The Most Heretical Last Boss Queen Who Will Become the Source of Tragedy Will Devote Herself for the Sake of the People

Chapter 1091

My brother-in-law works.

“Well, I’m resting in my room.You shouldn’t rest today until you have a good outlook. ”

Then, after breakfast, the woman who ordered her indifferently disappeared into her room.

After stopping in the hallway and watching him disappear into his room, he finally exhales.I didn’t want to breathe the same air as much as I could, but the red remnants that disappeared from my sight were also strongly meditated and eliminated. [M]… in the meantime, your feet move in one direction, regardless of your will.

Stay away from the Queen and walk across the King’s Hand’s Office to the familiar room you’ve seen in the last few days.The guard hangs his head, but ignores it.I can’t even defy the 10-year-old queen because of my cuteness.Open the door on your own and tighten it again when I get through.I doubt that such an adult even has his own will.


Compared to a few days ago, I can’t even sigh in front of a room that is terribly messy and rough.

Instead of on the desk, there is a bunch of neatly stacked paper on the floor and on the shelf.It’s all the “work” that the incompetent queen forced on me.

There are piles of documents other than reports.It is impossible to press it against the upper layers or the serviceman that can be used because it is all the wreckage “after pressing”.I have no choice but to do it, and I can’t tell from what I’ve asked them.

This is the Regent’s job.

Whether you let the incapacitated queen put this bundle of paper together in a small amount to her satisfaction, or you let her think of several solutions for me, it is not up to me to finally choose and propose to the queen to get permission. [M]

In order to do this, we need to load a bunch of documents, and if we don’t understand the contents, we can neither sign nor explain it to the incompetent queen.I don’t know, so I was terribly confronted at first with the question, “If I don’t sleep for three days, my habit of neglect will be cured.”It’s not just fatigue, it’s the first time I’ve ever known that being unable to sleep is so bad that I feel crazy.

“… can’t you sleep today anyway?”

A space where no one can talk to themselves is calm.

Simply writing a signature and pressing a verdict is not enough for one day.

From now on, I was attacked by the feeling that my chest was disgusting and scorched, but my feelings didn’t boil any further.His impossible problems have not just begun.It’s painful not to see Tiara again for a while, but I can’t talk to her alone about that.I don’t want to reach anyone if the Queen finds out.

Instead, today I’m like, “What do you say? I wasn’t forced to answer, and I had fewer conversations.As long as I’m told not to rest, it’ll be a little better if I don’t think I can bury him in my job for a while and get no more orders.Paperwork is easier.Find the evidence again, find it… and don’t tell me to kill anybody, ever.

Walk to your desk like that, comforting yourself in vain.

Even yesterday I did my job properly every day. [M]However, we still don’t have enough time.Even if you spend a day getting rid of a little work, more than double the amount of work will be loaded in the meantime.I can see my eyes slipping as I look at the nearby documents in pieces.Let the Servitor read it again today.

I can read letters now, but I’m still slower than normal people.It’s much faster for someone to read it out, and in the meantime, just sign it.If I think about two at a time, my head starts to feel tight from around noon, but if I don’t do this, I won’t go any further.

I don’t want a dozen servants lined up in my room like a queen, but basically I don’t get into my room unless I have to.When I have to help with the work, I have to carry it in a separate room, so I can’t order anyone to do it unless it’s beyond the door.I walked myself to open the door, and I didn’t want to keep my voice down…. at that time.

“Oh, just now? Excuse me, First Prince Stale.”

“… Prime Minister Jilbert, Your Highness”

Thank you. And the words went on and on like zero.

Next to the guard standing by the door, the light-blue prime minister looked down at me.This man is as emotionally dead as I am these days.

Something happened to me, and it seems that I opened the door before the guards knocked on it.Prime Minister Gilbert bowed his head deep down to his child’s opponent while all kinds of awkwardness smelled in his mouth.

I have documents I want you to check, and Prime Minister Gilbert, who is coming to see if I can enter the room once, nodded to me as well.I can’t say no to this man yet. [M]… it’s definitely not my fault.

If you pull it out of the door, slip it into the thin body to sew it between the doors.If you’ll excuse me, Prime Minister Gilbert stepped back to my desk to be pushed by an invisible wall.

