The Most Heretical Last Boss Queen Who Will Become the Source of Tragedy Will Devote Herself for the Sake of the People

Chapter 969

II73. Women encounter.

“… I can’t believe you can’t go out with me.”


The maid Trixie smiles bitterly on her little cheek.

The girl’s mood was tilted slightly, even though she had to borrow a carriage to go out. Despite the holidays I was looking forward to, I was dissatisfied with my father, who eventually went home on a sudden errand.

The girl with light peach hair came to the shopping district of King’s Landing by connecting her hands with the maid from the carriage she got off. Instead of opening stores and stalls, she always brightened her eyes when she visited a specialty store that the Kingdom of Freesia prides itself on, but today her swollen cheeks are still not healed.

“My husband was sad too, so if you blame him too much, he’ll be sad.”

“It’s a good medicine to be as lonely as Stella!

“Punch!” said the maid in a pointy manner, while still holding hands tightly bound.

Trixie lightly passes on “well” to the cute reaction. What makes her angry is not simply that she doesn’t care about herself. She, who loves her father and mother, is most angry at the loss of her family’s three hours.

And Trixie knows that. Eventually, instead of connecting Trixie’s hands, she stuck to her arm and said, “If I leave Stella alone, I’ll marry Trixie.” She was one of her favorite maids from childhood.

“What shall we see today? It would be nice if you could show it to your wife and husband.”

“The new picture book is definitely going to be read by you!

Since her mother had gone out with her, maids had often accompanied her instead.

On holidays, she and her father often went shopping together, but unfortunately because she was overwhelmed, she changed to shopping with a maid as usual. Shopping with Trixie itself is fun Stella, but it’s not the date I was expecting from my father, so I’m still dissatisfied. I had decided today to look for a weapon to replace what I had bought.

Afraid, Trixie smiles back and guides her to a bookstore full of picture books for children in King’s City.

There are plenty of shops lined up with a narrow area so that you can walk just a few meters around what you always want.

Stella, slightly in a better mood after deciding what to buy, loosened Trixie’s tightening arm. Look around and breathe again into the beauty of the city. It is not unusual for her to visit the centre of King’s Landing, but I think it is a beautiful place to try again and again.

The city is well maintained, vibrant, and safe. If I waved my hand when I crossed with the guard on the patrol, no one would have looked back without knowing her. “I’m sick of you!” and laughs back at me. Occasionally, when I saw a knight wearing white troupe clothes, I made him play the same look as my father and mother’s “friends”.

“And I want to pick flowers somewhere on my way home. You’re just doing your job, and you’re just hanging out in the house and the garden.”

On the way to the bookstore, Stella’s mood was relieved by the exterior of various stores.

Fufufu, Trixie laughs at her words as she remembers. I wonder where the good medicine for my father that I have just decided has gone. On the contrary, I want to say, “Don’t spoil your husband too much.”

The maids and guards who had served Stella’s parents for many years, including her, had become close to their employers like family members. I think it would be nice if I could tell the two of you who came home that I still said such a lovely dialogue. She was convinced that she would definitely lose face.

“Ah! That looks like Rosa’s!

While shouting the name of her mother’s friend, Stella ran unexpectedly toward the end of her eyes.

Trixie shouted at Stella. Until now, it was sticky even if I didn’t grab it from myself, but suddenly I left it this time.

Behind Stella’s gaze is a fine costume shop. The luxurious white dress that stands above the glass looks just like the child’s eyes, but it’s actually completely different from the dress she’s imagining.

Shit, Trixie runs quickly. Carriage traffic is a small intersection, but in a crowded place like this, young Stella can’t get away for a second. “No, Master Stella! When I chased after a girl who ran away to stick herself in the glass.


Bafu, a customer just came out of the store to stop her from going.

Stella, who couldn’t stop at the momentum, suddenly collided with the appearing shadow from the front. The woman’s outing dress blocked her breath for just a moment and fluttered her ass with a recoil. Trixie ran a beat late and said, “I’m sorry! She apologized to the woman and supported Stella’s body.

I checked the body to see if there is any injury, but fortunately there is no injury anywhere. And relax, when Trixie exhales in relief.

