The Most Heretical Last Boss Queen Who Will Become the Source of Tragedy Will Devote Herself for the Sake of the People

Chapter 1121

The knights gather.

You’re here, Roderick.

Behind the exercise hall.

Clark approached the knight who was stopping.Clark, whose business was divided, came to see his friend at once.

Looking up at Clark’s call, Roderick replied with a word of greeting and looked around lightly.All the knights who walked nearby disappeared when they were too obsessed with the paperwork.I was just trying to avoid the edges even if I stopped, but I realized it was a place to hide if I noticed.It was always time for an exercise, but today the schedule was different.

“Oh, I’m curious about the record of the entrance exam I took today.I’ve just decided who will pass. ”

Knights Admission Examination.

Today, on that day, the current Knight Captain, Roderick, also took part in the exam under his supervision.Meet the candidate directly with the sword in a secondary exam conducted only by the primary examinee and check each other’s skills.Clark thinks that the candidate who was made to work with him, the captain of the most cavalry, would have broken his bones while a large number of knights other than the captain were being driven out.

Because of the large number of knight volunteers each year, the probability is overwhelmingly higher for those who do not take the rank of captain as their opponent.A knight driven out by a supervisor, etc. in the entrance exam, with only about four or five captains.Roderick, moreover, has strict supervision of sorting on his own.The Knights of the Kingdom, who die every year, believe that they should not join the army from the beginning if they can join the army halfway and lose their lives.I still had a list of people who decided to join this year, and I checked each person who passed the exam who was not in charge.

Show it to me, and Clark lined up to peek next to Roderick.Though Clark would soon see it anyway, Roderick silently started rolling again from the first page of the list.

“… oh, did he pass again?Roderick, if you were in charge of the secondary exam, you’d be pretty sure. ”

“Column Bordeaux. Oh, good work.It’s still fourteen, but I’ve decided it’s no problem for him. ”

Roderick nodded to Clark, pointing at one of the places on the list with pleasure.

Even in terms of the origin of the Earls, it was more visible than other applicants, but even in the Knights, it is not uncommon for the aristocrats themselves.Some nobles have honored the family line of knights for generations, while others challenge the family line to carve the name of knights for their own sake.Among them, they are limited in their ability to join the army, but there are several noble people who have decided to join the army this year in addition to the column.However, the youngest of these columns remained Clark’s impression of both strength and strength.

He couldn’t show his face on the secondary exam, but he caught his eye when he looked at the temporary exam.Confirm with the knight who was overseeing him nearby, and he is a noble young man.Located in the upper aristocracy, the Earl family has a special ability blessed with becoming a knight, and it is difficult to forget when it comes to being fourteen years old.It is an entrance examination that can be applied for from the age of fourteen, but there are an overwhelming number of applicants who have passed the age of majority.

If you become a knight who knocks on the gate at fourteen, it is an underestimate to take the commemorative exam, be more confident in your arm, or take the entrance exam again.If you know what you are taking, you will certainly be able to move more advantageously than other candidates from the following year.

“What a pity. If I had fourteen more months early, I would have been a recruit a year earlier.He could have actually joined the army for thirteen years. ”

“The Knights are eligible to take the exam from fourteen.If the date of birth is about the same month, it is not stipulated for more than a month. ”

The Knights Entrance Examination is held once a year.It is recognized as almost fourteen years old if it is fourteen weeks or ten days from the examination date, but one month has passed.

If Roderick, who understands the Knights’ rules, clearly decides, Clark laughs and runs.Clark has the rules in his head.However, I really think he could have managed to join the army at the age of thirteen if he was impressed by his strength at first glance.It is only a month after the fourteenth birthday.If you were able to pass this admission exam without compromise, I think it would be slippery even a year ago.

“… hmm? What, he wants a shared room too?I knew it would be the same as the rest of the aristocracy. ”

Then Clark unexpectedly leaked his voice as he looked at the column to the end of the list.

