The Most Powerful Young Man

Chapter 2018

Chapter 2017 That’s a squirt

After returning to the Dragon Clan, Qinglong became more decisive.

Who actually started spreading the rumors? He felt like a mirror in his heart. The reason he didn’t tell Xiao Yao was because he thought it was a trivial matter. Besides, it was because he originally wondered if Xiao Yao would treat it. As an opportunity to treat the opponent as a pawn, it seems that nothing like this has happened, and he doesn’t need to have any worries.

Among them are Ying Long and Ao Huan who had previously clashed with Xiao Yao.

A total of thirteen dragon races were completely beheaded by Qinglong with a domineering attitude, crushing the dragon soul.

This is his attitude towards the demons.

He is very clear about what he should do in some specific situations.

After solving the dragons in Ao Huan, Qinglong began to pave the way for Xiao Yao.

He did not directly convey Xiao Yao’s meaning.

He knows that under such circumstances, if he speaks bluntly and says that he is going to attack the demons and monsters, perhaps the dragons do not dare to disobey their intentions on the surface, but they will definitely find it difficult to accept them in his heart.

So at this time, what he has to do is to stabilize the dragon clan’s emotions first, and prepare for Xiao Yao to take the dragon clan to declare war on the demons and monster clan in the future.

This is the top priority.

Just like I didn’t say before, Qinglong, who has been alive for not knowing how many years, is very clear about what he is going to do at a specific time.

Xiao Yao is also very relieved of him, and he certainly won’t have too many worries.

After solving the problems within the dragon clan, Qinglong felt that the overall strength of the dragon clan had to be improved at the moment.

Once upon a time, the power of the Dragon Clan made the four realms of the Fairy, Demon, Demon and Buddha not to be underestimated, but later with the decline of the Human Clan, the Dragon Clan gradually stepped down from the altar.

Now Xiao Yao appeared, and a dragon **** appeared in the dragon clan.

If you think about it carefully, it seems that there is a sense of both glory and shame.

It can even be doubted whether the luck of the Dragon Race is dependent on the Human Race.

In fact, these are not that important to Qinglong. For him, it is the human race rather than the dragon race that really cares about. If it is not because Xiao Yao needs the power of the dragon race very much now, he has the so-called dragon **** position of the dragon race. , Are not so interested.

Immortal world, deep in the bamboo sea.

Xiao Yao looked at the Immortal Emperor Dongru who was writing at his desk, with a curious look on his face.

On a stable table, there is a piece of paper, and the ink is still wet.

The Immortal Emperor Dongru slowly straightened his body and looked at his calligraphy with an appreciative look.

Xiao Yao also took a closer look and was full of emotion. I have to say that the characters of the Immortal Emperor Dongru are indeed very beautiful, and every word seems to contain a rhyme of Taoism, which is enough to spy on the secret of heaven.

Taking Confucianism into Taoism is really not just talking.

In fact, in the immortal world, there are not many immortal clan who use Confucianism to enter Taoism, but their combat strength is not as powerful as those of the sword immortals.

The Immortal Emperor of Eastern Confucianism is a different kind of one.

Xiao Yao didn’t know what the process was, but he could imagine that it must be very difficult and bumpy.

When choosing a path that is not easy to walk, you can only grind your teeth with your eyes closed and rush forward step by step.

“I used to think that reading and writing can be nurturing, but I found out later that it was all nonsense.” Immortal Emperor Dongru laughed, “The truth in the book is still too little, and I always feel that what the book says is also Not all are right.”

Xiao Yao didn’t speak, but looked at the Immortal Emperor Dongru quietly.

This time the Immortal Emperor Dongru called him to Zhuhai. Although the purpose is not stated, Xiao Yao can think of it as long as he thinks about it. Before that, he told the Dragon God Xiyao Immortal Emperor that he would take the initiative to fight. The emperor couldn’t sit still immediately.

However, Xiao Yao has already thought out a countermeasure.

He knew that the Immortal Emperor Dongru was very eloquent, but it was meaningless to Xiao Yao. When he tried to resist it in his heart, no matter how clever the other party was, it would have no effect.

It is a seed, the strong wind may not be able to open the soil first, but can promote the seed to take root deeper.

“Don’t worry, I am calling you this time, not to persuade you to dispel your previous thoughts.” Dongru Immortal Emperor suddenly said.

Xiao Yao was taken aback for a moment, a little surprised.

Immortal Emperor Dongru said: “I have said that there is no way to reason with the demons and demons. If you don’t fight, what are you waiting for? Do you want to influence them with love?

He probably felt that what he said was very funny, and he couldn’t help but become happy.

Xiao Yao said: “Xiyao Immortal Emperor always believes that now is not a good time to attack the demons and monsters.”

“If you can listen to her, you will not be Xiao Yao, let alone stand in front of me.” Immortal Emperor Dongru turned around and looked at Xiao Yao, and said solemnly.

Xiao Yao smiled and nodded.

Dongru Immortal Emperor’s words came into Xiao Yao’s heart.

He really hadn’t thought about going to hear the words of Xiyao Immortal Emperor.