“Sorry, let me play?

The woman who had just stood there, without saying anything, opened her mouth.

You don’t bump into your fine dress, you don’t raise your voice to the wrinkled Stella, or you don’t blame Trixie. However, the woman who was standing on the spot looked down at both of them with a fan of feathers carried in one hand.

Trixie apologized deeply, lowering her head, assuming that she was definitely some nobleman from her outfit. While Stella apologized for the delay in understanding that she had bumped into her, the woman who hadn’t changed her expression earlier smiled back.

“No? Don’t worry about the dress. After all, it’s a cheap dish my father gave me.”

The woman laughing gracefully stirred up and slowly bent her hips.

A woman staring down at Stella with a smile on her face, stroked the girl’s soft cheeks with a thin gloved hand. “Oh soft” and stroke from the contour to the ear, bringing the face closer together.

“… happy girl.”

The woman murmured with a slow soaking voice.

Suddenly, Stella blinked her eyes at the words she was told with a smiling smile. In the meantime, the woman rubbed and stroked Stella’s soft cheeks as cute as a cat.

I can’t say it strongly because it’s the side where I bumped into it, but Trixie frowned slightly at it. I don’t feel intimate, but it seems impolite to keep touching the children I’ve never met before without saying no. “Um” and trying to silence the movement, a woman applied it on her red lips first.

“You must have been loved and raised by Mom and Dad. You grew up happily ever after being raised without any inconvenience and never being angry with me, right? There’s nothing to be happy, happy, or scared of. I’m sure there’s nothing painful or sad about this world yet. Ahh… I can’t wait for you to grow up and know the truth.”

Trixie frightened the spine of a woman who kept talking without giving her time to return it.

From a woman who spoke as if she were talking to herself, she felt a different horror from self-indulgence. Stella grabbed Trixie’s arm with a smile pointing straight from her face and her hand swimming for help with her mouth wide open. To respond to Stella, Trixie finally stopped the woman with a strong eye. I grabbed Stella from her cheek and stopped her. I squeezed her and slowly pushed her back towards the woman.

“Thank you very much, Stella. But… you shouldn’t be rude anymore.”

Oh? Fufu… I can’t afford a woman who looks surprised to accept being pushed back.

Now I put my hand on Stella’s cheek and looked back at Trixie with a smile. While saying, “I can’t believe I’m angry about this,” I turned my glance at Trixie with its glossy makeup.

“You’ve… lived so happily, haven’t you? I envy you. I wonder how you can be such a servant without knowing what you’re afraid of. You know who I am?

That said, the woman showed her back with her gaze alone.

The man who followed the woman is an obvious servant of the elderly. She holds the dress she bought in both hands and wrinkles between her eyebrows in her remarks. Speaking of another word, he seemed to like it.

A woman in a position to obey a mature servant is undoubtedly more talented evidence than a maid, Trixie.

But she’s not just a maid either. She hugged to protect Stella and raised her voice as she looked up straight on her knees.

“That was disrespectful. Again, excuse me, but may I ask the name of your house? I would like to report that I have acted responsibly and disrespectfully towards my husband, Mr. Jilbert Butler.”


Contrary to the woman who replied, the servant who had refrained changed his complexion.

She whispers to a woman in a hurry, holding her luggage in her arms. The woman who raised her hips and fanned her mouth to hide her servant’s face changed her complexion. Open your eyes to what should have been an absolute advantage and look at Trixie and Stella incredibly.

I mean, they….! Trixie didn’t miss a step back the moment she understood.

“Please give me your family name. I will also tell Jilbert in detail that my daughter Stella has caused you trouble.”

“… no? I’m not a very well-known person. I’m sorry, they were so cute, I wanted to make fun of them.”

Fufu, the woman who smiled as if she had regained consciousness rang her high heels and left the scene.

A successor servant lowered his head and apologized to Trixie and Stella. Looking at the back of a man chasing a woman early enough, Trixie snorted softly.

My husband, Jill Vail, told me that she could use her name if anything happened, and it was a special card that was also the last trump card for her.

She had worked as a maid at the castle before working at the Gilbert Mansion, and she remembered that such a woman had never been invited to the residence of the Prime Minister, Gilbert.