When you become a Knight of the Corps, you are given a private room, but when you are a recruit, there is only a large room in the shared space.Recruits are also provided with food, clothing, and shelter, but all are minimal.Especially the dormitories, which are provided free of charge to recruits, are shared spaces where many people sleep in one room.Most people from noble backgrounds go to their parents’ houses or buy lodgings and mansions close to the castle.Especially if you are an Earl’s family, you will be able to prepare horses and mansions as far as you can go to the castle.Clark wondered if there was any reason why the second son of the Earl’s family would volunteer for the recruit’s large room.At least halfway through, nobles can’t stand big office rooms.

“I know Bordeaux was kicked out of the house, but I’ve never heard of it.My brothers were all said to be excellent….. ”

“That would mean you’re serious about the Knight’s Path.He was a serious young man who was courteous in the second exam.I don’t think you’re going to be kicked out.You’re free to choose between the rules. ”

Roderick glances lightly at Clark, who remembers Bordeaux, to stop evil.

Nothing is wrong with a large room for recruits.Although it’s a large room, it’s in the Knights of the Castle practice hall.There is also an abundance of exercises and workouts for each purpose, so there is no need for self-training.And if you decide to live as a knight, you will never want a noble life again.Even if the Knights of the Corps are given private rooms, if they have missions, expeditions, etc., they will camp in the same tent as the other Knights.A private room tent is about the size of a captain.Even in the sense of getting used to it for the future, living together in a large room from now on is a good practice.

Clark slapped him on the shoulder, laughing at Roderick, who only cares about the rules.Clark trusts his eyes.

“Well, policy is important.Some of them tried to take the exam from about 13 or seven years old. ”

Who are you talking about?

“It’s Harrison Dirk. He was yesterday yesterday yelling at the Knights.”

That’s him.

When I remembered that time, Clark laughed with her eyebrows down, and Roderick nodded with a gaze.Without the exercises, the Knight of the Squad would have little involvement with the recruits.However, it was unusual for anyone from among the recruits to be so angry with the Knight Commander that Roderick’s eyes stood out.Yesterday was not the first time I was yelled at.

Having passed last year’s entrance exam with the strength not to attract other candidates, he is almost a year old and still unfamiliar with no one.When recruits were recruits, it was easy to work together and build a lot of relationships, but Harrison didn’t talk to anybody, he just had a little fight.There are a certain number of recruits who avoid interacting with others.As for the main team, it was almost all of them, such as the 8th team.But Roderick and the others have nothing to remember before they start a brawl.

“I’m not sure because I heard from Curtis, but apparently he knocked on the gate seven years before he joined the army.”

She remembered it as soon as she met her because she had the same eyes.Yes, Roderick stopped and listened to Clark, one of the knights of the battalion, continue to say what Curtis said.

It is rare for someone to knock on the gate from within the age of eligibility.A person who is notified that there is an age requirement on the day of the admission examination, or a person who visits without even knowing the existence of the admission examination date.And Harrison was the overwhelming latter.And unless it’s the entrance exam day, it’s not a royal castle that’s easy to get to the practice hall.

Eight years ago, a seven-year-old boy came to the castle gate saying he wanted to be a knight, and the guards said he was still young.To the knight who happened to be at the castle gate to descend around the castle, the boy conferred directly with the guards in the same words.When I saw the white troupe clothes, I went to the knights, who were fearful and atrophic, whether they were children or not, and didn’t even pretend to be scared.

If you ask a young boy who has not yet reached the age of obvious admission examinations, he is only seven years old.Moreover, despite the cold season, the boy who was standing in thin clothes could not feel the chill of the knight.

There is an age policy for joining.Come back in seven years.Until then, I hope you work hard to train.That said, the boy quickly turned his heel and left.

“And then, seven years later, you really are a brilliant recruit.”

“You’ve been here seven years.”

“No, it’s just getting cold.She said it was mid-winter eight years ago, so there will be rubbing.Seven years ago, as soon as it was the same season that I knocked on the gate, they visited me again. ”

Roderick makes his eyebrows wrinkled in silence.

At that time a year ago, he was impressed that the Knights had been contacted about the “suspicious person” who had been stuck in front of the castle gate every morning for more than a month before the Knights Admission Examination.

Not today, a month later, four weeks later, ten days later, one week later, tomorrow.Even though the guards and the knights came to pay attention to the specific date, the young man who kept visiting every morning was undoubtedly a suspicious man.But if I told him that it was not today, he would turn his heel back immediately, so neither the knight nor the guards could be caught.

