The Most Heretical Last Boss Queen Who Will Become the Source of Tragedy Will Devote Herself for the Sake of the People

Chapter 1093

II151. The girl talks to each other on her own.

“I can’t talk to Tiara…Even during the dance, all I could do was take her hand. ”

Cedric’s face turns bright red as he lights up his face.

Conversely, the voice seems to be somehow depressed, but it seems careless and cute.

Cedric was the first to reach out to Tiara again, but the distance from Tiara is still the same.I live in the same castle now, and I’ve been over to talk about the Farnham brothers, but I’ve seen them a few times…. hardly any conversations.Sometimes Cedric was there, and I couldn’t stand it.

“But that time was so good that it was hard to change anything…. for whatever reason, she chose this hand. ”

That said, Cedric gently loosened her face, and unexpectedly pressed her chest.I kind of want to hug oneechan because she’s feeling good already.

I don’t know why Tiara still nominates Cedric first.But at least when I see Tiara laughing happily during the dance, I think Cedric still has hope…. no. I’m totally leaning towards Cedric’s guess.

I mean, if you show me what you’ve been thinking for two years, I’m going to want to support you.I’ve thought about it many times before, but I wish Cedric could get along with Tiara at least a little bit more!

Of course, Tiara has the right to get along with Cedric or to choose, and the possibility that her life will sneak up on her is not zero.There are three potential fiancées, and it remains a mystery whether Cedric is included at this time.

At least unlike me, Tiara is rethinking her mother and her fiancée once.I can’t tell Cedric that it’s not Ivy Royal, but honestly, it’s five and a half minutes before Cedric is played for the reconsideration.Tiara’s fondness for Cedric, who still has a high rate of anger, is unknown to my sister.At the very least, would Cedric feel a little more comfortable with his brother, Stale?

“That dance was really nice.Tiara seemed to be having so much fun. ”


Sparkling, my words set fire to the back of my eyes.

Cedric makes his whole face shine with joy and laughs with a fluffy voice.Yes, Cedric’s cheek turned into an apple when he said it was true.”It’s an honor,” Cedric murmured, losing much of his shoulder strength.

It was a corner ceremony, and I was a little worried that I wouldn’t be able to see King Lance or King Joan, but I was fine.Even without his two brothers, he was originally prominent and had the title of director of the International Postal Organization, and he was surrounded by guests immediately after the ceremony.Cedric, who was popular with women by example and was about to collapse, seemed to have had many stories with aristocrats and other royalties.

“By the way, what about the International Postal Organization?Is it time to start recruiting? ”

“! Ah, the recruitment was already decided.The final confirmation was also completed in the last few days.It is time to start broadening the recruitment process within the Kingdom of Freesia.Starting next month, we will start the selection process and secure personnel from senior to junior levels.”I plan to do it regardless of family status, if my abilities or aptitudes are appropriate.”

I think back to Cedric and Prime Minister Gilbert these last few days.

Originally, it was decided from the inception of the International Postal Organization to gather various human resources by each jurisdiction.It is possible for anyone with special abilities to be a national of Japan, and there are no few special abilities suitable for postal services.

Not to mention joining the Knights, some of them have special abilities suitable for moving like advance troops, and others have the ability to cope with long journeys.It was not only me, but also Prime Minister Gilbert, who wanted to create job opportunities for the lower echelons.

For this reason, Cedric has been consulting more and more with senior management and Prime Minister Gilbert over the past few days, especially after he came home from school and reported to me.Prime Minister Gilbert talked to Cedric, chief executive of the International Postal Organization, and talked about various positions and interviews to recruit the lower echelons.The details of the recruitment system are still pending, but it seems that we will start by looking for a wide range of useful personnel.

It seems that recruitment interviews and due diligence have settled in the direction of Cedric and Prime Minister Gilbert as well, so as not to recruit the wrong people as well as their abilities.Well, Cedric could inadvertently be deceived by human kindness, and it would be fine if Prime Minister Gilbert would look at it.Cedric, on the other hand, is sure to look at the inside and the will of the person, not the title or the outside.Perfect candy and whip format for two interviewers in a sense.

“Some of them are still under consideration with Prime Minister Gilbert… but it’s Prime Minister Gilbert’s opinion.I want to walk as close as I can and consider positively…! ”

That said, Cedric held his fist so hard that he could feel something for himself…. I wonder.

As soon as Cedric checked his surroundings for the first time, he shook his neck to his side.”It’s not something to talk about here,” he whispered, tilting the glass to swallow every slippery word.I’m worried about something like that.Perhaps this is related to the gift operation from Prime Minister Gilbert that Stale and Tiara were talking about this morning, but it didn’t connect at all.

