The Most Heretical Last Boss Queen Who Will Become the Source of Tragedy Will Devote Herself for the Sake of the People

Chapter 1125


“And Jack will be a knight in the future.I’m 14 years old, and I’m sure I’m busy with special training to be a knight. ”

… I’m sorry. That man is already a Knight Captain.

I apologize for the falsehood in following Amlet, but correct it only in my heart.

Arthur, who had been looking at us all along, raised and lowered his throat as if he had suddenly returned to himself, looking back at Eflon’s brothers and sisters.At the same time, oniisama, who had been concentrating on her sister until now, also turned to Arthur.

“Knight?? – That’s good!I’m already fully equipped, and what about this year’s entrance exam? ”

“Ah, no… I think I’m still weak.”

Oniisama Eflon, who seems intrigued, stretches out her neck and approaches Arthur.

In contrast, Arthur’s face did not turn against it, but the edge of his mouth trembled.It’s true that Arthur, the Knight of the Corps, won’t take the entrance exam anymore, but he actually passed the entrance exam once at his age.

When I looked back at the school gate and noticed, Captain Alan and Lieutenant Eric were holding their mouths and laughing as if they had heard me.Lieutenant Harrison is still looking at us, probably at surveillance levels.I don’t know if I’m as angry or laughing because I’m looking back at my face tilting as I am now, but I know only the lines of sight that sting.

“Try that! You don’t understand!Jack’s still young, and he can be!A knight looks good!I know!Okay ? When you become a knight, be a knight who can protect women and children first!! Children are natural, but women should be protected! ”

Hahahahaha! Oniisama smiled brightly and stroked Arthur’s head with the momentum that was about to take over his scalp.

Instead of disturbing the hair tied in three braids with too much grip, Arthur rushed to hold down the glasses with both hands.He doesn’t seem to be confused by the answer.

Amrett, please don’t do this!Oniisama finally let go after scolding her.

“Brother, Jack is good enough to oppose me working at the castle.”

Then, my cheeks were swollen, and Amlet’s usual sister’s penis had disappeared.

The behavior, which seems to be my sister, is quickly covered by the first character Tiara.I think she is my sister after all…. is that it, or are you against working in a castle??

“One day I wanted to go to school to work in the castle of King’s Landing.”

When I introduced myself on the first day, I remember what Amrett said.

I wonder what that means. Working in a castle is a generation of honor for the people, and depending on the position, it should be a longing job that is also the way of birth.

I knew that Amlet’s future would be fully supported.Our country has a queen system, and it’s not that strange for women to work or aspire to work on it.

I thought I’d ask Powell, but before I opened my mouth, Firnam Oniisama murmured.Then Amlet presses again.

“Even knights are not based in the same castle.Besides, I’m not a dangerous job, and if I work, I can earn a lot of money and my brother won’t have any trouble. ”

“Yes, no, brother, I support Amlet’s future?! But if you work in a castle, I don’t know if ordinary people like us will see you well, and if something suits Amlet, I can’t help you either….”

Overprotective explosion.

… no, I know how you feel. I know how you feel.Unfortunately, some of the senior human beings and nobles who work and live in the castle have this view.However, there are people from the upper echelons, and even without special abilities, they can work in the castle if they are not from the upper echelons, and they are actually there.And even Prime Minister Gilbert is actually from lower classes rather than ordinary people.Although the work environment is definitely not so impossible… it should have improved especially since my mother’s age.

Looking up at Powell’s “Beginning Again” face, this conversation seems to be the same.When I looked at Eflon oniisama, I kept my hands floating in front of my chest so that there was no place to go. I swimmed my eyes and sweated my forehead.Amlet is angry again.

Rather than trying to be stubborn, I wonder if I can’t be strong because I want to support my sister.But no matter how cute my sister is, Arthur has always been so supportive.

“Why is he so negative to the royal family…?!?”

… eh?

I doubt Amrett’s words, which at first lurked and drank halfway through.

Negative?? Oniisama??

