The Most Heretical Last Boss Queen Who Will Become the Source of Tragedy Will Devote Herself for the Sake of the People

Chapter 1006

II96. The dominant girl is curious.

The room was really quiet.

Lieutenant Eric, who apparently slept with the upstairs window open, unconsciously slept with the sun shining from the window behind his hands.

Tables, beds, and large bookshelves are lined up with end-to-end books and thick notebooks. There seemed to be a lot of personal belongings, but it was arranged to store them properly so as not to waste them. I think it’s a simple studio room with Lieutenant Eric’s character. This room is a good example of a man living alone.

There is a desire to explore the desk, drawers and under the bed, but I suppress it as a lady. We need to wake Lieutenant Eric before that happens.

I’m Knight Lieutenant Eric, and I thought it might happen at this point, but I’m not awake yet.

When you hear clearly, you can even hear a sound like sleeping. The sleeping phase seems to be good, and there is no disturbance in the blanket hanging completely on the back.

I’m Lieutenant Eric, who’s been my Knight Guard for three years, but I don’t think I’ve ever slept with him before. During the defense battle, it happened properly when I went to see you, and I was sleeping before and after the recall battle, and I was watched by my escort many times.

Walk as far away as possible from me without any footsteps or signs. When he finally got to the front of the bed, he stood on his knees beside him so as not to look down.

I’m sorry to wake you up with a pleasant sleeping side. I’ve caused you a lot of trouble in the past week, and if you think you don’t have much time off, I’d like to let you sleep like this. But after all, I gently reach out for a deal with the Farnham brothers.

“… good morning, Lieutenant Eric.”


I have a narrower voice than I thought I would be nervous, and I have no reaction at all.

Besides, I can’t hear my sleep anymore, so I’m a little worried about sleeping without knowing if I’m alive or dead. However, if I close my ears to Lieutenant Eric’s face, I can hear the sound of breathing.

Relieved by the survival confirmation, the posture with your hips bent is slightly difficult and your elbows place your arms around your pillow. With Lieutenant Eric’s powerless face in close proximity, I really think rest is important to knights.

“… well done.”

It became thinner again. Now I’m stroking Lieutenant Eric’s chestnut hair with my extended hand instead.

After touching only the tip of the hair, I stroked the whole hair little by little. I was Lieutenant Eric, who didn’t respond at first, but my eyebrows twitched a little.

I wish you would wake up naturally and keep stroking your hair. I usually get up 30 minutes from now, and it should be time to wake up. Then I think it will happen this much.

I don’t know what to do with the Knights of the Kintetsu, but it was originally a task that I started with my own self. School transfers, and involving your family. Even though he’s a generous Lieutenant Eric who cares about us as royalty, getting involved with his family would have hurt his stomach a lot.

I have apologized several times before, but I have never been blamed or disgusted. I don’t think you can tell the royal opponent, but I’m sure Lieutenant Eric wouldn’t have to.

“… that”

Next, I saw Lieutenant Eric lying on his back with eyes on his chest.

When I put out my hand to cover my eyes from the sun, I could see whether the blanket had stretched or if there was something there even beyond the blanket. Given the shape and pocket of the pocket, I can generally expect it, but it is a little surprising. Does it mean that knights don’t let down their guard in the house?

With that in mind, Lieutenant Eric, who moaned little by little because he had been stroked by his hair many times, now grabbed his chest over the blanket and moved his hand.

As soon as I saw it, I said, “Oh, no!” In a hurry, I lay my hands on top of them and pressed them. No, it’s okay! I know it’s okay, but I don’t want Lieutenant Eric dead just in case.

I wonder if this is what Arthur was saying about “dying”, but he’ll pinch his fingers between my bigger and longer fingers so he doesn’t fall asleep and move his fingers. Sometimes it is because I am asleep, or my body temperature is high and it is as warm as the sun.

If I lay one hand on top of the other and repeatedly stroked my hair with the opposite hand, my mouth, which was slightly open with a slight ease of sleep, was also closed. Though I think it’s just before I wake up, I think I’ll try calling again to suppress it.

“Good morning,” or “Are you awake?” or “Sorry to wake you up.” I didn’t come very well, and I chose the words to not surprise you very much.

Ha, are we the guards of Pride?… even if you don’t want it… ”


Suddenly, the words of that time passed my head…. maybe it’s because of what I just noticed.

