The Most Heretical Last Boss Queen Who Will Become the Source of Tragedy Will Devote Herself for the Sake of the People

Chapter 958

Ⅱ 64. Kyodai decides.

“… Chloe. Are you awake?”

Nh, only one sound is returned in the dark.

Late at night, they separated from their sister’s room and looked at the walls and ceilings in the same room. There were a number of other rooms, but rain leaks, cracks and holes in the walls were terrible, so it was turned into a storage space rather than a very comfortable environment. They have few personal belongings and more empty storage rooms every year.

They still use the bunk beds they bought when they were little. Neither of the two men, who gave their sister the large bed that their parents had been using, thought of getting their older sister’s bed, either separately or separately. I can’t fit in a thin body because I just grew taller than the bed. Looking at the ceiling, a crack that sounded dangerous and made a noise entered the vision. Dios sleeping on the upper level bent his legs while rolling sideways, while Croy on the lower level looked up at the bottom of Dios’ bed while spilling from his ankle down from the bed.

“… do you think you can believe Jeanne’s story?

Dios ran back and forth from school and cried.

Dios quit his job because he thought so.

I ran home from school and worked late for my last job today.

I couldn’t sleep many times trying to meditate.

“…… really, Chloe quit her job, too.”

“Nothing, I don’t believe it…… eventually threatened…. I don’t know if he’s real.”

He did not move a single thing, but only moved his mouth towards each other.

A voice as loud as a solitary remark passed through the closed room. Dios remembers a girl in the words of a small, malicious Croy. A girl with dark red hair who has been throwing offensive words at herself since her first day of school.

Dios understands the sound of Crowe hitting the wall from below. He hasn’t been “in tune” since last night and doesn’t know how Jeanne and Dios interacted all day today. She took Dios back to school to replace herself, persuaded her not to use her special abilities, and pushed her to enrolment, but their current situation remains unchanged. Rather, I think Croy has a cool head, as it could die like this.

“Dios, yes…. why did you believe me? You hated Jeanne so much.”

“That’s not even Chloe. I don’t care… Because Cedric was there.”

Speak to each other in a quarrel.

Dios excused himself, and Croix exhaled without sound as he could see. As soon as that happened, Dios, who was supposed not to have heard it, blamed him for “breathing out now.” Though he thought it was sharp for a long time, Croy bent one of his stretched legs.

While the sound of the cloth rubbing is transmitted in thin air, Dios flips back to respond. I know best what I’m saying as an excuse.

We also knew that the silence that struck the water persisted and that each other was not sleeping yet. Even the sound of swallowing your mouth makes you remember the illusion that you are the only ones in the world.

It was a silent world that was too quiet to keep my ears shut.


A whispering, plucked voice was thrown from Dios.

Dios told me what Chloe had been thinking. That question had been caught in Crowe’s head from the very beginning, when Pride suggested it.

It’s too convenient, it’s impossible to get involved with the royal family. Perhaps Cedric himself is a fake. Several suspicious elements come to mind. And when I told my brother that, I knew that I would get disturbed or be too anxious to hunt him down.

Until yesterday, Croix, who was in harmony with Dios, knew how his brother felt. My brother’s consciousness, which he lived for 14 years until yesterday, is still in his head.

“If Cedric is a fake, and that knight is a fake or a bad person… if Jeanne and the others were involved in getting us into trouble…”

“Even so…. there’s no more road left for us. The tone is not good. I opened it all day and understood it well…. at least that’s what Jeanne said.”

Softly dispel your doubts to your weak brother.

Yes, there is nothing left for us anymore. Even if she really cheated on us, she can’t turn back anymore.

Now that the admission process is complete, Dios’ seat is reserved. I quit my job and only rely on the rewards Cedric gave me. If it’s all just a trick, I need to get my head down and have each of them hire again tomorrow, or find a new job.

“If it’s all a lie… it’s time to work alternately. Take a day off from school. And then Dios, too.”