I suppose it was because Royal Cedric and Knight Lieutenant Eric stood right there.Still, Amrett’s voice, which he wouldn’t stop saying, was more powerful than when he yelled.* Giggle *, Oniisama’s agitation intensifies even more with her sadly distorted sister.

“No, it’s not negative, is it?! I know that my brother loves Amlet and Powell very much, and I think it’s good to admire them!However, I would like to come all the way to the castle for that reason. ”

“That’s why you always say that!I don’t want to be close to the royal family, I just want to be that kind of person!! One day, I will… ”

I don’t know what to do, I feel like I’m completely stuck in family trouble.

What was happening in front of me was entirely a parent-child pathway problem.I’m glad not only Powell but Amrett liked the royal family, but who the hell is he?Is it about your mother, or the next King’s sister Tia that we’re talking about now?

“Is it good enough to want to be like Stale?!?!”


… immediately afterwards, I heard an incredibly painful noise coming from inside the carriage.

After all, I thought I could hear it all the time at this close distance, but I only cramped one end of my mouth.Arthur also seemed unexpected, with his eyes wide open like a plate and his expression hardened.After a beat, a waterfall sweat falls from Arthur.

I also felt the cold stuff coming from my forehead, but now I have hardened myself to the facts in front of me.Now I know a little how Eflon oniisama feels about Amlet’s loud voice.

After a few seconds of silence, oniisama opened her mouth to squeeze it out.

“No… that’s why I think it’s good.I don’t think so, but Prince Stale didn’t come into being. Look, I don’t know your brother’s details, but he was originally Pride’s assistant. ”

“I’ve heard many times that I was adopted as Pride’s brother-in-law as an assistant when I was a child, and I studied and I know!But you started with the same birth as us, and now you are said to be the country’s greatest genius!As the First Prince, he was very good and assisted by Pride. In the world, Pride’s achievements are widespread, but that’s because there was an excellent assistant, Mr. Stale!In other words, it is thanks to Mr. Stale that Pride has been able to shape and shape such a wonderful policy! ”

You’re right!!!!

Already, Amrett’s speech in his fist is too much to be true.Wow, Amlet is really firm.I also understand the importance of a proper assistant position, and I know Stale well!

There are a lot of people who don’t realize the role of assistants by looking at all the people who stand up.And it is also such a job that Amrett, who is a common man and has no special abilities, becomes the highest position that can be seen in the castle.An aide from the upper echelons who moves the country.I really think such a splendid child would be very useful if he came to the castle.

If you’re so proud of Stale…!Though, rather than the sweetness and sourness of the girl, this heat of talking with a fist resembles when Arthur talks about Captain Column.A hundred sparkles of purity.

I almost wanted to applaud you for being here.Arthur was overwhelmed by a splendid speech, but his mouth was wide open.

If I thought it had moved only once, it would have solidified open again, but I think it would have muttered “Awesome”.I don’t know what to do, kid, I really want to support you in getting a job at the castle, and…

Philip Eflon, oniisama’s feelings are so good that she feels painful in her stomach.

“I know, I know. Because I know why Amrett yearns for Prince Stale and why he’s so good.If Amrett works hard, he’ll be a good aide to everyone like Prince Stale. ”

“Then why don’t you support me?!”

Oniisama, who had so much power just now, now looks very small.

Amrett thinks he’s completely forgotten about us.When I concentrated on the person I talked to, I didn’t care about the surroundings and I often had cancer in games, but I think I’m with my brother and sister when I look at it like this.

From Amlet’s point of view, it must be hard for oniisama to shake her neck vertically just for her future, as she should have shown her understanding by talking so far.But… yeah, this will make you want to avoid it with Eflon Oniisama.

Amrett is excellent without hesitation, and I think that if you study like this, you can really become an assistant officer who can be recognized by everyone with strength.And if you become an assistant officer in the upper echelons, you may also be present with the royal family at national meetings and ceremonies, including the annual bills council.Of course, it’s also for the Stale I admire personally.

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