The Most Heretical Last Boss Queen Who Will Become the Source of Tragedy Will Devote Herself for the Sake of the People

Chapter 947

II54. The dominant girl stops.

“What do you want to do? If you’re worried, let’s just go and see how your sister is.”

Time is limited, but Stale throws at me with her eyes pointing at the watch.

Throughout the third period, Stale explained to us in detail what Captain Alan and Captain Column had told us. Thanks to this, I was able to grasp the general current situation.

“No, I’m sure you won’t understand even if you ask your sister Farnum…. I’d rather hear more about the situation.”

His sister may have been asked by the teacher that Chloe is gone, but she won’t know any more. I don’t think I’ve ever seen him for lunch before, and if he jumped out of a seizure all of a sudden, it’s too much. Besides, I’m sure the reason he jumped out…

Remember a king’s brother as he shook his head to Stale.

If he had stayed and talked just before, I’m sure he’d come up with a lot of ideas about Croix. According to Stale, who also heard from Captain Alan, Cedric was the first to say to him this morning that he might have set the fuse on fire. I can’t say anything more than Cedric the Stone.

Then, though, his attitude changed a lot, and in the morning before the pre bell, the impatience appeared on his face. When he was waiting for Cedric in front of the dining room, he looked like a death row inmate…. well, it’s only natural to be confused.

“Let’s talk to him slowly when we get back. By now, I think Alan has also told me the story…. the teachers won’t be able to make it to him.”

I laugh bitterly at Stale, who only suppresses his voice at the end.

Sure. The teacher said to the royal family, “Are you bullying our students? I can’t hear you. Otherwise, Cedric will be worried about him when Captain Alan tells him.

No one will have the courage to tell himself that a lovely royal friend has run away from school. We had a good relationship at least until yesterday.

“Ahn, it’s amazing how I ran with my blood phase changed, so I guess I escaped after all…?

Arthur looked at his wand and remembered.

Indeed, that is the most likely. It would be appropriate to integrate the circumstances that Stale taught us. I hope you accept my advice as it is, but it would be worse if you just stopped coming to school. We are only waiting for destruction.

Without daring to wait for anything, we decided to go peeking at the four groups in the same school year in search of the target audience for what we could do now. I’ve already checked all the other classes, and if there’s another character of the same age, it’s only here.

I looked around the classroom mixed with the students and mixed into four groups of classes, but there were still no puppies.

In that case, does that mean that only hidden characters of the same year are available? As for the pattern of maiden games, older characters are more likely, and maybe teachers… no, don’t you have a second one?

Teachers, staff, and adults involved in the school were all sorted out by Prime Minister Gilbert, and I don’t think it’s much the same as the second one. However, the lives of the people and their realities who were under the dictatorship of Las Bosquides in the game are bound to change a lot. Some of you may be a teacher in the game, but some of you may be choosing a different future here, and vice versa…. if you can’t remember the target’s memory and you’re not in school, you’ll be completely loaded. At the very least, I wish I could remember the location of the event or any other target.

“Was there any student here who” saw “…”

“But it’s only been a year or three, right?

Stale exhaled to me after four classrooms.

Arthur pointed to the floor and ceiling with his finger to comfort it further.

There are two floors in one year, three floors in two years, four floors in three years, and a special classroom on the fifth floor that is consistent with the upper middle school. All rooms and facilities dedicated to classes that are shared with the High School are clustered on the first floor of the Middle School.

In fact, I can’t say until I’m the last student I’m supposed to predict…. if we can’t find the fourth route like this, we might have to tell Stale and the others that we didn’t find it after a month. I want to leave school after remembering to help everyone because everyone has helped me so far.

I’ve found two more routes, and I think it would be better if it wasn’t a week since I found the main character. But if only one person can help us, the operation won’t succeed. Unlike games, they live in this world.

I was cursed by the fate of “game settings”.

“It’s okay. I was lucky even if I narrowed it down to the middle part. Can I go see a year’s class tomorrow?

Yes, of course, and the two replies match.

Immediately afterwards, the pre-bell for the beginning of the fourth limit rang as if I had tried.

I’m really glad I’m a sophomore. In three years, I had to go back and forth with several stages of full-speed disease to go to the first grade. Both me and Stale and naturally Knight Arthur are the quickest, but students who run through stairs every short break are turned into strange phenomena.

Back in the classroom, we hurry back to our seats, just like the other students. Let’s go look for him as soon as the fourth limit is over.

Throughout the third period, Stale sent an instant transfer to Prime Minister Gilbert with a card from inside his clothes indicating that he would be late to return today. Prime Minister Gilbert can tell his mothers why he’s late. I think the instantaneous travel of the read-only stale is truly omnipresent.

Captain Column also seems to be staying at school today after the third lecturer has finished. I don’t know where Chloe and the others are, but let’s go with Farnham’s sister to find the instructor’s column captain, as well as Lieutenant Eric and Arthur.

