The Most Heretical Last Boss Queen Who Will Become the Source of Tragedy Will Devote Herself for the Sake of the People

Chapter 36

31. Those who knight or gain are imprisoned in despair.

“Stop it! Don’t touch Temehe and his father.”

My throat… rips.

… where are we?

My father is in front of me, surrounded by men across the footage.

If you don’t let them go to the recruits, that’s what they’re shouting at. They’re pointing guns at a bunch of guys all by themselves.

… Yes, I came to the Knights’ Operations conference room…

How many times would I have screamed?

Support doesn’t come forever.

The advance troops are slow.

Clark said his father has been fighting alone in weapons-run situations for decades now.

By the time I got here, my dad was already in a mix-up with the ambush and the comms from this one had been cut off.

My father’s already worn out.

The wind hole was too empty for my body, and the Knights’ bright white uniform was bright red. I always wore it proudly, it’s the clothes I admire.

“We’re almost there, we’re almost there…”

‘Oh, Queen’s orders. All advance units should be deployed on the cliff.

A woman’s voice comes from the video behind her.

Who…? My face is blurry and I don’t see it very well.

“Then Roderick and the recruits…”

“It’s not good after you kill those people on the cliff like that. Or are you going to take my orders from the Queen? Deputy Commander. ‘

Don’t be ridiculous, my father is already dying ⁉ ⁉ ⁉ ⁉ ⁉ ⁉ ⁉ ⁉ ⁉ ⁉ ⁉ ⁉ ⁉ ⁉ ⁉ ⁉ ⁉ ⁉ ⁉ 󉳅 ⁉ 󉳅 󉳅 ⁉ 󉳅 ⁉ 󉳅 󉳅 ⁉ 󉳅 󉳅 ⁉ ⁉ ⁉ ⁉

Clark holds me back from screaming. I was afraid, my hand was trembling.

Still, when the advance troops arrived on the cliff, I was relieved to hear that the battle had begun. Come on, come on, take them down and help Dad…

“Become a cliff…”

Suddenly, my father screams out in a plundered voice.

The footage, it bumps. No, the area around that cliff was rocking in the ground.

The advance troops, the ambushers, all descend from the cliff with the debris.

The guys around my father run away too, but they were soon underneath the rubble.

“Bullshit… run, daddy.”

Screaming, too much screaming and bleeding out of my throat.

I know they cut the comms and I can’t get a voice. Still, I couldn’t help screaming.

But my father can’t move and he can’t escape.

As the debris descended, the noise of debris and screaming and sniffles echoed at a volume that was screaming at the recruits who would desperately be behind them but not more.

Recruits are also crushed to death by rubble.

Still, my father screams.

I’ve been screaming for a long time to run away, even though I’m finally going to make a voice out of my pants.



Clark screams.

The father of the video was wrapped in a shadow. Something’s coming down.

Looking up, his father, with the same look he noticed, finally reaches for the screen.

“Rack Lark! Tell Arthur”


Shortly before the screen darkened, I did see my father’s contour collapse and something bright red jumped.


My voice rises up from my throat before my brain understands the situation. I don’t even know whose voice that is.

I heard Roderick, the Knights Commander, and the Knights scream. Yes, my dad’s underneath.

Right in front of me now.

Are you sure this is the Knight Without Wounds? I’m sorry about the Knights Commander.

The woman in the video talks funny.

I want to look back, but I’m crazy and I can’t move. All I can do is scream at you for being even crazy.

“He was… Roderick… the Knights Commander fought to the end to get the recruits away.”

Clark screams.

Clark in the corner of his sight was crying.

Eating up my teeth and still desperately enduring my father’s death.

“Hmm, but you can’t even be proud of that way of dying. All the recruits are dead anyway.

My head turns bright red in the woman’s voice.

I want to stop this woman from breathing right now.

‘Well, that’s good. Most of the damage is to recruit new knights, and if the Knights Commander is dead, you should be the Knights Commander next, right?

Easy, I doubt a woman’s words that sound boring.

