The Most Heretical Last Boss Queen Who Will Become the Source of Tragedy Will Devote Herself for the Sake of the People

Chapter 1150

II191. Private lust girls are integrated.

“I see…. I understand the current situation.”

Upon returning to the castle after school, we dressed ourselves and immediately entered into a meeting with Prime Minister Gilbert.

Tiara, who received us, Lieutenant Eric, who returned to the King’s House with his own feet after sending us home, Captain Alan and Captain Column, who visited us to change the Knight of the Guards, and Arthur, Stale and my room became quite a big place.

Until now, Arthur and Lieutenant Eric had gone back to the drill hall after school, but today they both adjusted their breaks and got together…. Streamstone is the captain. Lieutenant Harrison returned to the exercise hall as usual, but I think he has strong authority to adjust the rest time at these times.

Everyone gathered together to organize the situation of the school, which has been in various situations, so I wanted everyone to share information as soon as possible.

Today, I was able to contact Nate safely and finally understand the situation, so I finally had to tell him again in the form of a “prediction”.Everyone gathered before we heard the critical report.

I talked to Leon in part, but he was only able to make inventions with special abilities and why.

And now, with the status report, I’ve sorted out Nate’s situation for all of them.

Not only is there a reason to invent, but there is also a reason for him to come to school and go back to class to invent.As a result of the investigation, we could perhaps have talked more about setting up the game in the form of reasoning.

At first, after listening seriously to Nate’s situation, he said, “But then, take care of it with the Knights or the guards.” But even if I intervened halfway, it would only increase the danger.Above all, the Knights and guards were all silent about why it was impossible to solve them alone.

In fact, even for that reason, it is possible to move the guards officially, but… this has not been confirmed yet, and it is not easy to say to the extent that it will probably be so in the game.

And even though the possibility is already high, there is also the possibility that something decisive has not yet happened and can be solved…. but honestly, I’m not sure.At least it doesn’t change what can happen if it’s triggered like that.

“Certainly, in that situation, the quickest is the first method proposed, but the second one can be fully expected.From what I’ve heard, he seems to be a pretty good young inventor. ”

Prime Minister Gilbert, who was the first to know the status quo, will take the story forward.

It’s about the way I suggested to Nate.After all, I was Prime Minister Gilbert who shrugged his shoulders and said, “It’s not impossible,” but I was surprised to learn that his invention was already quite impressive.

Especially with regard to the keys that would open any door, he seemed quite upset until he told me that Stale had confiscated the dangerous goods…?!.Especially if you ask about Nate.

Captain Alan and Tiara seemed more interested in the umbrella, but Captain Column held his head with one hand as he had thought.I may remember a lot about myself having secured Nate a few times already.At least we’ve been through smoke bombs.

“Well… if you’re sad, will you just stand back in that way?”

Both I and Stale nod at the same time to Prime Minister Gilbert’s last words.

I know that, too, and everyone here knows that.That’s why I wanted to go the first way.But if Nate isn’t willing to cooperate, there’s nothing I can do.As for the second one, I’m more than willing to take the lead, and I think we should try it there now.

Stale also told me to “let’s take a look at the progress,” and now I’ve decided to cooperate fully with Nate.If something terrifies you again, force it into the first place.

“It won’t be a problem. In that case, our prime minister said,” I don’t care what you do, you just have to intervene. ”

Prime Minister Gilbert laughs bitterly at Stale, who is sure to be frightening.

I know exactly what Stale wants to say when he sips the black tea in front of him without looking at Prime Minister Gilbert.

Well, if only Prime Minister Gilbert could intervene at that time.However, I thought that the intervention was the most unnatural… but I wonder if it would be impossible for him, who was entrusted with the role of silencing even the former top spy of the United Kingdom of Hanazoo.

Even now, I just said “I’m honored to be counting on you” to pretend to be innocent from Stale.

I wonder if you’re really confident that you can’t.Without even expecting a response, Stale put the cup down and peeked across his face at me without even looking at Prime Minister Gilbert for a moment.

“By the way, Pride, just for the record, is it okay that we haven’t been able to confirm the first predicted student yet?”

At first, that is to say, the “predictive” students who were the reason why I had to infiltrate the school.

Yeah, and I don’t think it’s a lie while answering Stale’s question in one word.Given my original purpose, it is true that not one of the targets has yet been found.If we can save Nate, it’s pointless if we can’t find one more.

I also said to Stale, “Really…” and leaned down with my eyebrows hard.Tiara said, “But you’re being squeezed in the middle!”He held my fists and cheered me up.

“Then I’d like to get rid of the extra young Nate early.Pride and the others have only two weeks to go undercover. ”


He swallowed the words of Prime Minister Gilbert.

There’s only one more person I’d like to remember.I can already remember the big game.But I can’t remember one more target.I just want to avoid focusing on Nate and other things and ending up without remembering the last person.

When I nodded back with my palms wet and nervous, Tiara said, “How about we investigate Prime Minister Gilbert since then?”and twisted his neck.

Prime Minister Gilbert is also in the process of leaving Nate alone.That’s right, and Prime Minister Gilbert, who has a finger joint on his chin, now opens his mouth to talk about the situation.

“I wonder if this one is so-so.I was able to get some information from the nobles, and… I only gave some information to His Royal Highness Wang Yui, and it was quite angry.Probably won’t be long. ”

You already have your hands around your father!?

My spine stretches out in spite of my father’s announcement of anger.As if I were going to be angry, Tiara and Stale were all tied up.

