The Most Heretical Last Boss Queen Who Will Become the Source of Tragedy Will Devote Herself for the Sake of the People

Chapter 1148

II189. Girls with lust think.

“Nate’s thing… it’s pretty dangerous.”

As soon as the three of them arrived in the classroom, Stale muttered.

The word “special ability” is lying down, but I know what you want to say right away.Arthur nodded strongly to Stale as well.

Stale, who was holding the black edge of the glasses with his fingers and exhaling, looked as if his head was working.No wonder, unlike me, who knows how to set up the game, Stale will still have questions.I’d like to tell you right away, but just in case, we should talk about it when we get back to the castle.It’s Nate’s personal thing, and it’s not as easy as predicting.

If I wanted to get back to the castle early, Stale opened his mouth again when I felt a little hurried before the next class.

“Above all, it’s terrifying that he wasn’t aware of it.I heard from Jeanne, but I didn’t know it was that far…. ”

You’re absolutely right.

I also fully agreed and nodded deeply with the bitter expression on my face.It is also possible that they are equipped with miracle goods that are unusual in their appearance.

Few kids use a world master key to skip classes without anyone noticing, and an umbrella for an aerial dive to escape when a teacher finds out.Especially with that Master Key, I’m really glad that Stale is in trouble with confiscation.It’s too dangerous for Nate now to have that.

I also told Stale and the others that Nate was a special inventor.I expected him to skip classes and leave classes, but also to use inventions with special abilities that he invented himself…. I thought it was just a couple of keys and picking stuff. I was so sweet.

Even in the game, there were occasions when Amlet could show his invention to Amlet and use it.When something happens, you can sound the alarm, glow in the dark, hide it from a little scratch, or even steal it from a thick wall.

They were all small things, but there were occasions when their minds could get close or get over them.Game Nate basically only uses his inventions for really small things when he uses them.Still, Amrett was delighted to see Nate’s invention “amazing”, “really genius”, “show me more”, and Nate was healed by Amrett, who was delighted with purity from the same standpoint as herself.

However, when Nate was about to fall into darkness knowing the truth, he was born and made a murder weapon for the first time.He’s never made a weapon, but he’s a believer…. thanks to Bad End, Amlet, who tried to stop Nate, dies with that weapon…. yes, I dare to evade that route.

“Nate is definitely a genius.Certainly, he could do the second thing Jeanne said.I’m sure he’ll be able to make something in that area in a week. ”

Saying in a quiet voice, Stale tied his hands to his elbows on the desk.

Stale puts his weight on his desk in a prayer fashion and still doesn’t blink.I’m sure you’re thinking about Nate’s invention.Arthur also peeked at Stale, who sat beside me over the table.

“Sure, it’s awesome, but at least next time you make it, you’ll be fine because you’ll agree with me.”

Arthur’s words, which made me feel anxious just by voice, melted my shoulders a little too strong.

Just a little bit of Stale nodded, “That’s right…” and he leaned his face down.

Yes, no matter how much Nate’s special aptitude taste, this time it will be accompanied by hope.The next time I see you, you can request a safer, more secure and impeccable invention there.Nate’s inventions are of a limited number, and they shouldn’t be left in the field…. yes, for what we’re asking.

With that in mind, I recall Nate’s current situation, which is the most problematic.I’d like to talk to Arthur and the others about what happened to him as soon as possible.Talk to Captain Column and Prime Minister Gilbert, and they’ll help us make sure everything’s okay.

Nate said it was a week, so I think I’ll make it in time, but if it’s true, I want to solve it in less than a week.It’s just that we haven’t been here for a month.

Inspired by Arthur, after a few seconds of silence, Stale finally raised his face and turned straight towards me.

“… including the conversation you had with him earlier, I can only feel a bad shadow from him…”

Streamstone Stail.

Though I thought the genius designer’s eyes couldn’t be deceived, I can’t tell you now and my face is bitter.

I’ll talk to you later… but when I shrugged my shoulders, I lost my long sigh from the stale holding the black edge of my glasses.At a point when you can’t say it in this place anymore, you must have been convinced.

Even if you can’t hear what I’ve just whispered to Nate, it’s only natural that if you listen to his special abilities, Arthur’s testimony, and my suggestions, Stale can afford to imagine things.

“? What do you mean?”

“As you’ve read, there’s a fact that you’re going to throw up.”

Arthur, who twisted his neck, told him that Stale was unusual.It’s just that uncomfortable for Stale, so… I understand that that’s all you’re seeing.Either way, I’ll talk to you when I get to the castle, but again, that will make Prime Minister Stale and Gilbert chilly from now on, imagining a black-and-white hegemony.

Even though Arthur didn’t say all of it, the sound of Goku and his throat reaching my ears was just a touch of the situation that could be perceived with Stale’s voice and eyes.

Stale said, “Today, when you get home, you can talk to Jack before he changes jobs, right?I nodded with my lips squeezed, just in case.Of course it is. To keep Nate from getting cornered any longer.

“As far as his alley is concerned… it’s really scary.You can enter the room regardless of the lock or the thickness of the door. ”

“If you say so, that umbrella will suffice.At any height, the guards will probably get away with it. ”

I feel like I can’t say anything to Arthur, who is also exhaling a big sigh and turning his face toward us as he puts his strength to his face.

The danger of Nate’s abilities was greater than I expected when I knew the game honestly, and if I knew his circumstances, I’d be worried too much.I can feel relieved that he only found the use for childish lesson saving, and on the contrary, I can feel worried about when he was abused.But what I really think right now

… I wonder what it means to be a prince who can move instantly from where he came in once and a knight who can jump intact if he’s single even from the height of the castle.

Though I can’t say anything about Arthur in Las Bosquito.

At least I decided not to put water on the statements of two people who should have gone beyond that without relying on that secret tool.

Then I kept quiet with my shoulders narrowed until the teacher showed up through the door.

Preparing for a tactical meeting after returning to the castle.

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