The Most Heretical Last Boss Queen Who Will Become the Source of Tragedy Will Devote Herself for the Sake of the People

Chapter 993

II88. The dominant girl meets.

“Where have you been?”

As soon as Dios and Chloe were reunited, they were going to yell at me.

The third floor of the second year of middle school. So we tried to get to the classroom at once, but before that we had to meet again.

Because they were waiting for us in front of our classroom.

I was surprised at this, too. Especially since Chloe told me not to come, and I was already ready for a visitation cancellation level. The two of you standing with your arms together in a difficult expression probably confirmed that we weren’t in the classroom anymore. Instead of in the classroom, he was clearly moving his gaze around his neck as if he were waiting for us.

Stale and Arthur came forward and took cover with their arms, as they lined up and rushed towards us at the right moment. I didn’t think you were going to beat me up, but I’m sure you were careful about what happened before. The two people who showed me their back were relieved because their ears were no longer red and their complexion was calm.

Stale, with Arthur on the wall, Dios and Crowe both pointed their eyes at me. When the expression muscles hardened with too much anger, there were still terrible complaints from twins over Stale and Arthur.

“Jeanne really doesn’t come and I didn’t tell you to come, and I didn’t come this morning because I promised you I wouldn’t come and I’m scared because I’m so upset about the exam venue.” “I’ve been waiting for Jeanne and I haven’t got two seats available and I’m leaving with Chloe.”

“I mean, I don’t think it’s relevant or irresponsible if you don’t come after the exam.” “I’ve only told you about it, but Philip and Jack don’t come.”

After a complaint storm, Stale and Arthur turned their backs against each other.

I apologize and laugh, but their anger does not calm down. You won’t complain to me until you force yourself against the boulder, but only the sound that echoes in the hallway sticks firmly into your eardrum. Besides, I can’t believe Dios talks all the way to Croix. After all, I think that I have accumulated dissatisfaction since I was two years old. No, but I think it was Croy who said that he no longer wanted to see my face at that time.

Both of them screamed too much and the fever came in. The skin became red gradually. Dios had slightly tearful eyes. My face is always stretched to Cloy with a pale expression, and even if I’m angry, I think they’re not angry in the same way, but they’re different people.

I thought Dios with tearful eyes shouted “Jeanne’s idiot”, and the voice was even rougher. I’ve got my eye on the hallway now.

“I told you I was coming! I’ve been waiting for both Chloe and me!! Too hard, too hard to say… ”

Though the scream was interrupted along the way, Croix kept his lips shut.

It’s like a complaint to a parent who didn’t come to visit the business. With his red face lying tied down, Dios burst into tears the next moment. I was surprised by the boulders, Stale and Arthur.

Well, in return, I started rubbing my eyes with my arms. The only person who’s cool is Chloe. She stares at me with a cold look as her face bursts into tears. The fever seems to have dropped proportionately.

I don’t know, making my classmates cry is really typical of bullies. I didn’t think Dios was so worried. I hurried from Stale to Arthur and walked right in front of him. They both opened the door between Dios and Chloe, who grew up silent.

“Sorry, Dios. I didn’t expect you to think so much. I couldn’t go because I suddenly had some errands I couldn’t handle. The truth is, I tried to see both of you, too.”

I’m feeling more than onee-chan.

Reach out and stroke Dios’ head. He kept rubbing his eyes with his arms as if he hadn’t noticed. Still, the last thing I said was, “Really…? He replied with a grunt. As soon as I said it was true, I lifted up my arms and pointed my bright red yellow eyes at me.

“Nh… I don’t want to come with Chloe anymore… so I don’t want to come with Chloe anymore…”

“So why do you do it for me? And Chloe didn’t say,” I want you to come, “so you’re with me.

Egg, Dios cries, and Croy hits him with a sick voice.

A little more wrinkles appeared between my eyebrows and I looked at my brother. Apparently there was a little fight before we came.

