The Most Heretical Last Boss Queen Who Will Become the Source of Tragedy Will Devote Herself for the Sake of the People

Chapter 972

II76. The dominant girl visited again,


“Hi, I’m Jeanne. Dios, Chloe, are you there?

When we arrive at the Farnham house, we knock quickly.

Calling them with a slight scare on the doorway roof that was about to collapse, the rattling and footsteps were heard from the other side of the door in a short while. The two footsteps overlap, so I’m sure they’re all together.

Holding back the bundle of paper Arthur was holding beside him, he stood up for a bit in the footsteps. The rattling footsteps become loud sounds that are likely to be heard as you approach the door. I thought maybe it had already come to the other side of the door, but the door was opened quickly without accumulation.

His vision opened at once, and in front of him was Dios and Chloe, who pulled the door…. in quite a shape. Good morning, I tried to call from the greeting, but before that, I was thrown into twenty loud voices.

“What the hell!!!!

Complaint. The end of my mouth cramps unexpectedly.

Ahahahaha… and a rod-read laugh leaked, and the stale rubbed behind me! I heard it erupt. On the other side, I hear Arthur leaking a small, convincing voice. Apparently Arthur and Stale were expecting it.

Lieutenant Eric, who is the most grown up here, softly calms the two of us down by saying, “Well, calm down, calm down,” but they still stare at me as they stand.

Even though I had only one day free, they were both amazing from their attire.

The expression itself is different from where Dios and Croy are lifting their young leafy eyes and turning their white teeth out. In addition, there are two people with gray hair that should have been rough and they are sleepy. It was easier to distinguish between the two than usual because Dios was facing right and Chloe’s hair was bouncing on each hairpin to the left. Maybe she fell asleep while studying. There aren’t any bears under my eyes, so I don’t think I’m sleepless.

Whether she was lying down until she knocked, or lying down, there are red marks on her cheeks and forehead. He literally slipped through the Shura Hall. I think Prime Minister Gilbert put more effort into it than I thought.

“I’m scared.” “Why didn’t Jeanne stay with me?” “It’s not enough to show that scary guy’s face.”

“What is it, you don’t know her properly? She’s 13 years old. She’s really scared, scared, scared, scared, scared.”

The screams of Dios and Chloe continue as I do such analysis slowly. Dios was a little surprised to get to Croix. I’m afraid of being sure of something.

Anyway, it’s annoying for the neighborhood… and I’m desperately asking you to forgive me and let me stay in the house. It’s not so early in the morning, but it’s still morning.

If things get so noisy at the farmhouse, which will always be quiet, the neighborhood will get too much attention. When I asked them to make a smile with a strong expression muscle while showing both hands in front of my face, they both muttered their mouths simultaneously and separated to the left and right from the other side of the door.

Excuse me, each of us enters the house crossing in front of them with a greeting. Through a beautiful, dust-free corridor like two days ago, I heard a soft voice “Welcome” from the back of the living room. Onee-sama.

Good, onee-sama is not angry for the time being, and we go deeper with exhalation. Well, I don’t think Prime Minister Gilbert will spart onee-sama…. that? Something…..

“Doesn’t it smell delicious?

Sure, and. Arthur’s words followed those of Lieutenant Eric.

I snort my nose too. [M]

Yeah, I knew it. It has a soft, delicious scent all the way down the hall. Could it have disturbed you during breakfast? I thought you two were asleep. Or maybe onee-sama made it for me…

Through the hallway to the front of the living room, the smell of the dish was definitely hit. This morning, when I looked at the center of the scent that would boil my appetite even though I was supposed to have eaten at the castle, Farnum Onee-sama laughed while sitting on the chair that seemed most comfortable to sit on. In terms of size, Cedric would have recommended a chair to both of us before, but something has changed.

“Thank you for today, Jeanne. Philip, Jack…. you’re the knight from yesterday, right?

He holds only a cup of hot air in his hands and finally looks at Lieutenant Eric in civilian clothes.

Simply explaining from Stale that Lieutenant Eric was from the house we were taking care of and accompanied him today because he was off duty, Onee-sama lowered her head deeply.

“My younger brothers really took care of me the other day. I apologize for your precious vacation today. Thank you very much to Jeanne and the others.”

“Do you really want to send a knight on a day off?

Chloe! And Chloe slightly gets angry when she pours water into onee-sama’s greeting.

Nah, Kroy walks past us from behind Lieutenant Eric to next to her sister. Then he apologized to me for the way I was sorry, but we immediately focused our attention on onee-sama together with Dios.

“That’s why my sister is eating slowly. We’ll eat later.”

“If you think you can eat it, you can eat mine too.”

Onee-sama, who thanked Chloe and Dios for speaking in turn, said again with a faint voice, “Chloe.” It’s a bad way to say it to someone who was so kind to me… “he continued.

Once I formally apologized, Chloe didn’t want to say it the second time, and when she sharpened her lips, she ran away to the kitchen in a slow motion.

At the large table where onee-sama was eating, there were two large cups that she thought contained soup. When I saw that it was the same as what my sister had, I wondered if it was for Dios and Chloe.

Except for the corner, most of the tables are filled with bundles of paper.

It seems that the used paper is piled up on the edges, but I can tell from a distance that it is very well written. Originally it was a table for meals, but now it’s about 90% of the study range and 10% of the meals.

Speaking of which, it seems that Prime Minister Gilbert offered me a bunch of pens and paper. Now it’s time for Prime Minister Gilbert to replenish the paper that Captain Alan provided to his own brother in the paper industry. Thank you. After returning from school yesterday, Captain Alan also apologized and forgave me for laughing at my brother’s career decision, but I would like to avoid using the fictitious sibling setup as much as possible to avoid losing it.

“I’m sorry to disturb you during your meal. It’s okay, Dios and Chloe should study at breakfast. Because I made it.”

“We didn’t make it…. that Jill girl.”

Croy’s words, which cut off my words again, leaked a voice “eh”.

In return, Chloe came back from the kitchen with a stick of a spoon in one hand. As he walked straight ahead looking at me, he handed me the cup so that I could press it. Perhaps there is a sign of apology for whispering “I’m sorry I said too much” the moment I received it.

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