It is a difficult case that Cedric will not be able to swallow the proposal from Prime Minister Gilbert immediately.The International Postal Organization is mainly the Kingdom of Freesia, but it is also a joint agency of the United Kingdom of Hanazu.And even if the chief executive is the Queen’s mother and King Lance, it is Cedric who is still in charge of the final judgment of the International Post Office.Without Cedric’s permission, Prime Minister Gilbert can only propose.If he doesn’t nod, of course there are plans he won’t get through.That’s why I’m probably “considering it”…I repeated the blinking in vain, no matter how I twisted my head, I couldn’t come to a conclusion.

Cedric didn’t want to talk about it here either, but instead he said “by the way.”

“About the Farnham brothers… they both nodded safely.I thank Her Majesty Queen Rosa for her generous judgment. ”

The Farnham brothers.

Relieved by the words, I exhale.After all, they both agreed to Cedric’s proposal. I’m really glad.

Two days ago, Cedric, who came back from school and came to me with various information complexes, suggested it.You don’t have to do it now, you want to put the Farnham brothers on your assistant at an international post office in the future.And for that reason… it was Cedric’s hope to hire them as his servants from next month so they wouldn’t worry about more than four years later.

Although Cedric simply liked them, he wanted to know more about the people of the Kingdom of Freesia and to expect them to become special students in just a few days.

He also told his mother that Cedric had found promising talent at school, so he wanted to go to the castle and raise them in the future, so he agreed.Cedric’s tattoos and this time the first special occasional student also became a strength.

I don’t mind if I finish my top-secret inspection.At that time, however, he gave us permission to go down on the spot, provided we both kept quiet about who we were.

“I’m the one thanking you.I’m glad Cedric likes you both.I’m sure they’ll both help you in the future. ”

Cedric nodded forcefully when he turned his cheeks back.

It is surprising that the relationship between the two, who are also hidden characters of the second work, is likely to continue in the future, but I am purely happy that Cedric has found a trusted servant in Japan who has emigrated from his hometown.Even though Farnham’s sister and brother were promised peace of mind in the future, it is good for Cedric to have more friends with him.Because he is already a people of our country.

Besides, they would definitely be good men for Cedric in the future, even if they weren’t blind…. yeah, I want to cum.

Even in the second, if they were super-excellent servants, they would definitely be.

“Oh, I think Dios and Crowe are good people.Even though it was the first time I was a waitress, Dios often looked around and Chloe was cool and good at judgment. ”

“You’ve both been doing things about onee-sama for a long time.Kids, I’m glad you’re getting along. ”

It is determined by excellence. It’s the first black-and-white designer stale position.

Moreover, in the game, the leapfrogging class student was finished nursing onee-sama without looking at the study and without any money.Those children are starting to study hard in an environment where they can concentrate on studying now.From a state of hopelessness, I am now permanently employed with Cedric as an honorary student and in the future.They are far more dreamy and hopeful than the boy and girl in front of the confectionery house.I am sure that if we continue our efforts, we will grow into excellent people in the future rather than special lifestyle keeping without our help.

If you think so, you can’t look Cedric in the eye, or look at his foresight.The boulder is the fruit brother of King Lance.

If you think about it carefully, the person you fell in love with is also an angel tiara, and I think Cedric also has eyes to see inside people.Would you be aware of the other person’s poor character?She was tricked by Queen Pride in the game…… Ah, no. Cedric was kind of worried about me.It may be overprotective, but I’d like to ask Prime Minister Gilbert to join me in the recruitment interview.

“What’s wrong?”

Cedric blinked greatly at me when I accidentally thought about it and put my eyebrows in the middle.

It’s nothing, and I’m consciously lowering my hand that’s about to hold my head as I turn back.I can’t say that Cedric suddenly became worried or that he was an overprotective parent.No, but people are really important. ‘Cause there’s no doubt.

“… I remembered about my future talent at school…. I’m sorry while we were talking. ”

Never mind, Cedric, who forgave me in one word, worked hard to get in touch with me on the contrary.But that’s not what I’m talking about here.

Next time he shook his head back from me, he immediately said, “Tell me again whenever you want.”I really appreciate you remembering this kind of concern.

It was a shame that we couldn’t meet King Joan this time, and the conversation with him was separated once.

I thought I’d missed you on that day, but Cedric said that you had already delivered a letter for your birthday celebration the day you arrived in Japan.I remembered that day eleven days ago to Cedric, who said that he would have been in time.Speaking of which, on the day I spoke to Cedric, his servant passed by the letter.

Looking sideways at Cedric’s back, which began to be surrounded again by other guests, I again responded to the greeting from the next guest.

“Her Royal Highness the First Princess of Pride. By the way, about Pradest…..”

I returned the words carefully so as not to laugh at the inquiries from the nobles in Japan.

Talent selection. That’s really important.It is no exaggeration to say that creating a new institution is as important as the system.It’s like Cedric’s post office.

The Pradest likewise.

I answered the question, conscious of not inadvertently slipping the accusation I learned two days ago.

Half a month until the top secret inspection.It was my concern now that more priorities were given than remembering all the targets.

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