Cloy, who is the same height, looks down with his chin raised and his horizontal eyes, and is in a much oblique mood. Maybe Dios resented me as a result of my anger. I was the one who made you angry first.

Again, I apologize to Dios for stroking his gray hair and saying, “I’m sorry too, Croy.”

“I’m sorry I said something irresponsible. I’m really sorry that Dios and Chloe were so nervous before the exam and I said something that made them angry.”

“What is that? When did Jeanne say something irresponsible to us?”


Oh, that’s Croy yelling at me just now, isn’t it?

I feel my eyes rounding in unexpected cuts. When he opened his mouth without any force, Croix muttered “That was…” and then distracted his eyes. Chloe, who doesn’t want to say any more with his muffled mouth, also looks like he’s rotten. Perhaps it’s not just what I said, but is it because I am nervous allergic to the test and it hit me? If that were the case, I’d be light-hearted too.

I twisted my neck and waited for Chloe to respond, but I kept my lips tied and didn’t say anything more. Only the wrinkles between the eyebrows are deepening. Now I’m calling out to Chloe, who’s going to shut up with Dios, who leaks only the sound of his nose sneezing.

Chloe replies to the first words they were told, paying attention to Thios and his tone of voice.

“I’m sorry I broke my promise. That was very thoughtful, thank you for waiting. Philip and Jack couldn’t see each other because of me. They were just like me, and I was actually going to see you.”

You know, if I asked Stale and Arthur to agree, they both nodded right away.

Even Stale, who watched the Farnham brothers study so hard, felt the same way about Arthur, who had always wondered. I think I ruined a really important time because of me.

Croy turned to me again with his distracted eyes. I thought I slowly opened my tied mouth, but this time it was a small voice like talking to myself.

“… to me, too? I didn’t give you everything you wanted.”

I twisted my neck because I didn’t know what it meant for a moment.

Why do you think Stale and Arthur won’t go to Crawe there? There’s no reason why two people who haven’t said anything to Chloe should love him. Even I, who was angry with him, wanted to see him. There’s no way they’ll hate Chloe as much as I yell at them.

“It’s not like that. We love Croix and Dios.”

That’s what makes me laugh.

It’s only been a week since we met, but now we’re both adorable students. I didn’t hate it as much as I was yelled at, and it was I who made him angry at the first time, whether he said anything or not.

Reaching out to Crowe with his opposite hand, he turned his face against me and refused before reaching his head. I think this attitude may have irritated me because I got angry at you for not treating me like a child. To me, both of them are boys under five, but they are the same age.

I’m sorry, and when I shrugged my shoulders and apologized, I got a soft reply saying, “Nothing…” I was slightly distracted by the look on my face, but I can only see that I am not angrier than before.

“………… I’m sorry.”

Once again, Chloe whispered her apology and the wrinkles between her eyebrows eased a little.

After all, I feel relieved that the place of insects was just bad.

Then Dios raised his face with a loud nose rub.

“… if Chloe hadn’t said that, I wouldn’t have misunderstood.”

The first thing you said was, “I pissed Jeanne off because of Chloe,” Dios.

“So when it comes to Chloe, that was two years ago.”

“I wish Dios had protected Jeanne.”

Well, well… I desperately forgive the two of you who are about to start a brotherly fight like this. Place your hand on Dios’ head and hold Croy’s hand. The two of them glanced at each other with the same glances, except whether the hairpin and eyes were swollen or not.

Anyway, I understand that I just solved the misunderstanding, and I throw a brighter voice on the important topic to change my mind.

“So, how was the exam? How do you respond?”

It’s the most important thing.

In the current state of the story, she waited for me to calm down in the classroom and couldn’t study, and I don’t know what happened to the exam. It is often said that something happened before the exam that made me uncomfortable and difficult to solve the exam.

To my question, the two of them glanced at each other from the front. The two angry men, stripping out their tied teeth, raised their voices simultaneously and shouted again.

“I did it right!”

I breathed relieved, laughing bitterly at the anger that just said, “What’s natural?”

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