The Most Heretical Last Boss Queen Who Will Become the Source of Tragedy Will Devote Herself for the Sake of the People

Chapter 1051

Ⅱ 127. The courier shall make it easy,


I vomit malice just inside my chest.

While scratching his head, Val left the classroom at the end of the Quartet.Students in the class who are already vigilant with their vicious looks and the first day of commotion, all fall back to avoid him, stop their feet and pave the way.Thanks to the presence of one disturbing element, the other students’ solidarity was strangely strengthened in the class, which was now peace itself.

Without listening to classes, without attending elective classes, without even trying to get involved with anyone during lunch break, they disappeared somewhere, thanks to the undisputed disturbed elements who stared at the First Prince of the kingdom of Anemone, who appeared at the corner.

Val walks through the hallway with a ragged crotch, recalling what he said earlier, whilst repeating his harsh tongue.

Yesterday he sent Sefek and Chemet to the dorm after cutting through the work area, but it was early in the morning that the other country was delivered early afterwards.Originally, before the school was opened, he used to work in his life where the two of us slept and woke up in the morning and late at night without much concern, but now he doesn’t.Unlike him, who can take a nap in class without any interest at all, Sefek and Chemet have to get up for class during the day.

Sometimes I had repeated myself recently to work on the continuation of my work after returning them to the Kingdom of Freesia en route.Val refused to accompany the delivery, saying, “Don’t follow me anymore,” but they won’t give up.Sometimes I have to come into contact with Chemet once every two days, and so far I have allowed daily delivery accompaniment.However, when I saw the two of them rowing out of the boat in the middle of the night, I thought I’d sleep in the dormitory for so long.

The courier’s work is not too busy, nor is Val enthusiastic about his work.I’m sure I’ve been busy lately, but I couldn’t help but feel sick spending “bedtime” and “tomorrow class” on “regular life” to do the work I can do by today.It doesn’t suit him at all because of the unhealthy life he has.

Furthermore, all paperwork entrusted to Pride is not even allowed to be dirty.It was troublesome to keep such troublesome things on my skin all the time.It would be more appropriate if you could clean up the letter quickly and drink it at the appropriate shop until dawn in order to make your hands free and swallow it at the tavern.

And today he came back to Freesia at a time when the delivery was over and the date changed, and then he continued to swallow at the tavern.And after visiting school, I finally took a nap.While Chemet and Sefek are in a safe dorm, there is no time to take care of the two sleeping people and enter the tavern.Having tasted the pleasure of drinking alone from the middle of the night for the first time in a few years, I sincerely think it was good to let them both go to school.Class time is basically dormant.

But I didn’t have enough sleep today alone.

As usual, if you want to enter the school in the morning and go to bed in an unnoticeable time, there is a huge crowd of students from the early morning to announce the special students.I heard rumors all the way to the classroom, and it was three times as noisy as usual.Val is used to sleeping in the noise, but he hasn’t been sick of it since morning.

Only the second sex-selective classroom sleeps in a suitable empty classroom, as usual, but few classrooms are locked up all the time and do not go around.After a limited period, I moved to the second period of the classroom with a sleepless body, and took a nap again. During lunch break, I also took a nap avoiding a popular place. After returning to the classroom, I scratched my head and took a nap…. It was a royal school tour at the moment when I thought I could finally sleep in three and four limits with a delicate sleep time.

… I don’t care if Leon finds out.

Val wanted to avoid the kingdom of Anemone until the end of this job, but when Leon actually showed up with Tiara, it didn’t matter to me or to me.

It was not uncomfortable to see her when she was younger than Leon today, but if she found out who the woman was screaming, she was overwhelmingly better than “let’s run”.On the contrary, I was relieved if Tiara and Leon were the royals who woke up and approached my class.If this were a normal royal family, you would have to lie flat or at best correct yourself while sitting in a chair.Rather, I felt more uncomfortable seeing Leon like this.

Even Val was in a bad place for worms because he woke up and was interrupted in his sleep, but even Leon walked up to himself, and there was a murderous desire to even “uuuuuu”.If you realize it, put him to bed because it doesn’t matter anymore, just staring up at Leon with his negative emotions.

After all, I appreciate that you left early, drawing on all Val’s intentions.Thanks to this, I was able to take a short nap afterwards.

But now Val gets sick and breathes again.As soon as he looked out the window from the hallway, his foot, which was about to leave early, suddenly slowed down.’Cause…

… you brought the Knights.

