The Most Heretical Last Boss Queen Who Will Become the Source of Tragedy Will Devote Herself for the Sake of the People

Chapter 1140

And then I come up with something.

“… ah.”

The moment I realized it, an unexpected sound spilled out of my mouth.

It seems that neither of you heard a scratch close to your breath, but your feet suddenly stopped and you moved consciously back and forth.Beyond his gaze, Powell, who was waiting in the hallway, noticed us and waved.

“Philip! Jeanne! Jack!! Good, you’re here.”

Relaxed and relieved, Powell rushed toward us so that he could not wait to relax and laugh.

I am worried that I made you wait so long for the reaction that was like the first time we met.When Stale said, “Sorry to keep you waiting,” Powell shook Bumbun and his neck sideways, and now he lowered his head straight down.

“I’m really sorry about the other day!I didn’t even know that Jeanne was my friend with Amlet, and Philip couldn’t help but feel sick…!! ”

“No, that was my fault.I felt sorry for not being able to say hello even though you were worried. ”

Even if I said I was sorry, I gave Powell a calming voice to apologize.

And he said, “Are you okay with your move?As soon as he was able to buy it, Powell raised his face.”Oh!” said the usual smile, relieving me too.Apparently, Amlet and I were always worried about our breakup.After all, I think Amlet and Powell are really good kids.

While confirming that it is good in the usual shade of the tree, he also tells me that the stale smoothly cuts up to Powell a little early after meals.

When he told me that he was looking for someone, Powell offered to help him as soon as he said, “Can I come with you?”I nodded back to Stale, who threw a gaze at me for confirmation.”I’m glad,” he said, throwing the topic of his work that I heard yesterday to divert me from the bright topic.

He answered, scratching his head as if he had been illuminated when he talked to me about it.According to the story, he is carrying luggage from a small shopper who sells goods around town and village away from the castle.I am relieved to be doing a healthy job.

“Yes! That’s right, Philip. I’d like a message after lunch.”

When I asked him to do what I had just come up with, he replied in one word, “What will happen?”

As Powell lined up on the walking stale and Arthur leaned his face towards me to be concerned, he now returned with a smile.I don’t think Powell needs to hide it, but let’s just wait until we get to a place that’s not crowded.

Hopefully, it may be time to meet Nate for lunch this time.


Chuck, chuck, chuck!

There is one boy in a closed classroom.

There was only a minimal foot tread, stacked with fresh unnecessary items to make it look like a storehouse.The boy is enthusiastic about the work, relying only on the sunlight illuminated from the small ventilation window.

Originally, I sat in a space where only one adult could sit, and put my feet together to spread the contents of the backpack to a certain extent.The boy repeatedly added and subtracted things that were meaningless even when others saw them.

He was now ready to start his work, making a chattering and distorted sound.

He was in good shape at first, but lately he was caught in the eye of the nasty knight when he was found the best of his instructors, and was accidentally deprived of his backpack last week.For that reason, this time, I joined the class for the first and second time, but in the meantime, I can only take a nap.He was not interested in the class at all, but he still received it with great care because he couldn’t stand it if he confiscated it again.Thanks to this, I was able to do nothing without being grabbed by a knight or having my backpack confiscated.

And lunch break. The longest break was now the real deal.If it’s a lunch break, it doesn’t matter if you’re not in the classroom.Compared to spending all the time in class, there is still no risk.Because if you’re in this room, no one will ever bother you.



Sensitive to metallic sounds that are not his own, he reacts.

I hadn’t really cared about it before, but recently, the knights have discovered more and more, so I was allergic to such things as nature.

Quickly stop moving, hold your breath, and wait for the lord of the door sound to disappear while being careful not to drop one small screw.It’s okay, I’m sure no one will ever come in this room.

Battle-Scarred Knights couldn’t have missed the amateur signs.

The noise is ringing again.

It wasn’t just the sound of twisting the door knob earlier, it was definitely the sound of “unlocking”.

He was trying to get away by refilling the backpack with something that was spreading in a hurry, but naturally the door opened faster than that.Opened without hesitation, the boy retracted with fear.I understood that I didn’t have time to pack it in the backpack, and I stuck my hand in my pocket and took it out as I was used to it.

I already know that the knight can’t get a flash.The moment the door opened, before I jumped into my pocket, I took it out and threw it in.He bounced twice before rolling, and at the next moment the smoke erupted with momentum.A small container that ejects from the mouth with momentum rotates to match the rounded shape of the crucible.

A sudden white smoke raised his voice across the door, while the boy packed his luggage in the backpack.I didn’t expect to be found because I started working in perfect condition without lying down this time.Rather than preparing to escape, it will take time just to clean up all the spread out baggage.But it is not allowed to forget even one screw.I held my breath to avoid smoke and desperately searched and stuffed in my poor vision.

Bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang.

I knew it was a faint noise!and the boy screamed in his heart.

Anyway, it was worth the restraint, and all the luggage was packed in the backpack.The boy, who already knew it was impossible to escape the knight after several escapes, simply backed down with his backpack in his hands.Even if you get caught again, you can focus on the hand that you will hold willingly if you never hand over the backpack again.And as I finally thought in my white vision, I was caught by the shadow of my shoulder jumping in, which was supposed to be invisible.

Damn it, you look up at the shadow with a nasty spit in your heart… and you notice it there.

… who is this guy…?!

While my vision was white, I found out that I was still a different person than I thought with my back length and silhouette alone.

However, the hand holding his shoulder was so strong that he couldn’t shake it off that he didn’t try to resist or twitch.I thought he was a knight, and all of a sudden his fear boils.

He slipped out of his throat, twitched his rugged face, and looked bloody open under his goggles.There is a strong fear that the attack was directed at a completely different opponent, who did not think it would work and would not be very angry.

I can work my mind to escape, but there’s nothing I can do if I’m physically grabbed by my shoulders.I am more afraid of buying anger by resisting with violence.And while I was thinking about it, the smoke opened up much sooner than I thought.Originally, the space that should have been kept more white would have been cleared up like fog.After the white became thinner and the silhouettes as well as each other’s faces became clearly visible, the Lord of the Arms, who remained silent while holding the boy, opened his mouth.

“… it’s better if you don’t point that at people.”

The silver-haired teenager, who was stopping, told him that in a low voice.

The boy turns his eyes to a more calm remark than he can imagine.

A young man with a pale gaze at himself behind smoky, thin, white, cloudy glasses loosened the hand he was holding on to and switched it to the boy’s right hand.

Before turning to him, Arthur looks back at the door to make sure the room is safe.

“I got you. You can come in now.”

Jeanne, with me.

Together with the call, a girl with dark red hair peeked at her face from the door with a young man with dark hair.Even a blonde teenager with a large body thrust is peeking at us with a neat face.

A girl called Jeanne came in with a slightly stronger expression, followed by a black-haired youth and a blonde youth.Nate realizes that something that should have rolled in front of the door has disappeared someday.

Someone threw it outside, followed by the blonde young man, whose usual knight finally let him peek into his face and closed the door.As the boy glanced at him as if he had thrown it away, the crimson girl suddenly walked towards him lowering her hips and saying “I’m sorry.”

“It must be nice to meet you…Jeanne Berners, two years old. I’m sorry it was so rough. ”

A girl lined up with a young man holding her arm dropped her hips to keep an eye on the boy.

“Can I talk to you for a second?”

The words, which sounded like hearings, were called to Nate with a soft voice enough to sit on the bench with him.

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