The Most Powerful Young Man

Chapter 2065

Chapter 2064 Only envy

In the sea of ​​stars.

Hundreds of Demon Races led by the Buddha Demon God are attacking Weanshuihe.

Bit by bit, it consumes the energy of Weak Shuihe, which may be a very long process, but as long as it can speed up the rout of Weak Shuihe, it is worthwhile for the Demon Realm.

Anyway, idleness is also idleness, it is better to find something to do.

However, at this moment, thousands of immortals came out.

They rushed directly into the enemy camp.

There is no drumming.

There is no horn sound.

The killing came too fast, like a tornado.

Hundreds of demons, against thousands of immortals.

Because there was no immortal emperor’s appearance, even if it occupied a quantitative advantage, after a period of time, the final result ended in a fiasco of the immortal clan.

Even in the face of such powerful demons and demon gods, these immortals are not afraid of death, one by one, they rush up and kill.

Therefore, even if it is the final victory, the Buddha of Buddha is not happy.

Of the hundreds of demons he brought this time, there were only dozens left at this time.

I don’t know how many demons fell on the spot.

He sighed, a little angry on the one hand, and a little admiration on the other.

The strength of the fairy clan really does not allow the community.

In addition, there is the determination of the fairy clan.

Even if it is dead, it must be rushed.

He wanted to ask the former Immortal Emperor of Eastern Confucianism, is it worth it to draw such a weak river with his own cultivation base?

He also wanted to ask if the immortal clan who died in his hand by thousands just now was worth it?

He shook his head and didn’t continue thinking.

After all, it’s not what you do, you have to ask if it’s worth it.

As long as these immortals feel that they die well, that’s enough.

As long as the Immortal Emperor Dongru feels it is worth it, it is worth it.

“Let’s go, go back first.” The Buddha Demon said.

The voice sounded a little dry.

After returning to the Demon Race, he briefly talked to the Black Crane Demon God about what had happened before.

From the face of the Black Crane Demon God, he did not see any complicated expressions either.

The other party just nodded lightly, indicating that he understood.

Then, the Black Crane Demon God instructed the Buddha Demon God to continue the preparations and bring more demons to attack the weak water river.

The Buddha of the Buddha suddenly stunned, raised his head and looked at the Black Crane Demon, his face was full of disbelief.

“Unless the army is pressing the border, there will be no return of how much you bring.”

“Then take them all, and slowly impact.” Black Crane Demon God said.

The Buddha demon thought for a while, nodded, and said with a wry smile: “But if this is the case, the immortal clan may continue to take action. Across a weak river, the other party can return to the immortal clan to supply supplies. We are at a great disadvantage. Many demons died.”

“You can’t die much, it’s okay.” The Black Crane Demon God’s voice does not contain any emotions.

It’s like a machine.

The Buddha of the Buddha opened his mouth, it seemed that he wanted to say something, but in the end he couldn’t stop it.

Facing the oppression of the Black Crane Demon God, he didn’t dare to say what he wanted to say.

Moreover, he could see that the Black Crane Demon God was already determined to kill at this time.

No matter how much the Demon World sacrificed, he wouldn’t frown about it.

This is a good thing, but it is also a bad thing.

Being a leader of the Demon Realm, with such awareness and perseverance, naturally avoids Dangduan’s constant perplexity.


The Buddha of the Buddha always felt that this was not so good.

The soldiers of the demons are also lives.

Therefore, he is also contradictory.

Now that the Black Crane Demon God has given his orders, he naturally wouldn’t hesitate, and immediately began to order his troops, and after regrouping, he once again slayed towards the Weak River.

Another battle is about to be in the star sea.

In fact, the Demon God of the Buddha had thought about whether the demon world should be involved.

After all, the Demon Realm and the Demon Realm have always been in an alliance state.

Can’t let the Demon Realm always lie behind to win, right?

As an auxiliary…

How can there be a reason to hide behind a shooter every day?

No matter how you think about this kind of thundering thing, it should be the most suitable thing for the **** in the demon world to do it.

However, when he proposed this idea, the Black Crane Demon God rejected it without even thinking about it.

In this regard, the Buddha of the Buddha is puzzling.

In fact, the idea of ​​the Black Crane Demon God is also very simple.

He never felt that the Demon Race and the Demon Race were really allies.

After all, Yaozu has always been cunning.

He has no trust in Yaozu either.

No one knows when the Yaozu will turn around and stabbed.

In addition, now that the overall situation is basically set, the demon clan can’t decide anything at all, and the demon kings of the demon clan are not fools. They are already very good if they don’t deal with the demon clan. They also want to use the demon clan to deal with immortals. The clan is a bit ridiculous, unless the demon emperors are thinking about it.

Asking the Demon Realm for help, the original overall situation will be full of uncertainties.

Now the Black Crane Demon God is so anxious to take down the Immortal Clan, and its main purpose is to worry about the long dreams of the night, so it is impossible to do some extraneous things at this time.

This is a good thing for the demon world.

They are still quite worried that the Demon World will come to them for help at this time.

