The most beloved creature in the world of beasts! Wild husband teases me into my arms

Chapter 55 Snake-snake intimacy is turned into porn

In the slender canyon, a breeze blew through a lush grove by the river. The lush leaves on the trees rubbed against each other, making a rustling sound.

On the sparkling river, there are occasionally a few small fish jumping out of the water, making ripples in circles.

By the winding river, two figures hugging each other and kissing each other were entangled together. With the sound of rushing water, they deepened the kiss and were inseparable.

This familiar scene will remind anyone with memories of the past scene, but now Lan Caidie only has a vague shadow in his mind when he closes his eyes, but he can never clearly see the other person's appearance.

She closed her eyes and tried to see the other person's face clearly in her consciousness, but it was always covered by a thin layer of gauze and she couldn't see clearly at all.

"Ling'er, let's mate now! Can we go to the woods to find a suitable place?"

Mo Qing, who was filled with lust, spoke again. He was so tempted by the sweet little female in his arms that he could hardly control himself. He kissed her and asked her carefully.

"Yes!" Lan Caidi was kissed and collapsed into Mo Qing's arms. She agreed vaguely, with Mo Qing telling her that this was what lovers should do echoing in her mind.


At this time, the sound of the little fur ball sounded, seeming to remind them not to leave it behind.

Mo Qing picked up the blue butterfly and lifted up the small fur with his big feet.

The ball was lifted into the air, caught in the other hand, and walked toward the woods.

They came to the depths of the woods, and Mo Qing found a soft lawn surrounded by lush vegetation, hiding the two of them in it. He found a lot of big leaves and spread them on the lawn, and gently placed the blue butterflies. Going up, Lancai Die was still holding the little fur ball in her arms.

At this time, there was a rustling sound coming from the big tree. Mo Qing pricked up his ears and looked towards the big tree where the sound came from.

"Hey! Where did the beastman come from? Let that little female go!"

A loud male voice came from the tree. Looking up, he saw an orc with leopard ears and tail, standing on the branch of the tree, looking down at them with a haughty expression. Mo Qing became angry, clenched his fists, and opened his eyes. Dark green vertical pupils appeared immediately, and murderous intent suddenly appeared in his eyes.

Lan Caidi saw the strange orc in the tree and immediately hid behind Mo Qing. Mo Qing put his hand behind his back and patted her arm to comfort her, turned his head to the back and whispered softly,

"Ling'er, stay here and don't run around!"

Then he rushed to the big tree just now and jumped up. The leopard beast man was obviously not afraid and fought with Mo Qing who came to the tree. Mo Qing's punches were fast and accurate. After a few rounds, the Leopard Beast Man had the upper hand and was injured in many places on his body.

Obviously the leopard beastman was no match for Mo Qing. His arrogance was suppressed in minutes. He quickly turned into a huge wild leopard and jumped towards another tree.

Mo Qing followed closely behind, transformed into a dark green python, coiled up on a big tree, and started fighting with the wild leopard.

The blue butterfly was watching nervously on the lawn under the tree in the distance, and its mouth was suddenly covered from behind.


"Shh! Don't make a sound, little female, we are here to save you."

Two orcs appeared behind them, picked up Lancai Die and ran away, completely ignoring her struggles.

The wild leopard on the tree did not fight Mo Qing head-on this time, but kept hiding between the branches to avoid Mo Qing's attack.

Seeing the little female being rescued and running away, he ran away in the opposite direction. Mo Qing's eyes turned red as the leopard circled around him. He chased after it, forgetting about the little female under the tree for a moment.

Lan Caidi was carried on the shoulders of two orcs and ran wildly for a while. She felt like her stomach was churning, and the food in her stomach was about to be shaken out.

These two hateful orcs said anything about saving her, wouldn't they cost her life? It's more of a robbery than anything else. The key is that he is fine and doesn't need their rescue. He just prays that Mo Qing will come to save him quickly.

In the end, the two orcs turned into two huge wild leopards, exactly the same as the wild leopards just now. One of them wrapped the half-dazed Blue Butterfly in a piece of animal skin, hung it around his neck, and started running again, Blue Butterfly He was knocked unconscious directly.

Mo Qing chased for a long distance and was almost out of the other end of the woods. He suddenly thought that the little female was still alone in the woods, so he hurriedly turned around and went back to look for his beloved little female.

He regretted it so much that he got red-eyed from the fight and forgot the little female in the woods.

Mo Qing returned to the original place, but the little female was missing, and he smelled the scent of other males. He followed the little female's scent all the way.

At a fork in the trail, the little female's scent suddenly disappeared, and she searched around and refused to leave.

But he didn't know that when they wrapped the little female in animal skins on the way, they used a lot of herbs to hide the smell, causing the orcs to lose their sense of smell for a while.

Lancai Die was brought back to a small tribe by two leopard orcs, and she was placed in a cave.

Drowsily, she heard some noisy sounds. At this time, she woke up, but she continued to close her eyes and listened to their words with her ears.

At this time, a middle-aged male's rich voice sounded,

"Children, you have made great contributions to the tribe today. Our Wild Leopard Tribe has not had a new female for a long time.

If no new life is born, our small tribe at the bottom of the cliff will continue to decline. "

A young male voice responded,

“This little female must have been snatched away by that snake orc.

Everyone knows that snake beasts are the most cold-blooded and no little female is willing to follow them, so we rescued her and she is ours. "

Another young male orc continued,

"When we rescued her, we saw the snake orc spreading big leaves all over the ground and actually wanted to mate with the little female in the woods.

Cold-blooded animals are so hateful. Doesn't he know that it's dangerous outside? "

"Bao San, you are smart enough to come up with such a good idea. That snake beast is a high-level orc. I'm afraid the three of us can't defeat it together.

This diverted the snake beast's attention, and we were able to successfully rescue the little female. "An orc praised the orc named Leopard Three.

The middle-aged orc's voice sounded again,

"You three are all good, and you are all my smart cubs. Since you saved this little female, she will be the female of you three from now on.

You'd better find a way to mate with her in a short period of time so that she can become pregnant with your cub as soon as possible.

In this way, the future of our tribe is still in our hands, and we should not let other males in the tribe seize the opportunity. "

"Please rest assured, father! We will get things done as soon as possible."

The voices of three young orcs sounded at the same time.

"Well! Then I'll go back first. The three of you will guard her today. It's best to mate with her at night and don't let her come out of this cave. Do you understand?"

After the rich voice finished speaking, the sound of his leaving footsteps was heard.

When Lan Caidi heard their conversation, she didn't dare to make a sound.

These leopard orcs are not good orcs either. They saved her in name only.

In fact, they wanted to keep her here to give birth to a baby for them, regardless of her wishes.

She had to find a way to escape from here and prayed that Mo Qing would come to save her quickly.

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