If I had been discussing the aftermath in detail while listening to the teacher during the class, time would have passed quickly. I was going to give you a signal if there was any progress, but I never heard a signal from the column captains during the fourth limit.

After receiving another warning from Professor Robert that if you leave early on the way, you must entrust it to the teacher in charge or the students in the same class, the fourth limit was over.

Stale briefly refused to invite the students to come home with us and we left the classroom early with Arthur, who brought us three bags.

Just send greetings to the girls and head up the stairs with your quick feet. If you get off while being caught by a railing, “Please be careful at your feet,” the two of you hurry. First, meet Lieutenant Eric at the school gate.


… a fierce yelling that broke the sky hit me from the front.

Focusing all the way down the steps, I’m surprised to slip too much. Shortly after he screamed, Arthur, who had stepped down from the front, extended his arms from the front. Still further behind me, Stale grabbed me by the opposite shoulder and I couldn’t help but fall.

Soon after thanking both of them, a skinny boy stood in front of the lift…. I wonder, Chloe. When they stopped in the middle of the step, supported by the front and back, a gray-haired young man stared at us with a bright red face in front of him.

Apart from us, who jumped out of the classroom as soon as the quadrant was over, there are still very few students. As the year approached from the upstairs floor, he stood on both feet by himself in the middle of the lift. My clothes are so dirty that I ran back. It was after the innocent white hair was shaken irrespective of frontal or lateral hair. He caught his eye in a different form, and was filled with hostility against me straight away.

He yelled at me with a voice that echoed again, as if he were dissipating the heat inside me as I stepped down the stairs away from their support.

“It must be your fault that you invited us to that job from the beginning.”

He screams with his sluggish throat, whether he’s still running or not.

Even though it was still a long way down the stairs, it seemed like anger was sticking directly into my skin. Arthur stood between me and Chloe to sense the danger. Lined up next to Arthur so that Stale could go further behind him, and then dominate me with his arms. Still, he moves.

Last time, he hesitated to be restrained by the two of us, but this time he comes to us on a quick walk to leave it to his anger. I stopped right in front of Arthur and once ate my teeth and stared at a taller, physically capable young opponent, but I didn’t try to stand back. “Retreat! Arthur only said no to him, even though he shouted a slight scratch of the thorn.

He can’t go any further, and if he tries to avoid Arthur, he gets stuck in a long arm. When the clattering sounded, he grabbed Arthur’s arm from the front and pierced me with a sharp look like he was stepping out of a fence.

“What have we done? It’s all fucked up because of you!” I thought it was going to work! If it weren’t for you from the beginning… on purpose! You really wanted to screw us up, didn’t you?

Students come down the stairs for the first time in a year.

The students who heard the noise either wanted to get off early to see what was happening or hesitated to get off without getting caught in trouble. It would be only a matter of time before the teacher could fly in with his unusual anger.

Even if you try to push back Arthur’s stretched arm, you’re certainly no match for him as a knight. Muscle strength is as weak as it was when he was fourteen, but Arthur was already in the Knights.

Stale says, “Do you want me to relocate? He asked me, but his voice was overwhelmed by Arthur’s anger as he screamed again.

“Don’t be ridiculous!” “Don’t laugh at us because you’re surrounded by people and don’t do anything!” “I don’t know what you are or what you are!” “Cedric… the real one! Compared to the royal family,



The angry exhalation of fire stopped as if the switch had been switched off with a light cry.

When I tied her up, she screamed to open her mouth and shout, squeezing her like a lie. Instead, the sharp eyes were wide open. The thin body that Arthur was blocking still solidifies in that shape.

A twitch, a twitch and his whole neck turned from me in a different direction. I looked at you like I was following you, and there was a young man who came down the stairs gently.

“Dear Cedric…”

Poppy. Calling him that with a shredded voice, he resolved his intention to push Arthur back. Face Cedric and stand upright with a round shoulder.

“I’m glad you’re okay. Captain Alan told me you disappeared, so I was worried…. hmm? No, wait.”

Captain Alan was behind Cedric as he walked down the hallway.

It’s just a look at each of us and doesn’t say what happened. Cedric was the only one who smiled as strongly as he was relieved and frowned to reconsider on the way.

Cedric’s gaze grew as if he hadn’t done what he had just done, causing him to shake his fists slightly. Unlike being driven by passion, the sweat is dampening from forehead to neck, and the bright red face that was facing us is now turning pale. As soon as Cedric began to shake not only his fists but also his beautiful gray hair, Cedric relieved himself of his power from his closed eyebrows. And he speaks clearly with a voice that is nothing.

“What, is it” Dios “? What happened to the hairpin? Is it gone?”

He turned pale like hair… and Dios wouldn’t answer.

He leaned down, squeezed his lips hard, and his dry eyes were missing the lid. Dirty clothes and shaken hair since this morning. The “cute” hairpin that was stuck there wasn’t all Chloe’s.

Target Dios Farnum.

Crowe’s twin brother was there.

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