“Idiot, if you do that, your sister will care. What if you can’t work again?… then I’ll just quit school.”

Cloy tied his lips to his stiff brother’s words as he looked up.

For myself, for my sister. I know exactly what my brother’s heart is. Because I learned about Dios’ thoughts and feelings, especially after I synchronized them. But at the same time,

… even Dios knows how I feel.

What do you want to do? Why did you try to get in line with your brother? And what do you want me to do with my brother in the future? Everything is known. Yet Dios was much more stubborn.

I couldn’t help but hate Dios, who told me that his life was hard, trying to kill himself again. I thought it would be good if Jeanne tricked me into doing the worst.

Cedric doesn’t think of himself as a bad man. But if I were in Dios’ place, I’d be sure I’d believe her story. At least Dios was yesterday.

“I believed it because… Dios nodded.”

The answer to the first question was the truth first, and now Chloe has spoken.

Dios says nothing about it. The more I think about pretending to be asleep, the harder it is to return it. Even though you should be telling the truth, you swallow it before it reaches the back of your throat.

I really didn’t like talking to Chloe about it right now.

“… I’m sorry.”

“Why are you sorry?”

Chloe cut off Dios’ unsolicited response in one word.

Dios also knows that Chloe is not blaming herself. Still, all I could say was an apology.

There is a mixture of my pity, anxiety that still cannot be wiped, and the evil of giving up, and all the words like crying spill out of Dios’ mouth.

“If I had been patient from the beginning, this would not have happened………. what if, tomorrow, Jeanne lied to me and tricked me?”

“Sister…. you were so happy today.”

Speak too loudly for each and every one of you to block Dios’ words.

Croy also stitched his mouth to the words. At the same time, I remember my sister today after reporting that she had completed the admission process with the column.

Good, Dios… Let’s do our best together. Oneechan will do her best. I’m sure Dios will love the school too. ”

She burst into tears in her smiling eyes and welcomed herself back before Chloe.

Being unaware of the relationship between her younger brothers and Pride, she took up the suggestions and challenges that had been thrown straight at her. My sister, who tried to inspire herself to shine her eyes and do her best, had a vivid expression that she would see for a long time. I was made to think how much they had forced my sister to do nothing.

“I… I can do my best with Dios and my sister. Dios has always been dangerous in a different way than her sister, and she’s a child and there’s a lot of trouble.”

Dios looked silently at his brother who stabbed him with his words.

I have something to say to my brother, but I really think he is. Instead of leaving it to the momentum, it was said with a calm voice, so I hurt too much.

I tried to say the same thing about Chloe, but I stopped immediately. I really don’t think there’s anything wrong with Chloe as much as my sister. I didn’t want to force it into a selling word with a buying word.

To show dissatisfaction, he kicked the bed silently, pounding downwards, and the shock sounds overlapped with Chloe’s words.

“I like that Dios.”

That’s why I don’t want you to change.

I don’t want Chloe’s emotions or consciousness mixed up.

Chloe’s feelings were something he had known since Dios was in tune.

Tighten your trembling lips and Dios shuts up. It’s too soon to wonder why Croix, who has a smaller mouth than himself, talks so much.

Are you trying to comfort yourself with the harms of mixing yourself up in the same tone as before, or are you trying to comfort yourself with him? I’m sure I’ll never know the answer.

“… me too…. cloy is good for cloy.”

Bury your face in the blanket and squeeze out the rubbed voice.

I wonder how much I was trying to get my brother into irreversible trouble. Meditate hard and tie your teeth with your lips. Press hot eyes against a thin blanket and kill your breath.

When Chloe returned the word “good” with another self-like murmur, it was all I could do to silence the noise. And I think it’s a good idea for Chloe to cry anyway. Until yesterday, my consciousness was still in Crowe.

Good night, and it was more than an hour before the words were released to put an end to the sea of silence.