I’m always afraid to be angry with my uncle West, who is as tough as others, but I sweat cold just by imagining our father’s anger, which is more harsh and gentle to us.

Whether our reaction was interesting or not, Prime Minister Gilbert, who smiled slightly, continued, “Of course not to Pride and the others.”… yeah, I know that.

“… Gilbert, I don’t think so, but I don’t suppose you’re making any strange annoying remarks about your father?”

“Absolutely not. I just gave you a piece of the truth.”

Gracefully wave left and right to Stale’s low voice to deny it.

“Even though anger is not rough,” continued Prime Minister Gilbert, who seemed accustomed to his father’s anger.Speaking of which, six years ago, when my father was yelling at Prime Minister Gilbert in his room, it was plain…. I wonder how angry I’ve been.

“We’ve gathered the information, and we’re always ready to formally pursue what Captain Column told us.Well, then… I wonder if you’re from school.I think you will receive a report from the courier soon…. Captain Column, why don’t you join the teachers? ”

“That’s it….”

Captain Column once stuck his words in Prime Minister Gilbert’s throw.

I’ve already had a bad feeling about Val’s topic, but it looks like something happened from Captain Column’s reaction.

Captain Alan and the others turned to look worried about Captain Column, who seemed unusual and could not speak immediately.”Did you find another problem child?”Another problem with the delivery man,” said Captain Alan, Lieutenant Eric, and Arthur. “What the hell did he do?!” Captain Column wrinkled his eyebrows with a headache.

Once I shut up to organize my head, I straightened my forehead with my fingers and opened my mouth again.

“Perhaps… there was a harvest for the courier.Today, when I left the staff room after the Third Limit, there were no reports of students from middle school to junior school leaving early. ”

That’s good!

First of all, I was relieved to hear Captain Column’s words from a good report.Whatever it is, it is fortunate that the student was able to prevent the damage.Moreover, the harvest meant that Val had some sort of information between the students.

Tiara also said, “That’s good!Captain Column cut the word “but” again with a low voice.

“Conversely, at the end of the third limit, there were five students in the higher education department…. I’m leaving school early enough. ”

Department of Higher Education.

I already felt my face stretching to the words.

Until now, as far as I can estimate, there have been an overwhelming number of junior students who have suffered more damage than higher-level students.Simply because the proportion of students in the lower grades is higher than that of the lower grades, but in the current way, the lower grades… “It is normal to think that the other higher grades left because the students from the middle school did not leave early. That is…

“No way,” Stale said first.And Captain Column nodded deeply and explained to me politely, one by one.

There are a total of three students in higher education.They found him in a pit after lunch break.

The pair were found unconscious covered in dirt at the bottom of the hole, the other was found cheerfully shouting in the hole, and the other pair were found crying as small as they could not imagine.

The teachers asked the protected high school students about the situation, but they all testified that they were “just walking and caught in a pit”.If they were targeted, the pits would all be deep holes a few metres deep, and teachers would have struggled to recharge them at depths that would not have been possible without prior digging.

And all the students who were saved eventually left the school like the wind without any subsequent classes…. yeah, there’s definitely only Val.

“Teachers also had the head that malicious jokes were on the rise.Some of them are worried that the same thing happened to the lower-level students the other day when they were not attending school. ”

If I hadn’t been seen walking through the gates, I would have been suspected of human trafficking and kidnapping, and I would have gotten a headache from Captain Column’s continued remarks.

Sure! Sure! You seem to be protecting your students exactly as I was told!! What are you going to do with the extra effort and work of teachers who don’t know anything?!

It would be peaceful if we still had to fall into a pit.But I can’t let it go until the teacher finds out!! Besides, I don’t think I just dropped it because I was unconscious or made to cry.

If Captain Column says, “Conversely, the teacher in the courier’s class overflowed that today was a peaceful day,” he also wants to apologize to the teacher.His evil face seems to be just a threat in the classroom…. well, there are things that have already been done.

“I’m sorry… because I gave Val permission…”

“No, it was me and Jill Vail who prompted him to move.Pride doesn’t have to take responsibility. ”

The apology comes out of my mouth when I am careful.

Originally, I gave Val permission to infiltrate the school.As a result, he is allowed to admonish others under certain conditions on campus.But… what? I still know I fell into a pit, but then all the students were able to get away from school.

“Mr. Stale is right.Moreover, if we want to capture them or make them incapable of resurrection, we are also turning to the school so that the courier can designate the area in advance and the teachers can look around there.At least we don’t have to worry about burying him alive. ”

In fact, all the students seem intact, and Prime Minister Gilbert will forgive them with a calm voice.

Indeed, Val was instructed if he found and captured a defective student.Prime Minister Gilbert and Stale thought it was the most likely place to bring in students like that.Strengthen your teacher’s routine there to prevent problems in advance besides Val, and make sure you find a stunned student…. I didn’t think I’d leave it at the bottom of the hole.

Anyway, let’s hear more about Val the next time he visits the castle.Prime Minister Gilbert is well on his way, and if Val finds a clue, we’re almost there.

Reply to Prime Minister Gilbert’s kind words.Now that the safety of junior students has been assured, I return to the top priority.

“All that remains… is about Nate’s invention.”

Nate’s special abilities and inventions.

And the breakthrough he chose.With his willingness to cooperate, the preparations are complete.Prime Minister Gilbert told me that he would help me if it ended in underdevelopment, and everyone knew what he was up to.If anything happens, I can deal with it right away.All you have to do is push his inventions and completion. That’s why I…

The deal is with Leon of the kingdom of Anemone.

I asked Leon for a lot of help.

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