There are only so many people in the country who are higher in rank than him, the upper part of the castle and one arm of the current king. Considering that Jill Vail has never invited her to the Mansion before, there is no doubt that the current woman is far below Jill Vail, and furthermore, Stella, daughter of Jill Vail, has a higher position than the current woman.

“Oh, my God. I guess I’ll just tell Milord about the crest that was engraved on that fan.”

Before listening carefully to the house, she remembered the crest of the fan that the woman was using, and if she tried to do it, she would report it in detail to Gilbert, and she could really burn the house out.

I’m fine with myself, but I can’t forgive you for letting Stella take care of me.

It was Stella who hit her, but at that point Trixie was alert to the fact that she didn’t help Stella, didn’t speak up, and even returned the dress without saying “no injuries, above all”.

And Stella never grew up spoiled like a woman said. It was Stella who grew up without any scratches and without the help of Trixie until now, but she was angry enough to cry for her father Gilbert, for her mother Marianne, and for herself as a maid. I grew up being disciplined so harshly. In addition, there is a “scary thing” called a brown-skinned courier.

I also wanted to be angry with my mother with my mouth like I knew it. But it was Stella who was supposed to have been afraid to wait there.

“Fine, let’s go to the bookstore. I’m sorry Stella hit me.”

Once again, Stella stood up from herself apologizing to Trixie for leaving on her own.

She dusted herself with patty and clothes and helped Trixie pay her share of the dust if she stood up. He held hands with her and called with a bright voice to reclaim his mind that “Let’s go.”

Trixie, who seems to think she’s less popular, sighs as she laughs. What’s the matter with you? Asked by Stella, she softly spoke to a four-year-old girl in front of her this year.

“Stella is really an adult. He said he was scared to cry, and he could cry.”

Albert said that you are good at increasing your enemies and allies. So when Stella grows up with more enemies, like you, Albert, and Stale, she’ll grow up to be angry with you. ”

That’s right! Stella smiled like her mother, laughing relentlessly.

Really? And while returning, Trixie was caught and laughed.

I think that the girl who connects with herself is a much better lady than the other lady.


“Isn’t that right ? Say it sooner… ahh, I almost wiped out the whole house.”

Wow … and the woman roars as she drifts in the carriage.

I didn’t expect the opponent to be the Prime Minister’s daughter. A man in that position is no match for anyone in his clan.

“It was really dangerous… I’m glad that maid had flowers on her head. Occasionally, even though I don’t think I’m happy, even though I don’t know what’s painful, I’m a living person who licks others’ charity!”

She takes off her gloves in disgust at remembering.

I feel sick even if I pass gloves, such as being touched by ordinary people, not to mention servants.

“Well, the Chancellor’s servant is convinced. Isn’t he the kind man your father was talking about? Anyway, that servant was lucky enough to be picked up and spoiled. My husband mistook my position for happiness more than a dog who loved me.”

Her servant asks one thing when she makes a mistake, like a fool. Then KeraKera and the woman who responded with a laugh instead continued to affirm it.

“I want that servant. Don’t you want to teach him” hajimete “without knowing what he’s afraid of? If I were you, I’d train you to a body that can’t stop shaking.”

Fufu… hahaha! The woman is rocked by a carriage while laughing.

The servant, who couldn’t say anything because he was so stunned by her, shook his head. “I can’t just get mad at you again,” she said, stopping laughing. Instead, I put my feet together, my arms together, and I said, “Hey.”

“Tell your uncle, too! I want a school, too…. you can’t screw me to the Pradest anymore, Father. If I had enrolled this month, I would have approached the rumored King Cedric’s brother.”

I can’t use it! And the woman who made incredible remarks to her real father shook her fan.

The man in front of me is not his servant. I’m just a servant my uncle followed me. However, the elderly servant gave up silently after sighing back his words to a woman who was unattended to say that she had never known such a thing.

“I was afraid. Dear Belial,

Turning that prime minister into an enemy could wipe out her position and fortune overnight.

Though I thought so, I kept my mouth shut that she was not even worth pointing out her foolishness.

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