“Because it’s good for the guards? I had something to do and I couldn’t get the door open.”

“No, it’s no big deal.Which materials should I look at more than that? ”

I want you to finish reading it and go home.

In order to be the first to finish what was piled up in the room, I turn my attention to the approaching Prime Minister Gilbert.Now, reaching out consciously not to run away, Prime Minister Gilbert handed me a bundle of paper that he held beside him.

I apologize for your busy schedule and simply refuse to allow Prime Minister Gilbert to sit and wait properly.I don’t want to come back to pick it up again, and I don’t want to call you back to check it out when there is something I don’t know.

Before I read the paper, I looked at Prime Minister Gilbert with my own eyes. [M]Compared to the other day, I think it is much better in the corner of my head.It’s only been about two years since I met this guy, but it was the first time in two years that I saw him “that”…. I guess I got along pretty well just because I didn’t know.

“secretly executed” with Uncle West.

Regent West…… Why is he needed in our country now…

That’s annoying.You haven’t complimented me since I became queen, and I’m ten.Besides, the Regent would be a substitute. ”

Uncle West, whose face had been made dead, was still tied to the dungeon.

Only the Queen and some of the most powerful people, including me, know about it.Uncle West, who continued to defy the policy even after the queen took office, was finally erased from the history ahead.

“He was the precious brother of the ancestral queen,” “even though he was your uncle,” he was unusual Prime Minister Gilbert who protested against the queen, but… after the words of the last one, he only covered his face and cried.

Now there’s no one to interrupt the promise, is there?

Ahahahahaha! And the last queen who laughed was in a good mood and left.

He fell off his knees and left Prime Minister Gilbert on the floor because of himself.

It was Uncle West who had long opposed the “Special Ability Application Obligation Order” advocated by Prime Minister Gilbert as a royal family.Unlike the Queen, I am against thinking about the country and the people.

Prime Minister Gilbert was not able to work properly for three days as if he had killed his uncle.Rather, I think it is faster to hold it back like this now.Is it because I am an adult after all?

Looking at the documents while thinking about it… I noticed a strange feeling of discomfort.The documents handed over as documents were not of the same kind as the report.Gradually, my eyes slip, and I keep moving my mouth toward him.

“… I’m sorry, Prime Minister Jilbert. What is this material…?”

“I briefly summarized it.It’s a bit of a bummer, but since I traced it back to the achievements of the West Regent, I think there’s no mistake. ”

Casa, Gasa, Parsley. I can hear my hands rolling over the paper. [M]

Even if you want to raise your face, you can’t keep an eye on the material in front of you.Prime Minister Gilbert gave me a table describing the Regent’s operations.

Originally, all of the work that could not have been learned without being directly taught by the previous Regents is summarized in chronological order.Even though Prime Minister Gilbert is supposed to be the prime minister, he doesn’t understand the meaning in much detail.

“Please, Miss Stale, I’d like you to read it.I asked the maid for tea, so please read it carefully in your seat. ”

No, I… While I’m trying to say no, I’m trying desperately to slip my eyes around with strings, but I read the paperwork back.

This is a very helpful document for me now.But I don’t have time to read it slowly right now.If we don’t get rid of all the stuff that’s piled up, we’re not done for life.Whatever the Regent’s job, the Queen cannot forgive such an excuse.

Don’t slip your eyes until you have a good separation, then raise your face.As soon as I got into view again, I couldn’t speak with my mouth open. [M]

Prime Minister Gilbert runs his pens one after the other on the documents on the shelf.The only thing he brought to my room was this document about the Regent.In other words, all he’s doing is my job, which was piled up in this room.

“Prime Minister Gilbert, it’s mine… mine”

“Of course I know that Mr. Stale will be brilliant.However, my work is proceeding without delay and I can afford it.Don’t worry about it. ”

Speaking indifferently, the materials in front of me were cleared up at an incredible speed.

There can’t be room.Prime Minister Gilbert does not only the prime ministerial work, but also the royal work alone…. that’s your “promise” to the Queen.