I wondered if he was still here.I saw the Knights of the Kingdom of Freesia lined up at the school gate.

Even if not Val, everyone can expect that the two royalties who still visited the school tour will be on campus in that unusual number of knights.

Even now, students crossing the hallway are rumouring, “Let’s go find out where they are” and “I want to go and see.”Some students are talking about rushing to the school gate to see the knights, not the royals.Even ceremonies and festivals for one or two people can sometimes see knights descending around the castle, but it is rare to see a large number of knights hanging out.That’s about the time of the mission, rescue, and deployment.

Val wonders if the Knights are still surrounding the school gate as well as the entire school building.When that happens, Leon and the others can’t escape the school building.

His face was now covered by many knights.A significant number of knights saw him not only handing over a courier’s undercover job in a priori or extermination battle, but also due to defensive or recapture battles.Besides, the hood is also hidden in the bag now, and even if it is worn out, it is definitely suspicious.In an eighteen figure whose height is almost unchanged, they realize that they are themselves even if they intercede.I don’t know if I will instantly realize that I have rejuvenated to the boulder, but the knight’s eye is not a saving hole without knowing the same person.

“… shit”

I can’t get out of the school building early as usual.

I think it will be difficult to get there sooner than Chemet or Sefek.Not until Leon and the others leave school with the knights.

I’m glad I finished my work last night, but I can’t help but decide to pull it into an affordable free classroom.

At least there are no knights in the school building. As long as they’re in the school building, there’s nothing to worry about.I think so. Find an unlocked classroom in the library, equipment room, etc.

There are relatively many vacant classrooms in the Higher Education Department due to the availability of facilities and the fact that the number of students themselves is smaller than in other buildings.First of all, if I put my hand on the closest classroom from where I stopped, it was unfortunately locked.Recently, teachers, in particular, have increasingly locked unused classrooms.

I gave up and moved my legs to the next classroom, and the door just opened from the inside.Students who came out of the classroom with the inscription “Material Room” looked around, and when they saw Val’s face, they raised and lowered their shoulders to his vicious face.His face was completely distracted, and he ran away with a backpack that swelled into bread.I wondered if the student who left without closing the door was using the teacher or stealing something from the library, but I think it doesn’t matter again.Instead, he slipped into the empty classroom without hesitation and closed the door.I smiled at my luck that I could lock it from the inside.

Val has been ordered by Pride not to enter locked rooms or areas, but has not been told not to enter classrooms where the keys were accidentally locked.The library itself is also a place where not only high school students but also middle school students often come and go with the help of teachers.Even if I belong to a higher department, there is no problem.

Close the key from the inside, go deep, and drop your hips against the wall by the window.From here, any sign outside the school building will be immediately apparent.When the knights pulled out, they hurried themselves out of the school building.

“I can’t use it. You got it?If you tell anyone, I’ll kill you. ”

And suddenly Val leaks his voice.

It’s not a word for me.I understood immediately, but I could not help but overhear my voice where I thought I had found a great place to take a nap.

Raise one eyebrow and look back at the voice.Not outside the window, from the classroom next to one of the walls.Val remembers vaguely that there was no lock, but instead it was a completely empty room, which could not have been locked from the inside.He’s getting in and out of high and middle spots, and he’s got some hiding place in his head.I somehow listened to the voice, wondering whether the next door had not been locked yet.

“Even if you’re not a kid, you can get rid of lower-level people easily.

Haha, Val exhaled slowly in a short laugh that he was proud of.

Again. Hiding in an empty classroom like this has happened occasionally, but I want to tell you to do it in a place where you can’t reach your ears anymore.Usually there were more of them in the back of the school building, but I think I brought them into the empty classroom for the same reasons as myself today because there are knights.

… let’s get this over with.

Like blackmail and weak bullying, Val doesn’t want to stick his neck in.

I’ve already stood up for the first time and got angry with Pride, and I’m busy sleeping in hiding.It doesn’t matter if the basically threatened opponent is Chemet or Sefek.When I was in the lower echelons, I didn’t think I would be more familiar with the sights I had seen on a daily level.Sometimes I find it a little frustrating to think that this is the premises of Pride’s founding agency.But still, basically never interfere with this blackmail.


Because it ends too lightly.

I thought about how much it would make me shut up if I got so annoyed, such as punching, kicking and rape, but it would be over with a certain amount of interaction.Even now, I can still pick up the sound of multiple lords of voices opening the door and leaving.After a while, he left early enough to hear the footsteps of the students who would have been threatened.

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