And when the knight and the guard heard his words, which answered the question of why he came every day, they could not say anything.Even if there are knight volunteers who visit the day by mistake, those who have been specifically told the remaining number of days and have been packed in early every morning for more than a month are about Harrison in the long history of the Knights.

That’s why Clark shrugged his shoulders when he remembered a rare incident back then.When the knight told me seven years later that it was spring and summer, not the same seasonal winter as the exam, Roderick groaned bitterly that he might have missed last year’s entrance exam, “I may have been going through a year at that time.”I’ve waited seven years to be honest, and for another year, it’s more likely to go through every morning.

“There seems to have been no concept of time.Maybe now you don’t even know how to read a clock, not a letter. ”

“… well, you’re in time for the exercise.”

Lift your face up to Clark’s words and close your eyes.

Some people come from lower classes.I don’t even want to look at the clock in my life just because the sun is rising and the temperature is changing, not because of time.Roderick is only convinced that Harrison answered the guards and knights who guarded the gates at the time.

There is no concept of time or date.But I don’t want to miss the annual entrance exam.That’s why I went there early that morning.It’s too much waste, but it’s definitely a means.

If you go up to the Knights of the Corps, you will also be tasked with a certain level of upbringing, but I’m sure they won’t be able to remember any of the recruits.I’m not keeping time, I’m just waiting at the assembly point until the next exercise without taking a break.Clark thinks it’s faster to get a sense of a minute and a second into his body than to get him into the habit of looking at the clock, but Harrison doesn’t have any parents or instructors to teach him that.

Roderick exhaled a long and deep breath, thinking that in his case it would be harder to become a knight than in a three-month enlistment exam.

First, you have to start by learning letters rather than reading books to learn.In spite of the announcement of the recruitment of knights throughout the country rather than under the castle each year, he was a young man who only relied on the word “seven years later”.It would be satisfactory if the date of implementation and the prescribed age could not be read.

I can’t read letters, I can’t read watches, I don’t even know the concept of time, I don’t even interact with people.But if his strength is real, he will definitely decide to enlist this year if he goes right.If you think so, you can only breathe extra breath.Harrison’s strengths are famous from last year’s entrance exam, but there are too many challenges following his bad behavior.

There are naturally people who become knights from the lower ranks, but so far there are no people who are abundant in anxiety factors other than strength as knights in the main team.If you have a passion and will to be a knight from eight years ago, I would like you to remain a knight, Roderick, but to do that, he will not start unless he understands that it is essential for knights besides combat ability.

At least three months later, Roderick scrolled the page of the list again, hoping that he wouldn’t just be sent to the ward because he wasn’t feeling well, as he did last month.Watch Peri, Peri and the names of the unsuccessful competitors tie together in rows, and follow the successful competitors with your eyes.They have a knighthood lineage ranging from lower-level to aristocratic.

After checking the details and name of the successful candidate with Roderick until the last one, Clark had another question in mind.

“How was he last year?You were talking about next year, you know.I didn’t see it on the first exam….. ”

“Alan Berners. Oh, I was curious to check it out… but he didn’t show up this year.”

I scrolled the list again with Palari, but there was no name there.

Last year, the existence of a young man dropped in a secondary exam is still new to both memories.He was also the youngest and brilliant student in the first exam, and he stood out alongside Harrison.

While recalling what Clark confirmed last year after the secondary exam, Clark reached out and rolled the list again from Roderick’s hand.

He was not involved in the secondary exam last year, but naturally they passed the exam and searched for his name.But when I checked the list, I noticed that there was no Alan’s name in the list of successful candidates, and I searched for his name, including those who did not pass.Clark was unexpected that he was dropped in the secondary exam at the time, but it was a surprise that he didn’t even come to the exam this year.

The primary exam is a multidisciplinary brawl.Without special abilities, Alan defeated as many volunteers as Harrison did at the time, leaving less than half.Clark, who was also peeking at the primary exam at the time, agreed with Roderick when he joined the director with the other knights that he was light and excellent, even though he was not yet a recruit, no matter how much he ate from the other party.

