The Most Popular Comedian

Chapter 48

Chapter 47 Scallop refined

Rong Yuheng didn’t know that Wen Zezhen had already sneaked into the game. At this moment, he was still exploring in the room.

The floor of the second room is covered with white feathers, and there are several large scallops on it. They are placed staggered back and forth, large enough to accommodate an adult.

Rong Yuheng didn’t take a close look when he was passing by. He was immediately excited when he saw him, “Can I lie down?”

Wen Ying is studying the characters on the wall together with Ji Yanchu, and she doesn’t look back when she hears the words, “Why don’t you try?”

Su Yuyin grabbed Rong Yuheng, “Don’t rush to try, what if there is any mechanism?”

Fang Zhixu participated in the recording of “Treasure Hunt” for the first time, and he still didn’t understand the routines of the program group. She heard the words and said, “Such a beautiful thing, shouldn’t it?”

Rong Yuheng raised his hand and touched his little face, “The more beautiful things are, the more dangerous they are.”

Everyone, “…”

While everyone fell silent, Rong Yuheng broke away from Su Yuyin’s control, and got into one of the scallops as soon as he was short. He has a small frame and thin body, so he fits inside.

Rong Yuheng was about to start his performance with eloquence, when he suddenly felt a bump in his head.

Rong Yuheng, “?” He didn’t move.

Immediately afterwards, Rong Yuheng saw the comrades outside the scallop collectively showing “emmm” expressions.

Su Yuyin tilted her head and Ji Yanchu whispered, “That shell seems to be closing…”

Ji Yanchu also whispered, “Will you shut people in at the end?”

“?” Rong Yuheng’s eyes were suspicious, “What are you whispering, you always feel that your face is covered with’watching’?”

Su Yuyin shook his head, “No, no, sit for a while and see if you can trigger any mechanism.”

“No, Brother Su, I smelled conspiracy.” Rong Yuheng frowned, feeling that things were not easy.

He was going to go out first.

However, before he crawled out, he listened to Wen Ying, who was studying characters, saying, “Oh, these scallops should be organs. If they are subjected to the wrong pressure, they will unite.”

Rong Yuheng, “???”

After Wen Ying finished speaking, Rong Yuheng realized afterwards that the scallops had been half closed!

He uttered a “fuck”, and he was about to drill out with his right hand on it.

As soon as Rong Yuheng stretched his head out, Su Yuyin hurriedly shouted, “Don’t come out, you will be caught!”

Then a fin stuck out from the gap that was about to close, “shoo-“, and forcibly poked Rong Yuheng back!

With a “click”, the gap closed completely.

Rong Yuheng lay on his side in the shell, clutching his belly, “…”

Sure enough, the more beautiful things, the more dangerous.

He has sufficient evidence to suspect that Fang Zhixu is waiting for an opportunity to retaliate against himself.

Outside the scallops, the expressions of the four of them are somewhat subtle.

If there is a pie chart, it should be able to clearly describe their emotions, such as two points of pity, three points of sympathy, five points of sympathy, etc…

Wen Ying also liked Rong Yuheng’s. In addition, she has not been harmed before, so she immediately invested in active rescue, “I will study this organization and see how to release Xiao Rong.”

After she finished speaking, everyone saw the huge shell quaking with excitement twice!


The corner of Su Yuyin’s eyes twitched, “Let’s divide the work. Wen Ying and Teacher Ji stay here to study the clues of the shells. Zhi Xu and I will go to the next room to clear the way back.”

As soon as Su Yuyin’s voice fell, the big scallops on the ground suddenly rushed towards him frantically, with the sound of “clanging” knocking, as if condemning his “abandonment”!

Everyone was shocked: What a scallop essence!

Rong Yuheng was nestled in the shell, his face was written with no love.

He adjusted himself into a comfortable position, twisted his head, and suddenly saw a small camera mounted on the side of the shell.

Rong Yuheng was silent for two seconds, remembering Su Yuyin’s lens performance when watching a variety show last time, a flash of light flashed in his mind——

He can’t just lie down like that, the camera will be cut!

Rong Yuheng thought about it for a moment, then turned his head to face the camera and plunged into the performance.

“When I was born, I was in such a big scallop. My father is a big scallop, and I am a small scallop.”

Wen Ying and Ji Yanchu, who are studying characters outside the shell, “…”

Does the child know what the abbreviation for “scallop” is.