“I told you before that the Black Crane Demon God of the Demon World wants to become a protector. This is definitely not good news for us. If he really succeeds, our odds of winning will be even smaller.” Dong Emperor Ruxian said seriously.

This kind of thinking is exactly the same as Xiao Yao’s previous thinking.

He thought so too.

Therefore, he can’t wait to start the war quickly.

Of course, part of the reason is also because he wants to end all this as soon as possible, to be able to settle down, and then to reunite with his family, so that everything disappears.

In his world, there are not so many big things and wrongs from the beginning to the end, just thinking that he can solve some unnecessary troubles, crush all the stumbling blocks, so that he can stay at ease with his family, without having to think about it. many. Calmness, to ordinary people, is like water in a river, which can be held up by reaching out, but for Xiao Yao, it is not that simple, as if he is in the desert and can’t find a piece of it. An oasis where a seed can bloom.

Then, the Immortal Emperor Dongru suddenly changed the subject.

He looked at Xiao Yao and said, “Actually, do you know that? Human race is not that powerful in the beginning.”

Hearing this, Xiao Yao suddenly felt a little uncomfortable.

He was used to it, the Three Realms of Immortals, Demons and Demons were aloof, degrading the human race worthless.

“In the beginning, the human race was really like ants. Their lives were controlled by heaven. We could sit in the clouds and look at them with joking eyes. Later, things changed a lot. The human race began to become stronger and they continued They tap their own potential, and after the potential is fully tapped, they will find other ways, such as divine consciousness. In fact, the divine consciousness that our immortal clan mastered was first discovered by the human race.” Dongru Immortal Emperor said.

Xiao Yao was a little surprised.

Now Dongru Immortal Emperor said these things he hadn’t heard of before.

“Do you know why Human Race can stand on top of the peak?” Immortal Emperor Dongru stared at Xiao Yao and asked.

Xiao Yao shook his head.

He has not experienced that era.

Even if he really experienced that era, it may not be clear.

How did the human race of that era know why they had to tap their potential to become stronger?

“Because they are the same as you, they have a sense of unwillingness to admit defeat. There is a saying in the human race, saying that the princes and generals have a kindness? At that time, they looked at our so-called immortals in the sky and thought so, why Those immortals, demons, and demons can stand high and possess such powerful strength? Even, they would even think, since Lao Tzu has come to this world, why should my life and death be controlled by the so-called Dao of Heaven?” The emperor said softly.

Xiao Yao smiled.

He also has such thoughts.

“It is actually a terrible thing for a human race to have such an idea. What’s more, a group of human races all have such an idea. It would be a disaster for us. The immortals and demons at that time may also Unexpectedly, the human race that they regard as ants can directly rush to the sky in such a short time, stand on the peak, and pull all their high existences off the altar, and ridiculed: Actually, you too It’s not that powerful.” Immortal Emperor Dongru said about this, his eyes still flashed with a different light, “Don’t say you, even me, I will feel passionate.”

Xiao Yao wanted to remind Immortal Emperor Dongru politely: You are the one who was trampled on.

Think about it or forget it.

He doesn’t want to be an atmosphere destroyer.

The Immortal Emperor Dongru clenched his fist and said, “Do you know the origin of the Great Desolate Ancient Land? A group of human races rushed to the ten thousand realms, but they had no place to stay. Therefore, the strongest of the human races was the one at that time. The Emperor of Humanity, he played a game of chess with Tian Dao, and he took the ten thousand realms as his son. Human Emperor held the white son, and Tian Dao held the black one. He won the great wasteland.”

Xiao Yaoan listened quietly.

He likes to listen to stories, and he likes to listen to such delightful stories.

Immortal Emperor Dongru smiled and said: “You also know the final result. Human Race has won and won the half son of Heaven. That half son is a chance. Just like now, in Human Race, there are still people like you. That’s the reason for winning over the Dao of Heaven. I am afraid that even the Dao of Heaven cannot control it, um…Of course, I am not the Dao of Heaven, so I dare not say too confidently. I can only talk about my guess, so you are like this. People of, are actually quite rare, all of them are paranoid. If you want to do one thing, you have to do it. It’s like being cut off the bridge, but you can still come here. I’m not surprised at the emperor’s ability.”

“In the beginning, the human race was able to open the divine bridge and achieve the glory of the human race under all kinds of harsh environments. Is there no other way for the human race to break the divine bridge? If you are really willing to do nothing, just let it go, maybe it’s fine. , But there are still paranoias like you in the human race. This is of course a good thing. Inherent clinging to the side achieves something. Moreover, paranoias like you are very bold, taking huge risks and climbing up step by step. If you succeed, others will say that you are confident, but if you fail, you don’t know how many hats will be put on your head, what is overweight, self-righteous, self-righteous, and reckless. That sentence of ridicule is probably also the original When playing chess, the Bai Zi left by Tiandao.”

Xiao Yao tried to correct Dongru Immortal Emperor’s statement: “That’s not Baizi.”

“What is that?” Immortal Emperor Dongru was taken aback.

“That’s a troll.” Xiao Yao said with a serious face.

Dongru Immortal Emperor: “???”

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