Father, was Temehe proud of the knight… like being swept away like this?

As it were, the woman said, ‘This time it’s the responsibility of the stupid Knights Commander. Style, let me cut the comms.’ The word was cut off unilaterally at the end.

“I’m sorry.

Yes, I remember what the woman in the video said when she first saw me.

You knew, what about him?

I already know that my father would die this way.

Don’t be silly.

My father died a knight.

Why, why doesn’t anything come up?

I fought for my men so desperately.

Why would my father have to die like that? Why would he say that?

I remember my father saying many times that you could be a knight.

There’s no way you can be… what am I supposed to be?

My whole body weakens and I look around every bit.

I’m crying, everyone.

My father’s name, and I don’t even know the name of the recruit.

Screaming, groaning, moaning, drooling, crying.

I can’t do anything.


He’s the only one crying and still screaming desperately at the knights to get back.

We need rescue now, and we need to make sure one of you survives, so we don’t waste your father’s death.

I couldn’t tell my father anything.

I could not tell him anything and could only discourage him until the end of the day.

There’s nothing more I can do for my father.

Is that good as it is?

My father said the knight was so dead.

She doesn’t feel anything…!

But I’m not even a knight, and I won’t even be able to see that woman in the distance anymore.

Don’t be ridiculous…

What can you do to my father?

How can I ask that woman?

How do I…!

There’s no way a scumbag like me can be a knight.

But… if it wasn’t me, if it was my father…

I’m gonna… knight you…

Take revenge on my father.

I’ll be your father!

Kill yourself, kill each other.

Kill all the beings named me.

Be a father…

If you do it like a father, like a father, you’ll be.

I can’t be as knightly as my father, but I can imitate it.

I’ve been looking at that back my whole life.

I’ll make you… a knight.

It doesn’t matter if you can’t fake it… if you work out like my father and act like one, I’m sure I can go over there too…!

Take that woman…

I defiled my father’s death as a knight, that woman…

I will definitely judge you with this hand…!

And for that, I…

“Arthur! Are you awake yet? You’re still early.

Arthur Beresford.

My father and mother gave it to me, it’s my name.

I finished my cooking. My mother came out of the room and called out to me.

“Uh… I don’t remember, but I had some weird dreams,… I’m the worst awake.

When I realized it, I hit the floor and woke up.

I can’t remember what kind of dream it was, but my eyes were telling me tears, and I just found out it was a chest shit bad dream.

My mother ran a small restaurant that she’s been doing since Grandpa’s day.

I said you didn’t need it because I have my father’s money, but I’ve been doing it since my grandfather’s day, so I’m attached, and he told me it was fun and I couldn’t stop. And at the end of the day, he said, “Because I’m not going to calm down until that guy gets home safe.” I will definitely add.

Roderick Beresford. “My father, alias the Knight Without Wounds, has been my longing since I was a young man.

When I was a kid, how many times did I breathe when I became a knight like my father?

Dressed in knight’s uniform, he sprinkles his horse and waves his sword. My father’s back was my pride.

All the archeology my father would do was tight, and it wasn’t very popular with the kid. It was tough, but I worked hard to be a knight. Besides, it was always a pleasure for my father to praise me after the audition.

I’ll see my father someday.

Yeah, I didn’t doubt it myself.

But I noticed one day.

It’s impossible for me.

My father is a special ability man for slashing and deactivating.

That’s why he has the alias No Scratch, and as his name suggests, not a single machete can be scratched with a sword.

Compared to that, my abilities are tiny.

Just the power to cheerfully grow crops.

You grew it the wrong way one day, and the crop in the field behind you that shriveled and corroded breathed back as soon as I touched it.

When I was a kid, when I first realized what I was capable of, I was simply glad that I was the same special ability person as my father.

My father and mother complimented me when I spoke, and they were delighted.

But the others reacted differently.

That’s a shame. Everyone says it with their mouths together.

That’s when I finally understood.

My father and I have very different special abilities.

What good is it to be a knight because you can grow plants and crops?

Nothing. My special abilities don’t speed up plant growth or manipulate it. I just grow up fine. That’s all.