The two men, who had not said anything until then, muttered the words at the same time. They don’t say either way to the little double sounds. Close your eyes, listen only to your breathing sounds, and close your awareness.

Whatever you’re waiting for tomorrow, we’ll get over it together.

He talked to the consciousness of the crack inside himself.


No, thank you.

The fifth day after the start of school.

Before tomorrow’s two consecutive holidays, the noise of the students will not subside. Rather, the crowd was the busiest this week through the appearance of royal Cedric.

One of its elements is the attention given to the boys who have been in school for the past few days.

“… Chloe…. it’s amazing how we’re being watched…”

“I can’t help it. It seems that I left school on my way out, which caused a lot of noise. Dios is used to paying attention anyway.”

Dios also told me yesterday after the admission process, and Chloe replied indifferently.

Friend and servant of King Hanazoo’s brother. And yesterday, a boy who suddenly disappeared and yelled at a girl student and ran away again. Originally attracting attention, they were even more prominent in yesterday’s commotion.

Plus, twins.

Everyone was suspicious and pale that there were two boys lined up.

A sister-like woman next to her compares the two with a smile. The three of them finally arrived together, delighted without any knowledge of her younger brothers’ worries. She doesn’t care about the strange eyes from around her.

The only difference between the same face and the same hair is the dress and the number of hair pins on the head. Dios with one hairpin and Chloe with two hairpins lined up and looked around through the courtyard.

“… ah. That.”

Hmm, your gaze stops at one point.

Apart from the students who were struggling with the appearance of their twins, many students gathered on the bulletin board in front of them, which divided the road for each school building. They attract more attention than themselves, and walk to their board, which is bustling and full of groans.

“You’re kidding, right? – Wow! – What do we do?” “You’ll have to do it.” Many students play their voices and read the text on the bulletin board over and over again without hiding their excitement. Dios and the others were also careful not to let her sister be thrown away in the crowd and approached a position where they could read while pinching her.

I remember what Jeanne said yesterday. Looking up at the bulletin board with the idea of no way and anticipating the worst,

“Introduction of the preferential student system”

Hold your breath.

“At lunch break next week, only those who wish to do so will be gathered to conduct a written examination of the lesson scope that omits elective subjects.”

“… Chloe. This….”


My mouth is still open and doesn’t block.

They followed the bulletin board in front of them at the same speed and loaded it. All the attention and noise around me don’t get in my head. Just chasing the letters in front of me was the best I could do.

“From the secondary and higher education departments, three students per academic year in half a year. Those with the best grades will receive the following privileges as special students.

I swallowed one letter at a time, checking to see if they had read correctly.

I wasn’t expecting it. I just suspected more than that.

As time went by, the consciousness of giving up was stronger.

“Free school meal twice a day”

“Free dormitory provision”

“Free loan of academic books in the school library”

They had more privileges than they had been told.

When I didn’t hear such a thing, the word came out in another sense. But before you talk about it, you stop thinking in the next sentence.

I really, really understand that what was told to us yesterday was not a lie. Blood ran around the body to cause tremors, and the hearts rang high enough to think they could hear each other.

“Award of scholarships”

“Now grab it with your own hands.”

The words of pride that were bathed yesterday rushed around the heads of the two.

The monthly amount written under the sentence is by no means high. However, they were slightly above the income they had earned alone.

They are given food, a place to live and an opportunity to learn, and on top of that they are given regular income up to a certain amount.

We both knew that everyone would want this right, not just ourselves. My sister has three chairs because she is in high school for a year. But the same year they had to take two of the three chairs. I think the rate of competition will be endlessly high.

Classes have been in each other’s heads for the past four days, alternating while going to school, but originally they can’t write, and they have to do better than the privileged middle class children. But still…

“Let’s do it.”


The words were not the same at the same time.

But if I raised my fist slightly, it hit each other’s fists at the same time.

With determination to seize the opportunity given.

First Princess Pride Royal Ivy.

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