It’s not decided, and I can’t afford to roll a blanket on my own. It would be misunderstood that Lieutenant Eric was about to attack you in bed.

But as soon as I thought about it, the hand that was stroking my short hair stopped.

Once noticed, stroke the edges from the edge of your head again and attach the stopped hand to Lieutenant Eric’s temples, ears, and cheeks as the contours flow. The presence of hands with a lower body temperature than Lieutenant Eric, as well as the presence of eyebrows, force the facial muscles. The tangled opposite hand was also gently gripped back. Looking at his face and waiting to wake up, he soaked in the sea of thought.

My brother Keith admired me, and my mother, father, grandpa, and grandmother are all very kind people. I think it’s because Lieutenant Eric was such a nice family.

… I’m sure Lieutenant Eric was kind enough to laugh and help me out, even if I wasn’t royalty.

I think so with conviction now. Because this guy is so kind, really, really nice….

“… my kind Kintetsu Knight”

Ha, ha.

Immediately after the unexpected appearance of the name, Lieutenant Eric’s eyes opened.

It was the biggest solitary talk I ever called out. Or is it thanks to the constant irritation from your hair to your cheeks, or is it simply because it’s good to get up… Perhaps as a result of combining all of that, Lieutenant Eric’s eyes didn’t fall asleep either. The round, open eyes hardened like crystals without blinking.

I laughed at Lieutenant Eric for not daring to wake me up. Until now, I was nervous and my shoulders relaxed like a lie and naturally said, “Good morning.” Still no further reaction to Lieutenant Eric’s rounded eyes.

“I’m sorry about the early morning. Actually, there was a mistake…..”

Is your head still awake? I gently rub my thumb up and down with my hands on my cheeks.

I wobbled my shoulders and wobbled my hands when I put my strength into the wrapped fingers to make my hands wake up. I was worried that the momentum would really put my hand on what was on my chest, and I could focus on Lieutenant Eric, who was trembling slightly from me. Then…



You might as well call it a nose shout. Instead of the room, I thought I could hear you screaming outside the house. As Keen’s head turned against my back unexpectedly, I held my head in my ears with my hands open.

Immediately afterwards, I pulled out my mouth and complained to Lieutenant Eric, who was lying in bed, that I should not desperately call him by that name. But it didn’t seem like Lieutenant Eric had been in bed with the First Princess since early in the morning.

I thought my body temperature was getting higher just now, but the area where my skin peeked from face to neck became bright red. Lieutenant Eric, who held the blanket against his chest, jumped up with his upper body alone. While the gabber and blanket flip and the bed makes a noise, anything but the chest that is held down becomes flickering and exposed. I secretly think it looks like Lieutenant Eric in a plain top and bottom nightgown.

The Lieutenant Eric himself was still blinking. I’m ready to be yelled at by the boulder next time I’m so surprised.

He laughs with his hands up to his shoulders to show that he is not going to harm me. He slowly stood up from his knees and now sues Lieutenant Eric for innocence without paying for the dust. Trespassing is a crime, but Mr. Keith has permission.

Lieutenant Eric said nothing with his eyes round as he sighed roughly on his shoulders. When I finally lost sight of whether it was real or not, I glanced at the clock in a hurry. No, I’m not late or sleepy.

“No, Lieutenant Eric. We came early at our convenience, and Philip and Jack are now waiting in the living room.”

“Ha, ha… come with me!”

The voice of Lieutenant Eric, who finally returned it to me, turned upside down beautifully.

I wonder if they thought I attacked you in bed. She talks about the situation, feeling a little depressed as if she is judged to be a plain princess.

“Well, Keith caught them. Keith told me to wake you up in this room, so I didn’t hear from you this time and asked you to leave early.”

Keith, Jack, what are you guys thinking?

Before I finished, it was unusual for Lieutenant Eric to go down the hallway and make a rough noise.

This roar will certainly be heard on the ground floor, one door ahead. It is also unusual for Lieutenant Eric to get angry with his eyes raised, and this may be the first time he has heard such a yell.

The royal Stale and my opponent may not be able to yell, or the anger of Mr. Keith and Arthur who did not stop me. When my skin tingled too loudly and my eyes became rounded and hardened this time, Lieutenant Eric turned to me in a tight look. “I’m sorry,” he said, lowering his head deep from the bed and apologizing.

