The Most Heretical Last Boss Queen Who Will Become the Source of Tragedy Will Devote Herself for the Sake of the People

Chapter 1010

Ⅱ 98. The deputy captain skips.

“Ah… uh, Lieutenant Eric, I’m really sorry about this morning…”

“Speaking of which, I am solely responsible. I’m really sorry. I will make up for this.”

“I’m sorry, Lieutenant Eric, but I should have followed Jeanne…!

─ Oh, shit, I’ll never forgive you just this once.

A few meters after leaving the house. Prides shout to Eric as he walks with his head in one hand. But Eric’s inner anger still doesn’t heal. Starting with Stale, who was already the main culprit, Eric once again asked for an apology and circumstances, but he was angry enough to be unusual and malicious.

To Keith, my real brother.

“No, don’t really bother. I know that the Berners couldn’t resist Keith in the house they were looking after. I’m really sorry about this…..”

I’m sorry Jack yelled too, but Eric’s complexion is still not good, even though he gently replied.

I simply woke up in the morning and my blood pressure went up and down dramatically and left the house immediately, but there was more damage left this morning. It would be a little distracting to talk to Pride and the others now, but otherwise I would have definitely caught a gentle look on my own. I still remember it now, and my complexion gets worse, and when I talk to Pride, it gets red, and I’m busy.

When I heard about Stale, I forgot to mention the original. Instead of blaming me, I was relieved to die that I was not asleep without my important duties. If I had received a message from Stale and it was time for me to fall asleep and wait for the royal family to wake me up, it would be nothing but a lifetime of shame. That was important enough to be punished by the Knights.

And I got distracted when I heard that Pride was beaten by Keith to wake me up when I was asleep. Let the First Princess do such a thing. Moreover, throwing a pre-marital princess into a man’s room was a capital punishment. It was a salvation not only for pride, but also for Stale not to blame Keith. If my brother’s intriguing personality is ruined and executed, Eric won’t be scared to death by the boulders.

There’s nothing wrong with Eric or Keith. Eric lowered his head with sincere gratitude that each of the three prides would speak up. And inside of that,

─ There’s something wrong with me…

Understand the situation and save Eric with a calm head.

This time, he thinks he’s responsible for the disturbance he’s been driven so far.

When Pride first came into the room and the door was closed. Eric woke up about twice until she consciously disappeared.

Behind my eyelids, I felt the signs of an intruder, even if I was lying down. Rather, I felt uncomfortable that there were no signs after that. I wondered vaguely whether someone had peeked into the room and closed it, whether Keith or Roberto, my brother in the middle, had returned. When I properly thought it was one of his sons, I lost consciousness. Eric thinks it wouldn’t have happened if he’d opened his eyes and checked.

And then I remember Pride calling me by my name.

Good morning, Lieutenant Eric.

Good work.

The voice in my ear drew my consciousness comfortably.

Unlike the usual Rin’s voice, someone quickly understood it in a gentle voice. Plus, it feels extra comfortable if you can stroke the tip of your hair. I thought this was a good dream if the smell of flowers seemed to rub my nose.

Eric immediately thought that he should not open his eyes to the feeling of being just between dreams and reality.

If you open your eyes here, you’ll wake up from your dreams. Though I could dream of Pride the corner, I still wanted to immerse myself in this voice, fragrance and sensation.

Sometimes Pride disappeared, but before that Eric completely forgave the soft air that seemed neither hostile nor malicious. Moreover, the opponent is actually pride.

─ If Pride is not a princess but an ordinary woman like this.

I’ve thought of hundreds and thousands of them.

I thought about it with a sleepy head, and I thought that even though it was in my dreams, I was no happier than I am now.

Say good morning and come wake me up saying good night. Even if you stroke your sleeping hair and close your eyes, you’ll find her smiling like a flower. I thought I was finally so anxious about this situation that I could dream about it.

“Ah”, along the way, when I heard a strange voice of pride, my thoughts persisted in my dream to take off the discomfort. Still, I reached out to my chest to wish I could still dream this dream a little more. When I pressed it under my nightgown over the blanket, I gently wound up my fine hands. I think the cool texture is strangely realistic, but I still don’t doubt it. I thought I was sleeping deeper and in a dream now than I thought.

But even more, Eric noticed a discomfort in the boulder when he felt his hands rubbing from head to cheek.

Has a firm feel and temperature on my hands and cheeks. And this is how I think. My vision was only behind my eyelids, and it was too real except for the situation I was in.

No way.

Eric was afraid to open his eyes in another sense, but at the same time, he couldn’t let go of the comfort of his time. Beyond a single eyelid, there can be no first princess. It is impossible for her to lay her hands on her hands, stroke her head, and put her hands on her cheeks. There can be no such convenience. I thought if I opened my eyes, I’d just have a nephew or somebody.

“… my kind Kintetsu Knight”

I completely woke up.