Rong Yuheng then finished his stand-up comedy, “Our scallop family lives in the sea and lives by eating mud. If you want to eat fresh mud, you must get up early in the morning and bathe in the first rays of the morning sun. Only when you rise to the surface can you be washed onto the beach by the gentle waves. Our whole family is like this, working at sunrise and resting at sunset…”

Wen Ying felt that her thoughts were completely interrupted!

Rong Yuheng’s narrative is too pictorial. She is now full of scallops undulating on the coast with the ebb and flow of the tide, and the shells are “clicked, clicked,” opened and closed.

Ji Yanchu sighed and automatically turned on the signal shielding.

Rong Yuheng was still chattering in the shells, “Finally, one day, as the light of the shell family town, I am fed up with this mud-eating life.”

“I admire the two-legged creatures that can stand and walk outside-why, why can they sit on the beach chairs and drink the lactic acid bacteria fruit drink in the sun, and then go back to the room and blow the Luei brand air conditioner when it gets hot. Place an order for takeaway on the Pocket Shopping app and enjoy home delivery service!”

Ji Yanchu, “…” failed to block, and the three major sponsors were all cueed by Rong Yuheng, and he had to follow along.

Ji Yanchu joined the performance, “Because this is the life that modern urbanites can live, and you are just a scallop.”

Rong Yuheng, “Yes, I’m just a scallop, I don’t deserve it!”

He said angrily, “So I decided to get rid of this kind of life and move towards the ranks of modern urbanites.”

“…” Wen Ying fell into self-doubt.

Obviously she is playing games seriously, but she always feels that if she doesn’t praise her, maybe the final scene is not as good as a scallop talking about cross talk!

Wen Ying cleared her throat and hurriedly asked, “Oh? What happened later?”

Rong Yuheng answered, “Later, I changed my work and rest. I slept during the day, and at night I floated on the reef to absorb the moonlight essence, and my sand sac was turned around…”

The two of them were shocked: a professional structured vocabulary, as if it were really just a scallop!

Rong Yuheng’s voice suddenly became high-pitched, with a little aria.

“Finally, I cultivated into a human form! On the day of adulthood, the sky was high and the air was clear and the wind was smooth, I broke away the shells that had been pressing on me for decades, and stood on this land—”

Two people:…

They almost couldn’t tell whether it was a cross talk or a recitation.

It just so happens that the characters on the wall have been cracked. Ji Yan first turned his head and twisted the rudder on the side, turning it clockwise for three and a half times, and then turning it counterclockwise for another week.

“Click” came the sound of a string of mechanism turning, and the shells on the ground suddenly lit up with lights of different colors.

The shell that closed Rong Yuheng also slowly opened, bursting with a silver-white light. Rong Yuheng is like a scallop essence that has transformed into a human, awakening gracefully from it…

When Wen Ying and Ji Yanchu wanted to put him back into the shell, he slowly stood up, stepped on the ground covered with white feathers, and put an end to his story.

Rong Yuheng looked at the two of them emotionally, “I am transformed, and I have come to express my gratitude to the two graces.”


Wen Ying almost slobbered when she heard the name “Gong”!

Ji Yanchu looked numb, “Oh, how are you going to repay your favor, this little scallop?”

Rong Yuheng raised his little finger and shook it gently, “Oh…no, my benefactor, I am no longer a little scallop.”

The corner of Ji Yan’s eyes twitched at first, “Then you are?”

“I have transformed into a human.” Rong Yuheng smiled slightly, raised his chin, and Qingjun’s cheeks looked pure and flawless against the bright light above his head.

“Now I am, a big fan.”

Ji Yanchu, “…”

What a good man!

As soon as Su Yuyin and Fang Zhixu cracked the clue to the third room, they saw Rong Yuheng and the three walking in from the second room.

“Huh, are you here?”

After Su Yuyin asked, they realized that the three of them looked different.

Especially Rong Yuheng, who was not tired after being kept in the shell for a while, but was radiant, like a little fairy who was full of energy, with light footsteps and vigorous expression.

On the contrary, Wen Ying and Ji Yanchu, both physically and mentally, have suffered double damage, dragging heavy steps, and their straight backs have been bent by the burden of life.

A question mark slowly rose on Su Yuyin’s head:?