No, this is it…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

“… I’m so sorry. I’ll be ready in a hurry, so could you wait a little upstairs…”

Again, I’m really sorry… but Lieutenant Eric, squeezing out his shriveled voice, was sinking to the point where he thought he might be crying.

I didn’t yell at the princess, and I’m really sorry because I’m a bad person.

Returning my approval in one word so as not to irritate as much as I could, one step at a time, I retreated at the beginning and turned my back gently after approaching the door. Lieutenant Eric is sure to be depressed or angry that he won’t even look at my face. “Well then…” opened the door with a suspicious voice. []/(adv, adv-to) as soon as/as soon as/as soon as/as soon as/(P)/

“… Dear Pride”

With a weak voice, it was stopped.

Looking back at Lieutenant Eric, whom Jeanne didn’t call, he thought he was still upset. There’s nobody outside the door, and I don’t think they asked.

Lieutenant Eric, who raised his face slightly with his eyes closed, still looked at me from the gap in his hand as if he didn’t want to face it. I can’t see the eye of the gap between my fingers from a distance, but I can see that you are looking at me from the angle of my jaw.

Tilt his neck and gently close the door again to avoid being overheard, then wait for it to continue, and now Captain Eric throws a diving voice at me.

“Um… have you noticed anything about yourself…?

Apparently, while I was sleeping, I was worried that I wasn’t looking for a home.

It’s still a private space, and I think I might have been in trouble if I saw it, but I praise myself for being polite when I entered the room.

Sifting her tilted neck, she shook it clearly and laughed to tell Lieutenant Eric that she was innocent now.

“No, I haven’t been snooping around since I woke Lieutenant Eric up. I’ve only touched Lieutenant Eric on my side the whole time.”

Don’t worry, that’s how I leave the room.

Didn’t hear back from Lieutenant Eric, but the moment he left the room and shut the door, he blew it! There was a dull sound. I am a little worried that I fell into bed because I was not able to find a home. When you open the door here, you will peek for the time being, and just to make sure you are safe, go to the other side of the door and say, “Are you hurt…? When I asked him, he replied in one word. It seems that it was not bad to dare to strike.

Go to the stairs to get down to the first floor as specified, and hang your feet on the steps. I noticed my footsteps, or Arthur and Stale looked up on the way down.

“Jeanne, ahh… Lieutenant Eric is…”

“You seem to have woken up safely…”

Both of them have blue faces.

After all, even if the First Princess were to enter the man’s room, she would have been worried. Especially as far as Arthur was concerned, he was yelled at in line with Keith.

I slowly broke the steps as I smiled back. Keith’s breathtaking voice from the kitchen direction said, “Aniki! Did you apologize to Jeanne? I can hear it. I wonder why Mr. Keith would scold me for yelling at Lieutenant Eric.

“Hurry up and get ready. I’m sorry, I was so sleepy, I was a little surprised.”

I tried not to surprise him too much, but I apologized to Arthur while I drooped my eyebrows.

If Arthur gets angry with Keith after this, I’ll apologize. Sometimes I was surprised because I woke up in a bad way.

Stale and Arthur blinked again and again at my words. He looked at me and the stairs many times with his mouth open, and it didn’t seem to be a word. I couldn’t help but hear Lieutenant Eric yelling.

Then, before Lieutenant Eric came down to the ground floor, his family mother and father came out of the room. Probably woke up with Lieutenant Eric’s voice.

“Oh, you’re early today.” “Was that Eric you yelled at?” We greet the two of them who are wearing only their jackets on their nightgowns.

While Stale briefed me on the situation, Mr. Keith just boiled the water and left for work. Lieutenant Eric yelled at me, so I might have wanted to run before I met him in person.

Keith, who was ready to go to the front door, put his hand on my shoulder and whispered secretly to me with a very caring voice.

“I’m sorry, Jeanne. I didn’t think my brother could sleep that far. It’s okay, because Pride is not the name of his lover or ex-girlfriend, but the first princess of our country.”

There’s still a chance.

Keith, who was told to be comforted for some reason and finally gently stroked his head, left early for work. Even after the door was closed, I didn’t know my intentions and raised my eyebrows with my tilted neck.

After that, Stale and Arthur, who somehow helped prepare the Gilchrist for the morning, appeared strange again in ten minutes.

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