The Most Heretical Last Boss Queen Who Will Become the Source of Tragedy Will Devote Herself for the Sake of the People

Chapter 1108

II163. Girls with personal desires are mindful.

“Hah… anyway… I’m glad you’re safe…”

Having managed to get back to the classroom before the class started, we arrived at our seats weakly.

I think it was a long and steep journey to get here.After breaking up with Powell, it was rumored that many students looked back on their way back to the classroom after returning to middle school…. mainly Arthur’s.

Is that what she said? I just saw it. It’s amazing. It’s a special ability to fly?Arthur seemed rather narrow in the whirlpool that everyone was rumouring about.

After entering the class, the kids who were watching Arthur’s performance show asked him, “Are you feeling well?Melvin and the others went to the infirmary!”” Where were you? “and I was stuck.Apologizing for worrying, it wasn’t just a temporary illness.

I’m sorry for worrying, but I can’t help but be suspicious because Stale created a reason why I don’t want to be a good liar: “Jack ran in a hurry and made me feel extra sick, so I rested behind a quiet school building.” Stream Stone Schemer Stale.

Instead, I was worried about Arthur wearing the stigma of carrying the girl violently, but Arthur himself also affirmed the previous time and apologized to the boys for “I left it to him to clean up the equipment.”Speaking of which, I also remembered that I promised to clean up the equipment instead of using it.

I don’t think they cleaned it all up, so I’m sorry.Even if you’re trying to escape Arthur, it’s inconvenient to run away without clearing your gear.

The boys didn’t have to worry about Arthur’s apology, so they cared about my condition…. and a good percentage of testimonies said, “I went to the infirmary after him, but I was worried because he wasn’t anywhere.”

I don’t know how worried you are or if you simply didn’t see enough of Arthur’s tricks in the name of my cause.But even though I’m sorry for just cleaning up, I finally lowered my head to make you even harder.

It’s an apology for worrying about making excuses and forcing Jack out because he hasn’t had enough sleep lately.It seemed like it was unexpected for both Stale and Arthur to apologize to me, and he followed me with all his strength, saying, “No, I called Jack!” “No, I followed him without my permission.”

Both men and women were gathered mainly worried about me, but it was the boys who came together to show Arthur again.And the majority of the girls were gossiping around with their eyes shining with their carriers.After all, it has unfolded as expected.

It was since I got back to middle school, but the girl who would have seen Arthur’s acrobat was obviously a heart.He screamed short and yellow with his fingers pointing at him with zero malice on the far wind.Even though Arthur himself narrowed his neck uncomfortably with his fingers and screams, the girls looked happy.I suddenly heard a voice saying, “If I take my glasses off, I’ll be cool.” Speaking of which, I remember taking my glasses off earlier.

The place was far from the school gate and there were no knights, and Sefek and Chemet didn’t see it, so there was no problem, but I think Arthur who took off his silver rim glasses had a different impression.Long knitting and eyeglasses are more like plain disguises of a girl’s comic than handsome, and you’ll have a different impression from the usual crisp knight figure…. it’s kind of nice to think that it’s the royal road to maiden games and girl cartoons, such as getting glasses and being handsome.

Arthur seemed to know that the screams and carriers from the girls were not scared, but everything seemed complicated.

The person said that he still doesn’t understand that “to that extent” is said to be a carrier.It seems like Arthur from what I said already.Otherwise, Arthur doesn’t like to stand up.

Instead, his back was rounded to the point where he felt sorry for being so conspicuous with Arthur.I go-signed it to stand out, and even though I said don’t really care, I was still depressed.

But, “Evidence that everybody thinks they’re cool.I’m glad. “I think you’re glad to be told that my face was slightly burning after squeezing my lips again…. afterwards, I was angry with you for rubbing my voice and saying, “Please don’t tell me…”

It seems that the word “cool” is forbidden in Arthur for a while because I somehow kept calling too many times.But Arthur is really good-looking, so I can’t help it.When I was pointed out that I had to add more compliments to my vocabulary, I was a little reflective.

Even before lunch break, I don’t think this is far from the same event as Stale to Arthur, who is rapidly gaining attention from women climbing the boar.

