The Most Powerful Young Man

Chapter 2040

Chapter 2039 Old Xiao and Xiao Xiao

Sometimes, Xiao Yao felt that he was the orphan of a certain emperor from the previous dynasty, and then Qinglong was like an old courtier.

All day long, I’m trying to rush to develop power and do something against Qing and Ming.

It sounds very tall.

Talking tirelessly every day, working hard and complaining, and occasionally glance at my own pile of mud that can’t climb the wall with a look of hatred for iron and steel.

Now, so many human races have suddenly poured into the immortal world, which makes Qinglong once again see the hope of human race’s rise.

So he is happier than anyone else.

The next day, early morning.

Xiao Yao walked out of the house and found that Xiao Longxiang had gotten up and was sitting by the lake, watching the rising sun.

Xiao Yao approached slowly and sat down slowly.

The father and son, sitting by the river, watched the rising sun together.

Such an opportunity is really rare for them.

“It turns out that there is also a sun in the fairy world!” Xiao Longxiang was a little surprised.

Xiao Yao took a deep look at his father and thought to himself, fortunately, he had not inherited Xiao Longxiang’s IQ.

This is as if you just came to Immortal Realm.

Didn’t see it yesterday?

Seeing Xiao Longxiang’s happy face, Xiao Yao smiled bitterly and said, “Why do you old man think you are here on vacation?”

“Otherwise?” Xiao Longxiang asked curiously.

Xiao Yao sighed, suddenly wondering whether he should discuss with Xiao Longxiang the problems he is encountering now.

After thinking about it, he still thinks it’s over.

The current Xiaolongxiang is still a master of nine levels.

In a short time, it is impossible to help yourself.

“Seriously, I didn’t expect at first that the immortal world is like this.” Xiao Longxiang took a deep breath.

It seems that the air in the fairy world must be fresher.

But this is also true.

“How about it, do you think this is a good place?” Xiao Yao said with a smile.

Xiao Longxiang turned his face, glanced at Xiao Yao, and asked, “Is the opponent you are facing now also very powerful?”

Xiao Yao said happily, “It’s really not me who blows, I don’t have an opponent at all, I’m invincible, you know?”

Xiao Longxiang stretched out his hand and patted Xiao Yao on the shoulder: “Talk well, don’t brag.”

“…” Xiao Yao didn’t know whether he should sigh with emotion at this time, knowing the son is not the father.

How do you look down on yourself?

However, thinking about it carefully, what I just said was really bragging.

Although the situation is not as urgent as it was at the beginning, the Demon Realm and the Demon Realm are not so easy to solve.

Otherwise, Xiao Yao would have killed the Demon Realm directly long ago.

How could it continue to waste time here?

Xiao Yao leaned on the ground and looked at the golden lake surface, sparkling like the same landscape painting. Such a golden color is indeed rare on the earth, and the pavilions and other buildings in the center of the lake not only did not destroy the tranquility here, but were flat. It has a classic and elegant atmosphere.

“I can’t help you anymore.” Xiao Longxiang said, “In fact, we are the same as other fathers and sons. Fathers are older. Many fathers are older. When facing children’s problems, they dare not ask, because They know that even if they ask themselves, they can’t help much. Just like your young people’s long-distance relationship, I don’t dare to ask you if it’s raining, because I can’t give you an umbrella. .”

Xiao Yao was stunned.

He didn’t expect that his father, Xiao Longxiang, would say such things to him.

It’s really unbelievable.

Is it possible that this steel hunk is going to take the line of tenderness starting today?

Occasionally, do you have a paternal love with yourself?

I don’t know why, Xiao Yao suddenly felt goose bumps falling down.

“Ahem, Old Xiao, I’m serious, you are not suitable for this style.” Xiao Yao said solemnly.

Xiao Longxiang: “…”

“Xiao Xiao, I’m very curious, can’t you accompany me to pretend for a while?” Xiao Longxiang said with a sigh, “I am very disappointed in you, young people now…”

Xiao Yao shook his head: “How old is my daughter? Is she still young? I should be a middle-aged person now?”

Xiao Longxiang sneered: “As long as I haven’t said that I am an old man, you are a young man.”

Xiao Yao laughed.

Next, Xiao Yao began to talk to Xiao Longxiang about Qinglong again.

Speaking of these, it is inevitable to talk about the glory of the human race.

Xiao Longxiang was fascinated by it, just like listening to a novel on the Internet.

The excitement of the story is comparable to that of “The Unparalleled Strong Less” that I wrote silently.

The glorious past of Human Race is indeed very exciting.

The climax comes one after another, one after another.

Let Xiao Longxiang say that you don’t want it…

Pulled away.

After talking about the situation he encountered recently, Xiao Longxiang laughed.

“That said, there is nothing wrong with it?”

Xiao Yao was puzzled.

He was a little hard to understand, where exactly is Xiao Longxiang’s self-confidence.

Even for myself, I didn’t think it would be smooth sailing!