If the Demon Realm really did this, then did they agree or not?

If you agree, it will accelerate the demise of the fairy world, which is not a good thing for them.

But if you don’t agree, it’s tantamount to turning your face with the demons.

They don’t have the capital to lift the table yet, and they don’t expect the demons to think about their feelings.

In the eyes of the Mozu, their demon world is a man, and the so-called puff of a man is probably the most ridiculous joke. The real boss may not even give you a chance to be angry, even if there is such a chance. Even the pufferfish with a round belly can’t make a storm no matter how much you toss.

However, just when the Demon Realm felt that it was all right and light and even wanted to open a bottle of champagne to celebrate, another troublesome thing came up.

The luck of the demon world began to lean towards a point.

This has never happened before in the Demon Realm. To the Demon Realm, this is simply a natural disaster.

The three demon kings hurried over, only to find a man floating above the demon world.

It was the demon nemesis in their mouths.

Hong Feisheng raised his hand, and the demon world’s fortune began to tilt in another direction.

At this time, even if these three demon emperors were all fools, they should know what was going on.

Shocked all over their faces.


“How can it be?”

Obviously these three demon emperors didn’t know anything about Li Ning’s advertisement.

At this moment, Hong Feisheng understood what it means to make waves.

However, he also enjoys this feeling.

Especially looking at the eyes of the three demon emperors looking at him.

To be more enjoyable, more enjoyable.

I really want to put the microphone in their mouths and listen to them express their feelings and mental journeys at this moment. Later, after thinking about it, I think it’s fine. Anyway, these few people don’t have any kind words to themselves. The most are nothing but swear words like Gan Lin Niang. Hong Feisheng feels that he still doesn’t look for this abuser. He is not Xiao Yao. , How can it be so cheap.

The luck of the Demon Realm was like a sea wave, being dragged by Hong Feisheng.

If it was not Hong Feisheng but Xiao Yao at this time, he would definitely sway his own sex, and his body would yell at the many demons below: Hey brothers! Let me see your hands!

Think about it, it feels very graphic.

“Hong Feisheng, what are you doing?” Bai Mu Demon Emperor raised his head and shouted.

Hong Feisheng continued to control the Qi Luck of the Demon Race.

He felt that what he had done so far was not obvious enough.

Otherwise, why does Bai Mu Demon Emperor ask such a nutritious question?

This is clearly an insult to oneself.

Seeing that Hong Feisheng not only didn’t stop, but also intensified, the three demon kings almost peeed.

“You stop for me!”

“Hong Feisheng, what exactly do you want to do!”

“Hong Feisheng, our Demon Realm treats you not badly!” Mengcheng Demon Emperor said quietly.

After this sentence, the Demon Emperor Bai Mu and Demon Emperor Zihong were both silent.

Damn it.

Listen to this…

Why do you feel so awkward?

It seems that I was sprinkling salt on my wounds!

Speaking of it, the Demon Realm really has nothing to say about Hong Feisheng!

The Dark Wing Demon Emperor was dead, and his cultivation reached Hong Feisheng’s body.

Immediately, Hong Feisheng entered the Sky Demon Cave and gained growth again.

Now Hong Feisheng has already begun to regard the Demon Realm as his own heavenly blessed land, a god-level copy.

It can be said that all the monster races in the demon world have grown up step by step by watching Hong Feisheng!


In preparation, Hong Feisheng actually took two steps after he arrived in Tianwaitian, but his one small step was comparable to the entire life of all fairies, demons, and so on.

Just ask if you feel uncomfortable?

Hong Feisheng rubbed his nose, feeling a little embarrassed by the words of Mengcheng Demon Emperor, so he slowly fell down.

As soon as he fell, the White Mu Demon Emperor rushed forward and grabbed his arm, his lips trembled like an expired lip augmentation shot: “You…how did you do it? ”

Hong Feisheng blinked his eyes: “Then I will teach you!” After speaking, he raised his arm again, and suddenly the wind was surging.

The Demon Emperor Bai Mu quickly hugged Hong Feisheng’s thigh: “I don’t want to learn, I don’t want to learn!”

Hong Feisheng was not happy at the time.

You don’t want to learn from you and ask a feather duster?

Do you think Lao Tzu is very idle?

In fact, even if Hong Feisheng hadn’t said yet, Bai Mu Demon Emperor and the others could guess it.

The reason why Hong Feisheng was able to control the demon world’s fortune was mostly related to the sky demon cave.

If you say envious, you must be envious.

This is tantamount to becoming the king of the demon world, and the demon world can be completely wiped out with a single thought. If the demon world’s luck is destroyed, the entire demon world will fall into a downward trend, undoubtedly a kind of chronic death. If Hong Feisheng wants to deal with the demon world, the demon world is absolutely Doomed.

However, they are only envious, not so jealous.

Even if they knew before again that blasting the big boss in the Sky Demon Cave could control the demon world’s luck, they might not be willing to go in.

It can only be said that this is the blessing of Hong Feisheng.

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