Ji Yan was okay at the beginning, and when he came to the next level, he quickly adjusted his state and straightened his spine again. “According to the clues, we closed the shells in order of color, and then the induction box in the corner of the room automatically opened and put them inside. A paper.”

As he spoke, he unfolded the paper for everyone to see.

There are a few waves above, a tanker is emitting heavy smoke, and oil drums and fish bones are below it, slowly sinking to the bottom of the sea.

Fang Zhixu raised a conjecture, “Is the treasure the barrels that fell from the ship? What are the fish bones painted?”

Su Yuyin said, “Teacher Ji will take it first, and we will decipher it when we have more clues.”

The fourth room had been opened, and when the five people reached the door, they realized that there was a smooth **** in front.

To get to the next place, you have to climb up from here.

Wen Ying exclaimed, “I don’t have a single point of focus, is this too steep?”

Ji Yanchu took the lead to take off his shoes, “I will try.” He said a few steps backwards, a run-up rushed over, trying to climb up with the friction of the soles of his feet.

However, the **** was too long. Ji Yanchu only rushed halfway and slipped and slipped back to the plane below.

He shook his head, “No, it’s too steep.”

Su Yu was ready to move, “Should I try it?” With the previous recording experience, he specially put on sneakers this time. The soles are still non-slip, so you can try it.

Rong Yuheng was worried, “Brother Su, didn’t you fall on the ground?”

Su Yuyin answered the questions flexibly, “It’s okay, this is a slope.”

Wen Ying has been tempered for a while, and now she is able to sing together skillfully, “So the negative is just right?”

Rong Yuheng gave the venue a burst of “Ke Ke Ke Ke…”

The happy atmosphere ended with Su Yuyin’s failure to climb.

Su Yuyin is like a car wheel, and non-slip sneakers can’t stop him from rolling off.

Rong Yuheng was shocked when he saw Su Yuyin rolling down, for fear that he rushed to the back wall and hurriedly reached out to stop him!

In an instant, Rong Yuheng was pulled over by a strong force, and fell along the direction Su Yuyin rushed down——

“Teacher Su, Xiao Rong!”

“Bang” with a muffled sound-fortunately, the safety protection of the program group is done very well, the ground is not too hard. Rong Yuheng and Su Yuyin were caught off guard, and they were just a little dazed by the fall.

Rong Yuheng’s head was still stuck under Su Yuyin’s armpit, fluttering furry, trying to break away from the latter.

Su Yuyin recovered, and quickly got up and let go of Rong Yuheng, “Rong Bao, are you pressed down yet?”

The remaining three teammates gathered around and looked at the situation of the two with concern, “Are you injured?”

Rong Yuheng shook his head, “I’m fine, where’s Brother Su?”

Su Yuyin said, “I’m fine. Fortunately, you stopped me and didn’t rush too far.”

Fang Zhixu sighed, “I was really scared just now, especially when Rong Yuheng and Teacher Su were entangled and rushed out, thinking you would get hurt.”

The moment came too suddenly, Rong Yuheng didn’t notice the state of the two at all except for being frightened. At first hearing “wrapped together”, a subtle sense of guilt surfaced in his heart for some reason.

He asked, “How is it?”

Fang Zhixu entangled his hands and demonstrated to him vividly, “Your hands are wrapped around Teacher Su’s waist, and your head is stuck in his armpit. Teacher Su’s hands go around behind your neck, and your legs follow. Twisted together like a twist…”

Su Yuyin & Rong Yuheng, “…”

Rong Yuheng’s thoughts of sighing “rhyme” went out.

He was silent for two seconds and asked carefully, “Will you cut this paragraph?”

Su Yuyin thought that Rong Yuheng was concerned about the image problem. Knowing Yang Wen’s routine, he calmly said, “No, there will be a later stage.”

A sense of crisis jumped from Rong Yuheng’s tail in an instant! The long-term cute pet role has given him a small animal-like intuition-

For some reason, Rong Yuheng straightened his body and opened a low-profile version of rap to the camera:

“No one has thought about developing into this way

It’s not wrong for the kind-hearted me to help,

The moment I fell, I still worried about protecting the color of the coat

I’m afraid that one day the owner will be ignored by the owner, yo ”

The author has something to say: Everyone now: I don’t know what to do.

Later CP powder: all the **** sugar! !

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