If the voice is definitely her, there are only a handful of people who know the name.

Awakened as if my head had been bathed in water, and if I opened it without hesitation, there really was pride there. The woman who reached out to her cheeks, wrapped her hands around her, and laughed with a flowery smile from close range was pride in her fourteen-year-old figure.

It was difficult to speak up and grasp the situation and reality. Everything I thought of as my dream was real, and even if I understood the fact that I dared to pretend to have slept and prolonged it, I was scared and embarrassed. Moreover, I was definitely seen sleeping in my poor room and in a pride that was never supposed to be escorted.

Whatever they said, there was nothing they could do about it.

I hid my chest with a blanket before I thought about it, pressing it against my heart, which keeps working. Eric was lucky to have only been able to hide what he didn’t want to see most with a blanket.

─… no, it’s not.

Eric rethinks quietly after reflecting so much.

Not lucky in misfortune. My situation at that time was far too happy for me.

While I was asleep, I was touched by pride, stroked my head even though I didn’t want it from myself, and gently called out to me in the morning to come by. The royal family was given the best treatment they could get. I was so happy that I couldn’t get rid of it in a useful word.

The first thing I saw when I woke up was a smile of pride and a moment of happiness that Eric never had before. And that’s not all. Rather than asking me to say hello in the morning than having Pride sleep in my room, rather than stroking my head, my cheeks and my hands wrapped around me, more than waking up with a full smile, I’ve made Eric’s heart ring.

“My kind Kintetsu Knight.”

It was that moment.

That’s what he called himself when he slept. No one listened, no one woke me up with a name from within her heart.

Even though I was happy to be given just once, I was now spinned from her lips.

After Pride left the room, his vision dimmed like anemia and he could not fall down and fell to the side and hit his head on the floor. Even though Pride called me from across the door, I couldn’t move for nearly two minutes, halfway down from my bed. My whole body boiled from my head and I could only breathe shallowly. I almost choked to death with unbreathable happiness.

If you think it’s all thanks to Keith, you should be thankful. Because he made me feel more luxurious than such a dream. but

─ Apart from that.

“… Philip. I know what I’m afraid of, but I need to ask you one favor.”

Stale and the others raised their faces simultaneously to the words of Eric, who had kept his mouth shut tightly for a while.

Eric finally told me something other than a response. She didn’t put the tail in her hair and said, “Of course.” Eric, who was still pale, stopped his feet only once aware of his rude facial expression towards the royal family. As soon as the three of them stopped to match Eric, he took a thick notebook out of his jacket. It was obvious that it was used up and sunburned at the beginning of the season. Confirming that there was no one around, Eric offered it to Stale.

“Could you move this to Jack’s room for a moment? I’m going to collect it today.”

Please. That’s what Eric said, and Arthur said, “Heh?” and rounded his eyes. It’s good to use your room, but after thinking about why, Stale remembers never entering Eric’s room in the Knights Hall.

As soon as Stale gave him a word of pleasure, he instantly moved it from Eric’s hand to Arthur’s desk in the Knights Hall. Thanks, Eric lowered his head deeply and said “I’m sorry” to Arthur, even after the incident.

Arthur also corrects his posture by shouting “no” in a flipping voice. He wants to do whatever he can with Eric now.

“Um, Lieutenant Eric… if you don’t mind, what was that…?

“It’s Keith’s personal belongings. I decided to confiscate it for a while.”

In the clear words, I understood that Pride, Stale, and Arthur were the punishment from my brother to my brother.

I wondered what Eric had said to Keith before, but no one dared point it out. I don’t want to distort Eric’s face any more.

Regardless of the result, the three of them mouthed while sympathizing with Keith, who had suffered a tailback with the goodwill of the corner. It’s still Eric’s kindness not to burn as declared. The three people who had already apologized and were allowed to do so by Eric could not apologize any more. Really…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

“I’m sorry I got into a brother fight. It’s okay, I’ll return it when this mission is over.”

Eric started walking again, thanking the three people who cared about his brother.

Without falling out of each of their mistakes, Eric gently pressed his chest down with one hand as he gazed at the three people walking sideways.

─ ─ I’m glad you didn’t notice this.

As soon as I held my fist, a hard feeling hit my finger over the uniform.

Pride never wanted to see his left chest, and Eric slightly hardened himself by the presence of the red gun there.

It is the only weapon I carry that I wear without letting go of my skin for a while. I keep it in case it is taken away or lost, but I don’t want to be told that I always carry items from Pride. If they find out, they’ll really never see Pride again.

But it was so important to Eric that he didn’t want to be seen by his family.

The beauty of the barrel, the transcribed name, and all the names given.

It was only natural that Eric couldn’t forgive Keith for disrespecting the royal use of his jaw, even though he didn’t know the danger that Pride might have seen, rather than the fact that he was carrying it.

Having confiscated Keith’s treasure, it was not long before they reached the school gate.

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