The Most Heretical Last Boss Queen Who Will Become the Source of Tragedy Will Devote Herself for the Sake of the People

Chapter 1003

II94. The knight is in a hurry.

… don’t wake up.

I woke up behind my eyelids before the sun even rose.

Early morning exercises… No, I guess not today. I’m sure she’s home now.

Thinking so much, I realize that I am sleeping on the floor. Did he fall out of bed? I thought you were sleepy.

In the past, I used to till midnight till the fields, and I used to sleep on the floor because I didn’t like to go up to bed with mud paint. Did you train in the fields too late last night?… no, I was thinking of doing it when I woke up today, and I was going to go to school early with Pride, so I thought I’d finish it before then. I tried to do it last night, but before I left the field, Stale….

I’m in your way.

“… uh…”

Yes, he came and swallowed it till dawn.

Have you already returned to the castle that I am asleep? I finally remembered until just before.

Open your eyes in a dark room without the sun. I’m used to getting up early in the morning exercises and before the sun rises, but if I don’t look at the clock, I don’t know if it’s morning or night, so it’s troublesome.

Scratch up your silver hair on your face, flush it behind your back, and get up. Looking at the clock on the wall, I could still afford to plow the field. When I wore the back of my neck to wash my face first.


… Hey, wait.

Stare at a point in a room without light. Thanks to me, I woke up before I took a shower.

I repeat the blinking incredibly. Still, it didn’t change, and I thought it was a mistake to see the darkness, but I was completely used to the eyes, so there was no mistake.

I didn’t know what to say, but if I kept my mouth wide open and solidified, I felt bloody first. Wait, this is a boulder.

While you forget the blink and stare, your gaze is completely unchanged. For God’s sake, I think you’re having a nightmare, but I can’t hold my eyes anymore. After giving up on reality, I finally rush out other than thinking.

“You’re still here. Wake up. The maid won’t find out.”

This can’t be serious, you idiot!

It’s just that Stale hasn’t come home yet. He was asleep like that last night. How drunk are you?

Besides, you should’ve slept in bed, but you were on the floor like me. A prince who explodes on the floor of a commoner’s room can’t be serious. You’ve never been drunk or asleep until you crushed Captain Alan’s room.

Stale slept on the floor with her face pressed against her bedclothes. She also wrinkled on fine clothes and her glasses were still pulled up.


As soon as he yelled, Stale jumped out of sight of the lightning and quickly understood the situation.

I left only the falling sound of Katan and disappeared before I woke up. They must have moved to the castle in an instant. When I saw where Stale was lying down… my glasses fell off. That idiot just lay down.

I waited for a few minutes to see if I would come back soon, but I couldn’t help but pick it up because I didn’t come to pick it up. Well, he seems to have saved up to a year ago as a reserve, and I think he’ll make a fool of me.

It’s Date anyway. Besides, I forgot not only my glasses, but also my jacket. Don’t forget this luxury stuff, I want to spit it out. But now, above all,

“Don’t tell me the First Prince hasn’t disappeared…?

When I noticed it, my anxiety went out in my mouth.

Until now, Stale had come to my room and Captain Alan’s room for a drink, but he was always home for the last time. That’s my house till the next morning. At least in the castle, drinking in the castle’s private house is too bad. It’s not even dawn yet, and perhaps the maid hasn’t come to wake me up to the room… if I can see the room in the bare shell, it’s a big incident.

The more I think about twitching, the colder I sweat. Hold your head with your scratched hands. I’m glad I woke up first. It would be catastrophic if we slept together.

Walk toward the door of the room. It’s still earlier than the store’s downstairs, and my mother hasn’t even woken up. I have time to dare, and I will bathe my head as well as my face. Fieldwork was finished.

Pick up empty bottles and glasses on the floor and walk out of the room with the door open. As I cleaned up, my memory of last night gradually became clearer.

“Really… Sister… why did you meet me?”

The bottom of the bottle was cracked because I hit it on the floor immediately after the dialogue.

The glass is safe and it’s fine after drinking the wine inside, but my mother didn’t notice, so she hit Stail right away. Yeah, I think there was a lot of booze going around at that time. Even if you drink it more often than usual, keep it flat in social circles and parties.

Sitting with his face bright red and feet directly on the floor, he was no different from the knights. I don’t think he’d be a good guy if he drank too much.

“… no, I understand.”

How do you feel?

Wash the glass and collect the dust before heading to the water station. I took it off and bathed my head in water, and finally it settled down. At least after listening, I don’t see any noise in the castle, and it’s probably okay. I can’t really laugh at the fact that the First Prince is missing because of the First Princess’s stupidity.

I remember yesterday again with my cold head from the beginning. After my father gave me a break and went home early to train, I helped my mother’s shop. Mother’s shop, which I’ve been doing for a long time, is still a good customer, but I haven’t even been around lately. My mother has been spinning it around by herself for a long time, and I will help you a little when I get home, and I have a field job.

Father and I are putting money in the house, but if guests come, I want to treat everyone without restriction. I don’t think my mother has really changed in a long time. “I’ll be free if I don’t do this until he or you come back,” laughs at me, and I can’t say anything.

I’ve been helping out occasionally for a long time, but I’m tired of serving customers. Regular people are no longer pointing at me like they used to, but now it’s troublesome. “I’m getting good.” “I’m getting more and more like Mr. Roderick.” “Who’s Pride?” “What’s the Holy Knight like?” “or” good people “… I’m really in trouble when they say it. It’s confidential, it’s about me, and it reminds me of everything.