In his original appearance, the youngest Knight Captain and now the legendary Holy Knight is in a position to attract the attention of his daughter at royal ceremonies.Until now, however, I have never seen Arthur being approached for a long time, even though he has been noticed or spoken to by the female team.If Jack had such an event this time, I was a little worried about how he was going to refuse.

In some cases, it is impossible for me or Stale to deploy a rescue boat.

Until three seconds before class began, I was unwell, Arthur and I, our rapidly rising popularity, and our two followers didn’t even get to their seats with a busy stale.

When the teacher came in and all the students were finally allowed to sit in their seats, the three of them were alone and now they are sitting still in their seats.

Arthur and Stale echoed each other without saying “I see…” to my murmur.It would be the same for both of us to think back without saying it.

As the teacher distributes the material from the front seat, today’s lesson begins with an explanation.As the students calmed down, we tied our lips and turned forward.Still, I am very busy in my head because of what happened just now.

“I don’t know anybody named Liar either.”

… dare to pull that thing, but there are many things I want to question him and scold him for.

Anyway, now it’s Lyle.Unlike me, who knows the settings of the game, Stale, Arthur, who knows nothing, and Powell, who is a regular student, will be in doubt.

Since I remembered my Farnham sister and brother, I have also remembered things related to him in the yam style.I also know the relationship route with Amlet, the end and the weakness.The game starts three years from now, but it’s no wonder we moved on to action before that.After all, the problem has been with him since he entered school.And he has been able to enroll in school a year early.

To that extent, the problem behavior itself has been from the time the school was founded, and considering that, is it two years early?When the protagonist Amlet entered school, he had already fallen to the next stage.I thought it would be okay if I could stop it before that happens, but… I can’t seem to say that either.

Besides, this is another matter.According to teachers, there are still many early leavers and students who will not come to school.Most of them are lower-level students. ”

I remember Captain Column reporting to me and Prime Minister Gilbert three days ago.

Although the subject matter was different, the report also needed to be fully considered.Anything, it seems Captain Column was able to hear the teachers’ mourning and hard work in the staff room.

Thanks to Prime Minister Gilbert, he moved quickly to establish the facts and gather information, and Captain Column told me to try to talk to him again in the staff room.Originally it was for my escort, but I’m really glad Captain Column took care of it.

Even though it was supposed to be difficult for a special lecturer alone in a knight’s class, it was too streamlined to tell the raw voice of the scene, and honestly, it was very helpful.I was impressed once again by the fact that I really looked at people around me.Prime Minister Gilbert and Stale were also very grateful.


Receiving the materials from the front seat, Stale hides her voice in a mistaken manner.

As I nodded to it, I still think Stale is smart.I’m sure it won’t be long before Prime Minister Stale and Gilbert get to the truth without telling me the game’s settings.From there, it is not difficult to solve the problem formally at the shortest distance as a country…. but in that case…

When I think about it so much, I’m kind of bothered by the anguish.Certainly, even if nothing is done, the problem will still be solved before the second episode begins… or Prime Minister Gilbert and Stale will solve it.There is no explanation for that anymore, and I can’t help it, but he thinks badly about it all the time.

If I recall the setting of the second work, I can’t help but feel like abandoning it in a word I deserve.What he’s doing right now is probably not even offensive to him.Then I can’t leave him alone.What he’s doing is selfish and incriminating, but more than that.

Because I think it’s a pure wish.

“… anyway, after the third limit, let me continue to go to the first grade.”

Yes, and now the word comes back from both sides to my words, which only moved my mouth in front of me.

Either way, first understand the situation before making contact.If I’m going to make real contact with him, I’d like to speak officially as a predictor, not just myself, and ask for everyone’s cooperation.When I get back to the castle, I’ll ask Prime Minister Gilbert, Captain Column, and Val if I can.Chemet wouldn’t know we were sneaking around, but he said, “Do you know anything?I think they will cooperate with me if they ask me about it.I want him to have a different end to the game if he can.In order to do that, today is the day to remember only the target of a year of aggression.

I’ve already decided to slightly strengthen the finger holding the document in my organized and cut head.


“Choose whether you want to accompany me to a knight’s class or go to the staff room for tutoring until after school.”

“Kwack, that’s the hard stuff, the monstrous power, the stupid knight.”

I didn’t think there were people who were already in contact with each other.

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