Uncle West and his servants and superiors all said that it was impossible to do that alone.I’ve never stayed for nearly two years, so there shouldn’t be any time to help with the Regent’s business.

While watching incredibly, Prime Minister Gilbert continues to reduce the number of jobs.Before the maid’s tea arrived, I doubted my eyes even though one of the mountains on the shelf had been cleared.But no matter what, it doesn’t seem to be loose.

“… why?”

“The Regent decided this workload would be difficult for less than a dozen.”

Prime Minister Gilbert doesn’t give me a glance.

It was somewhat more difficult to comprehend words as if they were just throwing them away, while not resting for a second to clear up the Regent’s business.Uncle West is still convinced.The Queen has protected me many times. [M]”Stale is your assistant, not your slave.” “Don’t push Stale.” “If you want to behave like a queen, first change your behavior towards Stale.” “That’s what the queen does.”The only one who protected me from the queen who couldn’t resist. [M]… but Prime Minister Jilbert…

You’re supposed to hate me.

Stale, I want you to look into Prime Minister Gilbert next…. grab one of your weaknesses. ”

I was the one who told the queen all about his fiancée and the existence of the hidden room.This person knows it too.

I’m… not bad. I can’t defy the queen with a slave contract. [M]It is bad for an adult to be exposed to secrets or easily killed by me using momentary movement. [M]The same goes for Prime Minister Gilbert.When I followed it, I went into the hidden room every time I took a break and talked to the sick. It was bad.Nothing wrong with me…. even if I didn’t intend to cover for a slave contract.

Because he had nothing to do with my life. [M]Whatever happens to my sister Tiara, I don’t care what happens to her anymore.If it’s in my interest, I think I can sell them to the Queen and kill them.

“Whipping your body from within is not recommended.I can help you at least until this afternoon, so take a nap if you need me. ”


With my lips squeezed, I can’t look back at the papers. [M]

I sold this man, and anyone I liked.You don’t even know about the slave contract.And yet I don’t understand why I do this.

I wonder if you’re going to fall for me with words as sweet as that queen. [M]I just finished my work in front of me and kept staring at the Prime Minister who was working on the next mountain.

Do you notice or do you not notice my gaze? I run a pen and collect the documents and repeat. Prime Minister Gilbert also holds the pile of documents in both hands and puts it “please sign only” in front of me.Instead, he grabs another pile on his desk and moves it to the guest table.

Ahahahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!What an idiot! Five years and you won’t make it! ”

“… what do you want?”

“I hope you live longer than your uncle.”

I couldn’t say back except to bite inside my mouth.

Why would this guy say that to me, with all his hands, neck and cheeks under the fabric’s wide clothes?I should have taken a minute’s rest.

It would have been easier if the queen had told me something about my fiancée.Like this… I didn’t feel sick and heavy as if I was starving inside my stomach.

When I put my mouth on the cup of tea, it smelled soft and gentle.I thought it would be easier if it was poisoned, but it was just a delicious tea.The handed documents naturally had eyes, and if I could not slip my eyes more than before, I could always read the letters as if I was smart.

If I shut up, Prime Minister Gilbert won’t say anything.I wasn’t alone in the space where the sound of the pen and the sound of the paper rolled up, but I wasn’t surprised and uncomfortable. [M]When my head fogged like drowsiness, my old memories blamed me for breathing so that I could strangle my neck with cotton.

Anyway, nobody cares about you as a filthy former commoner.


The words that murmured only in the mouth of the cup did not sound even in the quiet room.

The sound of running Prime Minister Gilbert’s pen is much louder.

For the first time in my memory, I was struck by what I did to this man who denied what the devil had said except to Uncle West.I’m sure my face is the same as usual.But my chest is cluttered.

I wondered in the corner of my head whether it would have been redemption if I had cried on this spot.


“Oh, just now? Excuse me, Master Stale.”

“… Prime Minister Jilbert”

The time is bad.

Uncle West’s office.I opened the door to get out of there, and he was just standing there.

Like me, who had the papers for my father, the king’s mate, Jilbert probably also had the papers for Uncle West.I didn’t expect to get caught in front of such a door by chance.

I glanced at Jill Vail as if he were standing in my way.I didn’t expect to see you in front of Uncle West at this time today.