In Alan’s case, not only his strength, but also his majestic behavior and prestige were very impressive to the knights of the battalion, including Roderick.I was Clark who dared to think that Alan and Harrison would join the group at the youngest age, but when I checked the list afterwards, unlike Harrison, Alan only wrote a “fail” in the secondary exam section.

“I knew he wouldn’t rot, and I thought he’d come again this year… well, that’s the young man.I don’t think I gave up. ”

“That’s right, and that’s why I fell in the second place.It’s more natural this year to think about dropping it off. ”

Clark gazed at Roderick with his arms closed and his eyes heavily nodded.

Last year, Clark was the youngest to show his strength in the first exam, and he also wondered why he fell in the second exam, which he confirmed at the time.It was not conceivable that he had gotten along with other applicants from the start of the primary exam until he had a problem with the secondary exam.And the knight in charge of Alan’s secondary exam was tough, but not as roderick.

“Surely the person in charge at the time was Ijido.Well, any knight in charge would have had no choice but to fall. ”

Next year, Roderick put his hand down to his hips and nodded to Clark, who was breathing.

“They never even held a sword.No matter how well you do it, it’s only natural that you can’t let people who can’t handle the sword join the army. ”

That’s right… and Clark answered Roderick’s words with his shoulders down.

Unlike the primary exam, the secondary exam is a meeting with the Knight of the Corps.Alan was an excellent mover, but he was a beginner by the way he held his sword.Although the supplied sword was obviously unfamiliar with the hand, everyone noticed at a glance that he was less than a typical beginner when holding the sword.

When you become a Knight of the Corps, you also practice a wide range of combat methods such as guns and bare hands fights, but nevertheless the Knight’s main focus is only on swords.It does not make sense that I have not even dealt with the main sword.

“If I had any knowledge of the sword, I would have passed.Even if it’s immature, I can expect it in the future. ”

“I can’t help it. I’m sure it was from the region.It would have cost me 14 years to come to the castle. ”

Roderick recalls that when he checked the list, he came from far beyond the mountains.

The sword itself can be found from the top to the bottom.Especially in this castle, which is bustling with commerce, it is not difficult for people from lower classes to get it.Many people buy cheap blades with two or three legs, such as knives and swords, to protect themselves and as weapons.

But when it comes to the countryside and the countryside, the knife is forced to struggle to get the sword first.Many villages and towns do not have weapons stores themselves.Were you unable to obtain the sword due to financial circumstances or due to your local residence?Either way, as a knight, if you don’t know the minimum sword, you won’t be able to talk.

“The cheaper you get down to the castle on your way home, the more shops you can buy.I thought I’d buy a sword and brush my arms a little by the end of the year… but I guess I decided I still needed time to train. ”

If we don’t fail, we’ll come back.And so closed Roderick closed the paperwork.

Even in the absence of a sword teacher, if you do not fail to gesture the sword in your hand, you will naturally become accustomed to it.If only the lack of sword experience was considered a problem in the secondary examination at that time, I think he will have a future as well unless he gives up.

While listening to Roderick’s words, Clark realized in the corner of his head that maybe he didn’t show up this year for reasons other than “lack of training,” but he swallowed it.Either way, the idea of not coming this year and eventually coming again is no different from Roderick’s.

Returning a word of affirmation to his words, he stretched his back back back to the paperwork.I offered Roderick my hand to keep the documents, but he refused to go on his own.I was about to go when I tried to move my paperwork to the side.

Captain Roderick! Where is Captain Roderick?

“… you seem a little too relaxed, Roderick.”

Looks like it.

I’m sorry. Clark apologized immediately afterwards.

It was I who stopped him from looking through the paperwork and allowed him to go on a long story.

But Roderick doesn’t want Clark to be responsible for it any more than he did.She turned her face toward the person who exhaled with a small breath, saying, “Don’t worry.”Out of the shadows, it is a world of knights admired by young men knocking on the gates.

Here he is! Clark tapped him on the shoulder in his usual tone when he answered with a low voice.In the worst case scenario, I would like to testify that I retained him.

Let’s go, Roderick.

“Yes, let’s go, Clark.” “Deputy Commander.”

From a friend’s point of view, Clark lined up with Roderick’s discipline to change words in a knighthood’s position, laughing bitterly but not in front of him.

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