My mother knows I’ve become a knight, but she keeps her mouth shut. When I reported it for the first time, my mother was surprised to break the dishes on the way to wiping, but I know what happens when I talk to the regular people. It’s too late to know who I was when I was a kid.

I was twice as tired as I used to practice with the Knights, and when I got back to my room and took a breath, I tried to go to the field, and now it was just a stale.

At first, it was amazing, and it was a violation! I told you, but it seems that Pride has given me permission. According to the story, I’m going early to make a promise with the Farnham brothers tomorrow, so I’ll be picked up by a direct instant transfer tomorrow morning. I feel terribly sorry for you, but I thought it wouldn’t be the most troublesome for the castle people, so I agreed. For some reason, I came to the bottle with one hand… that’s it.

I knew it was rough to spit something out when I got here, but the more I heard, the more I felt. Sometimes my face got hot before I got drunk, and I remember when I was told.

It’s always been the case that I was illuminated by him, but listening to Stale’s long stupidity and monologue made me think twice about dying. Along the way, I also had more alcohol to drink with Stale, and I felt drunk in a completely lower amount than usual.

Sometimes Pride talks about it, but I realize it’s easy to get drunk because I feel unconscious when I swallow one against the other. I don’t even realize it’s in front of the knights, but I’m pretty nervous about it, but I can’t fight him.

“Arthur, tell your sister you’re going to do it!”

“… hah”

Remember Stale’s yelling as he wipes his body from the water.

Ever since I started listening to the subject, Stale has been throwing up complain and no-loke in a waterfall momentum. And eventually, even me. I nodded under pressure, but I think it’s definitely about him and I’m going to make him do it. I’ll never forget the convenience.

I know how to read Stale, and I know exactly what happens to me.

After listening to Stale’s stupidity, I discussed why Pride did so. But as soon as I talked about when that happened and what I said at that time, I quickly came to a conclusion from Stale.

If it was because of alcohol, my whole body became red and solidified, and I hit it and touched it, but the redness didn’t heal.

Instead, I held my head with both hands, and now I was unconscious of Stale’s reasoning, which began to spill. All the blood from the inside became hot and I almost died. No matter how much alcohol I drank, I never died because of it. I really thought I was going to boil to death.

Eventually, they and Stale hit their heads against the wall, hit the floor and crushed it. It’s probably more because of alcohol, heat and tiredness than because I’m stunned.

“… it’s still time.”

After changing clothes and covering my hair, I finally got to work in the field.

Sieve familiar mulberries and sprinkle water when weeds are removed and crops planted. They’re all fine, and they’re growing up fine without me touching them.

Having been so enthusiastic for a while, the light burst into my vision. When I raised my face with a slight hindrance from the back of my hand, I could see the sun slightly. It’s still dark, but I didn’t have to look at the clock. I knew it was time for Stale to pick me up, so I cleared it up early. When I entered the house, my mother had already started preparing the shop.

“Mother, I have an appointment with my friend today, and I’m going out on my own.”

Yes, yes. My mother replied lightly on her back.

Mother, who knows that I will change the form of rest days a little this past month, was accustomed to responding. When I was a kid, my father came back at a different time or time, and now I think it was something like this…. I guess my excuse and my mother are actually aware of that. Once again, the knight’s wife is awesome.

There are people in the Knights who have families and wives, but they all have a lot of trouble, and they’re quite prepared.

I’ll tell you first that I don’t want to be told because I’m complacent, although I think it’s a bad life.


Yahee, you’re starting to have a headache.

Return to your room, sit on your chair, and then hold your head with one hand. I’ve been thinking about Pride and Stale.

Exhale long and deep while scratching your head. Now it’s important that my Farnham sister and brother are not afraid to go missing. I’m not serious about Pride.

Hold Stale’s forgotten glasses and jacket in one hand and wait. When I carefully folded out my jacket so that it didn’t wrinkle, I felt a hard feeling inside my clothes. I put it in with a pen, and then I quickly realized something and ended up folding it without worrying. Looking back at the clock, I thought it was time for an appointment.

“I’m sorry….”

With the most unusual apology of all, Stale appeared.

I wonder if you put on spare clothes or if you forgot them. I don’t have any wrinkles on my clothes from top to bottom when wearing black rimmed glasses.

Stale, who was holding his head with one hand, as I did earlier, was visibly depressed, unable to afford the usual irony. When I asked the maid or castle if they had found out, I was relieved to be returned in one word.

He came back before anyone noticed and jumped into bed in his nightgown to make a fool of him. Stale, who replaced his glasses with the one he had just put on, moved him to his room instantly with each jacket he returned.

“Thank you for waking me up… Otherwise, it would definitely have been important.”

That’s right.

I returned this to the boulder without putting it in my hair. Stale is still very depressed, and without saying anything back, he apologizes with the same words as “I’m sorry…” Pretty much.

I feel like I’m teasing you anymore, so I turn my hand around and slap you in the back instead. “Let’s go,” replied the nod.

“Next time you come, come without alcohol. If you’re drinking, come tonight.”

After Captain Alan invited me, he grabbed the black-haired head with an eagle.

I know I’m depressed that I did it as a royal, but I can’t help but take my wings off because I still don’t have anyone to fool around with. If I stroked it that way, I would have just one voice back.

I’ve known you for a long time that you might not have been able to dissipate just last night.

If I put my hand down from my head and put it on my shoulder instead, my vision would change the next moment.

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