Special abilities are unique to this country.

And few adults say it’s revelation that a people with special abilities was given that role by God.

As it is stipulated that it is the royalty who has gained the ability to predict that this country will be granted the right to inherit the throne.

Just as it is essential to have rare special abilities to be in the upper echelons of this country.

As the father of the Knights of the Kingdom captain in this country is a special capable man of slaughtering and deactivating.

Then all I can do is grow crops. What am I?

There are more of the knights who are not special abilities, they don’t care. My father said.

But it wasn’t just a knight I wanted to be then, like my father… and a knight stronger than my father.

No matter how much you train or do your archery to death, you can’t change your special abilities.

My father and I, absolute boundaries.

At first, he became infidel and stopped auditioning. I stopped practicing, which I didn’t miss every day, even while my father was gone.

If I get stronger next to my father, I’ll be about a knight because he’s my father’s son, and I’m sure if I could be a knight, that would be fine. How many times would I have been so comforted by a visitor to my mother’s shop?

From now on, I’m sure my father’s name will go around for the rest of his life.

And every time, I’m sure I’ll be reminded of my father’s difference.

As my body grew bigger, this time I was afraid of that difference with my father.

No matter how desperate you are, I’m sure you won’t catch up on this back.

I won’t be a knight, when I told my father so clearly, he asked me why. When I tried to answer appropriately and go to the field, my father yelled at me.

“You’re giving up because you can’t be more than me? You wanted to be a knight simply to go beyond me, your parents?

Now I yelled.

Fucking father, what does Temehe know about me?

My father’s words were the most. That’s why I couldn’t help but be angry.

Because I noticed it in my father’s words.

I didn’t just want to go beyond my father.

I wanted to protect my father and my mother.

I was jealous of Clark, the deputy commander alongside my father.

When I got big too, I wanted to fight for my country with my father on my back.

My goal is because my admiration was my father.

So no matter how hard I tried, I couldn’t be like my father. The reality was hard.

Fight for your country, like your father.

Like my father, help a lot of people.

Like my dad, protect the guy you care about.

Like my father, I wanted to be a strong, proud knight…

Now my mother yelled at my father with me, and when I jumped out into the field alone, I cried alone for realizing it.

I wanted to be a knight.

… but it’s too late.

It would have been years since we stopped doing archery and special training.

Only a handful of people can be knights.

Recruitment begins at the age of fourteen. I have to pass a rigorous test.

Only those selected who have been trained as recruits to pass the more demanding exams can become knights.

So my dad has been doing archery for me since I was a kid. I heard that fewer children in the house aspiring to be knights are indispensable for ten years of training. Still, most people can’t be recruits.

If I did it now for ten years… how old am I? How many years from there can you be a knight?

The early guy is no stranger to having a belt.

At that age, even if I became a recruit…

It’s a good shame for my youngest father, who became the Knights Commander.

I don’t like being a disgrace to my father any more.

When I look in the mirror, I see myself like my father.

How many years has it been since that started to embarrass, spicy, stretch my hair and hide my rashes?

In the days when I just plow the fields behind my house so I can run away all the time,

I’ve already forgotten how to swing a sword that I was so obsessed with.

If you can use this special ability, it’s not bad to be a farmer and live. I don’t have trouble eating.

Yes, how many times have I told myself?

I can’t turn back anymore.

My father and my mother cut me loose.

Now I can’t be a knight.

You don’t look like such a knight in such dirty hands.

No one can protect you with such a thin body.

Even though my head knew I couldn’t turn back anymore, I became more frustrated every day after I realized it.

He pretended to give up his head and body properly, but only his heart wrapped around him screaming every day and roaring uncompromising in me.

He wants to be strong, he wants to be a knight.

Every time my father comes home, you don’t really want to be, you tell him not to give up. It’s not too late to do the audition again. Whenever they said that, I yelled at them.

I wanted to be, I wanted to be, I wanted to scream like that, and my dad still wouldn’t let me give up forever.

And I’m thirteen.

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