In my eyes, Gilbert laughed at the smell, as if he had sucked up his intentions.If it wasn’t for Uncle West, I’d be able to say the irony clearly.

“Gilbert, just in time, could you do me a favor and hand it over to Albert?”

“Of course. Would it be all right if Mr. Stale had the documents?”

Now, on this occasion,

That’s the opposite of holding the paperwork. I’ll give it to Gilbert, who will give it to me.

I smiled and glanced at Jilbert’s back as I walked to Uncle West’s desk, and then I went back to my desk again.

It is good in itself to be left to the paperwork.I’m pretty busy as an assistant now, too.

Turning a blind eye away from Jill Vail, who submits his paperwork to Uncle West, he looks instead at the work on his desk.From now on, I’ll swirl the bottom of my belly to make up for his disgust.

“By the way,” said Uncle West, who finished talking with Jilbert, as he ran the pen with a crunch.I was aware that the movement of running the pen would not stop at this point.

“This flower, I hear you hired a maid, Jilbert.”

“Yes, I have also added colour to His Majesty the King, and I would like to thank His Majesty the Regent of West and His Highness Stale.”


I squeezed it without saying so.While listening to his uncle’s compliments to Jill Vail, the signs disappeared for now.

Recently, flowers were decorated in my father’s room.Tiara said she was worried about Jilbert.I heard that she decorated the office where Tiara, a woman, went, and… it was yesterday that she said ironically, as usual, without her father.

Well, that’s a wonderful care.I didn’t have that kind of consideration in my life. ”

… shortly afterwards, Tiara got mad at me for saying, “Niisama!”

I’m not really dissatisfied that the flowers weren’t decorated when I was there.Tiara, a woman, knows that she cares because she is visiting more and more.Even so, I understand that it was a pleasant affection for Tiara, who is working to establish her position as the first king and sister in Japan.I’m just saying it the way it always is…. as a result.

“Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh.This is very rude.If that’s all, let me (…) add my (…) colors (…) to the office of Regent West, where Lord Stale is attached immediately. ”

Fine, I told him right away that I didn’t want to feel you even during the Regent’s operation, but he said, “Don’t hesitate.”

And today, when I entered Uncle West’s office, it was accompanied by colorful flowers that were truly stunning.Even though I had an idea, I checked with my uncle and it was still from Jilbert.Not only is he in the prime ministerial business, but he is also too angry for this kind of work.

That’s why I didn’t want to see him like this today, but I put it in a bowl as measured.Because it’s about this guy, I really think he dared to measure it.

“How about that? I hope Mr. Stale likes it too.”

At last, the subject of the conversation can be pointed at me.

I managed to fasten my finger while using force to grip the pen.I dare not tell you that I hated you, but I can assure you that I will socially laugh at Jilbert who told Uncle West, but I can assure you that my eyes are not laughing in the mirror.

“… it’s such a wonderful color. Thank you very much.”

You son of a bitch.

I dared ask in front of Uncle West, and he will return the favor.A smile and a smile walked up to my desk, where he hid me from Uncle West with his own back.Tighten your back teeth and move your mouth to the gill veil, where you don’t even have to tell me the truth.

Ever since the first time that flower came into my eyes, I knew it was definitely the sorting of the gill veil.

“… I’ll praise you for your flower hobbies.”

Crimson and yellow bright flowers.

The flowers, wrapped in vases, were regrettable, but vibrant enough to show both pride and tiara.I’m sure you’ll soon know the name of the flower if you’re proud.

I entered Uncle West’s room, but for a moment, I didn’t want to admit the illusion of being welcomed by my sisters, but it was pleasant.

My uncle murmured back at me with a low voice, and when I looked up, I saw a smile coming back from Gilbert.Eyes on a warm, slightly loosened smile, and then look back in writing.

I appreciate your compliments.and returned a word to Jilbert, who lowered his head deeply, and left the room as if nothing else had happened.

Exhale and look again at the vase so he doesn’t make a sound after he’s gone.I admitted losing only in my chest that it might have been good to have flowers from before in the colors of the flowers that were close to each other.

I was still angry about the good (…) gill veil in my flower hobby.

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