderland will enter another cycle of disaster!"

Lan Caidie sincerely told the Lord of the Fairy Spirits her purpose of coming here to find the dragon.

"Dear Master of Fairy Spirits, I can promise! I will not let them come into contact with other fairies. I have the ability to take them all away from the illusion of Glazed Tower!

"I just want them to return to the dragon world that should belong to them, and that is their world.

And if I take them away, the Lord of the Fairy Spirits will not have to worry, they will run out again and go against the fairies, don’t you think? "

The Lord of Fairy Spirits looked at the little girl in the hall with bright and sharp eyes, with a hint of doubt in his eyes, doubting her ability.

"Little girl! How do you prove that you have such ability?"

The blue butterfly smiled slightly, showing a harmless smile,

"Lord of the Fairy Spirits, do you want to see my abilities? You need to get a little closer to me!"

The Lord of the Fairy Spirits walked towards the Fairy King's throne and came to the Blue Butterfly.

"Yeah! That's it!"

With a wave of Lan Caidi's jade hand, she and the fairy master disappeared together, and they entered her space together.

The Lord of the Fairy Spirits was obviously surprised. He looked at the environment in the little girl's space.

"Little girl! Where is this?"

Lan Caidi looked at the tall fairy lord seriously,

"This is my private space, modeled on the model of the Dragon Clan world. I can go to the illusion of the Glazed Tower, bring all the Dragon Clan people into this space, and then take them away!

You don’t have to worry, then they will wander into other illusions in the Fairyland! "

The eyes of the Lord of Fairy Spirits shone with light,

"This method may work! How about I let you try it in the Glazed Tower Illusion?"

Lan Caidi's thoughts moved, and she and the Fairy Lord returned to the Fairy Palace.

"Thank you Lord of the Fairy Spirits! I think I will not let you down!"

The Lord of Fairy Spirits took Lancai Butterfly to the depths of the palace, and they passed through a fantasy door.

The Lord of the Fairy Spirits used his magic power to send the blue butterfly into the illusion of the Glazed Tower.

The blue butterfly enters the illusion of the glazed tower. The towering tower exudes dazzling light, and the colorful glazed tiles sparkle in the sun.

She saw mysterious runes and spells on the tower walls, exuding powerful power.

Lan Caidie entered the Glazed Tower, where countless imprisoned dragon clan members were tied to huge iron chains.

Their bodies were surrounded by hot magma, and they groaned in pain.

The environment in which the dragon people live is filled with a depressing and mysterious atmosphere. The surrounding tower walls are tall and steep, and the cold rocks exude an ancient and heavy atmosphere.

There was a damp musty smell permeating the glazed tower, and the ground was covered with moss and stagnant water.

The dragon clanman's chain was connected to the tower wall. The rusty chain was tight and made a creaking sound, as if telling the story of his years of imprisonment.

Above the head is a dark dome, with some flickering light spots vaguely visible, like reflections of the starry sky.

There is no natural light in the Glazed Tower, only a few weak torches providing dim lighting.

Around many dragon clansmen, the faint sound of dripping water could be heard, as if the hourglass of time was passing quietly.

The walls of the tower are also engraved with ancient runes and patterns. These mysterious symbols emit a faint light and seem to contain some powerful power.

The whole environment is silent and solemn, making people feel the pain of loneliness and imprisonment endured by the dragon people.

There is no breath of other life here, only the existence of the dragon people, which makes people feel pity for his fate.

These dragon people were once free, but now they are trapped in this illusion, suffering physical torture and waiting for the judgment of their fate.

In the depths of the illusion, Lancai Die could feel the anger and unwillingness of the dragon people, and at the same time he could also feel the mysterious power surging.

She walked towards the imprisoned dragon people, and at the same time, the dragon people also discovered her, with anger and vigilance on their faces.

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