Xiao Longxiang said earnestly: “Now speaking, the overall strength of the Demon Realm is not as good as yours. The only change may be that the Black Crane Demon God becomes a protector, but even if the other party really becomes a protector. , What about it? You still have time. When the fight starts, it will definitely not be over in a day or two. There will be countless confrontations, just like when you were in the Lingwu world, could it be destroyed in one day? The Great Qin Dynasty? It’s not like that. Even if the Great Qin Dynasty attacked the Qingqiu Dynasty, I don’t know how many years it has fought. I think you must grow faster than him.”

Xiao Yao was full of energy.

The bowl of chicken soup that Xiao Longxiang handed over, Xiao Yao raised his head and did it without saying a word.

“Furthermore, when you were in the Lingwu world, the resources you had were not as good as they are now. At that time, the disparity in strength between you and the enemy was much larger than it is now.”

Xiao Yao thought about it carefully, and felt that what Xiao Longxiang said was very reasonable.

Is it difficult for the apostle to deal with?

He hasn’t encountered it before, but he shouldn’t be stronger than Xuanyuan Jiuzhong at the time, right?

The original Xuanyuan Jiuzhong was an invincible existence in the Lingwu world.

Moreover, the Great Qin dynasty was strong in soldiers and horses, and its people were sturdy.

The results of it?

Isn’t it still being taken away by yourself?

So, as far as Xiao Yao is concerned, there is actually nothing invincible.

Now the resources he holds in his hand are not known how many steps higher than when he was in Lingwu World.

After chatting with Xiao Longxiang for a while, Xiao Yao suddenly felt a sense of openness.

Simply confident.

Xiao Longxiang stood up and patted his butt. In fact, it was clean and there was no dust at all.

“Okay, I’ll go back to sleep for a while, if you are free, go see your wives.” Xiao Longxiang said.

Xiao Yao nodded.

After Xiao Longxiang left, Xiao Yao also stood up, found the place where Li Xiaoxiao and the others lived, and dived in.

Stop by one by one.

Every time you walk out of a room, the action is the same.

Is buttoning oneself.

When he finally walked out of Fen Butterfly’s house, Xiao Yao came out by supporting the wall.

“Hey, even if the immortal emperor is capable, you have to support the wall to come out in the end…” Xiao Yao wiped the sweat from his forehead.

so much pressure.

He silently encouraged himself…

Men stand up straight, don’t get down, tears are not easy to wipe…

He always felt that the phrase “the most difficult to accept the grace of beauty” may have other meanings.

Like now.

He has a deeper understanding of this sentence.

Finally, he entered Wu Wutong’s room.

However, Wu Wutong was not found in Wu Wutong’s room.

Count the time, it should be afternoon now.

after all……

I am so tough.

The time of the morning, just toss about it, will pass.

When he got out of the house, he knew that Wu Wutong had gone to play with Xiao Niannian.

A big family, are getting together, chatting and talking in the pavilion.

While everyone was not paying attention, Qin Rou pulled Xiao Yao aside and whispered: “Son, you will remember to talk to the girl named Wu Wutong later, our house, you don’t need to come early in the morning to please…”

Xiao Yao: “…”

Seeing Xiao Yao approaching, Wu Wutong waved his hand.

Sitting together, Wu Wutong said with a smile, “Your daughter is so cute.”



Xiao Yao’s eyes rolled: “Then can we give birth to one too?”

Wu Wutong’s face turned red, and he looked around.

A look of fear of being heard.

“You speak carefully, besides, your parents are here, so frivolous…”

Xiao Yao: “…”

I didn’t think Wu Wutong was so…tender and conservative?

“By the way, I heard that so many of your wives are not married?” Wu Wutong asked suddenly.

Xiao Yao thought for a while and nodded.

I really owe these girls a formal and perfect wedding.

“Since there is no marriage, how come there are children?” Wu Wutong seemed to be puzzled by this question.

Xiao Yao coughed and flicked her and said, “We are all like this over there.”

Wu Wutong replied with haha.

Although Wu Wutong has never been to the earth, she also knows that what Xiao Yao said now is absolutely nonsense, and she would not believe it if she was killed.

I have known Xiao Yao for a long time.

She didn’t dare to say how much she knew Xiao Yao, but it didn’t matter which sentence the other party said was the truth or which was the lie.

“I will get married in the future, and wait until I kill the enemy in front of me.” Xiao Yao attached to Wu Wutong’s ear and said seriously.

Wu Wutong rolled his eyes and didn’t say much.

At this moment, Xiyao Immortal Emperor suddenly walked to Xiao Yao’s side.

She looked around, and then whispered to Xiao Yao: “Dongru Immortal Emperor is back.”

Xiao Yao nodded slightly, thinking that the speed of the Immortal Emperor Dongru was really fast.

“I was also injured.” Xiyao Immortal Emperor continued.

At this time, Xiao Yao’s face also changed.

He called Xu Kuangge and Hong Feisheng, and immediately went to Zhuhai.

Immortal Emperor Dongru left the immortal realm for only one day and then returned. Was he still injured?

It’s really…


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